Example in Catalan | Translation in English |
Tots dos estaven cruelment fadigats, pero Becky digué que creia que podria anar una mica més enlla. | Both were cruelly tired, yet Becky said she thought she could go a little farther. |
En realitat, crec que, podríem anar a prendre l'aire, potser una mica de... fondue? | Actually, I thought maybe, um... we could go out for some fresh air, maybe some... fondue? |
- Senyoreta Muller ens hem d'anar. | Miss Müiler, we need to go. |
Michael, vull anar a la ciutat. | -Michael, I do want to go to the city. |
Lila, tenim que anar. | Lila, we got to go. |
Et vaig dir que mai se m'havia donat bé deixar-te marxar, - i tu vas dir... - "Aquesta vegada, hauràs de fer-ho." | I told you I've never been good at letting you go, and you said-- "This time, you're gonna have to." |
Me'n vaig a una altra habitació, tan lluny com pugui d'aquest malparit. | I'm gonna go to another room... as far away as possible from this son of a bitch. |
Algú qui vaig reclutar a Bahrain fa uns pocs anys. | Someone I recruited in Bahrain a few years ago. |
Que vaig votar jo perquè tu estaves borratxo. | Maybe I'll tell everybody it was me who tried to vote while you got drunk! |
I sé que no ho oblidareu, "No jutgis i no seràs jutjat"... perquè jo us ho vaig explicar. | And I know you won't forget, "Judge not lest ye be judged"... because I explained that to you. And then the good Lord went on to say... |
Et vaig dir que mai se m'havia donat bé deixar-te marxar, - i tu vas dir... - "Aquesta vegada, hauràs de fer-ho." | I told you I've never been good at letting you go, and you said-- "This time, you're gonna have to." |
- Ont vas? | What? Where are you going? |
- On vas? | - Where are you going? |
Això va ser el que mai vas comprendre. | See, that's what you never got, kid. |
Tenies en Majid Javadi i el vas deixar marxar. | You had Majid Javadi and let him go. |
Voleu saber per què?", la blocaire métis Chelsea Vowel remarca que aquest moviment va més enllà de la simple protesta contra el projecte de llei C-45 per convertir-se en resistència contra el sistema en què s'inscriu la relació entre estat i ciutadania: | Wonder why?” Métis blogger Chelsea Vowel points out that this movement goes beyond protesting Bill C-45 to resisting a more systemic state-citizen relationship: |
Allà va el teu cap de nou. | There goes your head again. |
És ric, és respectable, Però potser tindrà un costat pervertit Que no vol que ningú veja, Així que va a la mundialment famosa Dollhouse | He's rich; he's respectable, but maybe he's got a kinky side he doesn't want anyone to see, so he goes to the world-famous Dollhouse and hires himself a pretty lady to groove his move |
Preguntaria com has entrat, però el vigilant de Starling City va i ve com vol, no? | I'd ask how you got in here, but the Starling City vigilante comes and goes as he pleases, doesn't he? |
Com va ara que... ara que estàs... altre cop malalt, veritat? | How it goes now that-- now that you're-- you're sick again, right? |
Com anem? | How's it going? |
I sempre, en anar a l'escola, o quan anem a casa, heu d'anar amb mi, quan ningú ho vegi… I vós heu d'escollir-me a mi i jo us escolliré a vós, a les reunions, perque així és com es fa quan festeja. | And always coming to school or when we're going home, you're to walk with me, when there ain't anybody looking--and you choose me and I choose you at parties, because that's the way you do when you're engaged." |
Llavors pares, perquè és allà on anem. | And then you stop because that's where we're going. |
- A on anem? | - Where are we going? |
Comandant, no ets tu, qui ha de decidir on anem. | Commander, where we go is not your decision to make. |
Els nostres números han anat disminuint durant tot el segle. | Our numbers have gone down every year for a century straight. |
Ell s'ha anat, el riu és només un riu. | He is gone, the river's just a river |
Res no pot ocupar el lloc del que se n'ha anat. | Nothing can replace the one that's gone. |
Però ara s'ha anat. | But she's gone now. |
En lloc d'això practiquen el "matrimoni ambulant", una dona pot convidar un home a la seva cabana per passar una "dolça nit", però a l'alba ja se n'haurà d'haver anat. | Instead they practise "walking marriage" - a woman can invite a man into her hut to spend a "sweet night", but he has to be gone by daybreak. |
Vosaltres mai aneu a l'hospital. | You guys never go to the hospital. Besides, Dig gave me some of those aspirins. |
Així que us aneu a escapolir? | So you're just gonna elope? Just leave the city and leave the band? |
Franke, Lester, aneu-lo a buscar. | Frankie, Lester, go find him. |
Qué acostumeu a fer quan aneu a dormir ? | What do you usually do to go to sleep? |
No hi aneu! | Don't go! |
Per que no els hi fas una ullada Amb la Garcia i ens dius de que van? | Why don't you and Garcia go take a look? Let us know, all right? |
Quan ens hi vam atansar, se'ns van escalfar els cossos per una banda. | It felt good! |
- Com van les coses? | How are things going? |
El que has fet, el que Peter i Matt van fer.. Es va posar en mig del que estic tractant d'aconseguir. | What you did- What Peter, what Matt did- it got in the way of what I'm trying to accomplish. |
Després van començar a riure, no van poder seguir amb la mentida més temps. | And then they all started to laugh, they couldn't keep the game going any longer. |
"Vola, catifa", aniré al Paradís quan m'arribi l'hora. | "Vole, carpet", I will go until the paradise when the hour will have sounded. |
Hi aniré ràpid per la carretera d'accés, probablement per la neu. | I will go quickly along the access road, probably in the snow. |
Hi aniré! | I will go. |
Ho sento, he estat una mal educada, aniré a buscar l'aigua. | I-I'm sorry, this is rude of me. I will go get that water. |
N'aniré a buscar més. | Oh, I will go get more. |
I tu aniràs cap a Desembarcador del Rei. | And you will go to King's Landing. |
Diu que aniràs a l'infern, no pas al cel. | He says you will go to hell, not heaven. |
Demà aniràs amb un home dit Brodsky. | Tomorrow you will go to this man, Brodsky. |
Ningú de vosaltres hi anirà? Així que digue'm: que fan els Dàleks quan estan tan espantats? | Not one of you will go, so tell me -- what do the Daleks do when they're too scared? |
Perquè anirà a través del teu crani i fins al teu cervell abans que puguis escoltar-lo. | Because it will go thru your skull inside your brain before you can hear it. |
Fins i tot, encara que només una de vosaltres sigui declarada culpable, l'altra anirà amb ella a la cadira. | Even if only one of you is found guilty, the other one will go with her to the chair. |
El Capità Hamilton anirà i farà el que se li hagi ordenat fer. | Captain Hamilton will go and do what he'll be ordered to do. |
El telegrama oficial anirà al primer ministre, però, | Well, the official telegram will go to your prime minister, but.... |
Aixecarem el camp demà, i armats i a punt, anirem a buscar batalla, com el nostre pare Odin ens va ensenyar. | We will strike camp tomorrow, and, armed and ready, we will go to seek battle, as our father Odin has taught us. |
"Naturalment, anirem més enllà i, naturalment, continuarem protestant", afirmà Lara Alcázar, líder del moviment Femen a Espanya, després d'haver estat alliberada de qualsevol possibilitat de ser acusada d'alteració de l'ordre públic a causa de l'incident al Congrés. | "Of course, we will go further and of course we will continue protesting," said Lara Alcázar, leader of the Femen movement in Spain, after being released from potentially being charged with disorderly conduct following the incident at the Congress. |
Ja m'ha lliurat els diamants falsos i anirem junts al Banc. | He has already delivered the false diamonds and we will go togetherto the Bank. |
Vostè i jo anirem de seguida a l'hostal mentre el mosso duu un missatge a la guarnició de Truro. | You and I will go to the inn. My groom can take a message to the garrison at Truro for you. |
I tots junts anirem a La Mare. | Then we will go to Mother. |
Pocs homes aniran contra els desitjos d'en Haraldson. | Not many men will go against the wishes of Haraldson. |
L els que viuen aquí aniran a un altre Iloc. | And their inhabitants will go elsewhere. |
El proper 25 de novembre, els catalans aniran a votar en unes eleccions al Parlament de Catalunya. | On November 25, 2012 Catalan voters will go to the polls for a round of early elections. |
No podia creure que aniria rere el meu fill, pero... | I can't believe that he would go after my son, but... |
Bé, si fos una pel·lícula la aniria a veure. | Well,if that was movie, I would go see it. |
Amb quanta de gloria aniria solcant les mars agitades dins son llarg, baix, negre, vaixell corredor, l'Esperit de la Tempesta, amb la paorosa bandera voleiant a proa! | How gloriously he would go plowing the dancing seas, in his long, low, black-hulled racer, the Spirit of the Storm, with his grisly flag flying at the fore! |
Si hi hagués bones feines al Tadjikistan ningú no aniria a treballar al prostíbul, això per descomptat. | If there were good jobs in Tajikistan, no-one would go to work in a brothel, that is for sure. |
Si el congrés sabes res d'aquesta màquina que estas construint, aniries a la presó. | If congress knew about this machine you're building, you would go to jail. |
Un paleta ho anava a fer més ample i han trobat el cadàver. | A worker was going to widen this... and found the bodies. |
El gerro anava a ser el nostre pagament. | The vase was going to be our payment. |
Només volíem veure com anava la teva classe. | We just wanted to see how your class was going. |
- Sí, ara li anava a tornar a en Mycroft. | Yes, I was going to take it back to Mycroft. |
Ho anava a esmentar en aquell moment, però després vaig pensar que algun dia això podria ser un moment pedagògic. | I was going to mention it at the time, but then I thought, some day, this might be a teachable moment. Hah... I... |
Creia que anaves a viure més frugalment. | I thought you were going to live more frugally. |
M'hauries d'haver preguntat com anaves a morir així podries haver-te preparat mentalment. | You should've asked how you were going to die... so you could've prepared yourself mentally. [FINN CHUCKLES] ERIC: |
No anaves a veure la tieta Margaret? | I thought you were going to Aunt Margaret's. |
Així anomenaves allà on anaves. | That's where you said you were going. |
Pensava que anàvem a fer uns vins i a sopar amb l'home, captivar-lo. | - Hmm. - I thought we were going to wine and dine the guy, charm him. |
No li volia dir al Wayne que tots anàvem al Bonnie Doon perquè no se sentís malament de que anéssim al Bonnie Doon. | I didn't want to tell Wayne that we were going to Bonnie Doon, just in case he'd feel bad that we were going to Bonnie Doon. |
L'espia no podia saber on anàvem. | Spy couldn't have known where we were going. |
- Vaig pensar que anàvem a...? | - I thought we were going to... |
Pensava que anàvem a casa. | I thought we were going home! |
No anàveu a fer-me una proposta? | You were going to put a proposition for me? |
I les coses anaven bastant bé, així que la Elsa va ampliar la nostre estada fins la tardor. | Yeah, and things were going pretty good, so Elsa extended our stay into the fall. |
Les fontanes de tots dos anaven furiosament, i les dues bombes bombaven amb totes les forces. | Both fountains were going furiously and both pumps bailing with might and main. |
Així, doncs, anaven a mudar el tresor de lloc. | So they were going to remove the treasure. |
M'han dit que anaven a... on era? | Said they were going to... Where was it again? |
-I on anaven, a Moscou? | And they were going where, Moscow? |
- Sí, vés-hi. | -Yeah, you go get it. |
Llavors vés i dorm. | Then go and sleep. |
Té, vés a divertir-te. | Here, go have fun. |
Tu vés a Washington. | You go to washington. |
Ràpid, vés al centre de la plataforma. | Quick, go to the center of the platform. |
Una vegada que el bombardeig semblara haver acabat i que anàrem cap a fora, personal del temple va donar a cadascú un tros de tempura en el rebedor principal. | Once the bombing appeared to have stopped and we went outside, staff from the temple gave everyone one piece of tempura in the main hall. |
En els obrers que divendres, anàrem davant del company Allende a cridar i recolzar-lo. | Us workers that this friday went in front of comrade Allende to cheer and aplaud him. |
Els nois es vestiren, amagaren llurs gales, i se n'anaren tot lamentant que no hi hagués bandejats avui en dia, i demanant-se quína cosa podia mostrar d'haver fet, la civilització moderna, per a compensar llur perdua. | The boys dressed themselves, hid their accoutrements, and went off grieving that there were no outlaws any more, and wondering what modern civilization could claim to have done to compensate for their loss. |
La cosa no va reeixir, tanmateix, aquesta vegada. Així és que els nois es posaren les eines a l'espatlla i se n'anaren, comprenent que no havien pas beneitejat amb la fortuna, sinó que havien complert tots els reglaments del negoci de descolgar tresors. | The thing failed this time, however, so the boys shouldered their tools and went away feeling that they had not trifled with fortune, but had fulfilled all the requirements that belong to the business of treasure-hunting. |
Després del desdejuni se n'anaren cap a l'alfac, tot fent esgarips i gambades, i s'empaitaven l'un a l'altre, giravoltant i més giravoltant, fent escampall de llurs vestits a mesura que avançaven, fins que restaven nus; i aleshores continuaven llur caprici, ben enfora de l'aigua soma de l'alfac, contra el rígid corrent, que més endavant féu travetes a llurs cames, de tant en tant, i augmenta la taral·la en gran manera. | After breakfast they went whooping and prancing out on the bar, and chased each other round and round, shedding clothes as they went, until they were naked, and then continued the frolic far away up the shoal water of the bar, against the stiff current, which latter tripped their legs from under them from time to time and greatly increased the fun. |
Els minyons feren llur alegre retorn, i anaren de bell nou a llurs esports amb decisió, parlotejant, tota l'estona, de l'estupenda combinació de Tom, i admirant-ne el geni. | The lads came gayly back and went at their sports again with a will, chattering all the time about Tom's stupendous plan and admiring the genius of it. |
Els minyons feren allo que havien fet ben sovint altres vegades: anaren a la reixa de la cel·la, i donaren a Potter tabac i mistos. | The boys did as they had often done before--went to the cell grating and gave Potter some tobacco and matches. |
No és estrany que l'oficina de Chicago se'n vagi a la merda. | No wonder the Chicago office is going in the crapper. |
Per què li han demanat al senyor Branson que vagi amb els altres? | Why hasn't Mr Branson been asked to go with the others? |
- Llavors prengui 800 i vagi-se'n. | - Then take the 800 and go. |
Saltar sobre l'esquena del mico, vagi de nou, chill out, centenars estarà bé. | Jump on the monkey's back, go back, chill out, hundreds will be fine. |
Deixa que me'n vagi! | Glenn: Let me go! |
Si no parlo amb tu abans que vagis a dormir, ens veurem en el món dels somnis. | If I don't talk to you before you go to sleep, I'll meet you in dreamland. |
No te'n vagis. | Don't go away from me again. |
Tan fa per on vagis o per on trenquis, sempre acabes a casa. | No matter which way you go or turn, you always end up at home. |
Sí, creia que eres un altre. Escolta, abans que te'n vagis. | Listen, before you go, we should really talk about fixing you up with some more training. |
Sé que estic sent egoista però no vull que te'n vagis. | I know I'm being selfish, but I don't want you to go. |
Digue'ls que se'n vagin ara, Davis. | Tell them to go now, Davis. |
M'uniré a aquests herois del poble, aniré on ells vagin. | One day more! We will join these people's heroes We will follow where they go |
- És més aviat ... Nois, millor vagin a buscar la seva companyia. | You boys best go and find your company. |
Digue-li a en Ciro que amb en Gennaro vagin a donar una volta. | Bed Ciro on to go a round with Gennaro- |
Abans que els nens se’n vagin. | Just before children go. |
Tot i que la cançó ha avivat una flama ja existent; quan fa tres anys l'autor de la cançó, Buju Banton, va conèixer als EUA els grups defensors dels drets dels homosexuals, que no estaven contents amb el missatge de la cançó, alguns bloggers jamaicans no cregueren que això anés a canviar la situació . | The song, though, may have only added fuel to an already burning flame; three years ago, when the man responsible for the song, Buju Banton, met with gay rights groups in in United States who were upset about the message it was sending, some Jamaican bloggers still felt that it was going to be impossible to stem the tide. |
Fos el que fos que passés, tan feia com li anés de malament a un dels dos, no ens giràvem l'esquena l'un a l'altre. | Whatever else was going on, no matter how bad either of us was doing... we didn't disappear on each other. |
Totes les noves no feien sinó dir que havíen estat escorcollades llunyanies de la caverna mai visitades abans; que tot recó i clivella seria completament examinat; que, onsevulla que hom anés a raure, en aquell laberint de passadissos, hom veia llums que voleiaven d'ací d'allí en la distancia, i que cridoria i trets de pistola enviaven a la oida llurs baumades reverberacions per avall de les naus ombrívoles. | All the news that could be gained was that remotenesses of the cavern were being ransacked that had never been visited before; that every corner and crevice was going to be thoroughly searched; that wherever one wandered through the maze of passages, lights were to be seen flitting hither and thither in the distance, and shoutings and pistol-shots sent their hollow reverberations to the ear down the sombre aisles. |
Tenia tanta por que anessis a descobrir-me. | I was so afraid you were going to make me. |
No li volia dir al Wayne que tots anàvem al Bonnie Doon perquè no se sentís malament de que anéssim al Bonnie Doon. | I didn't want to tell Wayne that we were going to Bonnie Doon, just in case he'd feel bad that we were going to Bonnie Doon. |
- Bé, crec que millor em vaig anant. | - Well, I guess I'd better get going. |
Centra't en en Waldo, t'està anant bé. | 'Focus on Waldo, that's going well for you.' |
- Si? Està anant cap a Hardhome a salvar tots els salvatges. | He's going up to Hardhome to save all them wildlings. |
Personalment, crec que està anant una mica massa lluny. | They're going too far. |
Totes aquestes espases haurien d'estar anant al nord, noiet. | All these swords, they should be going North, boy. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Afrikaans | gaan | Albanian | iki |
Arabic | أم,تأمم, ذهب | Azeri | getmək |
Basque | joan | Danish | gå |
Dutch | begeven, gaan | English | go |
Estonian | minema | Faroese | fara |
Finnish | kulkea, käydä, mennä, sujua | French | daller, damasquiner, entrer, se ficher |
German | fahren, lauten | Greek | οδεύω, πάω |
Hawaiian | holo | Hungarian | megy, odamegy |
Icelandic | fara | Indonesian | datangi, pergi |
Italian | andare, gire, ire, recarsi, scendere | Japanese | いらっしゃる, 去ぬ, 行く, 参る, 倒産, 悖る |
Latvian | doties, iet, klāties | Lithuanian | dirbtis, eiti, varyti, važiuoti, vykti |
Macedonian | иде, навлезе, оди, отиде, појде | Malay | pergi |
Maltese | mar | Maori | haere, haere ra |
Persian | رفتن | Polish | chodzić, iść, pojechać, pójść, sięgać |
Portuguese | ir | Quechua | ayway, puriy, riy |
Romanian | merge | Russian | ездить, ехать, зайти, заходить, идти, поездить, поехать, пойти, хаживать, херачить, ходить |
Spanish | ir, marchar | Swedish | fara, gånga, heja, hejda, åka, åkalla, åla, ålägga |
Thai | ไป, อพยพ | Vietnamese | di, dỉ, dí, đi, đì, đi đến, đi lại |