*はてな記法JavaScript はてな記法ワープロは JavaScript ならではの利点を生かしたダイナミックなワープロです。 試しに色々入力してみてください。即座に出力画面が反映されます((Windows 版 IE6 および Firefox 1.0 でのみ確認しています))。 はてな記法の変換は <a href="http://search.cpan.org/dist/Text-Hatena/">Text::Hatena</a> を JavaScript に移植した "text-hatena.js" を活用しています。 **変更履歴 |*2005/12/1|ソース機能追加 (HTMLソースを表示できます)| |*2005/11/21|はてな記法ワープロ完成| |*2005/11/13|text-hatena.js 移植開始|
Claw framework is meant to provide a convenient and intuitive way of development of PHP5 driven object oriented applications. Why another framework when there are dozens of others? Most of PHP frameworks lack a solution for tree-structure web sites. In many real world applications the usual "module/action/variables" approach is simply not enough. Claw allows developing tree-structured web and syst
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#FF6600" link="#006600" vlink="#99CC66" alink="#FFCC99"> <!-- St-HP-H --> <!-- En-HP-H --> <!-- St-HP-F --> <table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#FFFFFF border=0> <tr> <td width="30" valign="baseline"><a href="http://fc2.com/" target="_blank"><SPAN STYLE=" BACKGROUND: pink"><span style="font-size:11pt;" ><strong>SEO</strong></span></span></A></td> <
What is smtpguard... SMPTGuard is a tool which controls the flow of email traversing an MTA (Mail Transfer Agent). It is designed to be used on an SMTP server for incoming mail, and currently supports postfix. SMTPGuard was originally created to meet the needs of Internet Service Providers (ISP). ISP's typically receive tremendous amounts of email from their local (user) network. Within a wide var