SIMD stands for Single Instruction Multiple Data, and is the name for performing operations on multiple data elements together. For example, a SIMD add instruction can add multiple values, in parallel. SIMD is a very popular technique for accelerating computations in graphics, audio, codecs, physics simulation, cryptography, and many other domains. In addition to delivering performance, SIMD also
Go ahead. Zoom, Scroll, Inspect! ViewerJS must be the easiest way to use presentations, spreadsheets, PDF's and other documents on your website or blog without any external dependencies. No tricks, no conversions, no unexpected downtime from external services, and no plugins required – it happens to work just fine in all major browsers today from the comfort of your own webserver. Free of cost, fr
The company plans to let you use JavaScript as an application language in its eponymous Web server Nginx (pronounced “engine x”) has become so popular as a Web server, with an estimated installed base of 140 million websites, that it now runs 38.8 percent of the top 1,000 websites as ranked by Alexa this spring, surpassing Microsoft and Apache servers. It also has attracted the attention of Canoni
Since Brendan Eich wrote the first SpiderMonkey version in 1995, there have been many, many changes to its internal string representation. New string types like inline strings (more on this below) and ropes were added to save memory and improve performance, but the character representation never changed: string characters were always stored as a sequence of UTF-16 code units. The past two months I
JavaScript and V8 TurboFan Aug 3, 2014 5 min read #javascript #performance #v8 #web Recently, Google engineers landed a new optimizing JavaScript compiler for V8, codenamed TurboFan. As the name implies, this is supposed to further improve JavaScript execution speed, likely to be better than its predecessor, Crankshaft. While TurboFan is still in its early stage, that doesn’t mean we can’t take a
The role of JointJS in visualizing an Abstract Syntax TreeJointJS, a powerful diagramming library, helps developers and companies of any size build advanced visual applications and No-Code/Low-Code tools. It provides a wealth of ready-made demos and a wide range of prebuilt features that make creating applications such as JavaScript Abstract Syntax Tree Visualizer a breeze. We equip developers wit
Google グループでは、オンライン フォーラムやメール ベースのグループを作成したり、こうしたフォーラムやグループに参加したりすることで、大勢のユーザーと情報の共有やディスカッションを行うことができます。
Javascriptを使うのをやめろ:Railsの時代遅れ云々についての結論 - Qiita この記事は、全体的に自分の業務以外の評価基準やトレンドを知らないんだなという感じで、わざわざ付き合うと精神的に消耗する感じがした。ただ、それが彼らの本職でない以上、自分もこの結論に至るのは仕方ないと感じている部分はある。 真の問題は、自分がレガシーなJavaScriptを書いているという自覚がない人間が、ここ数年の技術トレンドから乖離したコードを書き続けることで他のエンジニアやエコシステムそのものに悪影響を及ぼしているケースが散見されている。一行書く毎にグローバル汚染するスクリプトを見せられてもメンテ出来んと言われても、はいそうですねとしか言えないし、そういう人に最近のライブラリを触らせると遅くなるというのは、画面全体を一つのMustacheテンプレートにしてBackbone.Modelのパラメー
This package provides JavaScript implementations of common collections, with many useful features. These collections provide specialized alternatives to plain arrays and objects. They include the ability to observe all changes, have a common interface across every collection and work in both Node.js and the browser. Some data structures are better suited for specific problems. The collections pack
Generators have been all the rage lately. Many Node developers (including myself!) are excited and intrigued about writing their asynchronous code like this: However, this is just one use case (although a clever one) of using generators. In this article, we will explore the strengths of using generators. There is a GitHub repository with the code samples we will go through that you can check out.
いい加減髪を切りたいminamiです。 JavaScriptでいつも書いてるな~という処理や、知っていると便利なTipsを簡潔に集めた記事を見てほお~と思ったものがいくつもあったので抜粋してみました。 ※追記1: ご指摘がありましたので一部修正しました。「配列をソートする」ではなく「配列をシャッフルする」でした。 ※追記2:「HTMLをエスケープする」のソースがまちがって表示されていました。修正しました。 ※追記3:予想以上に反響が大きく、多数ご指摘を受けてしまいました。よく使う処理の書き方もいろいろあるんだな~という参考程度にご紹介したのですが、参照元の記事の内容の検証が不十分なまま紹介してしまい申し訳ありませんでした。いろいろと勉強になりました! 45 Useful JavaScript Tips, Tricks and Best Practices 配列からランダムで値を取り出す v
> Javascript has been a multi-billion dollar focus by several top-tier engineering companies for almost two decades.No, that's an exaggeration in time and dollars. JS was one full-time person, me, till fall 1996, then two. Growth after that was to about eight max, and less than the Java crew at Netscape, until Netscape folded on Java and laid off a bunch of people in late 1997. Call the Netscape i
Sometimes I get involved in discussions on twitter and Facebook related to development. This week I ended up sending a link to an old(ish) twitter thread explaining when to favor Promises/Callbacks and when to use Signals/Events for asynchronous operations. I think this topic deserves further explanation. Callbacks are commonly used when you have an asynchronous operation that should notify the ca
Update 2017-05-08: a proposal for SIMD.js has been rejected, in favor of providing similar functionality via WebAssembly. Recently, a new JavaScript feature has landed for the next Firefox Nightly: an API for SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data). This blog post explains how the API works and how it fits into the JavaScript landscape. What is SIMD? SIMD is the ability of a CPU to apply an opera