Matt Mullenweg, WordPress, and the Battle for Control of the Internet When one man holds significant influence over 40% of the internet, controversies are inevitable. Matt Mullenweg, the co-founder of WordPress, finds himself at the center of a storm following a heated clash with WP Engine, a major WordPress hosting provider….
Tomomi Imura An Open Web advocate and front-end engineer, who loves everything mobile, and writes about HTML5, CSS, JS, UX, tech events, gadgets, etc. She unintentionally got 15min of fame by creating The HTTP Status Cats. Also, the opinions expressed here are solely her own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer. Twitter LinkedIn Instagram Github Flickr My articles are licensed u
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Awesome and has more than a degree. We head out one. What it is overwhelming. It is dangerous stuff. Amazing what moves the people. And, in the sense of the excitement, the world can not be changed only amazing thing. I want to meet those amazing, really want to be. I think so anyone, I want to share with everyone and wow wow. It is amazing, amazing thing. Than it really is not that amazing. From
※この記事はMySQL Advent Calendar 2023の4日目です。 MySQL 8.0シリーズでは正式版になってから多数の新機能が追加されるというリリースモデルであった。正式版になってから追加された新機能の中に、GIPK(Generated Invisible Primary Key)というものがある。これはなんとMySQL 8.0.30で追加された機能だ。MySQL 8.0が正式版になってから、なんと4年と3ヶ月後のことである。そんな感じでMySQL 8.0の新機能は正式リリース後にも増え続け、途方もない規模になっている。このブログでは一度に紹介するのは諦め、少しずつ気の向いたものから紹介していこうと思う。今回はその第一弾として、GIPKについて解説しよう。
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