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「Ethiopia」を含む日記 RSS

はてなキーワード: Ethiopiaとは







航空機操縦士43.1138123 1,779 4,970
医師41.69763 1,227 77,920
(男女合計)管理職業従事50.247522 1,086 6,720
大学教授高専含む)★58.066275 1,067 59,530
法務従事49.968176 992 21,150
大学准教授高専含む)★48.955207 867 39,880
歯科医師40.56042 762 15,090
その他の経営金融保険専門職従事39.346156 708 16,000
大学講師助教高専含む)★41.649108 696 56,890
高等学校教員43.143163 679 69,200
研究者39.842156 660 118,450
輸送機器技術者40.141159 651 191,480
小・中学校教員40.342146 650 31,200
システムコンサルタント設計40.44697 649 78,730
電気電子電気通信技術者通信ネットワーク技術者を除く)41.841154 646 285,830














"民" とか時代劇の殿様かな?っていうスゲー文章だが、2024年東京大学准教授投稿である(成りすましでなければ)





PSA: It's not only "white racists" who are angry about the new Assassin's Creed game. A lot of Japanese internet users are angry too. Why?

Check this image for some examples of Japanese netizens expressing their views about Assassin's Creed Shadows.







だけど、アジア人蔑視日本文化軽視のプロモーション表現を重ねてきた UBI の姿勢と アサクリ シャドウズ は非常に不愉快です😠


いわゆる "坂上田村麻呂黒人説" や "African Samurai: The True Story of Yasuke, a Legendary Black Warrior in Feudal Japan" (←実話・真実物語とされている) などは、






1. まず、"坂上田村麻呂黒人説" について言及しま


"坂上田村麻呂黒人説" の言い出しっぺは、今から100年以上前カナダ人類学者、Alexander Francis Chamberlain 氏です。

米国非営利団体 Internet Archive で原著確認できると思うんですけど、

氏は『The Contribution of the Negro to Human Civilization』(1911年)という論文の中でこう書いてます




And we can cross the whole of Asia and find the Negro again, for, when, in far-off Japan, the ancestors of the modern Japanese were making their way northward against the Ainu, the aborigines of that country.




the leader of their armies was Sakanouye Tamuramaro,

a famous general and a Negro.

(彼らの軍隊の指導者は 坂村麻呂 であり、有名な将軍であり、黒人であった。)


  Full text of "The Contribution of the Negro to Human Civilization"



まぁこんなこんな感じで唐突に 『坂上田村麻呂黒人である』 と論文の中で言い出してるんですね。

そして、この論文記述全米黒人地位向上協会(NAACP) の設立者の一人である W・E・B・デュボイス氏 が、『The Negro』(1915年)にもしたため、


As rulers and warriors we remember such Negroes as Queen Nefertari and Amenhotep III among many others in Egypt; Candace and Ergamenes in Ethiopia; Mansa Musa, Sonni Ali, and Mohammed Askai in the Sudan; Diaz in Brazil, Toussaint L'Ouverture in Hayti, Hannivalov in Russia, Sakanouye Tamuramaro in Japan, the elder Dumas in France, Cazembe and Chaka among the Bantu, and Menelik, of Abyssinia; the numberless black leaders of India, and the mulatto strain of Alexander Hamilton.



The Negro






For a Samurai to be brave, he must have a bit of black blood




Why do Afro-centrists claim that the first samurai warrior was a black African? | Quora



2. そして、弥助ぇぇぇ~ぇえ🎵↑





(最近ゲームでは Rise of the Ronin みたいに、主人公人種自由に設定できるオプションデフォだけど)





耶蘇会日本年報 第1輯



弥助は、格 (家柄・役割) が無いため、一般的意味武士(侍)では無いことが、極端に歴史をサボっていない日本人なら誰にでもわかるとだと思います



『ゆうて、一部の歴史オタク が 弥助は武士(侍)って言ってるだけでしょ』『時代劇でもよくフィクション入るじゃん』って思うでしょ?🤔


それが、どういうわけか、YASUKE の 英語版Wikipedia 見ると、日本アカデミアのお墨付き貰ってるのとか、参考文献に引っ張ってきてるのよね。それも京都大学とかの

ZINBUN は査読付き学術誌と京大で紹介されてるんですけど、その中でこんな風に書かれてます

Perhaps more extraordinary is that Yasuke’s story does not end here. Retained as an attendant by Nobunaga, he later accompanied him into battle against the rival lord Akechi Mitsuhide (1528? - 1582) who upon defeating Nobunaga at Horyuji, spared the African and subsequently released him.


(さらに驚くべきことに、弥助の話はここで終わりません。信長の従者として残された彼は、後に信長と共に、ライバル大名(rival lord)である明智光秀(1528? -1582)との戦いに参加しました。光秀は法隆寺信長を破った際、このアフリカ人の命を助け、その後解放しました。)


Excluded Presence : Shoguns, Minstrels, Bodyguards, and Japan's Encounters with the Black Other








African samurai: The enduring legacy of a black warrior in feudal JapanCNN





文字数制限に引っ掛かったから続く → 日本のアカデミアは本当にどうしようもないところにまで来ている・2







stay woke(ステイウォーク)」はおよそ100年前から黒人たちへの呼び掛けの言葉として、さまざまなかたちで使われてきたものだ。1923年にはジャマイカ活動家マーカス・ガーベイが、黒人解放を訴えるなかで「Wake up Ethiopia! Wake up Africa!(目覚めよエチオピア! 目覚めよアフリカ!)」と呼び掛けた。





















酒井 2022年日本ジェンダー指数は、世界146ヵ国中116位。それを永田町のおじさんたちは、恥ずかしいとは思っていないんでしょうね。国際会議に出席する日本代表が男性だけでも平気でいられる。

上野 でもこのままだと、日本ジリ貧になりますよ。一人当たりGDP国内総生産)の順位も、労働生産性も低下しています

酒井 出生率も落ちる一方。出生率が高いのは、共働きケア公共化がされている場合だと海外ではデータがはっきり出ているのに、なぜ変えようとしないのでしょう。

上野 おじさんたちが合理的選択をしないのは、ホモソーシャル組織文化を守りたいからだとしか私には思えません。ホモソーシャル集団のなかで、男として認められたい。そのためには自己犠牲もいとわない。
















Fertility rate, total (births per woman) - World Bank Data



Global Gender Gap Report 2020




Country Name



Fertility rate, total (births per woman)2020
Iceland 1 0.877 1.72
Norway 2 0.842 1.48
Finland 3 0.832 1.37
Sweden 4 0.82 1.66
Nicaragua 5 0.804 2.349
New Zealand 6 0.799 1.61
Ireland 7 0.798 1.63
Spain 8 0.795 1.23
Rwanda 9 0.791 3.873
Germany10 0.787 1.53
Latvia11 0.785 1.55
Namibia12 0.784 3.349
Costa Rica 13 0.782 1.555
Denmark 14 0.782 1.67
France 15 0.781 1.83
Philippines 16 0.781 2.777
South Africa17 0.78 2.401
Switzerland 18 0.779 1.46
Canada 19 0.772 1.4
Albania20 0.769 1.4
United Kingdom 21 0.767 1.56
Colombia 22 0.758 1.737
Moldova23 0.757 1.77
Trinidad and Tobago24 0.756 1.631
Mexico 25 0.754 1.905
Estonia 26 0.751 1.58
Belgium 27 0.75 1.55
Barbados28 0.749 1.628
Belarus 29 0.746 1.382
Argentina 30 0.746 1.911
Cuba31 0.746 1.5
Burundi 32 0.745 5.177
Lithuania33 0.745 1.48
Austria 34 0.744 1.44
Portugal 35 0.744 1.4
Slovenia 36 0.743 1.6
Uruguay 37 0.737 1.477
Netherlands 38 0.736 1.55
Serbia 39 0.736 1.48
Poland 40 0.736 1.38
Jamaica 41 0.735 1.358
Bolivia 42 0.734 2.651
Lao PDR 43 0.731 2.541
Australia 44 0.731 1.581
Zambia 45 0.731 4.379
Panama 46 0.73 2.344
Zimbabwe 47 0.73 3.545
Ecuador 48 0.729 2.051
Bulgaria 49 0.727 1.56
Bangladesh 50 0.726 2.003
Luxembourg 51 0.725 1.37
Cabo Verde 52 0.725 1.908
United States 53 0.724 1.6375
Singapore 54 0.724 1.1
Romania 55 0.724 1.6
Mozambique 56 0.723 4.713
Chile 57 0.723 1.537
Honduras 58 0.722 2.394
Ukraine 59 0.721 1.217
Croatia 60 0.72 1.48
Bahamas, The 61 0.72 1.394
Madagascar 62 0.719 3.918
Slovak Republic 63 0.718 1.57
Israel 64 0.718 2.9
Uganda 65 0.717 4.693
Peru 66 0.714 2.216
Venezuela, RB 67 0.713 2.23
Tanzania 68 0.713 4.795
Bosnia and Herzegovina 69 0.712 1.359
North Macedonia 70 0.711 1.3
Montenegro 71 0.71 1.75
Kazakhstan 72 0.71 3.13
Botswana 73 0.709 2.836
Georgia 74 0.708 1.971
Thailand 75 0.708 1.341
Italy 76 0.707 1.24
Suriname 77 0.707 2.371
Czechia 78 0.706 1.71
Mongolia 79 0.706 2.9
El Salvador 80 0.706 1.819
Russian Federation 81 0.706 1.505
Ethiopia 82 0.705 4.243
Eswatini 83 0.703 2.89
Greece 84 0.701 1.34
Indonesia 85 0.7 2.194
Dominican Republic86 0.7 2.303
Vietnam 87 0.7 1.955
Lesotho 88 0.695 3.049
Cambodia 89 0.694 2.381
Malta 90 0.693 1.13
Cyprus 91 0.692 1.328
Brazil 92 0.691 1.649
Kyrgyz Republic 93 0.689 3
Azerbaijan 94 0.687 1.7
Brunei Darussalam 95 0.686 1.796
Cameroon 96 0.686 4.543
Liberia 97 0.685 4.174
Armenia 98 0.684 1.575
Senegal 99 0.684 4.454
Paraguay100 0.683 2.497
Nepal101 0.68 2.055
Sri Lanka102 0.68 2
Fiji103 0.678 2.495
Malaysia104 0.677 1.818
Hungary105 0.677 1.56
China106 0.676 1.281
Ghana107 0.673 3.623
Korea, Rep. 108 0.672 0.837
Kenya109 0.671 3.397
Belize110 0.671 1.999
Sierra Leone111 0.668 4.08
India112 0.668 2.051
Guatemala113 0.666 2.484
Myanmar114 0.665 2.174
Mauritius115 0.665 1.44
Malawi116 0.664 3.995
Timor-Leste117 0.662 3.247
Angola118 0.66 5.371
Benin119 0.658 5.048
United Arab Emirates120 0.655 1.46
Japan121 0.652 1.34
Kuwait122 0.65 2.14
Maldives123 0.646 1.712
Tunisia124 0.644 2.114
Guinea125 0.642 4.489
Vanuatu126 0.638 3.778
Papua New Guinea127 0.635 3.274
Nigeria128 0.635 5.309
Burkina Faso129 0.635 4.869
Turkiye 130 0.635 1.917
Bhutan 131 0.635 1.433
Algeria 132 0.634 2.942
Bahrain 133 0.629 1.832
Egypt, Arab Rep. 134 0.629 2.96
Qatar 135 0.629 1.816
Gambia, The 136 0.628 4.777
Tajikistan 137 0.626 3.237
Jordan 138 0.623 2.873
Mali 139 0.621 6.035
Togo 140 0.615 4.323
Mauritania 141 0.614 4.455
Cote d'Ivoire 142 0.606 4.472
Morocco 143 0.605 2.353
Oman 144 0.602 2.687
Lebanon 145 0.599 2.103
Saudi Arabia 146 0.599 2.465
Chad 147 0.596 6.346
Iran, Islamic Rep. 148 0.584 1.708
Congo, Dem. Rep. 149 0.578 6.206
Syrian Arab Republic 150 0.567 2.798
Pakistan 151 0.564 3.555
Iraq 152 0.53 3.551
Yemen, Rep. 153 0.494 3.886





1.Revolver / The Beatles

2.Beggars Banquet / The Rolling Stones

3.Who's Next / The Who

4.Led Zeppelin 2 / Led Zeppelin

5.Paranoid / Black Sabbath

6.Trout Mask Replica / Captain Beefheart

7.Live at the Harlem Square Club / Sam Cooke

8.Red / king Crimson

9.Tarkus / Emerson, Lake & Palmer

10.Close To The Edge / YES

11.Piper At Gates Of Dawn / Pink Floyd

12.Live / magma

13.Future Days / Can

14.Stand By / Heldon

15.Strange Days / The Doors

16.White Light White Heat / The Velvet Underground

17.Marquee Moon / Television

18.Radio Ethiopia / Patti Smith

19.End Of The Century / Ramones

20.Blank Generation / Richard Hell & The Voidoids

21.Remain In light / Talking Heads

22.Buy / James Chance & The Contortions

23.Never Mind The Bollocks / Sex Pistols

24.Damned Damned Damned / The Damned

25.London Calling / The Clash

26.Inflammable Material / Stiff Little Fingers

27.No More heroes / The Stranglers

28.Ace Of Spades / Motorhead

29.Over The Edge / Wipers

30.Dameged / Black Flag

31.Rock For Right / Bad brains

32.Why / Discharge

33.Heaven Up Here / Echo & The Bunnymen

34.Substance / Joy Division

35.Substance / New Order

36.Killing Joke / Killing Joke

37.Odyshape / The Raincoats

38.Cut / The Slits

39.Songs About Fucking / Big Black

40.Y / The Pop Group

41.Metal Box / Public Image Limited

42.This Heat / This heat

43.In"Jane Fron Occupied Europe" / Swell Maps

44.Heroes / David Bowie

45.Purple Rain / Prince & The Revolution

46.Our Favourite Shop / The Style Council

47.Psycho Candy / The Jesus and Mary Chain

48.Kollaps / Einstürzende Neubauten

49.Daydream Nation / Sonic Youth

50.Appetite For Destruction / Guns N' Roses

51.Nevermind / Nirvana

52.Wish / The Cure

53.Green Mind / Dinosaur jr.

54.Loveless / My Bloody Valentine

55.Screamadelica / Primal Scream

56.The Comforts Of Madness / Pale Saints

57.Siamese Dream / Smashing Punmpkins

58.Odelay / Beck

59.Parklife / Blur

60.Definitely Maybe / Oasis

61.OK Computer / Radiohead

62.Weezer (Blue Album) / Weezer

63.Satori / Flower Travellin' Band

64.PYG! / PYG

65.EVE / Speed, Glue & Shinki

66.晩餐 / Food Brain

67.一触即発 / 四人囃子

68.風街ろまん / はっぴいえんど

69.楽しい夕に / RC SUCCESSION

70.燃えつきる キャロルラストライヴ!! 1975.4.13. / CAROL

71.Public Pressure / Yellow Magic Orchestra

72.Welcome Plastics / Plastics

73.虫 / The Stalin

74.Deathtopia / Auto-Mod

75.蔵六の奇病 / 非常階段

76.Fight or Flight / The Mods

77.Boys & Girls / ARB


79.Phew / Phew

80.青盤 / あぶらだこ

81.ピース / 有頂天


83.Shambara / Dead End

84.裸の王様 / じゃがたら

85.DETESTation / G.I.S.M

86.服部 / ユニコーン



89.ヘッド博士世界塔 / Flipper's Guitar

90.Mother / LUNA SEA

91.空中キャンプ / Fishmans

92.Super Ae / BOREDOMS

93.フェイクファー / スピッツ

94.C.B.Jim / Blankey Jet City

95.ココロに花を / エレファントカシマシ

96.GEAR BLUES / thee michelle gun elephant

97.Kocorono / Bloodthirsty Butchers

98.Sim City / 平沢進

99.Buzz Songs / Dragon Ash

100. 無罪モラトリアム / 椎名林檎


すみませんJimi Hendrixを完全に入れ忘れてしまいました。

追記② 2/21

Sonic Youth綴りが違う、ご指摘感謝。訂正しました。

Stone RosesやSmithsあたりはTOP110なら入ったと思います

追記③ 2/22









赤毛のアン オープニングテーマ:きこえるかしら

Allowed countries

AD - Andorra

AE - United Arab Emirates

AF - Afghanistan

AG - Antigua and Barbuda

AI - Anguilla

AL - Albania

AM - Armenia

AO - Angola

AQ - Antarctica

AR - Argentina

AS - American Samoa

AT - Austria

AU - Australia

AW - Aruba

AX - Åland Islands

AZ - Azerbaijan

BA - Bosnia and Herzegovina

BB - Barbados

BD - Bangladesh

BE - Belgium

BF - Burkina Faso

BG - Bulgaria

BH - Bahrain

BI - Burundi

BJ - Benin

BL - Saint Barthélemy

BM - Bermuda

BN - Brunei Darussalam

BO - Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

BR - Brazil

BS - Bahamas

BT - Bhutan

BV - Bouvet Island

BW - Botswana

BY - Belarus

BZ - Belize

CA - Canada

CC - Cocos (Keeling) Islands

CD - Congo (Democratic Republic of the)

CF - Central African Republic

CG - Republic of the Congo

CH - Switzerland

CI - Côte d'Ivoire

CK - Cook Islands

CL - Chile

CM - Cameroon

CN - China

CO - Colombia

CR - Costa Rica

CU - Cuba

CV - Cabo Verde

CX - Christmas Island

CY - Cyprus

CZ - Czech Republic

DE - Germany

DJ - Djibouti

DM - Dominica

DO - Dominican Republic

DZ - Algeria

EC - Ecuador

EE - Estonia

EG - Egypt

EH - Western Sahara

ER - Eritrea

ES - Spain

ET - Ethiopia

FI - Finland

FJ - Fiji

FK - Falkland Islands (Malvinas)

FM - Micronesia (Federated States of)

FO - Faroe Islands

FR - France

GA - Gabon

GB - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

GD - Grenada

GE - Georgia (country)

GF - French Guiana

GG - Guernsey

GH - Ghana

GI - Gibraltar

GL - Greenland

GM - Gambia

GN - Guinea

GP - Guadeloupe

GQ - Equatorial Guinea

GR - Greece

GS - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

GT - Guatemala

GU - Guam

GW - Guinea-Bissau

GY - Guyana

HK - Hong Kong

HM - Heard Island and McDonald Islands

HN - Honduras

HR - Croatia

HT - Haiti

HU - Hungary

ID - Indonesia

IE - Republic of Ireland

IL - Israel

IM - Isle of Man

IN - India

IO - British Indian Ocean Territory

IQ - Iraq

IR - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

IS - Iceland

IT - Italy

JE - Jersey

JM - Jamaica

JO - Jordan

KE - Kenya

KG - Kyrgyzstan

KH - Cambodia

KI - Kiribati

KM - Comoros

KN - Saint Kitts and Nevis

KP - North Korea

KR - Korea (Republic of)

KW - Kuwait

KY - Cayman Islands

KZ - Kazakhstan

LA - Lao People's Democratic Republic

LB - Lebanon

LC - Saint Lucia

LI - Liechtenstein

LK - Sri Lanka

LR - Liberia

LS - Lesotho

LT - Lithuania

LU - Luxembourg

LV - Latvia

LY - Libya

MA - Morocco

MC - Monaco

MD - Moldova (Republic of)

ME - Montenegro

MG - Madagascar

MH - Marshall Islands

MK - Republic of Macedonia

ML - Mali

MM - Myanmar

MN - Mongolia

MO - Macao

MP - Northern Mariana Islands

MQ - Martinique

MR - Mauritania

MS - Montserrat

MT - Malta

MU - Mauritius

MV - Maldives

MW - Malawi

MX - Mexico

MY - Malaysia

MZ - Mozambique

NA - Namibia

NC - New Caledonia

NE - Niger

NF - Norfolk Island

NG - Nigeria

NI - Nicaragua

NL - Netherlands

NO - Norway

NP - Nepal

NR - Nauru

NU - Niue

NZ - New Zealand

OM - Oman

PA - Panama

PE - Peru

PF - French Polynesia

PG - Papua New Guinea

PH - Philippines

PK - Pakistan

PL - Poland

PM - Saint Pierre and Miquelon

PN - Pitcairn

PR - Puerto Rico

PS - State of Palestine

PT - Portugal

PW - Palau

PY - Paraguay

QA - Qatar

RE - Réunion

RO - Romania

RS - Serbia

RU - Russian Federation

RW - Rwanda

SA - Saudi Arabia

SB - Solomon Islands

SC - Seychelles

SD - Sudan

SE - Sweden

SG - Singapore

SH - Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha

SI - Slovenia

SJ - Svalbard and Jan Mayen

SK - Slovakia

SL - Sierra Leone

SM - San Marino

SN - Senegal

SO - Somalia

SR - Suriname

ST - Sao Tome and Principe

SV - El Salvador

SY - Syrian Arab Republic

SZ - Swaziland

TC - Turks and Caicos Islands

TD - Chad

TF - French Southern Territories

TG - Togo

TH - Thailand

TJ - Tajikistan

TK - Tokelau

TL - Timor-Leste

TM - Turkmenistan

TN - Tunisia

TO - Tonga

TR - Turkey

TT - Trinidad and Tobago

TV - Tuvalu

TW - Taiwan

TZ - Tanzania, United Republic of

UA - Ukraine

UG - Uganda

UM - United States Minor Outlying Islands

US - United States of America

UY - Uruguay

UZ - Uzbekistan

VA - Vatican City State

VC - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

VE - Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

VG - British Virgin Islands

VI - United States Virgin Islands

VN - Viet Nam

VU - Vanuatu

WF - Wallis and Futuna

WS - Samoa

YE - Yemen

YT - Mayotte

ZA - South Africa

ZM - Zambia

ZW - Zimbabwe

Disallowed countries

DK - Denmark

JP - Japan




Eight Melodies - Mother OST

この動画には Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc. さんのコンテンツが含まれており、お住まい地域では著作権上の問題権利所有者によりブロックされています


Allowed countries

AD - Andorra AE - United Arab Emirates AF - Afghanistan AG - Antigua and Barbuda AI - Anguilla AL - Albania AM - Armenia AO - Angola AQ - Antarctica AR - Argentina AS - American Samoa AT - Austria AU - Australia AW - Aruba AX - Åland Islands AZ - Azerbaijan BA - Bosnia and Herzegovina BB - Barbados BD - Bangladesh BE - Belgium BF - Burkina Faso BG - Bulgaria BH - Bahrain BI - Burundi BJ - Benin BL - Saint Barthélemy BM - Bermuda BN - Brunei Darussalam BO - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) BR - Brazil BS - Bahamas BT - Bhutan BV - Bouvet sland BW - Botswana BY - Belarus BZ - Belize CA - Canada CC - Cocos (Keeling) Islands CD - Congo (Democratic Republic of the) CF - Central African Republic CG - Republic of the Congo CH - Switzerland CI - Côte d'Ivoire CK - Cook Islands CL - Chile CM - Cameroon CN - China CO - Colombia CR - Costa Rica CU - Cuba CV - Cabo Verde CX - Christmas Island CY - Cyprus CZ - Czech Republic DE - Germany DJ - Djibouti DK - Denmark DM - Dominica DO - Dominican Republic DZ - Algeria EC - Ecuador EE - Estonia EG - Egypt EH - Western Sahara ER - Eritrea ES - Spain ET - Ethiopia FI - Finland FJ - Fiji FK - Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FM - Micronesia (Federated States of) FO - Faroe Islands FR - France GA - Gabon GB - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GD - Grenada GE - Georgia (country) GF - French Guiana GG - Guernsey GH - Ghana GI - Gibraltar GL - Greenland GM - Gambia GN - Guinea GP - Guadeloupe GQ - Equatorial Guinea GR - Greece GS - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands GT - Guatemala GU - Guam GW - Guinea-Bissau GY - Guyana HK - Hong Kong HM - Heard Island and McDonald Islands HN - Honduras HR - Croatia HT - Haiti HU - Hungary ID - Indonesia IE - Republic of Ireland IL - Israel IM - Isle of Man IN - India IO - British Indian Ocean Territory IQ - Iraq IR - Iran (Islamic Republic of) IS - Iceland IT - Italy JE - Jersey JM - Jamaica JO - Jordan KE - Kenya KG - Kyrgyzstan KH - Cambodia KI - Kiribati KM - Comoros KN - Saint Kitts and Nevis KP - North Korea KR - Korea (Republic of) KW - Kuwait KY - Cayman Islands KZ - Kazakhstan LA - Lao People's Democratic Republic LB - Lebanon LC - Saint Lucia LI - Liechtenstein LK - Sri Lanka LR - Liberia LS - Lesotho LT - Lithuania LU - Luxembourg LV - Latvia LY - Libya MA - Morocco MC - Monaco MD - Moldova (Republic of) ME - Montenegro MG - Madagascar MH - Marshall Islands MK - Republic of Macedonia ML - Mali MM - Myanmar MN - Mongolia MO - Macao MP - Northern Mariana Islands MQ - Martinique MR - Mauritania MS - Montserrat MT - Malta MU - Mauritius MV - Maldives MW - Malawi MX - Mexico MY - Malaysia MZ - Mozambique NA - Namibia NC - New Caledonia NE - Niger NF - Norfolk Island NG - Nigeria NI - Nicaragua NL - Netherlands NO - Norway NP - Nepal NR - Nauru NU - Niue NZ - New Zealand OM - Oman PA - Panama PE - Peru PF - French Polynesia PG - Papua New Guinea PH - Philippines PK - Pakistan PL - Poland PM - Saint Pierre and Miquelon PN - Pitcairn PR - Puerto Rico PS - State of Palestine PT - Portugal PW - Palau PY - Paraguay QA - Qatar RE - Réunion RO - Romania RS - Serbia RU - Russian Federation RW - Rwanda SA - Saudi Arabia SB - Solomon Islands SC - Seychelles SD - Sudan SE - Sweden SG - Singapore SH - Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha SI - Slovenia SJ - Svalbard and Jan Mayen SK - Slovakia SL - Sierra Leone SM - San Marino SN - Senegal SO - Somalia SR - Suriname ST - Sao Tome and Principe SV - El Salvador SY - Syrian Arab Republic SZ - Swaziland TC - Turks and Caicos Islands TD - Chad TF - French Southern Territories TG - Togo TH - Thailand TJ - Tajikistan TK - Tokelau TL - Timor-Leste TM - Turkmenistan TN - Tunisia TO - Tonga TR - Turkey TT - Trinidad and Tobago TV - Tuvalu TW - Taiwan TZ - Tanzania, United Republic of UA - Ukraine UG - Uganda UM - United States Minor Outlying Islands US - United States of America UY - Uruguay UZ - Uzbekistan VA - Vatican City State VC - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VE - Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) VG - British Virgin Islands VI - United States Virgin Islands VN - Viet Nam VU - Vanuatu WF - Wallis and Futuna WS - Samoa YE - Yemen YT - Mayotte ZA - South Africa ZM - Zambia ZW - Zimbabwe

Disallowed countries

JP - Japan

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