Real .mp4 videosRemotion renders all frames to images and encodes them to a real video - audio support included. WebM and other formats are also supported. Fast and delightful editingPreview your video in the browser. Fast refresh while the video is playing. Scrub through the timeline to get every frame perfect. Programmatic content and renderingFetch data from an API and use it as the content. Di
The Missing Semester of Your CS Education Classes teach you all about advanced topics within CS, from operating systems to machine learning, but there’s one critical subject that’s rarely covered, and is instead left to students to figure out on their own: proficiency with their tools. We’ll teach you how to master the command-line, use a powerful text editor, use fancy features of version control
Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.
Web fonts are awesome. They make your sans-serifs slabby, your headers special and your website look gorgeous. But fonts are a resource, and downloading resources always comes as a cost — if you don’t load web fonts efficiently, what you get instead are phantom underlines, blank pages, and user rage. Let’s talk about ways to avoid this, and what new platform features are here to help us deliver pr
understanding async/await in 7 seconds
『君の名は。』を製作したコミックス・ウェーブ・フィルムがオリジナルアニメ動画を作成。 「冬の絶景」「街歩き」「自然アクティビティ」「人々との触れ合い」など、笑顔があふれ、人々の心を思わず温かくする、カナダの冬の素晴らしさを紹介。 キャンペーンサイト: ■ストーリー 社会人5年目の宮城ユウヤは、落ち着いていて物静かだが、バックパッカー旅を好むなどアクティブな一面を持ち合わせている。彼女の香味サツキは、社会人2年目、ユウヤの大学の後輩。多忙な毎日を過ごしている。そんなサツキのリフレッシュのため、今回ユウヤは初めてサツキを誘って、お気に入りの国、カナダへ旅に出る。二人が冬のカナダで出会ったもの。それは、楽しくて、何もかも想像以上で、きれいで、あったかかった。
The organizers of the Ig Nobel Prize ceremony solved an ancient problem: How to keep speeches from droning on and on... The solution, called "Miss Sweetie Poo", is an 8-year-old girl who tells long-winded speakers to "Please stop. I'm bored. Please stop. I'm bored..." Here are Miss Sweetie Poo highlights from several Ig ceremonies. LINKS: Ig Nobel Prize ceremonies:
Record and share your terminal sessions, the simple way. Forget screen recording apps and blurry video. Experience a lightweight, text-based approach to terminal recording. asciinema [as-kee-nuh-muh] is a free and open source solution for recording terminal sessions and sharing them on the web. Read about how it works. Easy recording Record right where you work - in a terminal. To start, run ascii