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Merge (to go) conjugation

69 examples
Conjugation of merge
Present tense
I go
you go
he/she/it goes
we go
you all go
they go
Present perfect tense
am mers
I have gone
ai mers
you have gone
a mers
he/she/it has gone
am mers
we have gone
ați mers
you all have gone
au mers
they have gone
Past preterite tense
I went
you went
he/she/it went
we went
you all went
they went
Future tense
voi merge
I will go
vei merge
you will go
va merge
he/she/it will go
vom merge
we will go
veți merge
you all will go
vor merge
they will go
Conditional mood
aș merge
I would go
ai merge
you would go
ar merge
he/she/it would go
am merge
we would go
ați merge
you all would go
ar merge
they would go
Subjunctive present tense
să merg
(so that/if) I go
să mergi
(so that/if) you go
să meargă
(so that/if) he/she/it go
să mergem
(so that/if) we go
să mergeți
(so that/if) you all go
să meargă
(so that/if) they go
Subjunctive past tense
să fi mers
(so that/if) I have gone
să fi mers
(so that/if) you have gone
să fi mers
(so that/if) he/she/it have gone
să fi mers
(so that/if) we have gone
să fi mers
(so that/if) you all have gone
să fi mers
(so that/if) they have gone
Past impf. tense
I was going
you were going
he/she/it was going
we were going
you all were going
they were going
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu merge
do not go!
nu mergeți
do not go!
Past pluperfect tense
I had gone
you had gone
he/she/it had gone
we had gone
you all had gone
they had gone
Future alternative 1 tense
am să merg
I am going to go
ai să mergi
you are going to go
are să meargă
he/she/it is going to go
avem să mergem
we are going to go
aveți să mergeți
you all are going to go
au să meargă
they are going to go
Future alternative 2 tense
o să merg
I am going to go
o să mergi
you are going to go
o să meargă
he/she/it is going to go
o să mergem
we are going to go
o să mergeți
you all are going to go
o să meargă
they are going to go
Future perfect tense
voi fi mers
I will have gone
vei fi mers
you will have gone
va fi mers
he/she/it will have gone
vom fi mers
we will have gone
veți fi mers
you all will have gone
vor fi mers
they will have gone
Future in the past tense
aveam să merg
I was going to go
aveai să mergi
you were going to go
avea să meargă
he/she/it was going to go
aveam să mergem
we were going to go
aveați să mergeți
you all were going to go
aveau să meargă
they were going to go
Conditional past tense
aș fi mers
I would have gone
ai fi mers
you would have gone
ar fi mers
he/she/it would have gone
am fi mers
we would have gone
ați fi mers
you all would have gone
ar fi mers
they would have gone
Presumptive tense
oi merge
I might go
oi merge
you might go
o merge
he/she/it might go
om merge
we might go
oți merge
you all might go
or merge
they might go
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi mergând
I might be going
oi fi mergând
you might be going
o fi mergând
he/she/it might be going
om fi mergând
we might be going
oți fi mergând
you all might be going
or fi mergând
they might be going
Presumptive past tense
oi fi mers
I might have gone
oi fi mers
you might have gone
o fi mers
he/she/it might have gone
om fi mers
we might have gone
oți fi mers
you all might have gone
or fi mers
they might have gone
Examples of merge
Example in RomanianTranslation in English
! Am de gând cu Asta este ceea ce am câ? tigat unitate merge repede!= = I'm going with That's what I earned drive going fast!
! Am putea merge pana in Europa !We could go on to Europe.
! Cum îi merge în luna de miere?How's her honeymoon going?
! Cât costă aceasta merge ... ?How much is this going...?
! Dacă ea merge, eu nu merg !If she's going, I'm not going!
! Am să merg acasă și Photoshop imagine astfel că este fata cu Butters Wiener in gura aici!I'm gonna go home, and photoshop the picture so that it is your face with Butters' wiener in his mouth here!
! Ca merg direct spre curul tău!They go straight to your ass!
! Chiar mi ar place să văd pe unde merg!Well, I would love to watch where I'm goin'.
! Dacă ea merge, eu nu merg !If she's going, I'm not going!
! O să merg cu asta ?They got to ride in it?
! ? Sonny, mergi si dezleaga-l pe Willie, si sa nu indraznesti altceva!- Sonny, go cut Willie loose... and don't you so much as nick him.
! Deci eşti gata să mergi verifici ferma ta?So you ready to go check out your farm?
! Unde mergi măcar?Where are you even going?
" Trebuie să mergi la doctor, domnule Devere"."You need to go to the doctor, Mr. Devere."
"... Încearca sa mergi mai departe si apoi sa te întorci. ""...try going away and then come back."
! - De ce mergem la bunica?Why are we going to Grandma's?
! Da, să mergem.Can we go?
! S? mergem!Let's go!
! Sa mergem, repede!Let's get going, quick!
! Scuză-mă, o să mergem să negociem. Trebuie să negociem!We were negotiating, but after the police raid the press got hold of the story and things came to a head
! Au mers prea departe!They've gone too far!
"Au mers în Malibu"?Phil: "we've gone to malibu"?
"Carol... Dacă primeşti această scrisoare noi am mers în Malibu."Carol... if you get this letter, we've gone to Malibu.
"Ce a mers prost în această călătorie?""What's gone wrong in this journey?"
"Dragă domnule Bandini, lucrurile aici în Pearblossom n-au mers atât de bine în ultimele câteva luni."Dear Mr. Bandini, "things out here in Pearblossom "haven't gone so good the last few months.
"Lexus Inform, acest lucru este Cheryl, în cazul în care doriți să mergeți azi? "'Lexus Inform, this is Cheryl, where would you like to go today? '
"Lexus, aceasta este Sonia, în cazul în care doriți să mergeți azi? "'Lexus, this is Sonia, where would you like to go today? '
"Vă rugăm să mergeți înapoi în Africa" ​​și să ia pe mama ta cu tine."Please go back to Africa " and take your mother with you.
"v-ați culcat în această cameră timp de cinci săptămâni și trebuie să mergeți acasă. ""you've slept in this room for five weeks now and you must go home. "
(Se bâlbâie) Cum vă așteptați să mergeți la schi Dacă nu se poate ocupa chiar unii copii arunca cu ouă?(STAMMERS) How do you expect to go skiing if you can't even handle some kids throwing eggs?
Pe când ma apropiam de vârsta de sase ani, mersei în sfârsit la scoala, în clasa de gradinita a drei Guimard.As I was nearly 6 years old, I went to school in Mademoiselle Guimard's kindergarten class.
Atunci merse la magazinul ei preferat şi întrebă dacă putea restitui un palton şi o rochie.So she went to her favorite boutique and asked, if she could return a recently-purchased coat and dress.
Henry plecă furios şi Gordon merse la culcare.Henry went off in a huff and Gordon went to sleep.
Nicola merse la Nocera Inferiore unde se casatori si preda la liceul local: "Giambattista Vico."Nicola went to Nocera Inferiore where he married and taught at the local high school: "Giambattista vico."
Porcuşorul ăsta mic merse la Hamptons...This little piggy went to the Hamptons.
Porcuşorul ăsta mic merse la piaţă, porcuşorul ăsta mic rămase acasă.This little piggy went to market. And this little piggy stayed home.
Le înfăşurară în nişte cârpe şi merseră să le ascută la târgul de carneThey have packed a rag and went to the market to make afiler.
"Da, eu mergeam pe bicicletă."Yes, I was going on my bicycle.
- Am fugit, dar cum mergeam eu...- I did, but as I was going...
- Cred cã mergeam cu maximum 105.I guess I was going about 65, tops.
- Eu mergeam pe un sens.- I was going one way.
- Eu îmi amintesc că mergeam să dorm.Last thing I remember was going to sleep.
- Ştii cât de repede mergeai, dră?Do you know how fast you were going, miss?
-Miau, ştii cât de repede mergeai?- Meow, do you know how fast you were going? - [ Laughs ]
-Nu mergeai la o conferinţă?I thought you were going to an anti-terrorism conference, Gibbs.
Acea notă pentru care mergeai.What do you think a trumpet will do? That note you were going for.
Ai idee cu ce viteză mergeai? Scuteşte-mă!Do you have any idea how fast you were going?
"Dolchstosslegende" este legenda pumnalului înfipt în spate, că Germania ar fi trebuit să câştige războiul, totul mergea bine.Dolchstosslegende is the legend of being stabbed in the back, that Germany should have won the war, everything was going well.
"Weekendul mergea bine, dar ceva rău s-a întâmplat.""The weekend was going great, but then something really bad happened."
$ Totul mergea bine $# Everything was going fine #
'Totul mergea bine. ''Everything was going great.'
- Avionul ala mergea spre Miami?- That plane was going to Miami? - Yeah.
"Când lucrurile mergeau atât de bine?"When things were going so good?"
- Au spus unde mergeau?Did they say where they were going?
- Dar lucrurile mergeau prost.- But things were going downhill.
- Exact acolo mergeau.- That's where they were going.
- Spune-i lui Chin să contacteze firma de securitate să afle unde mergeau.Get Chin to call the security company, find out where they were going.
Când am simţit că mersesem prea departe împotriva dorinţelor indienilor Secona.When l felt like he had gone too far. Against the wishes of the Secona.
Da. Dar în acea dimineaţa, Don mersese prea departe.But that morning, Don had gone too far.
Discursul mersese bine, era bine dispus şi nu vroia să dezamăgească oamenii care veniseră să-l vadă.The speech had gone well. He was in a good mood. He did not want to disappoint the people who had showed up to meet him.
Doisprezece ani înainte ca Pizarro să ajungă în Peru, un alt conchistador faimos, Hernan Cortez, mersese în Mexic şi înfruntase o altă civilizaţie formidabilă:Twelve years before Pizarro went to Peru, another famous conquistador, Hernan Cortez, had gone to Mexico and encountered another formidable civilization:
Hitler mersese la şcoală aici iar părinţii lui erau îngropaţi într-una din suburbiile oraşului.Hitler had gone to school here and his parents were buried in one of Linz's suburbs.
Jessie mersese prea departe, şi ar fi mai bine să aibă grijă ce spune.Jessie had gone too far, and she had best watch her mouth.
De această dată, Albizzi merseseră prea departe.This time the Albizzi had gone too far.
"Dar sper să mă revansez mergând acum până la capăt, conform planului initial".l´ll make it up to you by going through with it now as originally planned.
"Nu se întâmplă nimic acolo, nici fum, nici foc, doar câtiva oameni mergând prin zonă."" Nothing going on down there, no smoke, no fire, just a couple of people walking around "
"mergând direct spre corpul oponentului său... " "cu o energie feroce. ""going straight for his opponent's body... with ferocious energy."
'Sotul meuin avion, mergând astăzi spre Japonia'.'My husband's on the plane, going to japan today'.
- Avem trei transfuzii mergând.We've got three transfusions going.
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