User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-r
Rabat {prop} /ɹəˈbat/ (capital of Morocco) | :: Rabat {m} |
rabbi {n} /ˈɹæ.baɪ/ (Jewish scholar or teacher) | :: rabino {m} |
rabbinic {adj} /ɹəˈbɪnɪk/ (Relating to rabbis) | :: rabínico |
rabbinical {adj} /rəˈbɪnəkəl/ (Referring to rabbis, their writings, or their work) | :: rabínico |
rabbit {n} /ˈɹæbɪt/ (mammal) | :: conejo {m} |
rabbit fever {n} (tularemia) SEE: tularemia | :: |
rabbit hole {n} ((entrance to) a rabbit warren or burrow) | :: madriguera {f} |
rabbit's foot {n} (rabbit's foot - a good luck charm) | :: pata de conejo {f} |
rabble {n} /ˈɹæbəl/ (a disorderly crowd) | :: turba {f} |
rabble {n} (the mass of common people; the lowest class of people) | :: gentuza {f}, gentualla {f}, chusma, gleba {f}, patulea {f}, gentecilla {f} |
rabble rouser {n} ((idiomatic) someone or something that tends to inspire mobs) | :: agitador {m} |
rabid {adj} /ˈɹæbɪd/ (affected with rabies) | :: rabioso |
rabid {adj} (furious; raging; extremely violent) | :: rabioso |
rabies {n} /ˈɹeɪ.biz/ (viral disease) | :: rabia {f} |
raccoon {n} /ɹæˈkun/ (nocturnal omnivore living in North America, Procyon lotor) | :: mapache {m}, oso lavador {m}, zorra manglera {f}, gato manglatero {m} |
raccoon dog {n} (Nyctereutes procyonoides) | :: perro mapache {m} |
race {n} /ɹeɪs/ (contest) | :: carrera {f} |
race {n} | :: concurso , carrera , corriente , raza , raíz |
race {v} (to take part in a race) | :: correr |
race {v} (to move or drive at high speed) | :: acelerarse [usually a heart does this], embalarse [cars, engines, and cheetahs do this] |
race {n} (a large group of people set apart from others on the basis of a common heritage) | :: raza {f} |
race {n} (a rhizome) | :: raíz {f} |
race car {n} (car that goes at very fast speeds) | :: automóvil de carreras {m}, coche de carreras {m} |
racemate {n} (racemic mixture) | :: mezcla racémica {f} |
raceme {n} /ˈɹæsiːm/ (type of inflorescence) | :: racimo {m} |
racemic {adj} (containing equal amounts of D- and L-stereoisomers) | :: racémico |
racemization {n} (formation of racemate) | :: racemización {f} |
racer {n} /ˈɹeɪsəɹ/ (someone who takes part in a race) | :: corredor {m} |
race to the bottom {n} | :: carrera hacia el abismo {f} |
Rachel {prop} /ˈɹeɪt͡ʃəl/ (younger daughter of Laban) | :: Raquel |
rachis {n} /ˈɹeɪkɪs/ (main shaft of a compound leaf or head of grain) | :: raquis {m} |
rachis {n} (spine) | :: raquis {m} |
rachis {n} (central shaft of a feather) | :: raquis {m} |
racial {adj} /ˈɹeɪʃəl/ (of or relating to a race (or a people)) | :: racial |
racialism {n} (racism) SEE: racism | :: |
racism {n} /ˈɹeɪsɪzm̩/ (racial prejudice or discrimination) | :: racismo {m} |
racist {n} /ˈɹeɪsɪst/ (person who believes a particular race is superior to others.) | :: racista {f} |
racist {adj} (relating to racism) | :: racista |
rack {n} /ɹæk/ (series of shelves) | :: estante, repisa {f} |
rack {n} (torture device) | :: potro {m} |
rack {n} (frame for hanging objects) | :: perchero {m} |
racket {n} /ˈɹækɪt/ (implement) | :: raqueta {f} |
racket {n} (loud noise) | :: estruendo {m} |
racket {n} (fraud) | :: fraude {m} |
rack one's brain {v} (struggle to think of something) | :: devanarse los sesos |
rack railway {n} (railway that uses a rack and pinion mechanism) | :: ferrocarril de cremallera {m} |
raconteur {n} /ˌɹæk.ɑnˈtɝ/ (storyteller) | :: narrador |
racoon {n} (raccoon) SEE: raccoon | :: |
racquet {n} /ˈɹækɪt/ (an implement with a handle used to hit a ball) | :: raqueta {f} |
racy {adj} /ˈɹeɪsi/ (lively and entertaining and typically slightly risque) | :: sexy |
rada {n} (soviet) SEE: soviet | :: |
radar {n} /ˈɹeɪdɑː(ɹ)/ (method of detecting distant objects) | :: radar {m} |
radarlike {adj} | :: radárico |
raddle {n} /ˈɹædəl/ (red ochre) | :: almagre {m} |
raddle {v} (mark with raddle) | :: almagrar, enalmagrar |
radial {adj} /ˈɹeɪdi.əl/ (arranged like rays that radiate from, or converge to a common center) | :: radial |
radian {n} (unit) | :: radián {m} |
radiant {adj} /ˈɹeɪdi.ənt/ (radiating light and/or heat) | :: radiante |
radiant {adj} (beaming with vivacity and happiness) | :: radiante |
radiant {n} (the apparent origin of a meteor shower) | :: punto radiante {m} |
radiate {v} /ˈɹeɪdieɪt/ (to emit rays or waves) | :: irradiar |
radiation {n} /ˌɹeɪ.di.ˈeɪ.ʃən/ (shooting forth of anything from a point or surface) | :: radiación {f} |
radiation {n} (process of radiating waves or particles) | :: radiación {f} |
radiation {n} (transfer of energy via radiation) | :: radiación {f} |
radiation {n} (radioactive energy) | :: radiación {f} |
radiator {n} /ˈɹeɪ.diˌeɪ.tɚ/ (device that lowers engine coolant temperature by conducting heat to the air) | :: radiador {m} |
radicalism {n} (social or political movements that aim at fundamental change in the structure of society) | :: radicalismo {m} |
radicalization {n} (the process or result of radicalizing) | :: radicalización |
radicalize {v} ((transitive) to make radical) | :: radicalizar |
radically {adv} (in a radical manner, fundamentally) | :: radicalmente |
radicand {n} (number or expression whose square root or other root is being considered) | :: radicando {m} |
radicchio {n} /rəˈdi.kio/ (cultivar) | :: radicchio {m} |
radicular {adj} (pertaining to a root or to a radicle) | :: radicular |
radiculopathy {n} (pathology: any disease of the spinal nerve roots and spinal nerves) | :: radiculopatía {f} |
radio {n} /ˈɹeɪdiˌoʊ/ (technology) | :: radio {f} |
radio {n} (receiver) | :: radio {f} |
radio- {prefix} (radiation) | :: radio- |
radio- {prefix} (radio (broadcasting)) | :: radio- |
radioactive {adj} /ˌɹeɪdioʊˈæktɪv/ (exhibiting radioactivity) | :: radiactivo |
radioactive fallout {n} (material from a radioactive plume) | :: lluvia radiactiva {f} |
radioactive waste {n} (type of waste) | :: residuo radiactivo {m} |
radioactivity {n} (emission of ionizing radiation) | :: radioactividad {f} |
radioactivity {n} (radiation emitted) | :: radioactividad {f} |
radio astronomy {n} (branch of astronomy) | :: radioastronomía {f} |
radiochemist {n} (chemist who specializes in radiochemistry) | :: radioquímico {m}, radioquímica {f} |
radiochemistry {n} (chemistry of radioactive substances) | :: radioquímica {f} |
radio drama {n} /ˈɹeɪdiˌoʊ dɹɑmə/ (acoustic performance) | :: radioteatro |
radioelectric {adj} (of or pertaining to the transmission of power via electromagnetic waves) | :: radioeléctrico |
radio-frequency identification {n} (storage and retrieval of data using tags) | :: identificación por radiofrecuencia {f}, etiqueta de radiofrecuencia {f}, transpondedor de radiofrecuencia {f}, tag de radiofrecuencia |
radiogram {n} (radiograph) SEE: radiograph | :: |
radiograph {n} (image produced by radiation) | :: radiografía {f} |
radiolarian {n} (marine protozoa) | :: radiolario {m} |
radiological {adj} (pertaining to radiation, radioactivity or nuclear weapons) | :: radiológico |
radiological weapon {n} (bomb that injures or contaminates through radioisotopes) | :: bomba radiológica {f} |
radiologist {n} /ˌɹeɪ.diːˈɒl.ə.dʒɪst/ (practitioner of radiology) | :: radiólogo {m} |
radiology {n} (the use of radiation in diagnosis) | :: radiología {f} |
radiolysis {n} (dissociation due to radiation) | :: radiolisis {f} |
radiometer {n} (device that measures radiant energy) | :: radiómetro {m} |
radionics {n} | :: radiónica {f} |
radioprotection {n} (protection against the harmful effects of ionizing radiation) | :: radioprotección {f} |
radiosensitivity {n} | :: radiosensibilidad {f} |
radiosonde {n} (balloon radio) | :: radiosonda {f} |
radio station {n} (broadcast station emitting an audio signal) | :: estación de radio {f}, estación radial {f}, emisora de radio {f} |
radiotelephony {n} (the transmission of sound using modulated radio waves rather than wires) | :: radiotelefonía {f} |
radio telescope {n} (astronomical device) | :: radiotelescopio {m} |
radiotherapeutic {adj} (pertaining to radiotherapy) | :: radioterapéutico |
radiotherapy {n} (therapeutic use of radiation) | :: radioterapia {f} |
radio wave {n} (electromagnetic radiation) | :: onda radioeléctrica {f} |
radish {n} /ˈɹadɪʃ/ (plant Raphanus sativus var. sativus) | :: rábano {m} |
radish {n} (edible root) | :: rábano {m} |
radium {n} /ˈɹeɪ.dɪ.əm/ (chemical element with an atomic number of 88) | :: radio {m} |
radius {n} /ˈɹeɪ.di.əs/ (bone (human)) | :: radio {m} |
radius {n} (line segment) | :: radio {m} |
radius {n} (length of this line segment) | :: radio {m} |
radix {n} (biology: root) SEE: root | :: |
radon {n} /ˈɹeɪdɒn/ (chemical element) | :: radón {m} |
raffle {n} /ˈɹæfl̩/ (drawing) | :: rifa {f} |
raffle {v} (to award by means of a raffle) | :: rifar |
raft {n} /ɹæft/ (flat, floating structure) | :: balsa {f} |
raft {n} (large but unspecified number of something) | :: multitud {f} |
rafter {n} /ˈɹɑːftə(ɹ)/ (one of a series of sloped beams) | :: viga {f} |
rafting {n} /ˈɹæftɪŋ/ (sport) | :: descenso de ríos |
rag {n} /ɹæɡ/ (piece of cloth) | :: jirón {m}, trapo {m} |
rag {n} (mean or tattered attire) | :: trapo {m}, harapo {m}, andrajo {m} |
rag {n} ((slang, pejorative) A newspaper) | :: periodicucho {m}, pasquín {m}, diarrucho {m}, papelucho {m}, papelote {m} |
ragamuffin {n} /ˈɹæɡəˌmʌfɪn/ (dirty, shabbily-clothed child) | :: arrapiezo |
ragbag {n} (collection of miscellaneous things) SEE: hodgepodge | :: |
rag doll {n} (a doll made from cloth and rags) | :: muñeca de trapo {f}, monigote {m} |
rage {n} /ɹeɪdʒ/ (a violent anger) | :: rabia {f}, furor {m} |
ragged {adj} /ˈɹæɡɪd/ (rent or worn into tatters, or till the texture is broken) | :: ajado {m} |
ragged {adj} (wearing tattered clothes) | :: andrajoso {m}, harapiento {m}, trapajoso {m}, haraposo {m}, desarrapado {m}, astroso {m}, zarrapastroso {m}, zarrapastrón {m} |
raggedy {adj} (wearing ragged clothes) | :: harapiento {m}, andrajoso {m}, desarrapado {m}, desharrapado {m}, zarrapastroso {m}, hilachento {m} |
raging {adj} /ˈɹeɪdʒɪŋ/ (volatile, very unpredictable) | :: furioso, [con] furia {f} |
Ragnarok {prop} /ˈɹæɡ.nə.ɹɑk/ (the final battle in Norse mythology) | :: ragnarok {m} |
ragout {n} /ɹæˈɡuː/ (stew of meat and vegetables mixed together) | :: guiso {m}, puchero {m} |
ragpick {v} (scavenge) SEE: scavenge | :: |
rags and tatters {n} (very old, torn clothes) | :: andrajos {m-p}, estrazas {f-p}, harapos {m-p}, jirones, guiñapos {m-p} |
Ragusa {prop} (Dubrovnik) SEE: Dubrovnik | :: |
raid {n} /ɹeɪd/ (attack for the purpose of making arrests, seizing property, or plundering) | :: invasión {f}, ataque {m}, asedio {m}, redada {f} |
raider {n} /ˈɹeɪdɚ/ (one who engages in a raid) | :: asaltante {m} {f} |
rail {n} (means of transportation) SEE: railway | :: |
rail {n} /ɹeɪl/ (horizontal bar; railing) | :: barra {f}, barandilla {f}, barandal {m} |
rail {n} (metal bar) | :: raíl {m}, riel {f}, carril {f} |
rail {n} (small bird in the family Rallidae) | :: rascón {m} |
railcar {n} (any railway carriage) SEE: railroad car | :: |
railgun {n} /ˈɹeɪl.ɡʌn/ (electromagnetic gun) | :: arma de riel {m}, cañón de riel |
railing {n} /ˈɹeɪlɪŋ/ (fence or barrier) | :: barandilla |
railroad {n} (permanent road consisting of fixed metal rails) SEE: railway | :: |
railroad {n} (transportation system) SEE: railway | :: |
railroad {n} /ˈɹeɪlɹoʊd/ | :: ferrocarril {m}, riel {m} |
railroad car {n} (railroad vehicle) | :: vagón {m} |
railroad crossing {n} (level crossing) SEE: level crossing | :: |
railroad station {n} (place where trains stop for passengers) SEE: railway station | :: |
railroad tie {n} (piece supporting the rails of a railroad) | :: durmiente {m}, traviesa {f} |
railroad track {n} (track for trains) | :: vía del ferrocarril {f} |
rail trail {n} (former railway track) | :: vía verde {f} |
railway {n} /ˈɹeɪlˌweɪ/ (track, consisting of parallel rails) | :: vía férrea {f}, ferrocarril {m}, [Latin America] riel {m}, [Spain] vía {f} |
railway {n} (transport system using these rails) | :: ferrocarril {m} |
railway station {n} (place where trains stop) | :: estación de ferrocarril {f}, estación {f} |
rain {n} (condensed water from a cloud) | :: lluvia {f} |
rain {n} (any matter falling) | :: lluvia {f} |
rain {n} (an instance of particles falling) | :: lluvia {f} |
rain {v} (of rain: to fall from the sky) | :: llover |
rain {v} (to issue in large quantities) | :: llover |
rainbow {n} /ˈɹeɪnboʊ/ (multicoloured arch in the sky) | :: arco iris {m} |
rainbow {adj} | :: irisado |
rainbow {n} (baseball: curveball) SEE: curveball | :: |
rainbow trout {n} (Oncorhynchus mykiss (countable)) | :: trucha arcoiris {f} |
rain buckets {v} (to rain heavily) SEE: rain cats and dogs | :: |
rain cats and dogs {v} (to rain very heavily) | :: llover a cántaros, llover a mares |
rain cloud {n} (cloud from which rain is falling) | :: nimbo {m} |
raincoat {n} /ˈɹeɪnkoʊt/ (waterproof coat) | :: impermeable {m}, chubasquero {m} |
raincoat {n} (slang: condom (see also condom)) | :: forro {m} |
raindrop {n} /ˈɹeɪndɹɑp/ (droplet of rainwater) | :: gota de lluvia {f} |
rainfall {n} (amount of rain that falls on a single occasion) | :: precipitación {f} |
rainforest {n} (type of forest) | :: bosque tropical {m}, bosque hidrofítico {m}, pluviselva {f} |
rain gauge {n} (device to measure rainfall) | :: pluviómetro {m} |
rain or shine {adv} (regardless of the circumstances) | :: llueva o truene, llueva, truene o relampaguee |
rain pitchforks {v} (rain cats and dogs) SEE: rain cats and dogs | :: |
rainstick {n} /ˈreɪnstɪk/ (rainstick) | :: palo de lluvia {m} |
rainstorm {n} (storm characterized by substantial rainfall) | :: tormenta |
rainwater {n} (rainfall) SEE: rainfall | :: |
rainwater {n} (water sourced from rain) | :: agua de lluvia, agua llovediza {f} |
rainy {adj} /ˈɹeɪni/ (abounding with rain) | :: lluvioso, pluvioso |
rainy day {n} (difficult period of need) | :: vacas flacas, cuando vienen mal dadas |
rainy season {n} (portion of the year when rainfall amounts are greatest) | :: estación lluviosa {f} |
raise {v} /ɹeɪz/ (to cause to rise) | :: levantar, alzar |
raise {v} (to collect) | :: juntar |
raise {v} (to bring up, to grow) | :: criar |
raise {v} | :: alzar |
raise {n} (increase in wages) | :: aumento {m} |
raise {n} (shoulder excercise) | :: levantamiento |
raise Cain {v} (to cause trouble) | :: armar la de san Quintín |
raise someone's hackles {v} | :: levantar ampollas |
raise the stakes {v} (up the ante) SEE: up the ante | :: |
raisin {n} /ˈɹeɪzn̩/ (dried grape) | :: pasa {f} |
raisin bread {n} (raisin bread) | :: pan de pasas {m} |
raising {n} (recruitment) SEE: recruitment | :: |
raison d'être {n} /ʁɛzɔ̃ d‿ɛːtʁ̥/ (Reason for existence) | :: razón de ser {f} |
rajah {n} /ˈɹɑː.dʒə / (Hindu prince) | :: rajá {m} |
Rajasthan {prop} /ˈɹɑːdʒəstæn/ (a state in western India) | :: Rajastán, Rayastán |
rake {n} /ɹeɪk/ (garden tool) | :: rastrillo {m} |
rake {v} (to act upon with a rake, or as if with a rake) | :: rastrillar |
rake {n} (person who is stylish but habituated to hedonistic and immoral conduct) | :: calavera |
rake {n} (a lot, plenty) SEE: plenty | :: |
Rakvere {prop} (Town in Estonia) | :: Rakvere |
Raków {prop} /ˈɹækuːf/ (Polish town 1569–1869 and village 1869–present, important centre of Socinianism in the 16th–17th CC.) | :: Raków |
rale {n} (abnormal sound made by lungs and heard with a stethoscope) SEE: rales | :: |
rales {n} /ɹeɪɫs/ (symptom) | :: crepitante {m} |
rally {n} (demonstration) SEE: demonstration | :: |
rally {n} /ˈɹæ.li/ (public gathering for a cause) | :: concentración {f}; demonstration: manifestación {f} |
rally {n} (motor racing: event) | :: rally {m} |
rally {v} (To collect, and reduce to order, as troops dispersed or thrown into confusion) | :: reagrupar, reunir |
rally {v} (To come into orderly arrangement) | :: reorganizar, ensamblar, unir |
rally {v} (To collect one's vital powers or forces) | :: recobrarse, recuperarse, volver en sí |
rally {v} (To recover strength after a decline in prices) | :: repuntar, recuperarse |
Ralph {prop} /ɹælf/ (male given name) | :: Raúl |
ram {n} /ɹæm/ (male sheep) | :: carnero {m}, morueco {m}, ariete {m} |
ram {n} (warship that sinks other ships by ramming them) | :: nave ariete {f}, nave de abordaje {f} |
ram {n} (piston powered by hydraulic pressure) | :: pistón hidráulico {m} |
ram {v} (intentionally collide with (a ship)) | :: embestir |
ram {v} (strike (something) hard) | :: arietar, topar |
ram {n} (battering ram) SEE: battering ram | :: |
RAM {n} /ɹæm/ (random access memory) | :: RAM {f}, memoria RAM {f} |
Ramadan {prop} /ɹæməˈdɑːn/ (holy ninth month of Islamic lunar calendar) | :: Ramadán {m} |
Raman spectroscopy {n} (form of spectroscopy) | :: espectroscopia Raman {f} |
rambade {n} (nautical) | :: arrumbada |
ramble {n} (stroll) SEE: stroll | :: |
ramble {v} (wander) SEE: wander | :: |
ramble {v} /ˈɹæmbəl/ (to walk for pleasure; to amble or saunter) | :: pasearse, callejear |
ramble {v} (to talk or write incessantly, unclearly, or incoherently, with many digressions) | :: divagar, debrayar [colloquial] [Mexico] |
rambler {n} (recreational walker) SEE: hiker | :: |
rambling {n} /ˈɹæm.blɪŋ/ (meandering talk) | :: perorata {f} |
rambunctious {adj} /ɹæmˈbʌŋ(k)ʃəs/ (boisterous, energetic, noisy, and difficult to control) | :: chillón, estrepitoso |
rambutan {n} /ɹæmˈbuːtən/ (fruit) | :: rambután {m} |
ramen {n} /ɹɑːmən/ (soup noodles of wheat, with various ingredients (Japanese style)) | :: ramen {m} |
Ramesses {prop} (name of pharaohs) | :: Ramsés |
ramification {n} /ˌɹæməfəˈkeɪʃən/ (branching process) | :: ramificación {f} |
ramification {n} (consequence or development complicating a problem) | :: ramificación {f} |
ramify {v} /ˈɹæm.ɪ.faɪ/ (to divide into branches) | :: ramificar |
ramify {v} ((figuratively) to spread or diversify into multiple fields or categories) | :: diversificar |
rammed earth {n} (construction material) | :: tierra apisonada {f}, tapial {m} |
ramp {n} /ɹæmp/ (inclined surface) | :: rampa {f} |
ramp {n} (American plant, Allium tricoccum, related to the onion) | :: puerro salvaje {m} |
rampage {n} /ˈɹæmpeɪdʒ/ (a course of violent, frenzied action) | :: tumulto |
rampage {v} (to move about wildly or violently) | :: arrasar |
rampant {adj} /ˈɹæm.pənt/ (unrestrained) | :: desenfrenado, galopante |
rampant {adj} | :: desenfrenado |
rampart {n} /ˈɹæm.pɑː(ɹ)t/ (defensive ridge of earth) | :: baluarte {m}, muralla {f}, terraplén {m} |
rampart {n} (defensive structure; bulwark) | :: baluarte {m} |
rampart {n} (protection against intrusion) | :: defensa {f}, baluarte {m} |
rampart {n} (steep bank of a river or gorge) | :: muro {m} |
rampion {n} (Campanula rapunculus) | :: rapónchigo {m} |
ramraid {n} | :: alunizaje {m} |
ramrod {n} /ˈɹæmɹɒd/ (device used with early firearms) | :: baqueta {f} |
ramson {n} (ramsons) SEE: ramsons | :: |
ramsons {n} (Allium ursinum) | :: ajo de oso {m} |
Rancagua {prop} (Rancagua) | :: Rancagua {m} |
ranch {n} /ɹæntʃ/ (large plot of land) | :: rancho {m} |
ranch {n} (small farm that cultivates vegetables or livestock) | :: rancho {m} |
rancid {adj} (rancid) SEE: offensive | :: |
rancid {adj} /ˈɹænsɪd/ (being rank in taste or smell) | :: rancio |
rancidification {n} (process of becoming rancid) | :: enranciamiento {m} |
rancor {n} /ˈɹæŋ.kɚ/ (the deepest malignity or spite) | :: rencor {m} |
rancorous {adj} /ˈɹæŋ.kəɹ.əs/ (full of rancor) | :: rencoroso |
random {n} /ˈɹændəm/ (unimportant person) | :: mucho quilombo, fulano {m} |
random {adj} (all outcomes being unpredictable) | :: aleatorio |
random {adj} (undistinguished, average) | :: cualquiera |
random {adj} | :: aleatorio, azaroso |
random access memory {n} (computer memory that dynamically stores program and data values during operation and in which each byte of memory may be directly accessed) | :: memoria RAM {f}, memoria de acceso aleatorio {f} |
random access memory {n} (the main memory of a computer available for program execution or data storage) | :: memoria RAM {f}, memoria de acceso aleatorio {f} |
randomise {v} /ˈɹændəmɑɪz/ (arrange randomly; to make random) | :: randomizar, aleatorizar |
randomly {adv} /ˈɹændm̩li/ (in a random way) | :: al azar, aleatoriamente |
random number {n} /ˈɹændəm ˈnʌmbə/ (number allotted randomly using a suitable generator) | :: número aleatorio {m} |
random variable {n} (measurable function from a sample space) | :: variable aleatoria {f} |
randy {adj} /ˈɹændi/ (sexually aroused) | :: cachondo, caliente |
range {n} (step of a ladder) SEE: rung | :: |
range {n} /ɹeɪndʒ/ (line of mountains, buildings etc.) | :: sierra {f}, cordillera {f} |
range {n} (large stove with many hotplates) | :: hornillo {m}, estufa {f} |
range {n} (selection, array) | :: escala {f}, gama {f}, abanico |
range {n} (area for practicing shooting) | :: campo de tiro |
range {n} (distance to the object) | :: rango {m}, autonomía {f}, distancia {f} |
range {n} (maximum reach of capability) | :: alcance {m} |
range {n} (area of open, often unfenced, grazing land) | :: dehesa {f} |
range {n} (math: set of values of a function) | :: intervalo |
range {n} (statistics: difference between largest and smallest observation) | :: amplitud, rango {m} |
range {n} (music: scale of tones) | :: extensión {f} |
range {n} (aggregate of individuals in one rank or degree) | :: rango {m} |
range {v} (to classify) SEE: classify | :: |
range {v} (to travel over) SEE: roam | :: |
range {v} (to separate into parts) SEE: sift | :: |
range hood {n} (kitchen device) SEE: extractor hood | :: |
ranger {n} /ˈɹeɪndʒɚ/ (Park ranger) | :: alimañero {m}, guardaparque {m}, guardabosque {m}, guardacaza {m}, montaraz {m} |
Rangoon {prop} (Yangon) SEE: Yangon | :: |
rani {n} /ˈɹɑː.niː/ (wife of a rajah) | :: raní {f} |
rank {adj} /ɹæŋk/ (highly offensive; disgusting) | :: repugnante |
rank {n} (row of people or things organized in a grid pattern) | :: columna {f} |
rank {n} (position based on a shared property) | :: rango {m} |
rank {n} (hierarchical level in an organization) | :: grado {m} |
rank {n} (chess: one of the horizontal lines of squares) | :: fila {f} |
rank {n} | :: fila {f} |
rank {v} (to have a ranking) | :: clasificar |
ranker {n} (a common soldier) | :: chusquero {m} |
ranking {n} /ˈɹænk.ɪŋ/ (placement in a list) | :: clasificación {f}, ranking {m} |
ransack {v} /ˈɹænsæk/ (to loot or pillage) | :: saquear, desvalijar |
ransack {v} (to make a thorough search or examination for plunder) | :: escudriñar |
ransom {n} /ˈɹænsəm/ (money paid for the freeing of a hostage) | :: rescate {m} |
ransom {v} (to pay a price to set someone free) | :: rescatar |
rant {v} /ɹænt/ (to speak or shout at length in uncontrollable anger) | :: despotricar |
rant {v} (to criticise by ranting) | :: vilipendiar, echar pestes [colloquial] |
rant {n} (criticism) | :: invectiva |
ranunculus {n} (buttercup) SEE: buttercup | :: |
rap {v} /ɹæp/ (to speak lyrics in the style of rap music) | :: rapear [colloquial] |
rap {n} (rap music) SEE: rap music | :: |
rapacious {adj} /ɹəˈpeɪ.ʃəs/ (avaricious) | :: codicioso {m} |
rapacious {adj} (given to take by force) | :: rapaz {m} {f} |
rapacious {adj} (which subsists off live prey) | :: rapaz {m} {f} |
Rapa Nui {prop} /ˈɹɑpə ˈnui/ (language) | :: rapanui {m}, pascuense {m} |
rape {n} /ɹeɪp/ (act of forcing sexual activity) | :: violación {f}, estupro {m} |
rape {v} (force sexual intercourse) | :: violar |
rape culture {n} (rape culture) | :: cultura de la violación {f} |
rape oil {n} (rapeseed oil) SEE: rapeseed oil | :: |
rapeseed {n} (rapeseed plant) | :: canola {f}, colza {f} |
rapeseed oil {n} (vegetable oil) | :: aceite de colza {m} |
Raphael {prop} /ˈɹæ.feɪ.ɛl/ (Archangel) | :: Rafael {m} |
Raphael {prop} (given name) | :: Rafael {m} |
raphe {n} /ˈɹeɪfi/ (ridge or seam on a structure) | :: rafe {m} |
rapid {adj} /ˈɹæpɪd/ (Very swift or quick) | :: rápido |
rapid {n} (section of river) | :: rápido {m}, rabión {m} |
rapid-fire {adj} (able to fire bullets in quick succession) | :: tiro rápido {m} |
rapidity {n} /ɹəˈpɪdɪti/ (speed, swiftness) | :: rapidez {f}, celeridad {f} |
rapidly {adv} /ˈɹæpɪdli/ (with speed) | :: rápidamente |
rapid transit {n} (commuter rail system) | :: transporte rápido {m} |
rapier {n} /ˈɹeɪpˌɪə(ɹ)/ (slender straight sharply pointed sword) | :: estoque {m}, espada ropera {f} |
rapine {n} /ˈɹæpaɪn/ (seizure of someone's property by force) | :: saqueo {m}, rapiña {f} |
raping {n} (rape) SEE: rape | :: |
rapini {n} (vegetable Brassica rapa) SEE: turnip greens | :: |
rapist {n} /ˈɹeɪpɪst/ (someone who rapes someone else) | :: violador {m}, violadora {f} |
rap music {n} (music form) | :: rap {m} |
rappel {v} /ɹæˈpɛl/ (to abseil) | :: rápel |
rappelling {n} (descending heights with a rope) | :: rápel {m}, ráppel {m}, rapel {m} |
rapport {n} /ɹæˈpɔɹ/ (A relationship of mutual trust and respect) | :: compenetración {f}, afinidad {f} |
rapporteur {n} /ˌɹæ.pɔːˈtɜː/ (a person appointed by a deliberative body to investigate an issue or a situation, and report back to that body) | :: ponente {m} {f} |
rapprochement {n} /ɹəˈpɹɒʃmɒ̃/ (reestablishment of cordial relations) | :: acercamiento {m}, reconciliación {f} |
rapt {adj} /ˈɹæpt/ (very interested; fascinated) | :: absorto, embelesado |
raptor {n} (bird of prey) SEE: bird of prey | :: |
rapture {n} /ˈɹæptʃɚ/ (gathering up of believers in end times) | :: arrebatamiento |
Rapture {prop} (prophesied sudden removal of Christian believers) SEE: rapture | :: |
rapunzel {n} (corn salad) SEE: corn salad | :: |
rapunzel {n} (rampion) SEE: rampion | :: |
Rapunzel {prop} /ɹəˈpʌnzəl/ (a German fairy tale) | :: Rapunzel |
Rapunzel {prop} (the main character of that tale) | :: Rapunzel |
rara avis {n} (rare or unique person or thing) | :: pájaro raro |
rare {adj} /ɹɛə(ɹ)/ (very uncommon) | :: escaso, raro |
rare {adj} (cooked very lightly) | :: crudo, poco hecho |
rare bird {n} (unusual or exceptional person or thing) SEE: rara avis | :: |
rare earth {n} (naturally occurring oxide of the lanthanide metals) | :: tierra rara {f} |
rare earth element {n} (type of metal) | :: tierras raras {f-p} |
rare earth metal {n} (rare earth element) SEE: rare earth element | :: |
rarefied {adj} | :: rarificado, enrarecido |
rarely {adv} /ˈɹɛːli/ (not occurring at a regular interval) | :: rara vez, poco frecuentemente, raramente |
rarity {n} /ˈɹɛɹ.ə.ti/ (measure of the scarcity of an object) | :: raridad {f}, rareza {f} |
rarity {n} (rare object) | :: rareza {f} |
Rarotongan {prop} (Cook Islands Maori) SEE: Cook Islands Maori | :: |
rascal {n} /ˈɹɑːskl̩/ (dishonest person) | :: pícaro {m}, bribón {m} |
rascal {n} (cheeky person) | :: canalla |
rash {adj} /ɹæʃ/ (hasty) | :: precipitado, inconsiderado, adelantado, arrojado, impulsivo |
rash {n} (of skin) | :: eflorescencia {f}, sarpullido {m}, urticaria |
rash {n} (surge in problems) | :: erupción {f} |
rasher {n} /ˈɹæʃə(ɹ)/ (a strip of bacon) | :: magra {f} |
rasp {n} (coarse file) | :: escofina |
rasp {v} (to use a rasp) | :: raspar, escofinar |
raspberry {n} /ˈɹæzˌbɛɹi/ (plant) | :: frambueso {m} |
raspberry {n} (fruit) | :: frambuesa {f} |
raspberry {adj} (the colour) | :: color frambuesa |
raspberry {n} (noise imitative of a fart) | :: pedorreta {f} |
raspy {adj} (irritable) SEE: irritable | :: |
raspy {adj} /ˈɹæsp.i/ (rough, raw) | :: ronco {m} (voice) |
rassolnik {n} (a soup in Russian cuisine) | :: rassolnik {m} |
rasta {n} (Rastafarian) | :: rasta {m} {f} |
raster graphics {n} (structure representing grid of pixels) | :: gráfico rasterizado |
rat {n} /ɹæt/ (rodent) | :: rata {f} |
rat {n} (traitor) | :: chivato {m} |
rat {n} (scoundrel or villain) | :: villano {m}, bribón {m}, canalla {m} |
rat {n} (informer or snitch) | :: chivato {m} |
rat {v} (to tell on someone) | :: delatar, chivar (colloquial) |
ratafia {n} (liqueur) | :: ratafía {f} |
ratatouille {n} /ɹæt.əˈtuː.i/ (traditional French Provençal stewed vegetable dish) | :: pisto {m}, ratatouille {f} |
ratchet {n} /ˈɹætʃɪt/ (pawl, click or detent for a ratchet wheel) | :: matraca {f}, trinquete {m} |
ratchet {n} (mechanism composed of a ratchet wheel and pawl) | :: matraca {f} |
ratchet {n} (ratchet wrench) | :: matraca herramienta {f} |
ratchet wrench {n} (A type of wrench) | :: matraca herramienta {f} |
rate {n} (speed) SEE: speed | :: |
rate {n} /ɹeɪt/ (the proportional relationship between one amount, value etc. and another) | :: tasa {f} |
rate {n} (the relative speed of change or progress) | :: velocidad {f} |
rate {n} (the price of a(n individual) thing; cost) | :: impuesto |
rate {n} | :: proporción {f} |
rate {v} (assign a particular rank or level) | :: calificar |
rate {v} (berate) SEE: berate | :: |
ratel {n} (Mellivora capensis) SEE: honey badger | :: |
rather {adv} /ˈɹæðɚ/ (preferably) | :: preferiblemente |
rather {adv} (on the contrary) | :: más bien, al contrario |
rather {adv} (more precisely) | :: más bien |
rather {adv} (somewhat, fairly) | :: algo, bastante |
rather than {prep} (instead of, in preference to) | :: en vez de |
raticide {n} (rat poison) SEE: rat poison | :: |
ratify {v} /ˈɹætɪfaɪ/ (give formal consent to) | :: ratificar |
rating {n} /ˈɹeɪtɪŋ/ (position on a scale) | :: calificaión {f}, calificación {f} |
rating {n} (evaluation of status) | :: calificación {f} |
rating {n} (mark that refers to the ability of something) | :: calificación, evaluación |
ratio {n} /ˈɹeɪ.ʃoʊ/ (number representing comparison) | :: razón {f}, cociente {m}, relación {f}, ratio {f} |
ratio {n} (arithmetics: relative magnitude of two quantities expressed as quotient) | :: relación {f} |
ratiocination {n} /ɹætɪˌɒsɪˈneɪʃn̩/ (activity or process of reasoning) | :: razonamiento {m} |
ratiocinative {adj} /ˌɹæʃ.ɪˈɑs.əˌneɪ.tɪv/ (Pertaining to or characterized by ratiocination) | :: raciocinativo |
ration {n} /ˈɹæʃən/ (portion allocated) | :: ración {f} |
ration {v} (to portion out, especially during a shortage of supply) | :: racionar |
rational {adj} /ˈɹæʃ(ə)nəl/ (capable of reasoning) | :: racional |
rational {adj} (reasonable; not absurd) | :: razonable |
rational {adj} (arithmetic: of a number) | :: racional |
rational {adj} (arithmetic: of an algebraic expression) | :: racional |
rational {n} (rational number) SEE: rational number | :: |
rationale {n} /ɹæ.ʃəˈnæl/ (explanation of the basis or fundamental reasons) | :: fundamentación {f}, fundamento {m} |
rationale {n} (justification or rationalization) | :: justificación {f} |
rationalise {v} (rationalise) SEE: rationalize | :: |
rationalism {n} (philosophical theory) | :: racionalismo {m} |
rationality {n} (quality or state of being rational) | :: racionalidad {f} |
rationalization {n} (process or result of rationalizing) | :: racionalización {f} |
rationalize {v} (to make something rational) | :: racionalizar |
rationalize {v} (math: to remove radicals) | :: racionalizar |
rationally {adv} (in a rational manner) | :: racionalmente |
rational number {n} (quotient of integers) | :: número racional {m} |
rationing {n} (ration) SEE: ration | :: |
ratite {n} /ˈɹætaɪt/ (bird) | :: ratite {f} |
rat king {n} (conglomeration of rats with tails joined) | :: rey de las ratas {m} |
ratline {n} (net like ropework of the shrouds) | :: flechaste {m} |
rat out {v} (to inform authorities (about someone)) | :: delatar |
rat poison {n} (poison for killing rats, etc.) | :: raticida {m} |
rattail {n} (hair) | :: cola de rata {f} |
rattan {n} /ɹəˈtæn/ (climbing palm) | :: ratán {m} |
rattan {n} (material) | :: ratán {m} |
rattle {n} /ˈɹæt.l̩/ (sound) | :: matraca {f} |
rattle {n} (baby’s toy) | :: sonajero {m}, sonaja {f} |
rattle {v} (to create a sound by shaking) | :: traquetear |
rattle {v} (to scare, startle, unsettle, or unnerve) | :: inquietar, enervar |
rattle off {v} (list or recite quickly) | :: decir de carrerilla , recitar de carrerilla, enumerar de carrerilla, citar de carrerilla, declamar de carrerilla |
rattler {n} (rattlesnake) SEE: rattlesnake | :: |
rattlesnake {n} (venomous snake) | :: serpiente de cascabel {f}, cascabel {f} |
rattletrap {n} (unreliable mechanical device) | :: tartana |
Rauco {prop} (Rauco) | :: Rauco {m} |
ravage {v} /ˈɹævɪdʒ/ (to devastate or destroy something) | :: estragar |
ravage {n} (grievous damage or havoc) | :: estrago {m} |
ravages {n} (harsh damages) | :: estragos |
rave {v} /ɹeɪv/ (to speak or write incoherently) | :: desvariar, delirar, disparatar |
raven {n} /ˈɹeɪvən/ (bird) | :: cuervo grande {m} |
Ravenna {prop} (province) | :: Rávena {f} |
Ravenna {prop} (city) | :: Rávena {f} |
ravenous {adj} /ˈɹævənəs/ (very hungry) | :: famélico |
ravenous {adj} | :: famélico |
ravine {n} /ɹəˈviːn/ (a deep narrow valley) | :: barranco {m}, cañada {f} |
ravioli {n} (pasta) | :: raviole {m} |
ravish {v} (rape) SEE: rape | :: |
ravishing {adj} (Extremely beautiful) | :: bellísimo |
raw {adj} /ɹɔ/ (uncooked) | :: crudo |
raw {adj} (untreated) | :: crudo |
raw {adj} (of data, statistics etc: uncorrected, without analysis) | :: bruto |
raw material {n} (material in its unprocessed, natural state) | :: materia prima {f} |
raw material {n} | :: materia prima {f} |
rax {v} /ɹæks/ (to stretch after sleep) | :: estirarse, desperezarse |
rax {v} (to stretch, reach out, hand) | :: alargar |
ray {n} /ɹeɪ/ (beam of light or radiation) | :: rayo {m} |
ray {n} (mathematics: line extending indefinitely in one direction from a point) | :: semirrecta {f} |
ray {n} (marine fish with a flat body, large wing-like fins, and a whip-like tail) | :: raya {f} |
ray gun {n} (a science fiction energy weapon) | :: pistola de rayos {f} |
Raymond {prop} /ˈɹeɪmənd/ (male given name) | :: Ramón |
ray of light {n} (column of light) | :: rayo de luz {m} |
ray of light {n} (inspiring person) | :: inspiración {f}, musa |
raze {v} /ɹeɪz/ (to demolish) | :: arrasar, demoler, abatir, aniquilar |
raze {v} (to scrape as if with a razor) | :: rasurar |
razor {n} /ˈɹeɪzə/ (shaving knife) | :: navaja {f} |
razor {n} (shaving instrument) | :: razuradora {f}, cuchilla {f}, gillete {f}, gillette {f}, maquinilla de afeitar {f} |
razorbill {n} (a large black and white auk, Alca torda) | :: alca {f} |
razor blade {n} (razor blade) | :: cuchilla {f}, razuradora {f} |
razor clam {n} (a clam with a long curved shell resembling a straight razor) | :: navaja {f} |
razor comb {n} (a comb with a razor) | :: peine navaja {m} |
razor shell {n} (razor clam) SEE: razor clam | :: |
razor wire {n} (a form of security wire) | :: concertina {f} |
razzle-dazzle {n} (glamour) | :: espectáculo llamativo {m} |
re- {prefix} /ɹiː/ (again) | :: re- |
reach {v} /ɹiːt͡ʃ/ (to deliver by stretching out, to hand over) | :: alcanzar |
reach {v} (to obtain by stretching forth, to extend so as to touch) | :: alcanzar |
reach {v} (to touch by virtue of extent) | :: alcanzar |
reach {v} (to arrive at by effort) | :: llegar |
reach {v} (to stretch out the hand) | :: tender |
reach {v} | :: alcanzar |
reach {n} (ability to reach or touch) | :: alcance {m} |
reach {n} (extended portion of land or water) | :: tramo {m} [section of a journey] |
reach {n} | :: alcance, influencia |
reachable {adj} (within easy reach) | :: alcanzable, disponible, factible, ejecutable, asequible, accesible, realizable |
reach for the sky {interj} (surrender) SEE: hands up | :: |
react {v} /ɹiːˈækt/ (to return an impulse or impression) | :: reaccionar |
react {v} (to act upon each other) | :: reaccionar |
reactant {n} (participant at the start of a chemical reaction) | :: reactivo {m} |
reaction {n} /ɹiˈækʃən/ (action in response to an event) | :: reacción {f} |
reaction {n} (chemical transformation) | :: reacción |
reactionary {adj} /ɹiˈækʃən(ə)ɹi/ (opposed to change) | :: reaccionario |
reactionary {n} (such a person) | :: reaccionario {m} |
reactivate {v} (to activate again) | :: reactivar |
reactive {adj} ((in chemistry) able to react) | :: reactivo |
reactive power {n} (imaginary component of the power of an alternating current circuit) | :: potencia reactiva {f} |
reactor {n} /ɹiˈæktɚ/ (a device which uses atomic energy to produce heat) | :: reactor {m} |
read {v} /ɹid/ (look at and interpret letters or other information) | :: leer |
read {v} (speak aloud words or other information that is written) | :: leer |
read {v} (to consist of certain text) | :: decir [Latin America], poner [Spain] |
read {v} (of text, etc., to be interpreted or read in a particular way) | :: leerse, interpertase, entenderse |
read {v} (make a study of) | :: estudiar |
read {n} (a reading or an act of reading) | :: lectura {f} |
readability {n} (property of being capable of being read; legibility) | :: legibilidad {f} |
readable {adj} (legible) SEE: legible | :: |
readableness {n} (readability) SEE: readability | :: |
read between the lines {v} (infer a meaning that is not stated explicitly) | :: leer entre líneas |
reader {n} /ˈɹidɚ/ (person who reads a publication) | :: lector {m}, lectora {f} |
reader {n} (lecturer) SEE: lecturer | :: |
reader {n} (proofreader) SEE: proofreader | :: |
readership {n} (collected readers of a publication) | :: lectoría {f}, lectores {m-p} |
readily {adv} /ˈɹɛdɪli/ (showing readiness) | :: fácilmente, en seguida, pronto |
readiness {n} (state or degree of being ready) | :: preparación {f} |
reading {n} /ˈɹiːdɪŋ/ (process of interpreting written language) | :: lectura {f} |
reading {n} (something to read) SEE: reading material | :: |
reading comprehension {n} (reading comprehension) | :: comprensión lectora {f} |
reading glasses {n} (spectacles to deal with the effects of presbyopia) | :: anteojos para leer {m-p}, gafas para leer {f-p}, gafas de lectura {f-p} |
reading material {n} (anything produced for reading) | :: material de lectura {m} |
reading room {n} (space set aside for reading) | :: sala de lectura {f} |
readjust {v} (to adjust again) | :: reajustar |
readjustment {n} (a second, or subsequent adjustment) | :: reajuste {m} |
readme {n} (a file meant to be read before taking any significant action) | :: readme, léame |
readmission {n} (a second or subsequent admission) | :: readmisión {f} |
readmit {v} (to admit again) | :: readmitir |
read-only {adj} (capable of being read but not written) | :: de solo lectura |
read-only memory {n} (memory chip that stores values but doesn't allow updates) | :: memoria de solo lectura {f}, memoria ROM {f} |
read someone's mind {v} (to guess what someone is thinking) | :: leer la mente |
read someone the riot act {v} (scold or berate) | :: leer la cartilla, cantar las cuarenta, regañar |
read-write {adj} (supporting both read and write operations) | :: de lectura-escritura, de lectura y escritura |
ready {n} (cash) SEE: cash | :: |
ready {adj} /ˈɹɛdi/ (prepared for immediate action or use) | :: preparado, listo |
ready {adj} (inclined, apt to happen) | :: inclinado, predispuesto |
ready {adj} | :: listo |
ready {v} (to make prepared for action) | :: preparar, alistar |
ready, aim, fire {interj} (sequence of commands) | :: listos, apunten, fuego |
ready, set, go {phrase} (on your mark, get set, go) SEE: on your mark, get set, go | :: |
ready, steady, go {phrase} (on your mark, get set, go) SEE: on your mark, get set, go | :: |
reaffirm {v} /ɹiːəˈfɜː(ɹ)m/ (affirm again) | :: reafirmar |
reaffirm {v} | :: reafirmar |
reagent {n} /ɹi.ˈeɪ.dʒɛnt/ (substance used in chemical reactions) | :: reactivo {m} |
real {adj} /ˈɹiːəl/ (true, genuine, not merely nominal) | :: real |
real {adj} | :: [1, 2, 3] real, [5] auténtico {m} |
real {n} /ɹeɪˈɑl/ (former unit of currency of Spain and Spain's colonies) | :: real {m} |
real {n} /ɹeɪˈɑl/ (a unit of currency used in Brazil) | :: real {m} |
real {n} (mathematics: a real number) SEE: real number | :: |
real {adv} (really) SEE: really | :: |
real analysis {n} (mathematics: a branch dealing with the real numbers and related structures) | :: análisis real {m} |
real estate {n} /ˈɹiːl əˌsteɪt/ (property that cannot easily be moved) | :: biene inmueble {m}, biene raíce {m} |
real-estate {adj} (Referring or relating to real estate) | :: inmobiliario |
realgar {n} (mineral) | :: rejalgar {m} |
realignment {n} /ˌɹiːjəˈlaɪnmənt/ (act of realigning) | :: realineación {f} |
realism {n} /ɹi.əlɪzm/ (concern for fact or reality) | :: realismo |
realist {n} /ˈɹɪəlɪst/ (one who sees things as they are) | :: realista {m} {f} |
realist {n} (advocate of artistic realism) | :: realista {m} {f} |
realistic {adj} /ˌɹiːjəˈlɪstɪk/ (expressed or represented as being accurate) | :: realista, realístico |
realistic {adj} (relating to the representation of objects, actions or conditions as they actually are or were) | :: realista, realístico |
reality {n} /ɹiˈælɪti/ (state of being actual or real) | :: realidad {f} |
reality {n} (a real entity, event etc.) | :: realidad {f} |
reality {n} (entirety of all that is real) | :: realidad {f} |
reality {n} (an individual observer's subjective perception) | :: realidad {f} |
reality check {n} (wake-up call) | :: baño de realidad, baldazo de realidad |
reality show {n} (a reality television program) | :: programa de telerrealidad {m}, reality {m}, telerrealidad {f} |
reality television {n} (television genre) | :: telerrealidad {m} |
realizable {adj} (capable of being realized or achieved) | :: realizable |
realization {n} /ˌɹiəlɪˈzeɪʃən/ | :: comprensión , realización |
realize {v} /ˈɹi.ə.laɪz/ (to make real) | :: realizar |
realize {v} (to become aware of) | :: [that: de que] darse cuenta, caer en la cuenta, comprender, percatarse |
real life {n} (life outside of a contrived or fantastical environment) | :: vida real {f} |
really {adv} /ˈɹɪli/ (actually) | :: verdaderamente, realmente, [as question] ¿en serio?, [as question] ¿de veras? |
really {adv} (informally, as an intensifier; very, very much) | :: de veras |
really {interj} (indicating surprise at, or requesting confirmation of, some new information) | :: ¿de verdad?, ¿de veras? |
realm {n} /ɹɛlm/ (sphere or influence) | :: esfera {f} |
realm {n} (territory or state) | :: reino {m} |
real number {n} (limit of a convergent sequence of rational numbers) | :: número real {m} |
real property {n} (real estate) SEE: real estate | :: |
real time {n} /ˈɹiːəl ˈtaɪm/ (time duration) | :: tiempo real {m} |
realtime {adj} /ˈɹiːəltaɪm/ (computer term) | :: en tiempo real |
realtor {n} /ˈɹi(ə)l.təɹ/ (dealer in real estate) | :: agente inmobiliario {m}, fideicomisario {m}, bróker {m}, realty {m}, realtor {m} |
real world {n} (realm comprising physical objects) | :: mundo real {m} |
ream {v} /ɹiːm/ (to enlarge a hole) | :: escariar |
ream {n} (bundle of paper) | :: resma {f} |
reamer {n} /ˈɹi.məɹ/ (tool for boring) | :: escariador {m}, troquel {m} |
reamer {n} (cooking appliance) | :: exprimidor {m} |
reap {v} /ɹiːp/ (to cut with a sickle) | :: segar, cosechar |
reap {v} ( To receive as a reward) | :: cosechar, recoger |
reap {n} (bundle of grain) | :: mies {f} |
reaper {n} (one who reaps) | :: cosechador {m}, cosechadora {f}, segador |
reaper {n} (the Grim Reaper) SEE: Grim Reaper | :: |
reaper {n} (machine used for harvesting) SEE: harvester | :: |
reap hook {n} (sickle) SEE: sickle | :: |
reaping hook {n} (sickle) SEE: sickle | :: |
reappear {v} (to appear again) | :: reaparecer |
rear {v} /ɹɪɹ/ (to lift, raise etc. physically) | :: erigir |
rear {v} (to bring up to maturity) | :: criar |
rear {v} (to breed and raise) | :: criar |
rear {n} (the back or hindmost part) | :: posterior {m} {f} |
rear {n} (the part of an army or fleet which comes last) | :: retaguardia {f} |
rear admiral {n} (naval officer below the rank of vice admiral) | :: contraalmirante {m} {f} |
rear admiral {n} (proctologist) SEE: proctologist | :: |
rearguard {n} /ˈɹɪəɹˌɡɑɹd/ (the rearmost part of a force) | :: retaguardia {f} |
rear its ugly head {v} (To appear and cause problems) | :: hacer acto de presencia |
rearrange {v} (to change the order or arrangement) | :: reorganizar, reacomodar |
rearrangement {n} (chemistry: rearrangement reaction) | :: reorganización |
rear-view mirror {n} (mirror inside a vehicle giving view of the traffic behind) | :: retrovisor {m}, espejo retrovisor {m} |
reason {n} /ˈɹiːzən/ (that which causes: a cause) | :: razón {f}, causa {f} |
reason {n} ((the capacity of the human mind for) rational thinking) | :: razón {f} |
reason {n} | :: razón {f}; causa {f}, razón {f} |
reason {v} (to deduce by being rational) | :: razonar |
reason {v} (to arrange and present the reasons for or against; to examine, debate, discuss) SEE: debate | :: |
reason {n} (math: ratio, proportion) SEE: ratio | :: |
reasonable {adj} /ˈɹiː.zən.ə.bəl/ (just; fair; agreeable to reason) | :: razonable |
reasonable {adj} (inexpensive) | :: módico |
reasonable doubt {n} (degree of uncertainty) | :: duda razonable {f} |
reasonable person {n} (a fictional person used as a comparative legal standard to represent an average member of society) | :: persona razonable {f} |
reasonably {adv} /ˈɹiː.zən.ə.bli/ (in accordance with reason) | :: razonablemente |
reasonably {adv} (not extremely) | :: razonablemente |
reasonably {adv} (fairly) | :: razonablemente, justamente |
reasoning {n} /ˈɹiːzənɪŋ/ (deduction of inferences or interpretations) | :: razonamiento {m} |
reassertion {n} (the act of reasserting; a second or subsequent assertion) | :: reafirmación {f} |
reassure {v} /ɹiəˈʃʊɹ/ (to assure anew; to restore confidence to; to free from fear or self-doubt) | :: tranquilizar |
reassure {v} (to reinsure) | :: reasegurar |
reassuring {adj} /ɹiːəˈʃɔːɹɪŋ/ (that reassures; causing comfort or confidence) | :: reconfortante, tranquilizador |
reata {n} (lasso) SEE: lasso | :: |
reave {v} /ɹiːv/ (to plunder, pillage, rob, pirate, or remove) | :: robar |
Rebecca {prop} (female given name) | :: Rebeca |
Rebekah {prop} (sister of Laban and wife to Isaac) | :: Rebeca {f} |
rebel {n} /ˈɹɛbəl/ (person who resists an established authority) | :: rebelde {m} {f} |
rebel {v} /ɹɪˈbɛl/ (to resist or become defiant towards) | :: rebelarse |
rebellion {n} /ɹɪˈbɛl.i.ən/ (armed resistance) | :: rebelión {f}, insurrección {f} |
rebellion {n} (defiance) | :: rebelión {f} |
rebellious {adj} /ɹəˈbɛliəs/ (showing rebellion) | :: rebelde, levantisco, contestatario |
rebelliousness {n} (the state of being rebellious) | :: rebeldía {f} |
rebind {v} /ˈɹibaɪnd/ (to bind again) | :: reencuadernar |
rebirth {n} /ɹiˈbɝθ/ (reincarnation) | :: renacimiento {m} |
rebirth {n} (revival, reinvigoration) | :: renacimiento {m} |
rebirth {n} (spiritual renewal) | :: renacimiento {m} |
reboot {n} /ˈɹiːbuːt/ (instance of rebooting) | :: reinicio {m} |
reboot {v} (To execute a computer's boot process and reload the operating system) | :: reiniciar |
rebound {n} /ˈɹibaʊnd/ (recoil of an object bouncing off another) | :: rebote |
rebound {n} (return to health) | :: recuperación {f}, restablecimiento {m} |
rebound {n} (the strike of the ball) | :: rebote {m} |
rebound {n} (in basketball) | :: rebote {m} |
rebound {v} (To bound or spring back from a force) | :: rebotar |
rebounder {n} (in basketball) | :: reboteador {m} |
rebracketing {n} | :: nirucción |
rebroadcast {v} (broadcast again) | :: repetir, volver a emitir, reemitir |
rebuff {n} /ɹɪˈbʌf/ (refusal) | :: rechazo {m} |
rebuff {v} (refuse) | :: rechazar, recusar |
rebuild {v} /ˈɹiːbɪld/ (to build again) | :: reconstruir |
rebuke {n} /ɹiˈbjuːk/ (harsh criticism) | :: reproche {m}, reprensión {f}, reprimenda {f}, reprobación {f}, regañina {f}, regaño {m} [colloquial] |
rebuke {v} (to criticise harshly; to reprove) | :: regañar, reprochar, reprender, reprobar, retar [colloquial] |
rebus {n} /ˈɹiːbəs/ (puzzle) | :: jeroglífico |
rebut {v} /ɹɪ.ˈbʌt/ (deny the truth of something) | :: refutar |
rebuttal {n} /ɹɪˈbʌt̬ᵊl/ (act of refuting something by making a contrary argument) | :: zasca {m} |
recalcitrant {adj} /ɹɪ.ˈkæl.sɪ.tɹənt/ (marked by a stubborn unwillingness to obey figures of authority) | :: recalcitrante, contumaz |
recalcitrant {adj} (hard to deal with or operate) | :: recalcitrante, contumaz |
recall {v} /ɹɪˈkɔːl/ (to remember, recollect) | :: recordar, evocar |
recall {n} (product recall) | :: retirada {f} |
recall {v} (to recall) SEE: reproduce | :: |
recant {v} /ɹəˈkænt/ (to withdraw or repudiate formally and publicly) | :: retractarse |
recapitulate {v} /ɹiːkəˈpɪtʃʊleɪt/ | :: recapitular |
recapitulation {n} /ɹiː.kəˌpɪ.tʃəˈleɪ.ʃ(ə)n/ (subsequent enumeration of the major points) | :: recapitulación {s}, recapitulaciones {p} |
recapitulation {n} (music: third major part of a movement in sonata form) | :: reexposición {f} |
recapture {n} (act of capturing again) | :: reconquista {f} |
recapture {v} (to capture something for a second time) | :: reconquistar |
recede {v} /ɹɨˈsiːd/ (move back, move away) | :: alejarse |
receipt {n} /ɹɪˈsiːt/ (written acknowledgement) | :: recibo {m}, albarán, resguardo {m} |
receipt {n} (obsolete: recipe) | :: receta |
receive {v} /ɹɪˈsiːv/ (take what is offered, accept from another) | :: recibir |
receive {v} (take possession of) | :: recibir |
Received Pronunciation {prop} (form of English pronunciation) | :: pronunciación recibida {f} |
receiver {n} /ɹəˈsivɚ/ (person who receives) | :: destinatario {m} |
receiver {n} (electronic device) | :: receptor {m} |
receiver {n} (telephone handset) | :: receptor {m} |
receivership {n} (trusteeship in bankruptcy) | :: sindicatura |
recency {n} (newness) SEE: newness | :: |
recension {n} /ɹɪ̈ˈsɛnʃ(ə)n/ (critical revision of a text) | :: recensión {f} |
recent {adj} /ˈɹiːsənt/ (having happened a short while ago) | :: reciente |
recently {adv} /ˈɹiːsəntli/ (in the recent past) | :: recientemente, hace poco, últimamente, recién |
recentralization {n} (the action of recentralizing) | :: recentralización {f} |
recentralize {v} (to centralize again) | :: recentralizar |
receptacle {n} /ɹɪˈsɛp.tə.kl̩/ (container) | :: recipiente {m}, receptáculo {m} |
receptacle {n} (botany: part of flower) | :: receptáculo {m} |
reception {n} /ɹɪˈsɛp.ʃn̩/ (act of receiving) | :: recepción {m} |
reception {n} (electronics: act or ability to receive signals) | :: cobertura {m} |
reception {n} (social engagement) | :: recibimiento {m}, recepción {m} |
reception {n} (front desk) | :: recepción {m} |
receptionist {n} /ɹɪˈsɛpʃənɪst/ (employee who receives visitors and/or calls, typically in an office setting) | :: recepcionista {m} {f}, secretaria {f} |
receptive {adj} /ɹɪˈsɛptɪv/ (capable of receiving something) | :: receptivo |
receptivity {n} (the state of being receptive) | :: receptividad |
receptor {n} /ɹɪˈsɛp.tə/ (a protein on a cell wall that responds to sensory stimuli) | :: receptor |
receptor {n} (any specialized cell or structure that responds to sensory stimuli) | :: receptor |
recess {n} /ˈɹiː.sɛs/ (break, pause or vacation) | :: receso {m} |
recess {n} (time of play) | :: receso {m} [Cuba and Venezuela], recreo {m} |
recess {n} (botany, zoology: sinus) SEE: sinus | :: |
recession {n} /ɹɪˈsɛʃn̩/ (period of reduced economic activity) | :: recesión {f} |
recessive {adj} (in genetics) | :: recesivo |
recharge {v} (To charge an electric battery) | :: recargar |
rechargeable {adj} (able to be recharged) | :: recargable |
recidivism {n} (committing new offenses after being punished for a crime) | :: reincidencia {f} |
recidivist {n} /ɹɪˈsɪdɪvɪst/ (one who falls back into prior habits, especially criminal habits) | :: reincidente {m} {f} |
recidivistic {adj} (being a recidivist) | :: reincidente |
recipe {n} /ˈɹɛs.ɪ.pi/ (instructions for making or preparing food dishes) | :: receta {f} |
recipe {n} (plan or procedure to obtain a given end result) | :: receta {f} |
recipient {n} /ɹəˈsɪp.i.ənt/ (one who receives) | :: receptor {m}, receptora {f}, adjudicatario {m} [formal; law] |
recipient {n} (individual receiving donor organs or tissues) | :: receptor {m} |
recipient {n} (the portion of an alembic or other still in which the distilled liquid is collected) | :: recipiente {m} |
reciprocal {adj} /ɹɪˈsɪpɹək(ə)l/ (done by each of two people towards the other) | :: mutuo, recíproco |
reciprocal {adj} (done, given, felt, or owed in return) | :: al revés |
reciprocally {adv} (in a reciprocal manner) | :: recíprocamente |
reciprocate {v} /ɹɪˈsɪpɹəˌkeɪt/ (to give something in response) | :: recompensar |
reciprocity {n} (the state or quality of being reciprocal) | :: reciprocidad {f} |
recital {n} (the act of reciting) | :: recitación {f} |
recital {n} (a vocal, instrumental or visual performance by a soloist) | :: recital {m} |
recital {n} (a formal explanation of the reasons on which the transaction is founded) | :: considerando {m} |
recital {n} (narration) SEE: narration | :: |
recitation {n} /ˌɹɛsəˈteɪʃən/ (act of reciting) | :: recitación {f} |
recitative {n} /ɹɛsɪtəˈtiːv/ (dialogue in an opera etc.) | :: recitativo {m} |
recite {v} (to recite) SEE: say | :: |
recite {v} /ɹɪˈsaɪt/ (to repeat aloud some passage, poem or other text) | :: recitar |
reciter {n} (one who recites) | :: [of poetry] rapsoda {m} {f} |
reckless {adj} /ˈɹɛkləs/ (careless or heedless; headstrong or rash) | :: imprudente |
reckless {adj} (indifferent to danger or the consequences) | :: temerario, desconsiderado, imprudente |
recklessly {adv} (in a reckless manner) | :: a las bravas, a troche y moche, de hoz y coz [(usu. preceded by meterse)], temerariamente, irresponsablemente |
recklessly {adv} (with contempt of others) | :: precipitadamente |
recklessness {n} (being reckless) | :: descuido {m}, negligencia {f}, temeridad, osadía {f}, imprudencia {f} |
reckon {v} /ˈɹɛkən/ (to count; to enumerate; to number; also, to compute; to calculate) | :: contar, calcular, censar |
reckon {v} (to count as in a number, rank, or series; to estimate by rank or quality; to place by estimation) | :: contar |
reckon {v} (to charge, attribute, or adjudge to one, as having a certain quality or value) | :: atribuir, adjudicar |
reckon {v} (colloquial: to conclude, as by an enumeration and balancing of chances; hence, to think; to suppose) | :: suponer, concluir, tantear, estimar |
reckon {v} (to make an enumeration or computation; to engage in numbering or computing) | :: calcular |
reckoning {n} /ˈɹɛkənɪŋ/ (the action of calculating or estimating something) | :: cálculo {m}, estimación {f} |
reclaim {v} (to recycle) SEE: recycle | :: |
reclaim {v} (to tame or domesticate a wild animal) SEE: tame | :: |
reclaim {v} /ˈɹiːkleɪm/ (to repossess) | :: reclamar |
Reclaiming Wicca {prop} (branch of Wicca) | :: wicca reclaiming {f}, wicca reclamada {f} |
recline {v} /ɹɪˈklaɪn/ | :: reclinarse |
recliner {n} (hinged chair) | :: tumbona {f}, reposera {f} |
recluse spider {n} (any spider of the genera Loxosceles and Sicarius) | :: araña violín {f}, araña de rincón {f} (Chilean Recluse) |
recognizable {adj} (able to be recognized) | :: reconocible |
recognize {v} /ˈɹɛkəɡnaɪz/ (to match in memory; to know from a previous encounter) | :: reconocer |
recognize {v} (to acknowledge the existence or legality of) | :: reconocer |
recognize {v} (to acknowledge as something) | :: reconocer |
recognize {v} | :: reconocer |
recognized {adj} /ˈɹɛkəɡnaɪzd/ (notable, distinguished, honored) | :: reconocido |
recoil {n} /ɹɪˈkɔɪl/ (pushback from a fired firearm) | :: retroceso {m} |
recoil {v} (to pull back, especially in disgust, horror or astonishment) | :: echarse atrás |
recollect {v} /ɹɛkəˈlɛkt/ (to recall past events) | :: recordar |
recombination {n} (in genetics) | :: recombinación |
recommence {v} (to begin again) | :: recomenzar |
recommend {v} /ɹɛkəˈmɛnd/ (to commend to the favorable notice of another) | :: recomendar |
recommendable {adj} (capable of being recommended) | :: recomendable |
recommendation {n} (commendation) SEE: commendation | :: |
recommendation {n} /ˌɹɛkəmɛnˈdeɪʃən/ (act of recommending) | :: recomendación |
recommendation {n} (that which is recommended) | :: recomendación |
recommendation {n} | :: recomendación {f} |
recompense {n} /ˌɹɛkəmˈpɛns/ (that which compensates for a harm done) | :: recompensa {f} |
recompense {v} (to reward or repay (someone) for something done, given etc.) | :: recompensar |
recompense {v} (to give compensation) | :: compensar |
recompete {v} (to compete again) | :: competir de nuevo |
reconcile {v} /ˈɹɛkənsaɪl/ (to restore a friendly relationship) | :: reconciliar, avenir |
reconciliation {n} /ˌɹɛkənˌsɪlɪˈeɪʃən/ (reestablishment of friendly relations) | :: reconciliación {f} |
recondite {adj} /ˈɹɛk(ə)nˌdaɪt/ (difficult to grasp or understand, see also: abstruse; profound) | :: recóndito |
reconnaissance {n} /ɹɪˈkɒnəsəns/ (act of gathering information) | :: reconocimiento {m} |
reconquest {n} (act or process of conquering again) | :: reconquista {f} |
reconsider {v} (To consider a matter thought already to have been decided) | :: reconsiderar |
reconstruct {v} (to construct again) | :: reconstruir |
reconstructed language {n} (a hypothetical language formed by making comparisons between actual languages) | :: lengua reconstruida {f} |
reconstruction {n} (something reconstructed or restored) | :: reconstrucción {f} |
reconstruction {n} (act of restoring) | :: reconstrucción {f}, restauración {f} |
reconstruction {n} (attempt to understand) | :: reconstrucción de los hechos {f} |
recontextualize {v} | :: recontextualizar |
record {n} /ˈɹɛkɔːd/ (phonograph record) | :: vinilo {m}, disco de vinilo {m} |
record {n} (computing: set of data relating to a single individual or item) | :: registro {m} |
record {n} (most extreme known value of some achievement) | :: récord {m} |
record {v} /ɹɨˈkɔːd/ (make a record of) | :: registrar, anotar |
record {v} (make an audio or video recording of) | :: grabar |
record {v} ((intransitive) make audio or video recording) | :: grabar |
recorder {n} (recording device) | :: grabadora {f} |
recorder {n} (someone who records) | :: grabador {m}, grabadora {f}, escribiente {m}, registrador {m} |
recorder {n} (judge) | :: juez municipal {m} |
recorder {n} (musical instrument) | :: flauta dulce {f} |
recording {n} (reproduction stored in a permanent medium) | :: grabación {f} |
record label {n} (record company) | :: discográfica {f}, sello discográfico {m}, disquera {f} |
record player {n} (analogue electronic device for playing gramophone records, see also: gramophone) | :: tocadiscos {m} |
recoup {v} /ɹɪˈkuːp/ (to make back, as an investment) | :: recuperar |
recover {v} /ɹɪˈkʌvə/ (intransitive: to get better, regain health) | :: recuperar, reponer |
recovery {n} /ɹɪˈkʌvəɹi/ (act or process of regaining or repossession of something lost) | :: recuperación {f} |
recovery {n} (return to normal health) | :: recuperación {f} |
recovery {n} (return to former status) | :: recuperación {f} |
recovery {n} (economics: renewed growth after a slump) | :: recuperación {f}, repunte {m} |
recovery boiler {n} (boiler for recovering soda) | :: caldera de recuperación {f} |
recreate {v} /ˈɹɛkɹɪeɪt/ (to enjoy or entertain oneself) | :: recrearse |
recreate {v} /ɹiːkɹɪˈeɪt/ (create anew) | :: recrear |
recreate {v} (to produce again, to recreate) SEE: reproduce | :: |
recreation {n} /ɹɛkɹiˈeɪʃən/ (activity that diverts, amuses or stimulates) | :: recreación {f} |
recreational {adj} (for, or relating to, for recreation) | :: recreativo, lúdico, recreacional |
recreational drug {n} (drug taken for its effect on the mind) | :: droga recreativa {f} |
recriminate {v} (to accuse in return) | :: recriminar |
recrudescence {n} /ˌɹiːkɹuːˈdɛs(ə)ns/ (acute recurrence of a disease, or its symptoms, after a period of improvement) | :: recrudecimiento {m}, recrudescencia {f} |
recruit {n} /ɹɪˈkɹut/ (supply of anything wasted or exhausted; a reinforcement) | :: reemplazo |
recruit {n} (newly enlisted soldier) | :: recluta {m} {f} |
recruit {n} (hired worker) | :: contratado {m} |
recruit {v} (to enroll or enlist new members or potential employees) | :: reclutar |
recruit {v} (to supply with new men, as an army) | :: reclutar |
recruit {v} (to replenish, renew, or reinvigorate by fresh supplies) | :: reemplazar |
recruit {v} (to recuperate; to gain health, flesh, spirits, or the like) | :: recuperarse |
recruit {v} (To prompt to intervene in a body region) | :: reclutar |
recruitment {n} (process or art of finding candidates or recruits) | :: reclutamiento |
rectal {adj} (Of, via or related to the rectum) | :: rectal |
rectangle {n} /ˈrɛkˌtæŋɡəl/ (quadrilateral) | :: rectángulo {m} |
rectangular {adj} (having a shape like a rectangle) | :: rectangular |
rectify {v} (to heal) SEE: heal | :: |
rectify {v} /ˈɹɛktəˌfaɪ/ (to correct or amend something) | :: rectificar, subsanar |
rectilinear {adj} (in a straight line) | :: rectilíneo |
rectitude {n} /ˈɹɛk.tə.tuːd/ (straightness; state or quality of having a constant direction) | :: rectitud |
rectitude {n} (rightness of principle or practice) | :: rectitud, derechura |
recto {n} /ˈɹɛk.toʊ/ (The front side of a flat object) | :: anverso {m} |
recto- {prefix} (rectum) | :: recto- |
rectocele {n} (hernia of the rectum into the vagina) | :: rectocele {m} |
rectorrhagia {n} (rectal bleeding) | :: rectorragia {f} |
rectosigmoid {adj} (of the rectum and the sigmoid colon) | :: rectosigmoideo |
rectovesical {adj} (of or pertaining to the rectum and bladder) | :: rectovesical |
rectum {n} /ˈɹɛktəm/ (terminal part of the large intestine) | :: recto {m} |
recumbent {adj} (lying down) | :: recumbente, yacente, reclinado |
recumbent {n} (special type of bicycle) | :: bicicleta reclinada {f} |
recumbent bicycle {n} (recumbent) SEE: recumbent | :: |
recuperate {v} (recover, especially from an illness) SEE: recover | :: |
recurrence {n} (return or reversion to a certain state) | :: recurrencia {f} |
recurrence {n} (a return of symptoms as part of the natural progress of a disease) | :: recaída {f} |
recurrent {adj} (recurring time after time) | :: recurrente |
recurrent {adj} (running back toward its origin) | :: recurrente [anatomy] |
recurring {adj} (happening frequently) | :: recurrente |
recurring {adj} (math:having a set of digits that is repeated indefinitely) | :: periódico |
recursion {n} (in mathematics) | :: recurrencia {f} |
recursion {n} | :: recursión {f} |
recursive {adj} (drawing upon itself) | :: recursivo {m} |
recursive {adj} (mathematics: of an expression, in which each term is determined by applying a formula to preceding terms) | :: iteractivo {m}, recurrente {m} {f} |
recursive {adj} (computing: of a program or function that calls itself) | :: recursivo |
recurve {v} (of a hurricane) | :: recurva {f} |
recusation {n} (recusal) | :: recusación {f} |
recyclable {adj} (able to be recycled) | :: reciclable |
recycle {v} /ɹəˈsaɪkəl/ (to break down and reuse component materials) | :: reciclar |
recycle {v} (to reuse as a whole) | :: reusar |
recycling {n} (the practice of sorting and collecting waste materials for new use) | :: reciclaje |
red {n} /ɹɛd/ (colour) | :: rojo |
red {n} (socialist, communist) | :: rojo {m} |
red {n} (red wine) | :: vino tinto {m} |
red {adj} (having red as its colour) | :: rojo, colorado, rubicundo, rubro, rufo, rúbeo |
red {adj} (of hair: orange-brown) | :: colorín, pelirrojo, rojo |
red {adj} (left-wing, socialist or communist) | :: rojo |
redact {v} /ɹɪˈdækt/ (to censor, to black out or remove parts of (a document) while releasing the remainder) | :: censurar, testar |
red alga {n} (Member of the phylum Rhodophyta) | :: alga roja {f} |
Red Army {prop} (name of the Soviet army) | :: Ejército Rojo {m} |
red-backed hawk {n} (Buteo polyosoma) | :: aguilucho {m}, águila parda {f}, águila de pecho blanco {f}, pihuel {m} |
red bandfish {n} (Cepola macrophthalma) | :: cinta {f} |
red beet {n} (beetroot) SEE: beetroot | :: |
red-black tree {n} (binary search tree) | :: árbol rojo-negro {m} |
red blood cell {n} (haemoglobin-carrying blood cell in vertebrates) | :: eritrocito {m} |
redbreast {n} (European robin) SEE: European robin | :: |
Red Brigades {prop} (former Marxist-Leninist militant group based in Italy) | :: Brigadas Rojas |
redbud {n} (Judas tree) SEE: Judas tree | :: |
red cabbage {n} (a variety of cabbage having red leaves) | :: col lombarda {f} |
red card {n} (sports: card) | :: tarjeta roja {f} |
Red Crescent {prop} (branch of the Red Cross) | :: Media Luna Roja {f} |
red-crested pochard {n} (Netta rufina) | :: pato colorado {m}, branta roja |
Red Cross {prop} (Red Cross) | :: Cruz Roja {f} |
red currant {n} /ˈɹɛdˌkɜɹənt/ (plant) | :: agraz {m}, calderilla {f} |
red currant {n} (fruit) | :: agraz {m}, calderilla {f} |
red dead man's fingers {n} (Alcyonium palmatum) | :: mano de muerto {f} |
red deer {n} (Cervus elaphus) | :: ciervo rojo {m} |
redden {v} /ˈɹɛdn̩/ (to become red) | :: enrojecer |
redden {v} (to make red) | :: enrojecer |
reddish {adj} /ˈɹɛdɪʃ/ (resembling the colour red) | :: rojizo, rubescente |
reddish {adj} (quite red; red to a certain extent) | :: rojizo, rubescente |
red dwarf {n} (small star) | :: enana roja {f} |
redeem {v} /ɹɪˈdiːm/ (to recover ownership of something by paying a sum) | :: redimir, rescatar |
redeem {v} (to set free by force) | :: liberar, libertar |
redeem {v} (to save, rescue, recover) | :: rescatar |
redeem {v} (to clear, release from debt or blame) | :: redimir |
redeem {v} (to expiate, atone for) | :: redimirse |
redeem {v} (to convert into cash) | :: canjear |
redeem {v} (to save from a state of sin) | :: redimir |
redeem {v} (to restore the reputation, honour of ...) | :: redimir |
redeem {v} | :: redimir |
redeem {v} (to reclaim) SEE: reclaim | :: |
redeemable {adj} ((finance) capable of being paid off or repurchased) | :: reembolsable, amortizable |
redeemer {n} (one who redeems) | :: redentor {m} |
redemption {n} /ɹɪˈdɛmpʃən/ (the act of redeeming or something redeemed) | :: redención {f} |
redemption {n} (the recovery, for a fee, of a pawned article) | :: amortización {f} |
redemption {n} (salvation from sin) | :: redención {f} |
redemptorist {n} (member of the Roman Catholic missionary congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer) | :: redentorista |
red envelope {n} (monetary gift) | :: sobre rojo {m} |
redesign {n} (a plan for making changes to the structure and functions of an artifact) | :: rediseño {m} |
redesign {v} (to lay out or plan a new version) | :: rediseñar |
red giant {n} (large red star) | :: gigante roja {f} |
red-haired {adj} (having red hair) SEE: redheaded | :: |
red-handed {adj} (in the act of wrongdoing) | :: en flagrancia, con las manos en la masa, in fraganti |
redhead {n} /ˈɹɛdˌhɛd/ (red-haired person) | :: pelirrojo {m}, pelirroja {f}, colorín {m}, colorina {f} |
redheaded {adj} (having red hair) | :: pelirrojo |
red herring {n} (misleading clue) | :: pista falsa {f} |
red hot {n} (hot dog) SEE: hot dog | :: |
red-hot {adj} (Heated to the point that it glows with a visible red color.) | :: al rojo vivo, candente |
rediffusion {n} (the rebroadcasting of a programme) | :: redifusión {f}, reemisión {f} |
redirect {v} (to give new direction to) | :: reenviar, redirigir, reorientar |
redirect {v} (substitute an address or pointer to a new location) | :: redirigir, redireccionar |
redirect {v} | :: redirigir |
redirect {n} (redirection) SEE: redirection | :: |
redirection {n} /ɹiːdəˈɹɛkʃən/ (setting a new direction) | :: reenvío {m} |
redirection {n} (automated process) | :: redirección {f} |
rediscover {v} (to discover again) | :: redescubrir |
rediscovery {n} (act of rediscovering) | :: redescubrimiento {m} |
redistribute {v} /ˌɹɪːdɪˈstɹɪbjuːt/ (distribute again) | :: redistribuir |
red kite {n} (Milvus milvus) | :: milano real {m} |
red light camera {n} (traffic enforcement camera) | :: fotorrojo {m} |
red-light district {n} (area of prostitution) | :: zona roja {f} |
red lynx {n} (bobcat) SEE: bobcat | :: |
red meat {n} (meat) | :: carne roja {f} |
redneck {n} /ˈɹɛdnɛk/ (uneducated, unsophisticated person) | :: paleto {m} |
red-necked phalarope {n} (Phalaropus lobatus) | :: falaropo picofino {m} |
red-necked stint {n} (Calidris ruficollis) | :: correlimos cuellirrojo {m} |
redness {n} (quality of being red) | :: rojez {f} |
redness {n} (red discoloration) | :: rojez {f} |
redo {v} /ɹiˈdu/ (to do again) | :: rehacer |
redolent {adj} /ˈɹɛd.əl.ənt/ (fragrant or aromatic) | :: aromático |
redolent {adj} (suggestive or reminiscent) | :: redolente |
red onion {n} (a type of onion with reddish purplish skin) | :: cebolla roja {f} |
redoubt {v} (to dread) SEE: dread | :: |
redoubt {n} /ɹɪˈdaʊt/ (fortification) | :: reducto {m} |
redox {n} /ˈɹiːdɒks/ (chemical reaction) | :: redox, rédox |
red panda {n} (Ailurus fulgens) | :: panda rojo {m} |
red phalarope {n} (Phalaropus fulicarius) | :: falaropo picogrueso {m} |
Red Planet {prop} (Mars) | :: Planeta rojo {m} |
red poppy {n} (Papaver rhoeas) SEE: corn poppy | :: |
red poppy {n} (any red poppy) | :: amapola {f} |
redraw {v} (to draw again) | :: redibujar |
Red River {prop} (the Red River of Yunnan in southern China and of northern Vietnam) | :: río Rojo {m} |
red scare {n} (perceived threat from communism and leftist movements) | :: temor rojo {m} |
red scarf {n} (neckerchief worn by a young pioneer) | :: pañuelo rojo {m} |
Red Sea {prop} (sea between Africa and Arabia) | :: mar Rojo {m} |
redshank {n} (Old World wading bird) | :: archibebe {m} |
redshift {n} /ˈɹɛdˌʃɪft/ (change in wavelength) | :: corrimiento al rojo {m} |
red-shouldered hawk {n} (Buteo lineatus) | :: busardo de hombros rojos {m} |
redskin {n} (an American Indian) | :: piel roja {m} {f} |
red snapper {n} (fish of Lutjanus) | :: pargo rojo {m} |
Red Square {prop} (Moscow square) | :: Plaza Roja {f} |
red squirrel {n} (Sciurus vulgaris) | :: ardilla {f} |
redstart {n} (ground-feeding bird) | :: colirrojo {m}, abanico {m} |
redstem filaree {n} (flowering plant) | :: agujón {m}, alfilerillo {m} |
red-tailed hawk {n} (bird of prey) | :: ratonero de cola roja {m}, gavilán colirrojo {m}, guaraguao {m} [Cuba, Puerto Rico] |
red-tailed tropicbird {n} (species of tropicbird) | :: ave del trópico de cola roja {m}, rabijunco colirrojo {m} |
red tape {n} (excessive bureaucracy) | :: papeleo {m}, burocracia {f}, cinta roja {f}, expedienteo {m}, papelerío {m}, trámites {m-p}, gestión {f}, formalismos {m-p}, formulismos {m-p} |
red tea {n} (black tea) SEE: black tea | :: |
red-throated diver {n} (loon) | :: colimbo chico {m} |
red tide {n} (algal bloom) | :: marea roja {f} |
reduce {v} /ɹɪˈduːs/ (to bring down) | :: reducir |
reduce {v} | :: mermar, reducir, disminuir, rebajar |
reduced {adj} /ɹɪˈdjust/ (made smaller, less) | :: reducido |
reducer {n} (reducing agent) SEE: reducing agent | :: |
reducer {n} (something that reduces) | :: reductor {m} |
reducibility {n} (property of being reducible) | :: reducibilidad {f}, reductibilidad {f} |
reducible {adj} (capable of being reduced) | :: reducible, reductible |
reducing agent {n} (any substance that reduces, or donates electrons to, another) | :: reductor {m} |
reductant {n} (reducing agent) SEE: reducing agent | :: |
reductase {n} /ɹɪˈdʌk.teɪz/ (enzyme that chemically reduces its substrate) | :: reductasa {f} |
reduction {n} /ɹɪˈdʌkʃən/ (act, process, or result of reducing) | :: reducción {f} |
reduction {n} (medical procedure to restore a fracture) | :: reducción |
reduction {n} | :: reducción {f}, disminución {f}, rebaja {f} |
redundancy {n} /ɹɪˈdʌnd(ə)nsi/ (state of being redundant) | :: redundancia {f}, superabundancia {f} |
redundancy {n} (duplication of components or circuits to provide survival of the total system in case of failure of single components) | :: redundancia {f} |
redundancy {n} (duplication of parts of a message to guard against transmission errors) | :: redundancia {f} |
redundant {adj} /ɹɪˈdʌn.dənt/ (superfluous) | :: superfluo, redundante |
redundant {adj} (needlessly wordy) | :: redundante |
redundantly {adv} (in a redundant manner) | :: redundantemente |
reduplication {n} /ɹɪd(j)uplɪˈkeɪʃən/ (the act of, or an instance of, reduplication ) | :: reduplicación {f} |
redux {adj} /ˈɹiːdʌks/ (redone, restored, brought back, or revisited) | :: repetido, revisto |
red wine {n} (red coloured wine) | :: vino tinto {m} (tinted wine) |
redwing {n} (Turdus iliacus) | :: zorzal alirrojo {m} |
red-winged blackbird {n} (Agelaius phoeniceus) | :: tordo sargento {m}, sargento alirrojo {m}, tordo capitán {m}, turpial alirrojo {m} |
redwood {n} (the species Sequoia sempervirens) | :: secoya gigante |
reed {n} /ɹiːd/ (grass-like plant) | :: junco {m}, carrizo {m}, caña {f} |
reed {n} (hollow stem) | :: junco {m} |
reed {n} (music: part of mouthpiece) | :: caña {f} |
reed {n} | :: caña {f} |
reed bed {n} (place where reeds grow) | :: cañeto {m}, junqueto {m}, cañedo {m}, junquedo {m} |
re-edit {v} (edit again) | :: reeditar |
reed switch {n} (type of electrical switch) | :: interruptor de lengüeta {m}, interruptor reed {m} |
reed warbler {n} (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) | :: carricero común {m} |
reef {n} /ɹiːf/ (rocks at or near surface of the water) | :: arrecife {m} |
reef {n} (large vein of auriferous quartz) | :: filón {m} |
reef {v} (sailing) | :: tomar rizos |
reefer {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana | :: |
reefer {n} /ˈɹiːfə/ (marijuana cigarette) | :: bate {m} [Honduras], canuto {m}, carruco {m} [Honduras], leño {m} [Honduras], porro {m} [Spain] |
reek {n} /riːk/ (unpleasant smell) | :: hedor {m}, fetidez {f}, peste {f} |
reek {n} (vapor) | :: vapor {m}, vaho {m}, emanación {f} |
reek {v} (to have or give off a strong, unpleasant smell) | :: heder, apestar, cantar [colloquial], oler mal |
reek {v} (to be evidently associated with something unpleasant) | :: apestar, dar asco |
reel {n} /ɹiːl/ (spool) | :: carrete {m} |
reel {v} (to wind on a reel) | :: enrollar |
reel {v} (to walk shakily or unsteadily) | :: titubear |
reelect {v} (to elect for a subsequent time) | :: reelegir |
reelection {n} (the act of being elected after already being elected once) | :: reelección {f} |
reel off {v} (list effortlessly and quickly) | :: decir de carrerilla , recitar de carrerilla, enumerar de carrerilla, citar de carrerilla, declamar de carrerilla |
reengine {v} (to put in a new engine) | :: remotorizar |
reenter {v} (to enter again) | :: reingresar |
reestablish {v} (establish again) | :: restablecer |
reestablishment {n} (the condition of being reestablished) | :: restablecimiento {m} |
reestablishment {n} (a subsequent establishment) | :: restablecimiento {m} |
refactor {v} ((computing) to rewrite existing source code in order to improve its readability, reusability or structure without affecting its meaning or behaviour) | :: refactorizar |
refactoring {n} (process in which code is refactored) | :: refactorización {f} |
refectory {n} /ɹɪˈfɛkt(ə)ɹi/ (dining-hall) | :: refectorio {m} |
refer {v} /ɹɪˈfɝ/ (to direct to a source for help or information) | :: referir |
refer {v} (to allude to (grammar term)) | :: referirse, estar relacionado |
referee {n} /ˌɹɛfəˈɹiː/ (sport: umpire, judge of a game) | :: árbitro, réferi {m} |
referee {n} (person who settles a dispute) | :: árbitro {m} |
referee {n} (expert who judges a manuscript) | :: árbitro {m}, revisor {m} |
referee {v} (to act as a referee) | :: arbitrar |
reference {n} /ˈɹɛf.(ə)ɹəns/ (measurement one can compare to) | :: referencia |
reference {n} (information about a person) | :: referencia |
reference {n} (academic writing: source) | :: referencia {f} |
reference {v} (to refer to) | :: referenciar |
reference {v} (to mention) | :: referenciar |
referendum {n} /ˌɹɛfəˈɹɛndəm/ (direct popular vote) | :: referéndum {m}, referendo {m}, plebiscito {m} |
referral {n} /ɹɪˈfɝəl/ (act or process of transferring) | :: remisión {f}, derivación {f} |
refill {n} /ˈɹiː.fɪl/ (a filling after the first) | :: recambio |
refill {v} /ˌɹiːˈfɪl/ (to fill up again) | :: rellenar |
refillable {adj} (capable of being refilled) | :: recargable |
refine {v} /ɹɪˈfaɪn/ (to reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; to free from impurities; to free from dross or alloy) | :: refinar |
refine {v} (to purify from what is gross, coarse, vulgar, inelegant, low, and the like; to make elegant or excellent; to polish) | :: perfeccionar |
refinery {n} (building used to produce refined products) | :: refinería {f} |
reflation {n} (the act of restoring deflated prices) | :: reflación {f} |
reflect {v} /ɹɪˈflɛkt/ (to bend back from a surface) | :: reflejar |
reflect {v} (to be bent back from a surface) | :: reflejar [pronominal] |
reflect {v} (to mirror, or show the image of something) | :: reflejar |
reflect {v} (to give evidence of someone's or something's character etc.) | :: reflejar |
reflect {v} (to think seriously; to ponder or consider) | :: recapacitar, reflexionar, cavilar, discurrir |
reflection {n} /ɹɪˈflɛkʃən/ (act of reflecting; the state of being reflected) | :: reflexión {f} |
reflection {n} (something that is reflected) | :: reflejo {m} |
reflective {adj} (That reflects, or redirects back to the source) | :: reflexivo, reflectante |
reflective {adj} (Pondering, especially thinking back on the past) | :: reflexivo |
reflex {n} /ˈɹiːflɛks/ (automatic response) | :: reflejo {m} |
reflex {n} (the descendant of an earlier language element, such as a word or phoneme, in a daughter language) | :: reflejo {m}, continuador {m} |
reflex arc {n} (neural pathway) | :: arco reflejo {m} |
reflexive {adj} /ɹəˈflɛksɪv/ (in grammar) | :: reflexivo |
reflexive {n} (reflexive pronoun) SEE: reflexive pronoun | :: |
reflexive {n} (reflexive verb) SEE: reflexive verb | :: |
reflexive pronoun {n} (a part of speech) | :: pronombre reflexivo {m} |
reflexive verb {n} (verb with equivalent subject and direct object) | :: verbo reflexivo {m} |
reflux {n} /ˈɹiː.flʌks/ (backwards flow of any fluid) | :: reflujo {m} |
reforest {v} (afforest) SEE: afforest | :: |
reform {n} /ɹɪˈfɔɹm/ (amendment) | :: reforma {f} |
reform {v} (to put into a new and improved form or condition) | :: reformar |
reform {v} (to return to a good state) | :: reformar |
reformism {n} (Any of several movements that promote reform) | :: reformismo {m} |
reformist {adj} (advocating reform of an institution or body) | :: reformista {m} {f} |
reformist {n} (one who advocates reform (of an institution)) | :: reformista {m} {f} |
Reform Judaism {prop} (a form of Judaism) | :: judaísmo reformista {m} |
refract {v} (to refract) SEE: disperse | :: |
refract {v} (to change direction) | :: refractar |
refract {v} (to cause to change direction) | :: refractar |
refraction {n} /ɹəˈfɹækʃən/ (bending of any wave) | :: refracción {f} |
refractive index {n} (ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to another medium) | :: índice de refracción {m} |
refractometer {n} (instrument used to measure the refractive index) | :: refractómetro {m} |
refractory {adj} /ɹɪˈfɹæk.təɹ.i/ (obstinate; strongly opposed) | :: refractario |
refractory {adj} (not affected by great heat) | :: refractario |
refractory {adj} (medicine: difficult to heal) | :: refractario |
refractory period {n} (recovery phase) | :: periodo refractario {m}, período refractario {m} |
refrain {v} /ɹɪˈfɹeɪn/ (to keep oneself from action) | :: abstenerse, retenerse |
refrain {n} (burden of song) | :: estribillo {m} |
refresh {v} /ɹɪˈfɹɛʃ/ (to renew or revitalize) | :: refrescar |
refresh {v} (computing: to cause to refresh a display) | :: refrescar |
refresh {v} (computing: to perform periodic energizing) | :: refrescar |
refreshing {adj} /ɹəˈfɹɛʃɪŋ/ (refreshing) | :: refrescante |
refreshment {n} /ɹɪˈfɹeʃ.mənt/ (The action of refreshing; a means of restoring strength, energy or vigour) | :: refrescamiento {m} |
refreshment {n} (A light snack or drink) | :: refrigerio {m} |
refried beans {n} | :: frijoles refritos |
refrigerate {v} (freeze) SEE: freeze | :: |
refrigerate {v} /ɹɪˈfɹɪdʒəɹeɪt/ (keep cool in refrigerator) | :: refrigerar |
refrigerate {v} (cool down) SEE: cool down | :: |
refrigeration {n} (process of transferring heat from an object in order to cool it) | :: refrigeración {f} |
refrigerator {n} /ɹɪˈfɹɪd͡ʒəˌɹeɪɾɚ/ (appliance) | :: [Spain] frigorífico {m}, [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] heladera {f}, [Colombia, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Venezuela - regional usage in Spain] nevera {f}, [Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, Mexico] refrigerador {m}, [Central America, Ecuador, Peru] refrigeradora {f}, [Cuba, colloquial] frío {m} |
refry {v} (to fry again) | :: refreír |
refuel {v} (to refill with fuel) | :: repostar, llenar el tanque |
refuge {n} /ˈɹɛfjuːdʒ/ (state of safety, protection or shelter) | :: refugio {m} |
refuge {n} (place providing safety, protection or shelter) | :: refugio {m} |
refuge {v} (to return to a place of shelter) | :: refugiarse |
refuge {v} (to protect) | :: refugiarse |
refuge {n} (refuge island) SEE: refuge island | :: |
refugee {n} /ˈɹɛfjʊdʒiː/ (person seeking political asylum) | :: refugiado {m}, refugiada {f} |
refugee {n} (person seeking economic asylum) | :: refugiado {m} |
refugee {n} (person seeking refuge from natural disaster) | :: refugiado {m} |
refuge island {n} (raised platform or other protective barrier in the middle of a street) | :: isleta {f} |
refulgent {adj} /ɹəˈfʌldʒənt/ (shining brightly and radiantly) | :: refulgente {m} {f} |
refund {v} /ɹɪˈfʌnd/ (to return (money) to (someone)) | :: reembolsar, devolver |
refund {n} (amount of money returned) | :: reembolso |
refurbish {v} /ɹiˈfɝbɪʃ/ (rebuild or replenish) | :: restaurar |
refusal {n} /ɹɪˈfjuːzl̩/ (the act of refusing) | :: negativa {f}, rechazo {m} |
refuse {n} /ˈɹɛfjuːs/ (items or material that have been discarded) | :: basura {f}, desechos {m-p} |
refuse {v} /ɹɪˈfjuːz/ ((transitive) decline (request, demand)) | :: rehusar |
refutation {n} (an act of refuting) | :: refutación {f} |
refute {v} /ɹɪˈfjuːt/ (to prove (something) to be false or incorrect) | :: refutar, rebatir, negar la mayor |
refute {v} (to deny the truth or correctness of (something)) | :: refutar, rebatir |
regain {v} /ɹiːˈɡeɪn/ (to get back, to recover possession of) | :: recobrar |
regal {adj} /ˈɹiːɡəl/ (of or having to do with royalty) | :: real, regio |
regal {adj} (befitting a king) | :: real, regio |
regale {v} /ɹɪˈɡeɪl/ (to please someone with entertainment) | :: regalar |
regale {v} (to provide a meal and entertainment) | :: regalar |
regard {n} /ɹɪˈɡɑɹd/ (concern for another) | :: consideración, miramiento {m},reguardo {m} [dated] |
regard {v} (to look at; to observe) | :: contemplar |
regard {v} (to consider, look upon in a given way) | :: considerar |
regard {v} (to have to do with) | :: tratar, concernir |
regarding {prep} /ɹɪˈɡɑɹdɪŋ/ (concerning) | :: en cuanto a, en lo tocante a |
regardless {adv} /ɹɪˈɡɑɹd.lɪs/ (actioned in a way which shows no consideration) | :: en cualquier caso |
regardless of {prep} (without attention to) | :: independientemente de, sin importar que |
regards {n} /ɹɪˈɡɑɹdz/ (greeting to pass to another person) | :: saludos {m-p} |
regards {n} (greeting at the end of a letter) | :: saludos, saludos cordiales, cordialmente, saludos cariñosos {m-p} |
regatta {n} /ɹɪˈɡætə/ (boat race) | :: regata {f} |
regency {n} /ˈɹiːd͡ʒənsi/ (system of government) | :: regencia {f} |
Regensburg {prop} (city in Germany) | :: Ratisbona {f} |
regent {n} /ˈɹiːdʒənt/ (one who rules in place of the monarch) | :: regente {m} {f} |
reggae {n} /ˈɹɛɡeɪ/ (music genre) | :: reggae {m} |
reggaeton {n} /rɛɡeɪˈtɒn/ (Latin American musical genre) | :: reguetón {m}, reggaeton {m} |
regicide {n} /ˈɹedʒəsaɪd/ (the killing of a king) | :: regicidio {m} |
regicide {n} (one who kills a king) | :: regicida {m} {f} |
regidor {n} (alderman) SEE: alderman | :: |
regime {n} /ɹəˈʒiːm/ (mode of rule or management) | :: régimen {m} |
regime {n} (form of government) | :: régimen {m} |
regime {n} (period of rule) | :: régimen {m} |
regime {n} | :: régimen {m} |
regime change {n} (overthrow of a government) | :: cambio del régimen {m} |
regimen {n} /ˈɹɛdʒ.ɪ.mən/ (any regulation or remedy which is intended to produce beneficial effects by gradual operation) | :: régimen |
regimen {n} (grammar: object, see also: object) | :: régimen |
regiment {n} /ˈɹɛdʒɪmənt/ (army unit) | :: regimiento {m} |
Región Autónoma del Atlántico Norte {prop} (department of Nicaragua) | :: Región Autónoma del Atlántico Norte |
Región Autónoma del Atlántico Sur {prop} (department of Nicaragua) | :: Región Autónoma del Atlántico Sur {f} |
region {n} /ˈɹiːd͡ʒn̩/ (any considerable and connected part of a space or surface) | :: región {f} |
region {n} (an administrative subdivision) | :: región {f} |
region {n} (a place in or a part of the body in any way indicated) | :: región |
regional {adj} /ˈɹiːdʒənəl/ (pertaining to a specific region) | :: regional |
regionalism {n} (affection) | :: regionalismo {m} |
regionalism {n} (political tendency) | :: regionalismo {m} |
regionalism {n} (linguistic characteristic, see also: provincialism) | :: regionalismo {m} |
regional lockout {n} (prevents the playing of imported media on a domestically marketed device) | :: cierre regional, codificación regional |
regionally {adv} /ˈɹiːd͡ʒənəli/ | :: regionalmente |
register {n} /ˈɹɛdʒ.ɪs.tə/ (formal recording) | :: registro |
register {n} (book of such entries) | :: registro {m} |
register {n} (entry in such a book) | :: registro {m} |
register {n} (computing: part of the central processing unit used to store and manipulate numbers) | :: registro {m} |
register {n} (music: range of a voice or instrument) | :: registro {m} |
register {n} (linguistics: style of a language used in a particular context) | :: registro {m} |
register {v} (to enter in a register) | :: registrar, registrarse |
register {n} (cash register) SEE: cash register | :: |
registered {adj} /ˈɹɛdʒ.ɪs.tɚd/ (having had one's name added to an official list) | :: registrado {m} |
registered trademark {n} (officially registered trademark) | :: marca registrada {f} |
register office {n} (the local office in which births, marriages and deaths are registered, and in which civil marriages are conducted) | :: registro civil {m} |
registrar {n} /ˈɹɛdʒ.ɪsˌtɹɑɹ/ (official keeper of records) | :: registrador |
registration {n} (the act of signing up or registering for something) | :: registración {f}, inscripción {f}, matriculación {f}, registro {m} |
registration {n} ((printing) alignment) | :: registro {m} |
registration {n} (the location where guests register) | :: recepción {f} |
registree {n} (registered person) | :: registrado {m}, registrada {f} |
regolith {n} /ˈɹɛɡəlɪθ/ (layer of loose rock that constitutes the surface of most land) | :: regolito {m} |
regress {v} /ˈɹiːˌɡɹɛs/ (to move backwards to an earlier stage) | :: retrogradar, retroceder |
regression {n} /ɹəˈɡɹɛʃən/ (return to a previous state) | :: regresión {f}, retroceso {m} |
regression {n} (statistics: analytic method) | :: regresión {f} |
regret {v} /ɹɪˈɡɹɛt/ (feel sorry about some past thing) | :: lamentar, sentir, arrepentir |
regret {v} (to feel sorry about anything) | :: lamentar |
regret {n} (instance of such an emotion) | :: pesar {m}, arrepentimiento {m} |
regretfully {adv} (in a regretful manner) | :: lamentablemente |
regrettable {adj} (of an event, action, or state, allowing or deserving regret) | :: lamentable |
regrettably {adv} (in a manner inspiring or deserving regret) | :: lamentablemente, desgraciadamente |
regroup {v} /ɹiˈɡɹuːp/ (pause and get organized before trying again) | :: reagrupar, reagruparse |
regular {adj} /ˈɹɛɡjəlɚ/ (having a constant pattern) | :: regular |
regular {adj} (grammar) | :: regular |
regular {adj} (having expected characteristics) | :: regular |
regular {n} (routine visitor) | :: parroquiano |
regular expression {n} (computing: a concise description of a pattern to be matched) | :: expresión regular {f} |
regularity {n} /ˌɹɛɡjuˈlæɹəti/ (condition or quality of being regular) | :: regularidad {f}, periodicidad {f} |
regularly {adv} /ˈɹɛɡjəlɚli/ (with constant frequency) | :: regularmente |
regularly {adv} (normally, ordinarily) | :: comúnmente |
regular polygon {n} (polygon which is both equiangular and equilateral) | :: polígono regular {m} |
regular verb {n} (a verb which conjugates regularly) | :: verbo regular {m} |
regulate {v} (control) SEE: control | :: |
regulate {v} /ˈɹɛɡjəleɪt/ (adjust) | :: regular |
regulation {n} /ˌɹɛɡjʊˈleɪʃən/ (law or administrative rule) | :: reglamento {m} |
regulation {n} (mechanism controlling DNA transcription) | :: regulación |
regulation {n} (physiological process maintaining homœostasis) | :: regulación |
regulator {n} /ɹɛɡ.juː.leɪt.ə/ (device that controls or limits something) | :: regulador {m} |
regulator {n} (a type of gene) | :: regulador |
regulatory {adj} /ˈɹɛɡjələtɹi/ (of or pertaining to regulation) | :: regulatorio |
Regulus {prop} (star) | :: Regulus {m}, Régulo {m} |
regurgitate {v} /ɹɪˈɡɝd͡ʒəˌteɪt/ (to throw up) | :: regurgitar |
regurgitate {v} (to cough up from gut to feed young chicks) | :: regurgitar |
regurgitate {v} (to repeat verbatim) | :: repetir textualmente |
rehab {n} /ˈɹiːhæb/ (An act of rehabilitation) | :: rehabilitación |
rehab {n} (An institution for rehabilitation) | :: centro de rehabilitación |
rehab {v} (rehabilitate) | :: rehabilitar |
rehabilitate {v} /ɹiː(h)əˈbɪlɪteɪt/ (to restore (someone) to their former state, reputation, possessions, status etc.) | :: rehabilitar |
rehabilitation {n} (process) | :: rehabilitación {f} |
rehash {v} /ɹiːˈhæʃ/ (to rework old material, redo some work, with some variations) | :: rehacer, refundir [literary work], refreír |
rehash {n} (something reworked, or made up from old materials) | :: refrito {m} [(literary) work] |
rehearsal {n} /ɹɪˈhɜː(ɹ)səl/ (practicing of performance to test or improve it) | :: ensayo {m} |
rehearse {v} /ɹɪˈhɜːs/ (repeat what has already been said) | :: repetir |
rehearse {v} (narrate or tell) | :: contar |
rehearse {v} (practice by repetition or recitation) | :: practicar, ensayar |
reheat {v} (heat something after it has cooled off) | :: recalentar |
Reichstag {prop} (the lower chamber of the federal parliament of Germany until 1945) | :: Reichstag {m} |
reification {n} /ˌɹeɪəfəˈkeɪʃən/ (Consideration of an abstract thing as if it were concrete, or of an inanimate object as if it were living) | :: cosificación {f}, reificación {f} |
reify {v} /ˈɹiː.ə.faɪ/ (to regard something abstract as if it were a concrete material thing) | :: cosificar |
reign {n} /ɹeɪn/ (The exercise of sovereign power) | :: reinado {m} |
reign {n} (The period during which a monarch rules) | :: reinado {m} |
reign {v} (exercise sovereign power) | :: reinar |
reign of terror {n} (period of brutal intimidation by those in power) | :: reinado del terror {m}, reinado de terror {m} |
reimburse {v} (to compensate with pay or money; especially, to repay money spent on one's behalf) | :: reembolsar |
reimbursement {n} /ˌɹiː.ɪmˈbɜːs.mənt/ (compensating someone for an expense.) | :: reembolso {m} |
rein {n} /ɹeɪn/ (strap or rope) | :: rienda {f} |
reincarnation {n} (rebirth of a mental capacity in a physical life form) | :: reencarnación {f} |
reindeer {n} /ˈɹeɪndɪə/ (Rangifer tarandus) | :: reno {m}, rangífero {m}, caribú {m} [North America] |
reindustrialization {n} (The reintroduction of industry.) | :: reindustrialización {f} |
reinette {n} (any of various kinds of apple) | :: reineta {f} |
reinfer {v} | :: reargüir |
reinforce {v} (to strengthen by addition) | :: reforzar |
reinforce {v} (to emphasize or review) | :: reforzar |
reinforced concrete {n} (building material) | :: hormigón armado {m} |
reinforcement {n} (act or state of reinforcing or being reinforced) | :: refuerzo {m}, reforzamiento {m} |
reinforcement {n} (thing that reinforces) | :: refuerzo, reforzamiento {m} |
reinforcement {n} (in plural: additional troops or materiel sent to support a military action) | :: refuerzo {m}, reforzamiento {m} |
rein in {v} (stop or slow a horse) | :: sofrenar |
reinstall {v} (install again) | :: reinstalar |
reinterpret {v} (to interpret again) | :: reinterpretar |
reintroduce {v} (introduce again) | :: reintroducir |
reinvent {v} (to invent again something that has already been invented) | :: reinventar |
reinvent the wheel {v} /ˌɹiːɪnˈvɛnt ðə ˈhwiːl/ (do work unnecessarily) | :: descubrir el agua tibia |
reiterate {v} /ɹiˈɪt.əɹ.eɪt/ (to say or do for a second time) | :: reiterar |
reiterate {v} (to say or do repeatedly) | :: reiterar |
reiteration {n} (act of reiterating) | :: reiteración {f} |
reject {v} (to throw away, reject) SEE: discard | :: |
reject {v} /ɹɪˈdʒɛkt/ (refuse to accept) | :: rechazar, desestimar [formal], inadmitir [law] |
reject {n} (something that is rejected) | :: artículo defectuoso {m} |
reject {n} (slang: an unpopular person) | :: marginado {m}, marginada {f} |
rejection {n} /ɹəˈdʒɛkʃən/ (the act of rejecting) | :: rechazo {m} |
rejoice {v} /ɹɪˈd͡ʒɔɪs/ (be happy) | :: alegrarse, regocijarse |
rejoice {v} (make happy) | :: regocijar |
rejuvenate {v} (render young again) | :: rejuvenecer, remozar |
rejuvenation {n} (the process of rendering young again) | :: rejuvenecimiento {m} |
relapse {v} /ɹɪˈlæps/ (To fall back again) | :: reincidir, recaer |
relapse {v} ((medicine) To recur; to worsen) | :: recaer |
relapse {n} (the act or situation of relapsing) | :: recaída recidiva, reincidencia {f} |
relatable {adj} (possible to relate) | :: relacionable |
relate {v} /ɹɪˈleɪt/ (to identify with, understand) | :: identificarse (con) |
relate {v} (to narrate) SEE: narrate | :: |
relate {v} (to interact) SEE: interact | :: |
related {adj} /ɹɪˈleɪtɪd/ (standing in relation or connection) | :: relacionado |
related {adj} (being a relative of) | :: emparentado |
related {adj} (narrated; told) | :: relatado |
relation {n} /ɹɪˈleɪʃən/ (way in which two things may be associated) | :: relación {f} |
relation {n} (mathematics: set of ordered tuples, a Boolean function of two or more arguments) | :: relación {f} |
relation {n} (member of one's family) | :: pariente {mf} |
relation {n} (sexual relations) | :: relación {f}, relaciones sexuales {f} |
relational {adj} (relative) SEE: relative | :: |
relational {adj} (relating to, using, or being a method of organizing data in a database) | :: relacional |
relational database {n} (relational database) | :: base de datos relacional {f} |
relationship {n} /ɹɪˈleɪʃənˌʃɪp/ (connection or association) | :: relación {f} |
relationship {n} (romantic or sexual involvement) | :: relación {f} |
relative {adj} /ˈɹɛl.ə.ɾɪv/ (conditional; depending on something else) | :: relativo |
relative {n} (someone in the same family; someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption) | :: familiar, pariente {m} {f}, parienta {f}, parentela {f} [collective], deudo {m} |
relative atomic mass {n} (ratio) | :: peso atómico |
relative clause {n} (type of subordinate clause) | :: oración de relativo {f}, cláusula relativa {f} |
relatively {adv} /ˈɹɛl.ə.tʰɪ (proportionally) | :: relativamente |
relatively {adv} (somewhat) SEE: somewhat | :: |
relative pronoun {n} (pronoun that introduces a relative clause) | :: pronombre relativo {m} |
relative superlative {n} (a form of the superlative) | :: superlativo relativo {m} |
relativism {n} (theory that truth and moral values are relative) | :: relativismo {m} |
relativist {n} /ˈɹɛl.ə.təv.ɪst/ (follower of relativism) | :: relativista {m} {f} |
relativistic {adj} /ˈɹɛl.ə.təˌvɪst.ɪk/ (of, or relating to relativity) | :: relativista |
relativity {n} /ɹɛləˈtɪvɨti/ (the state of being relative) | :: relatividad {f} |
relativity {n} (physics principle) | :: relatividad {f} |
relax {v} /ɹɪˈlæks/ (to calm down) | :: relajar, reposar |
relax {v} (to make something loose) | :: relajar, aflojar |
relax {v} (to become loose) | :: relajar |
relax {v} (to make something less severe or tense) | :: relajar |
relax {v} (to become less severe or tense) | :: relajar |
relax {v} (to make something (such as codes and regulations) more lenient) | :: relajar |
relax {v} (to become more lenient) | :: relajar |
relax {v} (to relieve (something) from stress) | :: relajarse, estar de relax |
relaxant {n} (A drug that promotes relaxation) | :: relajante {m} |
relaxation {n} /ˌɹilækˈseɪʃən/ (act of relaxing or the state of being relaxed) | :: relajación {f}, relax {m} |
relaxed {adj} /ɹɪˈlækst/ (having an easy-going mood) | :: relajado, tranquilo |
relaxing {adj} (allowing one to relax) | :: relajante |
re-lay {v} /ˌɹiˈleɪ/ (to lay again) | :: reponer |
relay {n} /ˈɹiːleɪ/ (electrical actuator) | :: relé {m}, actuador |
relay {n} (athletics discipline) | :: relevos {m-p}, carrera de relevos {m-p} |
relay {v} (to place (people or horses) in relays) | :: relevar |
relay race {n} (sports contest) | :: carrera de relevos |
release {n} /ɹɪˈliːs/ (event of setting free) | :: liberación {f} |
release {n} (software: distribution of a computer software product) | :: versión {f} |
release {n} (product made recently available) | :: lanzamiento {m} |
release {n} (that which is released or let go) | :: soltado {m}, descargado {m} |
release {n} (law: giving up of a claim; debt release) | :: remisión de deuda {f} |
release {n} (biochemistry) | :: liberación |
release {v} (to let go (of)) | :: liberar, soltar |
release {v} (to make available to the public) | :: lanzar, publicar |
release {v} (to free or liberate) | :: liberar |
release notes {n} (notes on a product release) | :: nota de entrega {f} |
relegate {v} /ˈɹɛlɪɡeɪt/ (to exile) | :: relegar |
relent {v} /ɹɪˈlɛnt/ (become less severe, soften in temper) | :: ceder |
relent {v} (slacken, abate) | :: ceder |
relentless {adj} /ɹɪˈlɛntləs/ (unrelenting or unyielding in severity) | :: implacable, furioso |
relentless {adj} (unremitting, steady and persistent) | :: inexorable {m}, incansable {m} |
relevance {n} (property or state of being relevant, pertinency) | :: relevancia {f} |
relevancy {n} (relevance) SEE: relevance | :: |
relevant {adj} /ˈɹɛləvənt/ (directly related, connected, or pertinent to a topic) | :: pertinente, relevante |
reliability {n} (quality of being reliable) | :: fiabilidad {f} |
reliability {n} (quality of a measurement) | :: fiabilidad |
reliable {adj} /ɹɪˈlaɪəbəl/ (fit to be relied on) | :: fiable, confiable |
reliance {n} /ɹɪˈlaɪəns/ (The act of relying on someone or something; trust) | :: confianza {f} |
reliance {n} (The condition of being reliant or dependent) | :: dependencia {f} |
reliance {n} (A person or thing which relies on another) | :: dependiente {m} |
reliant {adj} (having reliance on somebody or something) | :: dependiente |
relic {n} /ˈɹɛlɪk/ (part of a body or an object of religious significance) | :: reliquia {f} |
relief {n} /ɹɪˈliːf/ (removal of stress or discomfort) | :: alivio {m}, desahogo {m} |
relief {n} (person who takes over a shift) | :: relevo {m} |
relief {n} (humanitarian aid or assistance) | :: ayuda humanitaria {f}, auxilio {m}, asistencia {f} |
relief {n} (type of artwork) | :: relieve {m} |
relief {n} (difference of elevations on a surface) | :: relieve {m} |
relief teacher {n} (supply teacher) SEE: supply teacher | :: |
relief valve {n} (safety valve that relieves pressure) | :: válvula de escape {f} |
relieve {v} /ɹɪˈliːv/ (to give relief from physical pain) | :: aliviar |
relieve {v} | :: aliviar |
religion {n} /ɹɪˈlɪdʒən/ (system of beliefs dealing with soul, deity and/or life after death) | :: religión {f} |
religiosity {n} /ɹɪˌlɪd͡ʒɪˈɒsɪti/ (quality of being religious) | :: religiosidad {f} |
religious {adj} /ɹɪ.ˈlɪ.d͡ʒəs/ (concerning religion) | :: religioso |
religious {adj} (committed to the practice of religion) | :: religioso |
religious education {n} (religious studies) SEE: religious studies | :: |
religiously {adv} (in the manner of religion) | :: religiosamente |
religiousness {n} (religiosity) SEE: religiosity | :: |
religious studies {n} (study of religious beliefs, behaviours and institutions) | :: estudios religiosos {m-p} |
relinquish {v} /ɹɪˈlɪŋkwɪʃ/ (to give up, abandon) | :: abandonar, renunciar |
relinquish {v} (to let go, physically release) | :: soltar |
relinquish {v} (to accept to give up, withdraw etc.) | :: desistir |
reliquary {n} /ˈɹɛlɪkwɛɹi/ (container for religious relics) | :: relicario {m} |
relish {v} /ˈɹɛ.lɪʃ/ (to taste or eat with pleasure; to like the flavor of) | :: saborear |
relish {v} (to take great pleasure in) | :: saborear |
relive {v} /ɹiːˈlɪv/ (to come back to life) | :: revivir |
relive {v} (to experience again) | :: revivir |
reload {v} (to load (something) again) | :: recargar |
reload {v} (to refresh a copy of a program in memory or of a web page on screen) | :: recargar, actualizar |
relocate {v} (to move (something) from one place to another) | :: trasladar |
relocate {v} (to change one's domicile or place of business) | :: deslocalizar [industry] |
relocation {n} /ˌɹiːləʊˈkeɪʃən/ (moving to another place) | :: mudanza {f}, traslado {m} |
relook {v} (To look again) | :: remirar |
reluctance {n} /ɹɪˈlʌktəns/ (unwillingness to do something) | :: reluctancia {f} |
reluctance {n} (magnetic resistance) | :: reluctancia {f} |
reluctant {adj} /ɹɪˈlʌktənt/ (not wanting to take some action) | :: renuente, reacio, reluctante, reticente |
reluctantly {adv} /ɹɪˈlʌktəntli/ (in a reluctant manner) | :: a regañadientes, de mala gana, con renuencia |
rely {v} /ɹɪˈlaɪ/ (rest with confidence) | :: contar con, atenerse |
rely on {v} (to be confident in) | :: atenerse a, confiar en |
remain {n} /ɹɪˈmeɪn/ (That which is left; relic; remainder) | :: resto {m}, restos {m-p} |
remain {v} (to stay behind while others withdraw) | :: quedarse, sobrar |
remain {v} (to be left over after a portion is removed) | :: sobrar, restar [intransitive] |
remain {v} (to continue unchanged) | :: permanecer |
remain {v} (to continue in a state of being) | :: continuar, permanecer |
remain {v} | :: restar, sobrar, estar, quedar |
remain {n} (That which is left of a being after its life is gone) SEE: remains | :: |
remainder {n} /ɹɪˈmeɪndə/ (what remains after some has been removed) | :: resto {m} |
remainder {n} (mathematics: amount left over after repeatedly subtracting the divisor) | :: resto {m} |
remainder {n} (mathematics: number left over after a simple subtraction) | :: resto {m} |
remainder {n} (items left unsold and subject to reduction in price) | :: saldo {m} |
remaining {adj} /ɹɪˈmeɪnɪŋ/ (which remains) | :: restante |
remains {n} (remains) SEE: wreck | :: |
remains {n} /ɹɪˈmeɪnz/ (what is left after a person (or any organism) dies; a corpse) | :: restos {m-p} |
remain to be seen {v} (be as yet unknown) | :: estar por ver, quedar por ver |
remark {n} /ɹɪˈmɑɹk/ (act of pointing out; notice or observation) | :: acotación {f}, apunte {m}, observación {f} |
remark {n} (expression of something noticed) | :: observación {f} |
remark {n} | :: observación {f} |
remark {v} (to make a remark or remarks; to comment) | :: acotar, apuntar, comentar, observar |
remark {v} (to mark in a notable manner; to distinguish clearly) | :: aclarar |
remarkable {adj} /ɹɪˈmɑɹkəbl̩/ (worthy of being remarked) | :: notable, remarcable, destacable |
remarkably {adv} /ɹɪˈmɑɹkəbli/ (in a remarkable manner) | :: extraordinariamente |
rematch {n} /ˈɹiː.mætʃ/ (second contest between the same opponents, a return game) | :: revancha {f} |
remdesivir {n} /ɹɛmˈdɛsɪvɪə(ɹ)/ (novel antiviral drug) | :: remdesivir {m} |
remedy {n} /ˈɹɛmədi/ (something that corrects or counteracts) | :: remedio {m} |
remedy {n} (legal means) | :: recurso {m} |
remedy {n} (medicine, application, or treatment) | :: remedio {m} |
remedy {v} (To provide or serve as a remedy for) | :: remediar |
remember {v} /ɹɪˈmɛmbɚ/ (to recall from one's memory) | :: acordarse, recordar |
remember {v} (to memorize) | :: retener, memorizar |
remember {v} (to convey greetings) | :: darse recuerdos |
remember {v} ((obsolete) to remind) SEE: remind | :: |
remembrance {n} /ɹɪ.ˈmɛm.bɹəns/ (act of remembering) | :: recuerdo {m}, memoria {f} |
remembrance {n} (state of being remembered) | :: recuerdo {m}, memoria {f} |
remembrance {n} (something remembered) | :: recuerdo {m} |
remembrance {n} (that which serves to keep in or bring to mind) | :: recordatorio {m} |
remind {v} /ɹəˈmaɪnd/ (Cause one to experience a memory; bring to a person's notice) | :: recordar |
reminder {n} (something that reminds) | :: aviso {m}, recordatorio {m} |
reminisce {v} /ˌɹɛm.ɨˈnɪs/ (to recall the past in a private moment, often fondly or nostalgically) | :: añorar, rememorar |
reminiscence {n} | :: reminiscencia |
remiss {adj} /ɹəˈmɪs/ (failing to fulfill responsibility, duty, or obligations) | :: remiso |
remiss {adj} (not energetic or exact in duty or business; careless) | :: flojo, descuidado |
remission {n} /ɹɪˈmɪʃ(ə)n/ (pardon of a sin) | :: remisión {f} |
remit {v} /ɹiˈmɪt/ (to forgive, pardon) | :: remitir |
remit {v} (to refer for deliberation, judgment, etc.) | :: remitir |
remit {v} (to transmit or send) | :: remitir |
remit {n} (terms of reference; set of responsibilities) | :: competencia {f}, negociado {m} |
remit {v} (to postpone) SEE: postpone | :: |
remittance {n} (A payment to a remote recipient) | :: remesa {f} |
remix {n} /ˈɹiˌmɪks/ (rearrangement of an older piece of music) | :: remix {m}, remezcla {f} |
remnant {n} /ˈɹɛmnənt/ (small portion remaining of a larger thing or group) | :: resto {m}, restante {m}, reliquia {f}, despojo {m}, residuo {m}, retazo {m} |
remnant {n} (remaining fabric at the end of the bolt) | :: retazo {m} |
remnant {n} (unsold end of piece goods) | :: partida restante {f}, remesa restante {f} |
remodel {v} (to change appearance of) | :: remodelar |
remonstrate {v} /ˈɹɛ.mən.stɹeɪt/ (intransitive - to object or protest) | :: quejarse |
remora {n} /ɹɪˈmɔːɹə/ (elongate fish from the family Echeneidae) | :: rémora {f} |
remora {n} (delay; hindrance, obstacle, see also: delay; hindrance) | :: rémora {f} |
remorse {n} /ɹɪˈmɔɹs/ (feeling of regret or sadness for doing wrong or sinning) | :: remordimiento {m}, compunción {f} |
remorseful {adj} /ɹɪˈmɔː(ɹ)sfʊl/ (feeling or filled with remorse) | :: arrepentido, remordiente |
remorseful {adj} (expressing or caused by remorse) | :: compungido |
remote {adj} /ɹɪˈmoʊt/ (at a distance) | :: remoto |
remote {adj} (distant or otherwise unaccessible) | :: remoto |
remote {n} (remote control) | :: control remoto {m} [Americas], mando a distancia {m} [Spain], control {m} [Americas], mando {m} [Spain] |
remote control {n} (device used to operate an appliance or mechanical toy from a short distance away) | :: telemando {m}, control remoto {m}, mando a distancia {m}, control {m}, mando {m} |
remotely {adv} /ɹɪˈmoʊtli/ (at a distance, far away) | :: remotamente |
remoteness {n} (quality of being remote) | :: lejanía {f} |
remote sensing {n} (gaining information about an object without coming in direct contact with it) | :: teledetección {f} |
remote sensing {n} (remote viewing) SEE: remote viewing | :: |
remote viewing {n} (paranormal ability to gather information from great distances) | :: visión remota {f} |
removable {adj} (able to be removed) | :: extraíble {m} {f} |
removal {n} /ɹəˈmuːvəl/ (The process of moving, or the fact of being removed) | :: remoción, eliminación |
removal {n} (The relocation of a business etc) | :: mudanza {f} |
remove {v} (to remove) SEE: delete | :: |
remove {v} /ɹɪˈmuːv/ (to take away) | :: quitar, remover, detraer |
remuneration {n} /ɹə.mjuː.nə.ˈɹeɪ.ʃən/ (something given in exchange for goods or services rendered) | :: remuneración {f}, contraprestación {f} |
remuneration {n} (a payment for work done; wages, salary, emolument) | :: salario {m}, sueldo {m} |
Remus {prop} (the founder of Rome) | :: Remo |
ren {n} (a kidney) SEE: kidney | :: |
renaissance {n} (Renaissance) SEE: Renaissance | :: |
Renaissance {prop} /ˈɹɛnəˌsɑːns/ (14th-century revival) | :: Renacimiento {m} |
Renaissance {prop} (the period) | :: renacimiento {m} |
Renaissance {prop} (any similar revival) | :: renacimiento {m} |
renal {adj} /ˈɹiːnəl/ (pertaining to the kidneys) | :: renal, nefrítico |
renal corpuscle {n} (blood-filtering structure) | :: corpúsculo renal |
Renata {prop} (female given name) | :: Renata {f} |
rend {v} (to separate into parts with force) | :: rasgar |
render {v} /ˈɹɛn.də/ (to cause to become) | :: volver |
render {v} (to interpret) | :: interpretar |
render {v} (to translate) | :: traducir, trasladar |
render {v} (to pass down) | :: pasar |
render {v} (to give; to give back) | :: dar, devolver |
render {v} (to transform digital information in the form received from a repository into a display on a computer screen, or for other presentation to the user) | :: representar gráficamente, renderizar |
render {v} (to capture and turn over to another country secretly) | :: entregar |
render {v} (cover a wall with a layer of plaster) | :: enyesar |
rendezvous {n} /ˈɹɑndəˌvu/ (meeting or date) | :: encuentro {m}, cita {f} |
Renée {prop} (female given name) SEE: Renata | :: |
renegade {n} /ˈɹɛnɪˌɡeɪd/ (outlaw or rebel) | :: renegado, rebelde {m} {f} |
renegade {n} (disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion etc.) | :: renegado |
renege {v} /ɹɪˈn(e)ɪɡ/ (break a promise or commitment) | :: faltar a la palabra, faltar a su palabra |
renegotiate {v} (to negotiate new terms) | :: renegociar |
renew {v} /ɹɪˈnjuː/ (to make new again) | :: reanudar, renovar |
renew {v} (to substitute for a new one of the same nature) | :: renovar |
renew {v} (to begin again; to recommence) | :: reiniciar, recomenzar |
renew {v} (to repeat; to go over again) | :: renovar |
renew {v} (to make new spiritually; to regenerate) | :: renovar |
renew {v} (to become new, or as new) | :: renovar |
renew {v} (to extend a period of loan) | :: renovar |
renewable {adj} (Able to be renewed) | :: renovable |
renewable {adj} (Sustainable) | :: renovable |
renewable energy {n} | :: energía renovable {f} |
renewal {n} (act of renewing) | :: renovación {f} |
Rengo {prop} (Rengo) | :: Rengo {m} |
reniform {adj} /ˈɹiːnɪfɔː(ɹ)m/ (botany: shaped like a kidney) | :: reniforme, arriñonado {m} |
renin {n} /ˈɹi.nɪn/ (enzyme) | :: renina {f} |
rennase {n} (enzyme) SEE: rennin | :: |
rennet {n} /ˈɹɛnɪt/ (An enzyme) | :: cuajo {m} |
rennet stomach {n} (abomasum) SEE: abomasum | :: |
rennin {n} /ˈɹɛ.nɪn/ (enzyme) | :: quimosina {f}, rennina {f} |
renovate {v} /ˈɹenəveɪt/ (to renew; to revamp) | :: renovar, remozar |
renovate {v} (to restore to freshness or vigor) | :: renovar |
renovation {n} (act or process of renovating) | :: reforma {f} |
renown {n} /ɹɪˈnaʊn/ (Fame or wide recognition) | :: renombre {m}, distinción {f}, fama {f}, nombradía {f} |
renowned {adj} /ɹɪˈnaʊnd/ (famous) | :: renombrado, de renombre, reconocido, distinguido |
rent {n} /ɹɛnt/ (payment made by a tenant) | :: renta {f}, alquiler, arriendo {m} |
rent {v} (to occupy premises in exchange for rent) | :: alquilar, arrendar, rentar |
rent {v} (to grant occupation in return for rent) | :: alquilar |
rent {v} (obtain/have temporary possession of an object such as a movie) | :: alquilar |
rent {n} (a tear or rip) | :: rasgadura {f} |
rent boy {n} (young male prostitute) | :: taxi boy {m}, taxi boys {m-p}, putito {m}, putitos {m-p}, lolito {m}, lolitos {m-p} |
rentcharge {n} (periodic payment) | :: censo consignativo {m} |
rentier {n} /ˈɹɒntɪeɪ/ (individual who receives capital income) | :: rentista {m} |
reoffender {n} (repeat offender) SEE: repeat offender | :: |
reopen {v} ((transitive) to open again) | :: reabrir |
reopen {v} ((intransitive) to open again) | :: reabrirse |
reorganization {n} (act or process) | :: reorganización {f} |
reorganize {v} (to organize again) | :: reorganizar |
rep {n} (reputation) SEE: reputation | :: |
rep {n} (representative) SEE: representative | :: |
rep {n} (repetition) SEE: repetition | :: |
repaint {v} /ɹiːˈpeɪnt/ (to paint again) | :: repintar |
repair {v} /ɹɪˈpɛɚ/ (to restore to good working order) | :: reparar |
repair {n} (act of repairing something) | :: reparación {f} |
repair {n} (result of repairing something) | :: reparación {f} |
repairable {adj} (able to be repaired) SEE: reparable | :: |
repairman {n} (man whose job is to repair things) | :: reparador {m}, reparadora {f} |
reparable {adj} /ˈɹɛp(ə)ɹəb(ə)l/ (able to be repaired) | :: reparable |
reparation {n} /ˌɹɛpəˈɹeɪʃən/ (payment to undo transgressions) | :: reparación {f} |
reparation {n} (renewing or restoring) | :: reparación {f} |
repast {n} /ɹɪˈpæst/ (literary: a meal) | :: condumio, pitanza, refacción, refección |
repatriate {v} /ɹiːˈpeɪ.tɹi.eɪt/ (to restore somebody to his or her own country) | :: repatriar |
repatriation {n} (the process of returning of a person to their country of origin) | :: repatriación {f} |
repay {v} (pay back) SEE: pay back | :: |
repeal {v} /ɹəˈpiːl/ (to cancel) | :: derogar |
repeat {v} /ɹɪˈpiːt/ (do or say again) | :: repetir |
repeat {n} (pattern of nucleic acids) | :: repetición |
repeatable {adj} (able to be repeated) | :: repetible |
repeatable {adj} (that gives the same result when repeated) | :: repetible |
repeated {adj} /ɹɪˈpiːtɪd/ (said or done again) | :: repetido |
repeatedly {adv} /ɹɪˈpiːtɪdli/ (done several times) | :: reiteradamente, repetidamente |
repeat offender {n} (repeat offender, see also: recidivist) | :: reincidente {m} {f} |
repeat oneself {v} | :: repetirse, repetirse como el ajo |
repechage {n} /ˌɹɛp.əˈʃɑʒ/ (heat for competitors who have lost in a previous round) | :: repesca {f} |
repel {v} /ɹɪˈpɛl/ (physics: to force away) | :: repeler |
repellent {adj} /ɹəˈpɛlənt/ (tending or able to repel) | :: repelente |
repellent {adj} (repulsive, inspiring aversion) | :: repulsivo |
repellent {adj} (resistant or impervious to something) | :: impermeable |
repellent {n} (substance used to repel animals) | :: repelente para insectos {m} |
repent {v} /ɹɪˈpɛnt/ (to feel sorrow or regret for what one has done or omitted to do) | :: arrepentirse |
repent {v} (to feel pain on account of, to remember with sorrow) | :: arrepentir |
repentance {n} /ɹɪˈpɛntəns/ (condition of being penitent) | :: arrepentimiento {m} |
repentance {n} (feeling of regret or remorse) | :: arrepentimiento {m} |
repentant {adj} (feeling sorrow for wrongdoing) | :: arrepentido {m} |
repercussion {n} /ˌɹi.pɚˈkʌʃ.ən/ (consequence, result of action) | :: consecuencia |
repertoire {n} /ˈɹɛp.əɹ.twɑɹ/ (list of dramas, operas, pieces, parts, etc., which a company or a person has rehearsed) | :: repertorio {m} |
repetition {n} /ɹɛpəˈtɪʃən/ (act or an instance of repeating or being repeated) | :: repetición {f} |
repetition {n} | :: repetición {f} |
repetitive {adj} (happening many times in a similar way) | :: repetitivo |
rephrase {v} (find a different way to say something) | :: reformular |
replace {v} /ɹɪˈpleɪs/ (to substitute) | :: reemplazar |
replaceable {adj} (capable of being replaced) | :: reemplazable, sustituible |
replacement {n} /ɹɪˈpleɪsmənt/ (a person or thing that takes the place of another; a substitute) | :: substituto {m}, sustituto, reemplazo, suplente {m} {f} (person) |
replacement {n} (act of replacing) | :: reemplazo {m} |
replay {n} (the replaying of something) | :: repetir |
replenishment {n} (act of replenishing) | :: reposición |
replete {adj} /ɹɪˈpliːt/ (abounding) | :: repleto |
replevin {n} /ɹɪˈplɛvɪn/ (legal action) | :: acción reivindicatoria {f}, reivindicación {f} |
replevin {v} (replevy) SEE: replevy | :: |
replevy {v} /ɹɪˈplɛvi/ (return goods) | :: reivindicar |
replica {n} /ˈɹɛplɪkə/ (exact copy) | :: réplica {f} |
replicate {v} /ˈɹɛpləˌkeɪt/ (to make a copy of) | :: replicar |
replication {n} /ɹɛplɪˈkeɪʃən/ (process of producing replicas of DNA or RNA) | :: replicación |
replicon {n} (DNA that replicates as an individual unit) | :: replicón |
reply {v} /ɹɪˈplaɪ/ (to give a written or spoken response) | :: responder |
reply {v} (to act or gesture in response) | :: responder |
reply {v} (to repeat something back) | :: repetir |
reply {v} | :: responder |
reply {n} (written or spoken response) | :: respuesta {f} |
reply {n} (something given in reply) | :: respuesta {f} |
repoliticize {v} | :: repolitizar |
repopulation {n} (act of repopulating) | :: repoblación {f} |
report {v} /ɹɪˈpɔɹt/ (to relate details of) | :: informar |
report {v} (to notify formally) | :: notificar |
report {v} (to be accountable) | :: ser responsable, rendir cuentas |
report {v} (military: to appear or present oneself) | :: presentarse |
report {n} (information describing events) | :: informe {m} |
reportage {n} /ɹɪˈpɔː(ɹ)tɪdʒ/ (reporting of news, especially by an eyewitness) | :: reportaje {m} |
report card {n} (grades) | :: boletín de notas {m} |
reported speech {n} (a form of speech used to express what another has said) | :: estilo indirecto {m} |
reporter {n} /ɹɪˈpɔɹtɚ/ (journalist) | :: reportero {m} |
repose {n} /ɹɪˈpoʊz/ (rest) | :: reposo |
repose {n} (quietness) | :: reposo, tranquilidad, quietud |
repose {n} (period between eruptions of a volcano) | :: reposo |
repository {n} (a location for storage, often for safety or preservation) | :: repositorio {m} |
repository {n} (storage location for computer files) | :: repositorio {m} |
repository {n} | :: repositorio, depositorio |
repossess {v} (To reclaim ownership of property for which payment remains due) | :: recuperar |
reprehensible {adj} (blameworthy) | :: reprehensible |
reprehensible {adj} (deserving of reprehension) | :: reprehensible |
represent {v} /ɹɛp.ɹɪ.ˈzɛnt/ (to stand in the place of, act on behalf of) | :: representar |
represent {v} (to serve as a sign or symbol of) | :: representar |
representable {adj} (capable of being represented) | :: representable |
representation {n} /ˌɹɛp.ɹə.zɛn.ˈteɪ.ʃən/ (that which represents something else) | :: representación {f} |
representation {n} (people who speak on behalf of another in court) | :: representación {f} |
representation {n} (figure, image or idea that substitutes reality) | :: representación {f} |
representation {n} (theatrical performance) | :: representación {f} |
representative {adj} /ˌɹɛpɹɪˈzɛnt(ət)ɪv/ (typical) | :: representante, representativo |
representative {n} (one who speaks for another) | :: representante {m} {f} |
representative {n} (one that is taken as typical of its class) | :: representante |
representative {n} (member of the House of Representatives) | :: representante {m} {f} |
representative {n} (company agent) | :: representante |
representatively {adv} (in a representative manner) | :: representativamente |
repress {v} /ɹəˈpɹɛs/ (forcefully prevent an upheaval from developing) | :: reprimir |
repress {v} (to keep back) | :: reprimir |
repression {n} (act of repressing) | :: represión {f} |
repression {n} (involuntary rejection from consciousness) | :: represión {f} |
repressive {adj} (serving to repress or suppress; oppressive) | :: represivo |
reprieve {n} /ɹɪˈpɹiːv/ (relief from pain) | :: gracia |
reprimand {n} /ˈɹɛpɹɪmɑːnd/ (a severe, formal or official reproof) | :: reprimenda {f}, reprensión {f}, amonestación {f}, regaño {m}, regañina {f}, bronca {f} [colloquial], admonición {f}, reto {m} [colloquial, Argentina] |
reprimand {v} (to reprove in a formal or official way) | :: reprimir, reprender |
reprint {n} /ˈɹiːpɹɪnt/ (printed matter that has been published before but is now being released again) | :: reimpresión {f} |
reprint {v} (to print something that has been published in print before) | :: reimprimir |
reprisal {n} /ɹɪˈpɹaɪzəl/ (retaliation) | :: represalia {f} |
reprise {n} (repetition) SEE: repetition | :: |
reproach {n} /ɹɪˈpɹoʊtʃ/ (mild rebuke, or an implied criticism) | :: reproche {m} |
reproach {n} (disgrace or shame) | :: vergüenza {f} |
reproach {v} (to criticize or rebuke someone) | :: reprochar |
reproach {v} (to disgrace, or bring shame upon someone) | :: avergonzar, echar en cara algo |
reprobate {adj} /ˈɹɛpɹəbət/ (rejected) | :: arrojado, excluido, desterrado, relegado, reprobado, desdichado, condenado, censurado, culpado, infamado |
reprobate {adj} (rejected by God) | :: maldito, anatematizado, reprobado, excomulgado, mancillado, manchado |
reprobate {adj} (immoral) | :: infame, inmundo, inmoral |
reproduce {v} /ˌɹi.pɹoʊˈdus/ (to produce an image or copy of something) | :: reproducir |
reproduce {v} (to generate offspring) | :: proliferar, reproducirse, procrear |
reproduce {v} (to produce again, to recreate) | :: reproducir |
reproducibility {n} (quality of being reproducible) | :: replicabilidad {f} |
reproducible {adj} (capable of being reproduced at a different time or place and by different people) | :: reproducible {m} {f} |
reproduction {n} (the act of reproducing new individuals biologically, see also: procreation) | :: reproducción {f} |
reproduction {n} (a duplicate) | :: reproducción {f} |
reproductive {adj} (of or relating to reproduction) | :: reproductivo, reproductor |
reproductive system {n} (reproductive system) | :: sistema reproductor {m} |
reprography {n} (the reproduction, reprinting and copying of graphics) | :: reprografía {f} |
reptile {n} /ˈɹɛp.taɪl/ (a cold-blooded vertebrate) | :: reptil {m} |
reptilelike {adj} (like a reptile) | :: reptil |
reptilian {adj} (reptilelike) SEE: reptilelike | :: |
reptilianness {n} /ɹɛpˈtɪli.ənnɪs/ (embodiment of reptile characteristics) | :: reptilianidad {f} |
republic {n} /ɹɪˈpʌblɪk/ (a type of state) | :: república {f} |
republic {n} (one of the kinds of parts constituting Russia) | :: república {f} |
republican {n} /ɹɪˈpʌblɪkən/ (someone who favors a republic) | :: republicano {m}, republicana {f} |
Republican {adj} (republican) SEE: republican | :: |
Republican {adj} (pertaining to the Republican Party) | :: republicano |
Republican {n} (supporter of the Republican Party of the U.S.) | :: republicano {m}, republicana {f} |
republicanism {n} (republicanism as a form of government) | :: republicanismo {m} |
Republic of Albania {prop} (Official name of Albania) | :: República de Albania {f} |
Republic of Armenia {prop} (official name of Armenia) | :: República de Armenia {f} |
Republic of Austria {prop} (official name of Austria) | :: República de Austria |
Republic of Azerbaijan {prop} (official name of Azerbaijan) | :: República de Azerbaiyán {f} |
Republic of Belarus {prop} (official name of Belarus) | :: República de Bielorrusia {f}, República de Belarús {f} |
Republic of Bulgaria {prop} (official name of Bulgaria) | :: República de Bulgaria {f} |
Republic of China {prop} (state in East Asia) | :: República de China {f}, Taiwán |
Republic of Colombia {prop} (official name of Colombia) | :: República de Colombia |
Republic of Costa Rica {prop} (official name of Costa Rica) | :: República de Costa Rica |
Republic of Croatia {prop} (official name of Croatia) | :: República de Croacia {f} |
Republic of Cuba {prop} (official name of Cuba) | :: República de Cuba {f} |
Republic of Cyprus {prop} (official name of Cyprus) | :: República de Chipre {f} |
Republic of Estonia {prop} (official name of Estonia) | :: República de Estonia {f} |
Republic of Finland {prop} (official full name of Finland) | :: República de Finlandia {f} |
Republic of Guatemala {prop} (official name of Guatemala) | :: República de Guatemala |
Republic of Hungary {prop} (former official name of Hungary) | :: República de Hungría {f} |
Republic of Iceland {prop} (conventional descriptive name of Iceland) | :: República de Islandia {f} |
Republic of India {prop} (official name of India) | :: República de la India {f} |
Republic of Indonesia {prop} (official name of Indonesia) | :: República de Indonesia {f} |
Republic of Iraq {prop} (official name of Iraq) | :: República de Irak {f} |
Republic of Ireland {prop} /ɹɪˈpʌblɪk əv ˈaɪə(ɹ)lənd/ (country) | :: República de Irlanda |
Republic of Korea {prop} (country) | :: República de Corea {f} |
Republic of Kosovo {prop} (official name of Kosovo) | :: República de Kosovo |
Republic of Latvia {prop} (Official name of Latvia) | :: República de Letonia {f} |
Republic of Letters {prop} (the intellectual community in the late 17th and 18th centuries in Europe and the Americas) | :: República de las Letras {f} |
Republic of Lithuania {prop} (Official name of Lithuania) | :: República de Lituania {f} |
Republic of Macedonia {prop} (Republic of Macedonia, see also: Macedonia) | :: República de Macedonia {f} |
Republic of Malta {prop} (official name of Malta) | :: República de Malta {f} |
Republic of Nicaragua {prop} (official name of Nicaragua) | :: República de Nicaragua |
Republic of North Macedonia {prop} (Republic of North Macedonia, see also: North Macedonia) | :: República de Macedonia del Norte {f} |
Republic of Peru {prop} | :: República del Perú {f} |
Republic of Poland {prop} (official name of Poland) | :: República de Polonia {f} |
Republic of Serbia {prop} (official name of Serbia) | :: República de Serbia {f} |
Republic of Singapore {prop} (official name of Singapore) | :: República de Singapur {f} |
Republic of Slovenia {prop} (official name of Slovenia) | :: República de Eslovenia {f} |
Republic of South Africa {prop} (official name of South Africa) | :: República de Sudáfrica {f} |
Republic of the Congo {prop} (country) | :: República del Congo {f} |
Republic of the Philippines {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) | :: República de las Filipinas {f} |
Republic of Turkey {prop} (official name of the country of Turkey) | :: República de Turquía |
Republika Srpska {prop} /ɹɪˈpʊblɪkə ˈsɜː(ɹ)pskə/ (Entity within Bosnia and Herzegovina) | :: República Srpska {f} |
repudiate {v} /ɹɪˈpjuː.di.eɪt/ (to reject the truth of, deny) | :: repudiar, negar, renegar, rechazar |
repudiate {v} (to refuse to have anything to do with) | :: repudiar, desconocer |
repudiation {n} (refusing) | :: rechazo {m}, repudio {m} |
repugnant {adj} /ɹɪˈpʌɡnənt/ (offensive or repulsive; arousing disgust or aversion) | :: repugnante |
repulse {v} /ɹɪˈpʌls/ (to cause revulsion) | :: repulsar |
repulsion {n} (the act of repelling or the condition of being repelled) | :: repulsión {f} |
repulsive {adj} (tending to rouse aversion or to repulse) | :: repulsivo |
repulsive {adj} (physics: having the capacity to repel) | :: repulsivo |
reputation {n} /ˌɹɛpjʊˈteɪʃən/ (what somebody is known for) | :: reputación {f} |
repute {n} /ɹɪˈpjuːt/ (reputation, especially a good reputation) | :: reputación {f} |
request {v} /ɹɪˈkwɛst/ (to express the need or desire for) | :: pedir, solicitar |
request {v} (to ask somebody to do something) | :: pedir, solicitar |
request {v} | :: demandar, pedir, solicitar, solicitud |
request {n} (act of requesting) | :: solicitud {f}, petición {f} |
request {n} (formal message requesting something) | :: petición {f}, demanda {f} |
request {n} (message sent over a network) | :: petición {f} |
requiem {n} /ˈɹɛ.kwi.əm/ (mass to honor and remember a dead person) | :: réquiem {m} |
requiem {n} (musical composition composed for such a mass) | :: réquiem {m} |
requiem {n} | :: réquiem |
requiescant in pace {phrase} (may they rest in peace) | :: que descansen en paz |
requiescat in pace {phrase} (may he/she rest in peace) | :: descanse en paz {s}, que descanse en paz {s}, que en paz descanse {s} |
requinto {n} (higher-pitched instrument) | :: requinto {m} |
require {v} (ask) SEE: ask | :: |
require {v} /ɹɪˈkwaɪə/ (to need) | :: requerir, necesitar |
requirement {n} /ɹɪˈkwaɪɹmənt/ (necessity) | :: exigencia {f}, requisito {m} |
requirement {n} (engineering: constraint) | :: requisito {m} |
requisition {v} (to demand something) | :: requisar |
Requínoa {prop} (Requínoa) | :: Requínoa {m} |
reread {v} /ɹiːˈɹiːd/ (to read again) | :: releer |
reredos {n} (screen or decoration behind the altar in a church) SEE: retable | :: |
rerun {n} /ɹiˈɹʌn/ (television program shown after its initial presentation) | :: reposición |
resale {n} (the action of selling something previously bought) | :: reventa {f} |
rescind {v} /ɹɪˈsɪnd/ (repeal, annul, or declare void) | :: rescindir, cancelar, anular |
rescue {v} /ˈɹɛs.kjuː/ (to save from any danger or violence) | :: rescatar |
rescue {v} | :: rescatar |
rescue {n} (act of rescuing, saving) | :: rescate {m} |
rescue {n} (liberation) SEE: liberation | :: |
rescuer {n} (person who rescues) | :: rescatista {m} |
research {n} /ˈɹi.sɚtʃ/ (inquiry or examination) | :: investigación |
research {n} | :: investigación {f} |
research {v} (to make an investigation into) | :: investigar |
research {v} | :: investigar |
researcher {n} (one who researches) | :: investigador {m} |
resection {n} (surgical excision) | :: resección |
resell {v} /ɹiːˈsɛl/ (To sell again) | :: revender |
reseller {n} (company or individual) | :: revendedor {m} |
resemblance {n} /ɹəˈzɛmbləns/ (state of resembling) | :: semejanza {f}, similitud {f}, similaridad {f}, parecido {m} |
resemblance {n} (that which resembles) | :: semejanza {f}, parecido {m} |
resemblance {n} (comparison) | :: semejanza {f}, similitud {f}, parecido {m} |
resemblance {n} (probability) | :: verosimilitud {f}, posibilidad {f} |
resemble {v} (compare) SEE: compare | :: |
resemble {v} /ɹɪˈzɛmb(ə)l/ (to be like or similar to something else) | :: asemejarse a, semejar, parecerse |
resend {v} (send again) | :: reenviar {m} |
resend {v} (send back) | :: devolver |
resend {v} (forward something received (especially a message)) | :: enviar, mandar |
resend {v} | :: reenviar |
resent {v} /ɹiˈzɛnt/ (to feel resentment) | :: resentir, resentirse |
resentful {adj} /ɹɪˈzɛntfəl/ (inclined to resent) | :: resentido |
resentment {n} /ɹɪˈzɛntmənt/ (anger or displeasure felt out of belief that others have engaged in wrongdoing or mistreatment; indignation.) | :: resentimiento {m}, animadversión {f} |
reservation {n} /ˌɹɛzɚˈveɪʃən/ (tract of land) | :: reserva {f} |
reservation {n} (arrangement by which something is secured in advance) | :: reserva {f}, reservación {f} |
reserve {v} (to reserve) SEE: hold | :: |
reserve {n} /ɹɪˈzɝv/ (that which is reserved or kept back, as for future use) | :: reserva {f} |
reserve {n} | :: reserva {f} |
reserve {v} (to keep back; to retain) | :: reservar |
reserve {v} (to keep in store for future or special use) | :: reservar |
reserve {v} (to book in advance) | :: reservar |
reserve bank {n} (reserve bank as a central bank) SEE: central bank | :: |
reservoir {n} /ˈɹɛz.ə(ɹ).vwɑɹ/ (large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply) | :: embalse {m} |
reservoir {n} | :: represa {f}, depósito {m}, reserva {f}, alberca {f}, estanque {m} |
reset {v} /ɹiːˈsɛt/ (to set back to the initial state) | :: reiniciar |
reset button {n} | :: reajuste {m}, reinicio {m}, restablecimiento {m} |
reshuffle {v} (to reorganize or rearrange something) | :: reorganizar |
reshuffle {n} (an instance of reshuffling) | :: reajuste [government, politics] |
reside {v} /ɹɪˈzaɪd/ (to dwell permanently or for a considerable time) | :: residir |
residence {n} /ˈɹɛz.ɪ.dəns/ (place where one lives) | :: residencia {f} |
residence permit {n} (right to legally reside in a country) | :: permiso de residencia {m} |
resident {n} /ˈɹɛzɪd(ə)nt/ (person living at a location or an area) | :: residente {m}, habitante, munícipe {m} {f} |
residual {adj} /ɹɪˈzɪdʒʊəl/ (concerning a residue) | :: residual |
residuary estate {n} (portion of the testator's estate that is not specifically devised to someone in the will) | :: heredad residuaria {f} |
residue {n} /ˈɹɛzɪduː/ (whatever remains) | :: residuo {m} |
residue {n} ((chemistry) substance that remains after evaporation, distillation, filtration) | :: residuo |
resign {v} /ɹɪˈzaɪn/ (quit a job or position) | :: renunciar, dimitir |
resign {v} (to give up) | :: resignarse, renunciar |
resignation {n} /ɹɛzɪɡˈneɪʃən/ (act of resigning) | :: dimisión {f}, renuncia {f} |
resignation {n} (declaration that one resigns) | :: renuncia {f} |
resignation {n} (state of uncomplaining acceptance) | :: resignación {f} |
resign oneself {v} (give up) | :: resignarse |
resile {v} /ɹəˈzaɪl/ (to start back; recoil) | :: retroceder |
resilience {n} /ɹə.zɪl.ɪ.əns/ (mental ability) | :: resiliencia {f} |
resilience {n} (physical property of material) | :: resiliencia {f}, elasticidad {f} |
resilient {adj} (able to withstand force without cracking; elastic) | :: tenaz {m} {f}, resistente {m} {f}, resiliente |
resin {n} /ˈɹɛzɪn/ (secretion of plants) | :: resina {f} |
resin {n} (viscous liquid of plant origin) | :: resina {f} |
resin {n} (similar synthetic compound) | :: resina {f} |
resinaceous {adj} (resinous) SEE: resinous | :: |
resinous {adj} (of or pertaining to resin) | :: resinoso |
res ipsa loquitur {phrase} (maxim where improbable facts imply negligence) | :: la cosa habla por sí misma |
resist {v} /ɹɪˈzɪst/ (to attempt to counter actions or effects of) | :: resistir |
resist {v} (to withstand actions or effects of) | :: resistir |
resistance {n} /ɹɪˈzɪstəns/ (act of resisting) | :: resistencia {f} |
resistance {n} (force that tends to oppose motion) | :: resistencia {f} |
resistance {n} (shortened form of electrical resistance) | :: resistencia {f} |
resistance {n} (underground organization struggling for liberation) | :: resistencia {f} |
resistant {n} (a person who resists) | :: resistente {m} |
resistant {adj} (that which makes resistance) | :: resistente |
resistant {adj} (that which is not overcome by a disease or drug) | :: resistente |
resistible {adj} (able to be resisted) | :: resistible |
resistivity {n} (capacity of resistance to electricity) | :: resistividad {f} |
resistor {n} /ɹɪˈzɪstɚ/ (an electric component that transmits current in direct proportion to the voltage across it) | :: resistencia {f}, resistor {m} |
resolute {adj} /ˈɹɛ.zəˌl(j)uːt/ (firm, unyielding, determined) | :: resoluto |
resolution {n} /ˌɹɛzəˈluːʃ(ə)n/ (strong will) | :: resolución {m} |
resolution {n} (computing, photography: degree of fineness of image) | :: resolución {f} |
resolution {n} (computing: number of pixels in an image as stored or displayed) | :: resolución {f} |
resolution {n} (math: act or process of solving) | :: resolución {f} |
resolution {n} (formal statement adopted by an assembly) | :: resolución {f} |
resolution {n} | :: resolución {f} |
resolve {v} /ɹɪˈzɑlv/ (to find a solution to) | :: resolver, solventar |
resolve {v} (to make a firm decision) | :: resolver |
resolve {v} (to cause a chord to go from dissonance to consonance) | :: resolver |
resolve {v} (to melt; to dissolve; to liquefy or soften) | :: disolver |
resolve {v} (to separate racemic compounds into their enantiomers) | :: resolver |
resolve {n} (will power) | :: resolución {f} |
resonant {adj} /ˈɹɛzənənt/ (resounding, echoing) | :: resonante |
resonate {v} /ˈɹɛz.əˌneɪt/ (to vibrate or sound, especially in response to another vibration) | :: resonar |
resonator {n} (object or system that resonates) | :: resonador {m} |
resonator {n} (hollow cavity) | :: resonador {m} |
resonator {n} (electronic circuit) | :: resonador {m} |
resorb {v} (to absorb again) | :: resorber |
resort {n} /ɹɨˈzɔ(ɹ)t/ (a relaxing environment for people on vacation) | :: estación turística {f}, complejo vacacional {m}, resort {m} |
resort {n} (something or someone turned to for safety) | :: recurso {m}, refugio {m} |
resort {v} (to have recourse out of necessity or frustration) | :: recurrir |
resort {v} /ˌɹiːˈsɔ(ɹ)t/ (to repeat a sorting process) | :: reordenar, realinear, reacomodar |
resounding {adj} /ɹɪˈzaʊn.dɪŋ/ (having a deep, reverberating sound) | :: retumbante, resonante, sonoro {m} |
resource {n} /ˈɹisɔɹs/ (something that one uses to achieve an objective) | :: recurso {m}, medio {m} |
resource {n} (personal capacity) | :: fortaleza {f}, capacidad {f}, recurso {m} |
resource {v} (To supply with resources) | :: surtir, abastecer, dotar |
resourcefulness {n} (the ability to cope with situations) | :: ingenio {m}, inventiva {f} |
respect {n} /ɹɪˈspɛkt/ (admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit) | :: respeto {m} |
respect {n} (polite greetings) | :: respeto {m} |
respect {n} (particular aspect of something) | :: respeto {m} |
respect {v} (to have respect for) | :: respetar |
respectability {n} (quality of being respectable) | :: respetabilidad {f} |
respectable {adj} /ɹi.ˈspɛk.tə.bl̩/ (deserving respect) | :: respetable |
respectably {adv} (in a respectable manner) | :: respetablemente, dignamente |
respectful {adj} /ɹɪˈspɛktfəl/ (characterized by respect) | :: respetuoso |
respectfully {adv} /ɹɪˈspɛktfəli/ (in a respectful manner) | :: respetuosamente |
respectfulness {n} (The characteristic of being respectful) | :: respetuosidad |
respective {adj} /ɹɪˈspɛktɪv/ (referencing two or more things as individuals) | :: respectivo |
respectively {adv} /ɹɪˈspɛktɪvli/ (in a relative manner) | :: respectivamente |
respiration {n} /ɹɛspɪˈɹeɪʃən/ (breathing) | :: respiración |
respirator {n} (device to allow breathing) | :: respirador {m} |
respiratory {adj} /ˈɹɛspəɹəˌtɔɹi/ (relating to respiration; breathing) | :: respiratorio |
respiratory distress {n} (heightened level of carbon dioxide in the blood stream) | :: distrés respiratorio {m} |
respiratory rate {n} (no. of breaths) | :: frecuencia respiratoria {f} |
respiratory system {n} (system of organs) | :: sistema respiratorio {m} |
respite {n} /ˈɹɛspɪt/ (brief interval of rest or relief) | :: pausa {f}, descanso {m} |
respite {v} ((transitive) To delay or postpone) | :: atrasar, postergar |
respond {v} (to say in reply, to respond) SEE: return | :: |
respond {v} /ɹəˈspɒnd/ (to say something in return) | :: responder |
respond {v} (to act in return) | :: responder |
respond {v} (to correspond) | :: responder |
response {n} /ɹɪˈspɒns/ (an answer or reply) | :: respuesta {f} |
response {n} (a reaction to a stimulus or provocation) | :: respuesta |
responsibility {n} /ɹɪˌspɑnsəˈbɪlɪɾi/ (the state of being responsible) | :: responsabilidad {f} |
responsibility {n} (a duty, obligation or liability for which someone is responsible) | :: responsabilidad {f} |
responsibilization {n} | :: responsabilización {f} |
responsibilize {v} | :: responsabilizar |
responsible {adj} /ɹɪˈspɒnsəbl̩/ (answerable for an act performed or for its consequences) | :: responsable |
responsible {adj} (able to answer reasonably for one's conduct) | :: responsable |
responsible {adj} (involving a degree of personal accountability) | :: de responsabilidad [locution] |
responsible {adj} (being a primary cause or agent of some event or action) | :: responsable |
responsible {adj} (able to be trusted) | :: responsable |
responsible {n} | :: responsable {m} {f} |
responsibly {adv} (in a responsible manner) | :: responsablemente |
responsive {adj} /ɹɪˈspɒnsɪv/ (able to receive and respond to external stimuli) | :: sensible |
responsive {adj} (susceptible to the feelings of others) | :: empático {m} |
ressentiment {n} (obsolete: resentment) SEE: resentment | :: |
rest {n} /ɹɛst/ (relief afforded by sleeping; sleep) | :: reposo {m} |
rest {n} (relief from exertion; state of quiet and recreation) | :: descanso {m}, reposo {m}, holganza {f} |
rest {n} (peace, freedom from trouble, tranquility) | :: reposo {m} |
rest {n} (pause of a specified length in a piece of music) | :: pausa {f} |
rest {n} (symbol indicating a pause in music) | :: pausa {f} |
rest {n} (physics: absence of motion) | :: reposo {m} |
rest {n} (object designed to be used to support something else) | :: descanso {m}, brazo {m} [chair] |
rest {v} (intransitive: take repose) | :: descansar, reposar |
rest {v} (US legal) | :: desistir |
rest {n} /ɹɛst/ (remainder) | :: resto {m}, sobra {f}, demás |
rest {v} (to remain) SEE: remain | :: |
rest area {n} (rest area along a road) | :: área de descanso {f} |
restart {n} /ˈɹiːˌstɑɹt/ (act of restarting) | :: reinicio {m} |
restart {v} (To start again) | :: reiniciar |
restart {v} (In computing, to reboot) | :: reiniciar |
restate {v} (rephrase) SEE: rephrase | :: |
restate {v} (to state again) | :: repetir, reiterar |
restaurant {n} /ˈɹɛs.t(ə)ˌɹɑnt/ (an eating establishment in which diners are served food) | :: restaurante {m}, restorán {m} |
rest day {n} (day spent resting) | :: día de asueto |
rest in peace {v} (blessing or expression of hope) | :: descanse en paz, que en paz descanse |
rest in power {v} (blessing or expression of hope) | :: descanse en poder |
restive {adj} /ˈɹɛstɪv/ (impatient, under delay, duress, or control.) | :: impaciente |
restive {adj} (resistant of control; stubborn) | :: terco, recalcitrante |
restless {adj} /ˈɹɛstlɪs/ (unable to be still or quiet) | :: inquieto |
restlessness {n} (state or condition of being restless) | :: agitación {f}, desasosiego {m}, desazón {f}, inquietud {f} |
rest mass {n} (mass of a body when it is not moving) | :: masa invariante, masa en reposo |
rest on one's laurels {v} (rely on a past success instead of trying to improve oneself further) | :: dormirse en los laureles, dormir en los laureles |
restoration {n} /ɹɛstəˈɹeɪʃən/ (the process of bringing an object back to its original state) | :: restauración {f} |
restoration {n} (the return of a former monarchy or monarch to power) | :: restauración {f} |
restorative {adj} /ɹɪˈstɒɹətɪv/ | :: reconstituyente |
restore {v} /ɹɪˈstɔɹ/ (To reestablish, or bring back into existence) | :: restablecer |
restore {v} (To bring back to a previous condition or state) | :: restaurar |
restorer {n} (one who restores) | :: restaurador {m} |
restrain {v} /ɹɪˈstɹeɪn/ (to control or keep in check) | :: reprimir |
restrain {v} (to deprive of liberty) | :: retener |
restrain {v} (to restrict or limit) | :: restringir |
restrained {adj} (held back, limited, kept in check or under control) | :: reprimido |
restraining order {n} (An order issued by a court of law or other legal authority for a specified timeframe forbidding the restrained party from contacting and close proximity to the protected party and other restrictions) | :: orden de alejamiento {m} |
restraint {n} /ɹɪˈstɹeɪnt/ (something that restrains, ties, fastens or secures) | :: restricción {f}, limitación {f} |
restraint {n} (control or caution; reserve) | :: control {m}, detención {f} |
restrict {v} /ɹɪˈstɹɪkt/ (to restrain within bounds) | :: restringir |
restriction {n} /ɹɪˈstɹɪkʃən/ (act or state) | :: restricción {f} |
restriction {n} (regulation or limitation) | :: restricción {f} |
restriction {n} (degradation of DNA) | :: restricción |
restrictive {adj} (confining; limiting) | :: restrictivo |
restrictive covenant {n} (agreement) | :: pacto restrictivo {m} |
restroom {n} (public room containing a toilet) | :: servicio {m} [Spain], baño {m}, aseos {p} |
restructuration {n} (restructuring) SEE: restructuring | :: |
restructure {v} (to change the organization of) | :: reestructurar |
restructuring {n} (alteration of structure) | :: reestructuración {f} |
result {v} /ɹɪˈzʌlt/ (to proceed, spring, or rise, as a consequence) | :: resultar |
result {n} (that which results) | :: resultado {m} |
result {n} | :: resolución {f} |
resulting {adj} /ɹɪˈzʌltɪŋ/ (of something that follows as the result of something else) | :: resultante |
resulting trust {n} (trust that is implied in law, under which property entrusted to one party is not to be used for the benefit of that party, but for that party to use for the benefit of a third party) | :: fideicomiso presuntivo {m} |
resume {n} (curriculum vitae) SEE: curriculum vitae | :: |
resume {v} /ɹɪˈzjuːm/ (start something again that has been stopped or paused) | :: reanudar, retomar, continuar, reanudarse |
resume {n} /ˈɹɛz.ə.meɪ/ (summary) | :: resumen {m} |
resurrect {v} /ɹɛzəˈɹɛkt/ (to raise from dead) | :: resucitar |
resurrection {n} /ɹɛzəˈɹɛkʃən/ (the act of arising from the dead) | :: resurrección {f} |
Resurrection {prop} (resurrection of Jesus) | :: resurrección {f} |
resuscitation {n} (the act of resuscitating) | :: resucitación {f} |
resveratrol {n} (phenolic substance) | :: resveratrol {m} |
retable {n} (table or shelf behind an altar) | :: retablo {m} |
retail {n} /ˈɹiˌteɪl/ (sale of goods directly to the consumer) | :: venta al por menor {f}, venta al detalle {f}, retail {m}, minorista {f} |
retailer {n} (retail sales company or salesman) | :: minorista |
retain {v} /ɹɪˈteɪn/ (to keep in possession or use) | :: retener, detentar |
retainer {n} /ɹɪˈteɪn.ə/ (paid servant) | :: criado {m} |
retainer {n} (dentistry: device) | :: retenedor |
retaining wall {n} (structure) | :: muro de contención {m} |
retake {v} /ɹiːˈteɪk/ (take again) | :: retomar |
retake {v} (take back) | :: recuperar |
retake {v} (recapture) | :: retomar |
retake {v} (film again) | :: retomar |
retaliate {v} (do something harmful to get revenge) | :: represaliar |
retaliation {n} /ɹɪˌtæliˈeɪʃən/ (act of responding violently to an act of harm or perceived injustice) | :: represalia |
retard {n} /ɹɪˈtɑː(ɹ)d/ (retardation; delay) | :: perecear |
retarded {adj} /ɹiˈtɑɹdɪd/ (delayed in development) | :: retardado, retrasado |
retarded {adj} (having mental retardation) | :: retrasado |
retarded {adj} (stupid, irrational) | :: retrasado |
retch {v} /ɹɛtʃ/ (to make an effort to vomit) | :: tener arcadas |
retch {n} (an unsuccessful effort to vomit) | :: arcada {f} |
retching {n} (the act of retching) | :: arcada {f} |
retell {v} /ɹiˈtɛl/ (to tell again) | :: contar de nuevo, redecir |
retention {n} (the act of retaining or something retained) | :: retención {f} |
retention {n} (the act or power of remembering things; memory) | :: retentiva {f} |
retention {n} (a memory) | :: recuerdo {m} |
retention {n} (the involuntary withholding of urine and faeces) | :: retención {f} |
rethink {v} /ɹiːˈθɪŋk/ (think again about a problem) | :: repensar, reflexionar |
reticence {n} /ˈɹɛtɪs(ə)ns/ (avoidance of saying or reluctance to say too much) | :: reticencia {f} |
reticence {n} (hesitancy or reluctance) | :: reticencia {f} |
reticent {adj} /ˈɹɛtɪsənt/ (reserved) | :: reticente |
reticulum {n} (the second stomach of a ruminant) | :: redecilla {f}, retículo {m} |
Reticulum {prop} (small constellation of the southern summer sky) | :: Reticulum |
retie {v} (to tie again) | :: reatar |
retina {n} /ˈɹɛt.ɨ.nə/ (thin layer of cells at the back of the eyeball) | :: retina {f} |
retinitis {n} (inflammation of the retina) | :: retinitis |
retinoblastoma {n} (malignant tumour of the retina) | :: retinoblastoma {m} |
retinol {n} (the vitamin) | :: retinol {m} |
retinue {n} /ˈɹɛtɪn(j)uː/ (group of servants) | :: servidumbre {f} |
retinue {n} (comitatus) | :: séquito {m} |
retire {v} /ɹəˈtaɪə(ɹ)/ (to stop working on a permanent basis) | :: jubilar |
retired {adj} /ɹɪˈtʌɪəd/ (having left employment) | :: jubilado |
retiree {n} /ɹəˈtaɪ.ə(ɹ)ˌiː/ (someone who has retired from active working) | :: jubilado {m}, pensionista {m} |
retirement {n} /ɹəˈtaɪə(ɹ).mənt/ (act of retiring, or the state of being retired) | :: jubilación {f}, retirada {f} |
retirement home {n} (multi-residence housing facility intended for the elderly) | :: asilo de ancianos {m}, hogar de ancianos {m}, casa de reposo {f} |
retort {v} (to retort; to throw back) SEE: return | :: |
retort {n} /ɹɪˈtɔɹt/ (sharp or witty reply) | :: réplica {f} |
retort {n} (flask used for distillation) | :: retorta {f} |
retract {v} /ɹəˈtɹækt/ (to pull back inside) | :: retraer |
retract {v} (to draw back; to draw up) | :: retraer |
retract {v} (to take back or withdraw something one has said) | :: retractar |
retrain {v} (to train again) | :: capacitar |
retreat {n} /ɹəˈtɹiːt/ (act of pulling back or withdrawing) | :: retirarse |
retreat {n} (quiet place affording privacy) | :: retiro {m} |
retreat {n} (period of meditation, prayer, or study) | :: retiro |
retreat {v} (to withdraw military forces) | :: retirarse |
retreat {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet | :: |
retreat {v} (retreat) SEE: withdraw | :: |
retreat {n} (to turn back, retreat) SEE: return | :: |
retribution {n} /ˌɹɛtɹɪˈbjuʃən/ (punishment inflicted in the spirit of moral outrage or personal vengeance) | :: castigo {m}, retribución {f} |
retrieval {n} (act of retrieving) | :: recuperación {f} |
retrieve {v} /ɹɪˈtɹiv/ (to regain or get back something) | :: recuperar {m} |
retrieve {n} (retrieval) SEE: retrieval | :: |
retriever {n} /ɹiˈtɹivəɹ/ (a type of dog) | :: cobrador |
retro- {prefix} (back or backward) | :: retro- |
retroactive {adj} /ˌɹɛ.tɹoʊˈæk.tɪv/ (extending in scope, effect, application or influence to a prior time or to prior conditions) | :: retroactivo |
retroactively {adv} /ˌɹɛtɹoʊˈæktɪvli/ (done after the fact) | :: retroactivamente |
retrocomputing {n} | :: retroinformática {f} |
retroduodenal {adj} (behind the duodenum) | :: retroduodenal |
retrofit {v} /ˈɹɛt.ɹəʊˌfɪt/ (To add or substitute new parts to some device that were not previously available) | :: modernizar |
retrofit {v} (To fix an older version) | :: corregir retroactivamente |
retrofit {n} (act of retrofitting) | :: corrección retroactiva |
retrograde amnesia {n} (loss of memories from the period leading up to the amnesic episode) | :: amnesia retrógrada {f} |
retromandibular {adj} | :: retromandibular |
retromingent {adj} (cowardly) SEE: cowardly | :: |
retronym {n} (A new coinage for an old concept) | :: retrónimo {m} |
retroperitoneal {adj} (located behind the peritoneum) | :: retroperitoneal |
retropropulsion {n} | :: retropropulsión {f} |
retrospective {adj} /ˌɹɛtɹə(ʊ)ˈspɛktɪv/ (of, relating to, or contemplating the past) | :: retrospectivo |
retrospective {n} (exhibition of works) | :: retrospectiva {f} |
retrosynthesis {n} (prediction of precursors in a synthesis reaction) | :: retrosintesi {f}, análisis retrosintético {m} |
retrovirus {n} (virus with a genome consisting of RNA) | :: retrovirus {m} |
retsina {n} /ɹɛtˈsiːnə/ (Greek wine) | :: retsina {f} |
return {n} (answer) SEE: answer | :: |
return {v} /ɹɪˈtɜːn/ (to come or go back) | :: volver, regresar |
return {v} (to go back in thought, narration, or argument) | :: volver |
return {v} (to give something back to its original holder or owner) | :: devolver |
return {n} (act of returning) | :: regreso {m}, retorno {m}, vuelta {f} |
return {n} | :: retorno {m}, regreso {m}, vuelta {f} |
return {v} (to take something back to a retailer for a refund) SEE: take back | :: |
return ticket {n} (a ticket granting permission to travel to a place and back again) | :: billete de ida y vuelta {m} |
retweet {v} (repost or forward a Twitter message) | :: retuitear, retwittear |
retweet {n} (message reposted or forwarded) | :: retuit {m}, retuiteo {m} |
Reuben {prop} (first son of Jacob) | :: Rubén |
Reuben {prop} (male given name) | :: Rubén |
reunification {n} (the unification of something that was previously divided; used especially of a country) | :: reunificación {f} |
reunify {v} | :: reunificar |
reunion {n} (the process or act) | :: reunión {f} |
reunion {n} (planned event) | :: reunión {f} |
reunion {n} (reunification) SEE: reunification | :: |
Reunionese {n} (person of or from Réunion) | :: reunionés |
Reunionese {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Réunion) | :: reunionés |
reunite {v} (to unite again) | :: reunir, reunirse |
reuptake {n} (reabsorption of neurotransmitter by neuron) | :: recaptación neuronal, recaptación {f} |
reusability {n} (property or degree of being reusable) | :: reusabilidad {f} |
reusable {adj} (able to be used again) | :: reutilizable |
reuse {v} /ɹiːˈjuːs/ (to use again) | :: reusar |
Reutemann {prop} (surname) | :: Reutemann |
Reuven {prop} (given name) SEE: Reuben | :: |
rev {v} /ɹɛv/ (to increase the speed of a motor) | :: acelerar |
revamp {v} /ɹiˈvæmp/ (to renovate, revise, improve or renew; to patch) | :: modernizar |
revanchism {n} /ɹəˈvɑn(t)ʃɪz(ə)m/ (political policy of endeavouring to regain lost territory) | :: revanchismo {m} |
revanchist {n} (avenger) SEE: avenger | :: |
revanchist {n} /ɹəˈvɑn(t)ʃɪst/ (revanchist, vengeful person) | :: revanchista {m} {f} |
revanchist {adj} (advocating a policy of revanche) | :: revanchista {m} {f} |
rev counter {n} (rev counter) SEE: tachometer | :: |
reveal {v} /ɹəˈviːl/ (to uncover) | :: revelar, propalar |
reveal {v} (to communicate that which could not be known or discovered without divine or supernatural instruction) | :: revelar |
reveille {n} /ˈɹɛ.və.li/ (the sounding of a bugle or drum early in the morning to awaken soldiers) | :: diana |
revel {n} /ˈɹɛv.əl/ (An instance of merry-making; a celebration) | :: juerga {f}, parranda {f} |
revelation {n} /ɹɛvəˈleɪʃən/ (the act of revealing or disclosing) | :: revelación {f}, develamiento {m} |
revelation {n} (manifestation of divine truth) | :: revelación {f} |
Revelation {prop} (book of Bible) | :: Apocalipsis, Revelación {f} |
reveller {n} (one who attends revels) | :: juerguista {m} {f} |
revenant {n} /ˈɹɛvənənt/ (Someone who returns from a long absence) | :: aparecido {m}, aparecida {f}, hijo pródigo {m}, hija pródiga {f} |
revenant {n} (someone reborn) | :: renacido {m}, renacida {f}, vuelto a nacer {m}, vuelta a nacer {f} |
revenant {n} (supernatural being) | :: resucitado {m}, resucitada {f}; zombi {m}, fantasma {m}, espectro {m}, aparición {f}, aparecido {m} |
revenge {n} /ɹɪˈvɛndʒ/ (retaliatory action) | :: venganza {f} |
revenge is a dish best served cold {proverb} (revenge is best or most satisfying when delayed) | :: la venganza es un plato que se sirve frío |
revenge porn {n} (explicit media distributed as revenge) | :: pornovenganza {f}, porno vengativo {m} |
revenue {n} /ˈɹɛvənjuː/ (income from an investment) | :: retorno |
revenue {n} (total income from a given source) | :: renta {f} |
revenue {n} (all income for some treasury by taxation e.a.) | :: recaudación {f} |
revenue {n} (turnover, total sales) | :: rédito |
revenue stamp {n} (stamp to affix as proof that tax due) | :: timbre {m} |
reverberate {v} /ɹɪˈvɜː(ɹ).bəɹ.eɪt/ (to ring with many echos) | :: reverberar |
reverberate {v} (to shire or reflect) | :: reverberar |
reverberate {v} | :: reverberar |
revere {v} /ɹə.viːɹ/ (to regard someone or something with great awe or devotion) | :: reverenciar |
revere {v} (to venerate someone or something as an idol) | :: idolatrar |
reverence {n} /ˈɹɛv.ə.ɹəns/ (veneration; profound awe and respect) | :: reverencia {f}, veneración {f} |
reverend {n} /ˈɹɛvɹənd/ (member of the Christian clergy) | :: reverendo {m} |
Reverend {n} (minister) SEE: reverend | :: |
Reverend {n} /ˈɹɛvɹənd/ (honorary title added to the names of Christian clergy) | :: El Reverendo |
reverent {adj} /ˈɹɛvɹənt/ (showing respect or reverence; respectful) | :: reverente |
reverie {n} /ˈɹɛvəɹi/ (state of dreaming while awake) | :: vigilia {f} |
reverie {n} (conceit of imagination) | :: fantasía {f} |
reversal {n} /ɹɪˈvɜː(ɹ)səl/ (an instance of reversing) | :: inversión {f},retorno {m},revocación {f} |
reverse {adj} /ɹɪˈvɜːs/ (having the order of its constituents moved backwards) | :: [adverb] al revés, [adverb] en sentido contrario |
reverse {adj} (causing movement in the opposite direction) | :: marcha atrás, reverso {m} |
reverse {adj} (of points: to be in the non-default position) | :: reverso {m} |
reverse {n} (gear) | :: marcha atrás {f}, retroceso {m} [Venezuela], reversa {f} [Central America, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico], riversa {f} [Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico] |
reverse dowry {n} (bride price) SEE: bride price | :: |
reverse engineering {n} (analyzing the construction and operation of a product in order to manufacture a similar one) | :: ingeniería inversa {f}, retroingeniería {f} |
reverse engineering {n} (analysis of computer system) | :: ingeniería inversa {f} |
reversible {adj} (able to be reversed) | :: reversible |
revert {v} /ɹɨˈvɝt/ (to turn back, or to the contrary; to reverse) | :: revertir |
revert {v} (biology: to return to an earlier or primitive type or state) | :: revertir |
review {n} /ɹɪˈvjuː/ (second or subsequent reading of a text or artifact) | :: repaso {m}, revisión {f}, repasos {m-p}, revisiones {f-p} |
review {n} (account intended as a critical evaluation of a text or a piece of work) | :: crítica {f}, reseña {f} |
review {n} (judicial reassessment of a case or an event) | :: revisión {f} |
review {n} (survey of the available items or material) | :: reseña {f} |
review {n} (periodical which makes a survey of the arts or some other field) | :: revista {f} |
review {n} (military inspection or display for the benefit of superiors or VIPs) | :: revista {f} |
review {n} | :: crítica {f}, repaso {m}, reseña {f}, revisión {f}, revista {f} |
review {v} (to look broadly over) | :: revisar, repasar |
review {v} (to write a review) | :: reseñar |
review {v} (to look back over in order to correct or edit; to revise.) | :: revisar |
reviewer {n} (critic) | :: reseñista, reseñante {m} {f}, crítico {m}, reseñador {m}, recensor {m} |
revile {v} /ɹəˈvaɪl/ (to attack with abusive language) | :: insultar, putear [Am.] |
revile {n} (reproach) | :: reprochar |
revise {v} /ɹɪˈvaɪ̯z/ (to review, alter and amend, especially of written material) | :: revisar |
revise {v} (to look over again) | :: repasar |
Revised Romanization of Korean {prop} (Romanization standard for Korean) | :: Romanización revisada del coreano {f} |
revision {n} /riˈvɪ.ʒ(ə)n/ (act of revising) | :: revisión {f} |
revision {n} (changed edition) | :: revisión {f} |
revisionism {n} /ɹɪˈvɪʒəˌnɪzəm/ (advocacy of a revision of some view) | :: revisionismo {m} |
revisionist {adj} /ɹɪˈvɪʒənɪst/ (of or pertaining to revisionism) | :: revisionista |
revisionist {n} (proponent of revisionism) | :: revisionista {m} {f} |
revitalise {v} (to give new life, energy, activity or success) | :: revitalizar |
revitalization {n} (act of revitalizing) | :: revitalización {f} |
revivable {adj} (possible to return to life) | :: revivificable |
revival {n} /ɹɪˈvaɪvəl/ (renewed interest in religion) | :: avivamiento |
revive {v} /ɹɪˈvaɪv/ (to recover from a state of neglect) | :: revivir |
revive {v} (to bring again to life) | :: revivir |
revocation {n} /ˌɹɛvəˈkeɪʃən/ (action of revoking) | :: caducidad |
revoke {v} (to cancel or invalidate by withdrawing or reversing) | :: revocar |
revolt {v} /ɹɪˈvoʊlt/ (to rebel) | :: alzarse en protesta |
revolt {n} (act of revolting) | :: rebelión {f}, revuelta {f} |
revolting {adj} (repellent) | :: estomagante |
revolution {n} /ˌɹɛvəˈl(j)uːʃən/ (political upheaval) | :: revolución {f} |
revolution {n} (removal and replacement of a government) | :: revolución {f} |
revolution {n} (turning of an object around an axis) | :: revolución {f} |
revolution {n} (traversal of one body through an orbit around another body) | :: vuelta {f}, giro {m} [astronomy] |
revolution {n} | :: revolución {f} |
revolutionarily {adv} | :: revolucionariamente |
revolutionary {adj} /ˌɹɛvəˈluʃənɛɹi/ (of or pertaining to a revolution in government) | :: revolucionario {m}, revolucionaria {f} |
revolutionary {n} (A revolutionist; a person who revolts) | :: revolucionario {m}, revolucionaria {f} |
revolve {v} /ɹɪˈvɒlv/ (to orbit a central point) | :: girar [alrededor de] |
revolve {v} (to turn on an axis) | :: rotar |
revolver {n} /ɹɪˈvɒl.vɚ/ (a handgun with revolving chambers) | :: revólver {m} |
revolving door {n} (rotating door) | :: puerta giratoria {f} |
revolving door {n} (politics) | :: puerta giratoria {f} |
revue {n} /ɹəˈvjuː/ (form of theatrical; any entertainment featuring skits, dances, and songs) | :: revista {f} |
reward {n} /ɹɪˈwɔːd/ (something of value given in return for an act) | :: recompensa {f} |
reward {v} (give a reward to) | :: recompensar |
reward {v} (recompense) SEE: recompense | :: |
rewarding {adj} (giving satisfaction) | :: gratificante |
rewatch {v} (to watch again) | :: remirar |
rewild {v} (to return an area to a wilder state) | :: resilvestrar |
rewind {v} /ɹiːˈwaɪnd/ (to wind again) | :: rebobinar |
rewind {v} (wind back) SEE: wind back | :: |
reword {v} (rephrase) SEE: rephrase | :: |
rewrite {v} /ˈɹi.ɹaɪt/ (write again, differently) | :: reescribir |
Reykjavik {prop} /ˈɹɛk.jə.vɪk/ (capital of Iceland) | :: Reikiavik {m} |
RFID {n} (radio-frequency identification (initialism)) | :: Auto ID {f}, RFID |
rhabdomyolysis {n} /ˌɹæb.dəʊ.mʌɪˈɒl.ɪs.ɪs/ (the rapid disintegration of striated muscle tissue accompanied by the excretion of myoglobin in the urine) | :: rabdomiolisis {f}, rabdomiólisis {f} |
rhabdomyosarcoma {n} (tumor) | :: rabdomiosarcoma {m} |
rhamnose {n} (methyl-pentose) | :: ramnosa {f} |
rhapsody {n} /ˈɹapsədi/ (ancient Greek epic poem) | :: rapsodia {f} |
rhea {n} /ˈɹiːə/ (flightless bird) | :: ñandú {m} |
Rhea {prop} (moon) | :: Rea |
rheme {n} /ɹiːm/ (part of a sentence) | :: rema {m} |
rhenium {n} /ˈɹiːniəm/ (chemical element) | :: renio {m} |
rheostat {n} /ˈɹiːəstæt/ (A resistor with adjustable resistance) | :: reostato {m}, reóstato {m} |
rhetoric {n} /ˈɹɛtəɹɪk/ (art of using language for persuasion) | :: retórica {f} |
rhetoric {n} (meaningless language) | :: retórica {f} |
rhetorical {adj} /ɹɪˈtɔɹɪkəl/ (part of or similar to rhetoric) | :: retórico |
rhetorically {adv} (in a rhetorical manner) | :: retóricamente |
rhetorical question {n} (question posed for dramatic or persuasive effect) | :: pregunta retórica {f} |
rheum {n} /ɹuːm/ (nose discharge) | :: legaña {f} |
rheumatic {adj} /ɹuːˈmætɪk/ (referring to rheumatism) | :: reumático {m} |
rheumatic fever {n} (inflammation of joints and heart) | :: fiebre reumática {f} |
rheumatics {n} (rheumatism) SEE: rheumatism | :: |
rheumatism {n} /ˈɹu.məˌtɪz.m̩/ (any painful disorder of muscles, tendons, joints, bones and nerves) | :: reumatismo {m} |
rheumatism {n} (rheumatoid arthritis) | :: artritis reumatoide {f} |
rheumatoid {adj} (presenting analogies with rheumatism) | :: reumatoide |
rheumatoid arthritis {n} (chronic and progressive disease) | :: artritis reumatoide {f} |
rheumatological {adj} (of or pertaining to rheumatology) | :: reumatológico |
rheumatologist {n} (doctor) | :: reumatólogo {m}, reumatóloga {f} |
rheumatology {n} (branch of medicine) | :: reumatología {f} |
Rhine {prop} /ɹaɪn/ (river that flows through Europe) | :: Rin {m} |
Rhineland {prop} /ˈɹɑinland/ (land on both sides of the river Rhine) | :: Renania {f} |
Rhinelander {n} /ˈɹaɪnlændə(ɹ)/ (someone from Rhineland) | :: renano {m}, renana {f} |
Rhineland-Palatinate {prop} (state) | :: Renania-Palatinado |
rhinencephalon {n} (smell-brain) SEE: smell-brain | :: |
rhinitis {n} (inflammation) | :: rinitis {f} |
rhino- {prefix} /ˌɹaɪnoʊ-/ (of or relating to the nose) | :: rino- |
rhinoceros {n} /ɹaɪˈnɑsəɹəs/ (herbivorous pachyderm with horn(s)) | :: rinoceronte {m} |
rhinology {n} (study of the nose) | :: rinología {f} |
rhinoplasty {n} (plastic surgery used to improve a person's nose) | :: rinoplastia {f} |
rhinorrhea {n} (medical symptom) | :: rinorrea {f} |
rhinovirus {n} (virus) | :: rinovirus {m} |
rhizome {n} /ˈɹaɪzoʊm/ (horizontal underground stem of some plants) | :: rizoma {m} |
rhizosphere {n} (soil region influenced by plant roots) | :: rizosfera {f} |
Rhône {prop} (Rhone) SEE: Rhone | :: |
Rhône {prop} (department) | :: Ródano {m} |
rho {n} /ɹoʊ/ (letter of Greek alphabet) | :: ro {f}, rho {f} |
Rhode Island {prop} /ˌɹoʊd ˈaɪ.lənd/ (a state of the United States of America) | :: Rhode Island {m} |
Rhodes {prop} /ɹoʊdz/ (island) | :: Rodas {m} |
Rhodes {prop} (capital of the Dodecanese) | :: Rodas {m} |
Rhodesia {prop} /ɹoʊˈdiːʒə/ (historical name of Zimbabwe) | :: Rodesia {f} |
Rhodesian {adj} (from Rhodesia) | :: rodesiano {m} |
Rhodesian {n} (Someone from Rhodesia) | :: rodesiano {m} |
Rhodesian Ridgeback {n} (breed of dog) | :: perro crestado rodesiano |
rhodium {n} /ˈɹoʊdiəm/ (chemical element) | :: rodio {m} |
rhodochrosite {n} (crystalline mineral composed mainly of manganese carbonate) | :: rodocrosita {f} |
rhododendron {n} /ɹoʊdəˈdɛndɹən/ (flowering shrub in the genus Rhododendron) | :: rododendro {m} |
rhododendron {n} (oleander) SEE: oleander | :: |
rhodonite {n} (A manganese inosilicate mineral) | :: rodonita {f} |
rhombencephalon {n} (hindbrain) SEE: hindbrain | :: |
rhombic dodecahedron {n} (polyhedron with 12 rhombic faces) | :: rombododecaedro {m} |
rhombicosidodecahedron {n} /ɹɑmbɪˈkoʊsiˌdoʊdɛkəhidɹən/ (Archimedean solid) | :: rombicosidodecaedro |
rhombohedral {adj} (having three equal axes and oblique angles) | :: romboédrico |
rhombohedron {n} (prism with six faces, each a rhombus) | :: romboedro {m} |
rhombus {n} /ˈɹɑːmbəs/ (A parallelogram having all sides of equal length) | :: rombo {m} |
Rhone {prop} (river) | :: Ródano {m} |
rhotacism {n} /ˈɹoʊtəsɪzəm/ (A linguistic phenomenon in which a consonant changes into an R) | :: rotacismo |
rhotacism {n} (Inability to pronounce the letter R; derhotacization) | :: rotacismo |
rhubarb {n} /ˈɹuːbɑːb/ (any plant of the genus Rheum) | :: ruibarbo {m} |
Rhuddanian {prop} (subdivision of the Silurian period) | :: Rhuddaniense |
rhyme {n} /ɹaɪm/ (word that rhymes with another) | :: rima {m} |
rhyme {n} (rhyming; sameness of sound of some parts of words, as ‘the poem exhibits rhyme’) | :: rima {f} |
rhyme {v} (transitive, to rhyme with) | :: rimar |
rhyme {v} (reciprocal) | :: rimar |
rhyme {v} (put words together) | :: rimar |
rhyme {n} (rime) SEE: rime | :: |
rhyolite {n} (igneous rock) | :: riolita {f} |
rhythm {n} /ˈɹɪ.ð(ə)m/ (variation of strong and weak elements of sounds over time) | :: ritmo {m} |
rhythm {n} (flow, repetition or regularity) | :: ritmo {m} |
rhythm {n} | :: ritmo {m} |
rhythm {n} (rhythm section) SEE: rhythm section | :: |
rhythmic {adj} /ˈɹɪð.mɪk/ (of or relating to rhythm) | :: rítmico |
rhythmic {adj} (characterized by rhythm) | :: rítmico, acompasado {m}, cadencioso {m} |
rhythmically {adv} (in a rhythmical manner) | :: rítmicamente |
rhythmic gymnastics {n} (a discipline of gymnastics) | :: gimnasia rítmica {f} |
rhythm section {n} (section of a band maintaining the rhythm) | :: sección de ritmo {f} |
ria {n} (a coastal inlet formed by the partial submergence of an unglaciated river valley) | :: ría {f} |
rib {n} /ɹɪb/ (curved bone) | :: costilla {f} |
rib {n} (part similar to rib) | :: costilla {f} |
rib {n} (cut of meat) | :: costillar {m} |
rib {n} (nautical: part of a ship’s framework) | :: costilla {f}, cuaderna {f} |
rib {n} (shaping and supporting member in an aircraft wing) | :: costilla {f} |
rib {n} (botany: prominent vein in a leaf) | :: costilla {f} |
Ribadesella {prop} (town) | :: Ribadesella |
Ribagorza {prop} (region) | :: Ribadesella |
Ribagorza {prop} (county) | :: Ribadesella |
ribald {adj} /ˈɹɪb.əld/ (coarse, lewd, vulgar) | :: obsceno, vulgar |
ribald {n} (individual who is filthy or vulgar) | :: vulgar |
ribat {n} (an Islamic monastery) | :: rábida {f} |
ribauldequin {n} /ɹɪˈbəʊdɪkɪn/ (engine of war) | :: ribadoquín {m} |
ribbed vault {n} (structure created by intersection of vaults) | :: bóveda de nervadadura {f}, bóveda de crucería {f} , bóveda nervada |
ribbit {n} (the sound made by a frog or toad) SEE: croak | :: |
ribbit {v} (make the sound of a frog or toad) SEE: croak | :: |
ribbit {interj} /ˈɹɪbɪt/ (the sound made by a frog or toad) | :: croac |
ribbon {n} /ˈɹɪbən/ (long, narrow strip of material) | :: cinta {f}, moño {m}, lazo {m}, galón {m} |
ribbon {n} (inked ribbon) | :: cinta {f} |
ribbonlike {adj} (having the characteristics of ribbons) | :: acintado |
rib cage {n} (part of skeleton) | :: caja torácica {f} |
riboflavin {n} /ˌraɪboʊˈfleɪvɪn/ (the vitamin B2, riboflavin) | :: riboflavina {f} |
ribonucleic {adj} (of or pertaining to RNA or its derivatives) | :: ribonucleico |
ribonucleic acid {n} (derivative of DNA, used in the transcription of genetic material) | :: ácido ribonucleico {m} |
ribonucleoprotein {n} (any nucleoprotein that contains RNA) | :: ribonucleoproteína {f} |
ribonucleoside {n} (nucleoside component of RNA) | :: ribonucleósido {m} |
ribonucleotide {n} (nucleotide having ribose as its sugar) | :: ribonucleótido {m} |
ribose {n} (naturally occurring pentose sugar) | :: ribosa {f} |
ribosomal {adj} (of or relating to ribosomes) | :: ribosomal, ribosómico |
ribosome {n} /ˈɹaɪbəˌsoʊm/ (organelle) | :: ribosoma {m} |
ribosomic {adj} (of or pertaining to ribosomes) | :: ribosómico |
ribulose {n} (ketopentose whose derivatives participate in photosynthesis) | :: ribulosa {f} |
rice {n} /ɹaɪs/ (plants) | :: arroz {m} |
rice {n} (seeds used as food) | :: arroz {m} |
rice cake {n} | :: galleta de arroz {f} |
rice cooker {n} (kitchen appliance designed to cook rice) | :: olla arrocera {f}, vaporera de arroz {f}, arrocera {f} |
ricefield {n} (field where rice is grown) SEE: paddy | :: |
rice hull {n} (hard protecting covering of a grain of rice) | :: cascarilla de arroz {f} |
rice husk {n} (rice hull) SEE: rice hull | :: |
rice milk {n} (milky liquid from rice) | :: leche de arroz {f} |
rice paddy {n} (field immersed in water dedicated for the cultivation of rice) SEE: paddy | :: |
rice pudding {n} (milk pudding made from rice, milk, sugar and nutmeg) | :: arroz con leche {m} |
rice vinegar {n} (a type of vinegar) | :: vinagre de arroz {m} |
rich {adj} /ɹɪt͡ʃ/ (having wealth) | :: rico |
Richard {prop} /ˈɹɪtʃ.əd/ (male given name) | :: Ricardo {m} |
Richardson {prop} /ˈɹɪtʃɚdsən/ (surname meaning "son of Richard") | :: Ricárdez |
riches {n} /ɹɪt͡ʃɪz/ (money, goods, wealth, treasure) | :: riqueza {f} |
rich kid {n} /ˈɹɪt͡ʃ ˌkɪd/ (child or young adult from a wealthy family) | :: pituco {m} [Chile], riquillo |
Richter scale {prop} (logarithmic scale) | :: escala Richter {f} |
ricin {n} /ˈɹaɪsɪn/ (poison) | :: ricino |
rickets {n} /ˈɹɪkəts/ (disorder of infancy) | :: raquitismo {m} |
rickety {adj} /ˈɹɪk.ɪ.ti/ (not strong because of poor construction or upkeep) | :: enclenque |
rickroll {v} /ˈɹɪkˌɹoʊl/ (to rickroll) | :: rickrolear |
rickshaw {n} /ˈɹɪk.ʃɔː/ (two-wheeled carriage) | :: rickshaw {m} |
ricochet {n} /ˈɹɪkəʃeɪ/ (an instance of ricocheting) | :: rebote |
ricochet {v} (To rebound) | :: rebotar |
ricotta {n} /ɹɪˈkɑtə/ (Italian whey cheese) | :: requesón {m}, [Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela] ricota {f} |
rid {v} /ˈɹɪd/ (to free from a hindrance or annoyance) | :: liberar |
riddle {n} (sieve) SEE: sieve | :: |
riddle {n} /ˈɹɪdəl/ (verbal puzzle) | :: enigma {m}, acertijo {m}, adivinanza, quisicosa {f} |
riddle {v} (to put something through a riddle or sieve) | :: cribar, harnear [Chile] |
riddle {v} (to fill with holes like a riddle) | :: agujerear |
riddle {v} (to fill or spread throughout; to pervade) | :: plagar |
ride {v} /ɹaɪd/ (to transport oneself by sitting on and directing a horse, bicycle etc.) | :: montar, cabalgar [horse] |
ride {v} (to be transported in a vehicle as a passenger) | :: pasear en coche , conducir |
ride {v} (to transport someone in a vehicle) | :: llevar |
ride {v} (to mount someone to have sex with them) | :: montar [vulgar] |
ride {n} (informal: vehicle) | :: medio de transporte {m} |
ride {n} (lift) | :: rait [phonetic cognate of ride], autoestop {m}, aventón [colloquial] |
ridealong {n} (accompanying a police, paramedic, or fireman service unit) | :: acompañada |
rider {n} (robber) SEE: robber | :: |
rider {n} /ˈɹaɪ.dəɹ/ (one who rides, see also: cyclist; driver) | :: jinete {m} |
ride roughshod over {v} (treat roughly or without care; act in a bullying manner) | :: pisotear, pasar a llevar |
ridge {n} /ɹɪdʒ/ (line of intersection) | :: cresta {f}, arista {f} |
ridge {n} (highest point on a roof) | :: cumbrera {f}, caballete {m} |
ridge {n} (chain of mountains) | :: cordillera {f}, sierra {f} |
ridge {n} (elevation on ocean bottom) | :: dorsal {f}, dorsal oceánica {f} |
ridicule {v} /ˈɹɪdɪkjuːl/ (to make fun of someone) | :: burla {f} |
ridiculous {adj} /ɹɪˈdɪkjʊləs/ (foolish, absurd) | :: ridículo |
ridiculously {adv} (in a ridiculous manner) | :: ridículamente |
riding crop {n} (horsewhip) | :: fusta {f} |
Riemann zeta function {n} (analytic continuation of a function defined as the sum of a Dirichlet series) | :: función zeta de Riemann {f} |
Rif {prop} /ɹɪf/ (region in northern Morocco) | :: Rif {m} |
rife {adj} /ɹaɪf/ (Widespread, common (especially of unpleasant or harmful things)) | :: extendido |
rife {adj} (Abounding; present in large numbers, plentiful) | :: abundante |
rife {adv} (Plentifully, abundantly) | :: abundantemente, copiosamente |
riff {n} /ɹɪf/ (repeated instrumental melody line) | :: riff {m} |
riffraff {n} /ˈɹɪfɹæf/ (the rabble) | :: gentuza {f}, gentualla {f}, [Chile] flaite {m}, chusma, gente de baja estofa, gleba |
rifle {n} /ˈɹaɪfəl/ (firearm with a rifled barrel) | :: fusil {m}, rifle {m} |
rifleman {n} (soldier) | :: fusilero {m} |
rift {n} (shallow place in a stream) SEE: ford | :: |
rift {n} /ɹɪft/ (chasm or fissure) | :: cisma, fisura |
rig {n} /ɹɪɡ/ (the arrangement of masts etc.) | :: aparejo {m} [nautical] |
rig {n} (special equipment or gear) | :: aparejo {m} |
rig {v} (to fit out with a harness) | :: aparejar |
rig {v} (to equip and fit a ship) | :: aparejar |
rig {v} (to manipulate something dishonestly) | :: manipular, trucar |
rigadoon {n} (dance) | :: rigodón {m} |
rigadoon {n} (music) | :: rigodón {m} |
Rigel {prop} /ˈɹaɪdʒəl/ (star) | :: Rigel |
rigged {adj} /ɹɪɡd/ (pre-arranged) | :: amañado, manipulado, haber tongo [colloquial] |
rigging {n} /ˈɹɪɡɪŋ/ (tackle of a sailing vessel) | :: jarcia {f} |
right {adj} /ˈɹaɪt/ (straight, not bent) | :: derecho, recto, justo |
right {adj} (of an angle, 90 degrees) | :: perpendicular, recto |
right {adj} (geometry: incorporating a right angle between edges, faces, axes, etc.) | :: correcto, justo |
right {adj} (appropriate, fit for purpose) | :: correcto {m} |
right {adj} (healthy, sane, competent, see also: healthy; sane; competent) | :: sano {m} |
right {adj} (of direction, opposite of left) | :: derecho {m}, derecha {f}, diestra |
right {adj} (politics: conservative) | :: de la derecha, de derecha, de derechas [Spain] |
right {adj} | :: derecho , recto , correcto , justo |
right {adv} (on the right side) | :: a la derecha, a la diestra |
right {adv} (towards the right side) | :: a la derecha |
right {interj} (yes, that is correct; I agree) | :: vale [Spain] |
right {interj} (checking agreement) | :: verdad, ¿verdad?, ¿vale? [Spain], ¿no?, ¿cierto? |
right {n} (legal or moral entitlement) | :: derecho {m} |
right {n} (right, not left, side) | :: derecha {f} |
right {n} (right-wing politicians and parties) | :: derecha {f} |
right {v} (to correct) | :: corregir |
right {adj} (all right, not requiring assistance) SEE: all right | :: |
right angle {n} (angle of 90 degrees) | :: ángulo recto {m} |
right-angled triangle {n} (right-angled triangle) SEE: right triangle | :: |
right as rain {adj} (very good; healthy) | :: como nuevo |
right as rain {adj} (correct; factually accurate) | :: más razón que un santo |
right away {adv} (very soon; immediately) | :: inmediatamente, sin demora, enseguida, al tiro [Chile, informal] |
right bank {n} (river bank to the right when facing downstream) | :: margen derecha {f} |
right-click {v} (to press right-hand button of a mouse) | :: clicar el botón derecho, cliquear el botón derecho, hacer clic derecho |
righteous {adj} /ˈɹaɪtʃəs/ (free from sin or guilt) | :: inmaculado, inocente |
righteous {adj} (moral and virtuous, to the point of sanctimonious) | :: inmaculado, santo, beato |
righteous {adj} (justified morally) | :: correcto, bienhechor, justo |
righteousness {n} /ˈɹaɪt͡ʃəsnəs/ (quality or state of being righteous) | :: rectitud {f}, moralidad {f} |
righteousness {n} (righteous act, or righteous quality) | :: buena obra {f}; rectitud {f} |
righteousness {n} (theology: state of being right with God) | :: gracia {f}, santidad {f}, beatitud {f}, pureza {f} |
rightful {adj} (by right, by law) | :: legítimo |
right-handed {n} (of one who uses their right hand in preference to, or more skillfully than their left.) | :: diestro {m}, diestra {f} |
right identity {n} (element that produces an identity mapping when applied on the right) | :: elemento neutro por la derecha |
rightish {adj} (right-wing) SEE: right-wing | :: |
rightism {n} | :: derechismo {m} |
rightist {n} /ˈɹaɪtɪst/ (supporter of the political right) | :: derechista {m} {f} |
right now {adv} (immediately) SEE: immediately | :: |
right now {adv} (at this precise moment) | :: ahora mismo, ahorita |
right of first refusal {n} (contractual provision) | :: derecho de tanteo {m} |
right of way {n} (right to proceed first in traffic) | :: preferencia {f}, prioridad {f} |
right of way {n} (legal right of passage) | :: derecho de paso {m}, derecho de vía {m} |
right of way {n} (legal easement granted for the construction of a roadway or railway) | :: servidumbre de paso {f} |
rightsholder {n} /ˈɹaɪts.həʊldə(ɹ)/ (a person or organization that owns the legal rights to something) | :: derechohabiente {m} |
right to keep and bear arms {n} (the right of individuals to possess weapons and armor) | :: derecho a portar armas |
right to work {n} /ɹaɪt tə wɝk/ (the fundamental human right to have employment) | :: derecho al trabajo {m}, derecho a trabajar {m} |
right to work {n} (prohibition of closed shops) | :: derecho al trabajo {m} |
right triangle {n} (a triangle having a right angle as one of its interior angles) | :: triángulo rectángulo {m} |
right wing {n} (political) | :: derecha {m} |
right-wing {adj} (resisting political change) | :: derechista |
right-winger {n} (person who belongs to the political right) | :: derechista {m} {f}, momio {m} [colloquial, pejorative, Chile], momia {f} [colloquial, pejorative, rare, Chile], (ser) de derecha, (ser) de derechas |
rigid {adj} /ˈɹɪdʒɪd/ | :: rígido |
rigidity {n} /ɹɪˈd͡ʒɪdɪti/ (The quality or state of being rigid) | :: rigidez {f} |
rigidly {adv} (in a rigid manner) | :: rígidamente |
rigidness {n} (rigidity) SEE: rigidity | :: |
rigmarole {n} /ˈɹɪɡməɹoʊl/ (long and complicated procedure) | :: embrollo {m} |
rigor mortis {n} (Temporary stiffness of a body's muscles and joints following death) | :: rígor mortis {m} |
rigorous {adj} /ˈɹɪɡəɹəs/ (showing, causing or favoring rigor) | :: riguroso |
rigorous {adj} (severe; intense) | :: riguroso |
rigorously {adv} (in a rigorous manner) | :: rigurosamente, rigorosamente |
Rijeka {prop} /ɹɪˈjɛkə/ (coastal city in Croatia) | :: Rijeka {f} |
rile {v} (to anger, annoy) | :: encolerizar, irritar, sacar de quicio |
rile {v} (to incite) | :: sacar de quicio |
rill {n} /ɹɪl/ (very small brook) | :: arroyito {m} |
rim {n} /ɹɪm/ (edge around something) | :: borde {m}, canto {m} |
rim {n} (wheel rim) | :: aro {m} [Argentina, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru, Puerto Rico], llanta {f} [Chile, Paraguay, Spain, Uruguay], rin {m} [Colombia, Mexico, Panama, Venezuela] |
Rimac {prop} (crater) | :: Rímac |
Rimac {prop} (district) | :: Rímac |
Rimac {prop} (river) | :: Rímac |
rime {n} /ɹaɪm/ (hoar frost) | :: escarcha {f} |
rim-job {n} (sex act) | :: beso negro {m} |
Rinconada {prop} | :: Rinconada |
rind {n} /ɹaɪnd/ (tree bark) | :: corteza {f} |
rind {n} (hard outer layer of fruit, cheese) | :: cáscara {f} [of fruit] |
rinderpest {n} (disease) | :: peste bovina {f} |
ring {n} /ɹɪŋ/ (circumscribing object) | :: anillo {m} |
ring {n} (round piece of (precious) metal worn around the finger) | :: anillo {m}, sortija {f}, alianza {f} |
ring {n} (bird band) | :: aro {m}, anilla {f} |
ring {n} (piece of food in the shape of a ring) | :: rosca {f}, anilla {f} |
ring {n} (place where some sports take place) | :: ring {m}, cuadrilátero {m} |
ring {n} (arena where circus acts take place) | :: pista {f} |
ring {n} (group of people (for illicit purposes)) | :: banda {f}, red {f} |
ring {n} (astronomy: a formation of various pieces of material orbiting around a planet) | :: anillo {m} |
ring {n} (resonant sound of a bell, or a sound resembling it) | :: tañido {m} |
ring {n} (telephone call) | :: toque {m} |
ring {v} ((intr.) to produce a resonant sound) | :: sonar |
ring {v} ((tr.) to make something produce a resonant sound) | :: sonar |
ring {v} (to appear to be) | :: sonar |
ring {v} (to telephone (someone)) | :: llamar por teléfono, telefonear |
ring {v} (to resound, reverberate, echo) | :: resonar |
ring {n} (algebra: an algebraic structure) | :: anillo {m} |
ring {n} (burner (e.g. of a stove)) SEE: burner | :: |
ring a bell {v} (to seem vaguely familiar) | :: sonar |
ring-billed gull {n} (Larus delawarensis) | :: gaviota de Delaware {f} |
ring binder {n} (folder) | :: carpeta de anillos |
ring down the curtain {v} (stop) SEE: stop | :: |
ringed kingfisher {n} (South American bird) | :: martín pescador de collar {m}, martín gigante neotropical {m} |
ringed plover {n} (Charadrius hiaticula) | :: chorlitejo grande {m} |
ring finger {n} (finger between the middle finger and little finger) | :: dedo anular {m}, anular {m} |
ringgit {n} (currency) | :: ringgit {m} |
ringleader {n} /ˈɹɪŋˌliːdəɹ/ (leader of a group of people, especially an unofficial group) | :: cabecilla {m} {f} |
ringmaster {n} (the person who manages the performers in a circus ring) | :: maestro de ceremonias {m} |
Ring of Fire {prop} (area of frequent earthquakes and volcanic activity) | :: cinturón de fuego {m}, anillo de fuego {m} |
ring ouzel {n} (Turdus torquatus) | :: mirlo capiblanco {m} |
ring road {n} (highway) | :: circunvalación {f} |
ringtone {n} (sound made by a telephone when ringing) | :: ringtone {m}, tono de llamada {m} |
ring up the curtain {v} (start) SEE: start | :: |
ringwoodite {n} (cubic form of olivine) | :: ringwoodita {f} |
ringworm {n} (contagious fungal affliction of the skin) | :: tiña {f}, tinea {f} |
rinse {v} /ɹɪns/ (to wash something quickly using water and no soap) | :: enjuagar |
rinse {v} (to remove soap from something using water) | :: aclarar |
rinse aid {n} (cleaning product said to improve finish of items in dishwashers) | :: abrillantador {m} |
Rio de Janeiro {prop} /ˈɹiːəʊ dɪ ʒəˈnɪəɹəʊ/ (state) | :: Río de Janeiro |
Rio de Janeiro {prop} (municipality) | :: Río de Janeiro {m} |
riot {n} /ˈɹaɪ.ɪt/ (tumultuous disturbance of public peace) | :: alboroto {m}, tumulto {m} |
riot police {n} (a unit of police specifically trained to deal with rioting crowds) | :: antidisturbios {m-p} |
rip {v} (to fart) SEE: fart | :: |
rip {n} (tear) SEE: tear | :: |
rip {v} (to mock) SEE: mock | :: |
rip {v} /ɹɪp/ (to divide or separate the parts of) | :: rasgar |
rip {n} (something unfairly expensive) SEE: rip-off | :: |
RIP {interj} /ɑː(ɹ) aɪ ˈpiː/ (abbreviation: rest in peace) | :: DEP, Q.E.P.D., q. e. p. d. |
riparian {adj} /ɹʌɪˈpɛːɹɪən/ (of or pertaining to a riverbank) | :: ribereño |
ripe {adj} /ɹaɪp/ (ready for reaping or gathering, of fruits and seeds) | :: maduro {m}, madura {f} |
ripe {adj} (advanced to the state of fitness for use) | :: madurado {m} |
ripe {v} (to ripen or mature) | :: madurar |
ripe {adj} (intoxicated) SEE: intoxicated | :: |
ripen {v} /ˈɹaɪpən/ (to grow ripe) | :: madurar, colorear |
rip off {v} (to pull off by ripping) | :: arrancar |
rip off {v} ((idiom) to steal, cheat or swindle) | :: estafar, timar, tomar el pelo, sablear |
rip off {v} ((idiom) to charge an exorbitant or unfair rate) | :: estafar, sablear |
rip-off {n} (unfair price or rate) | :: sablazo {m} [Spain], garrotazo {m} [Latin America] |
ripost {n} (fencing: a thrust given in return) | :: respuesta |
ripost {n} (a quick and witty response to a taunt) | :: respuesta |
ripost {n} (an answer or reply rapidly uttered) | :: respuesta |
riposte {n} /ɹɪˈpəʊst/ | :: respuesta |
ripped {adj} /ɹɪpt/ (torn, either partly or into separate pieces) | :: rasgado {m}, desgarrado {m} |
ripped {adj} (pulled away from forcefully) | :: arrancado {m}, extirpado {m} |
ripped {adj} (having extremely low body fat content) | :: marcado {m} |
ripper {n} /ˈɹɪpə/ (murderer who kills and often mutilates victims with a blade) | :: destripador {m} |
ripple {n} /ˈɹɪp(ə)l/ (moving disturbance or undulation in the surface of a liquid) | :: ondulación {f} |
ripple {v} (to move like the undulating surface of a body of water) | :: ondular |
rise {v} /ɹaɪz/ (to move upwards) | :: levantarse |
rise {v} (of a celestial body: to appear to move from behind the horizon) | :: salir |
rise {v} (to be resurrected) | :: resucitar |
rise {v} (of a quantity, etc: to increase) | :: aumentar, incrementar |
rise {v} | :: subir |
rise {n} (action of moving upwards) | :: subida {f} |
rise {n} (increase (in a quantity, price, etc)) | :: incremento {m}, aumento {m}, alza {f} |
rise {n} (pay rise) SEE: pay rise | :: |
riser {n} /ˈɹaɪ.zə(ɹ)/ (part of a step) | :: contrahuella {f} |
risible {adj} /ˈɹɪzɪbəl/ (pertaining to laughter) | :: risible |
risible {adj} (provoking laughter) | :: risible |
rising {n} /ˈɹaɪzɪŋ/ (rebellion) | :: rebelión {f}, levantamiento {m}, alzamiento {m} |
rising {n} (act of rise) | :: ascensión {f}, ascenso {m}, elevación {f}, crecimiento {m} |
rising {adj} (going up) | :: ascendente, creciente |
risk {n} /ɹɪsk/ (possible, usually negative, outcome) | :: riesgo {m} |
risk {n} | :: riesgo {m}, peligro {m} |
risk {v} (to incur risk to something) | :: arriesgar |
risk {v} | :: arriesgar, poner en riesgo |
risk management {n} (process of dealing with risk) | :: gestión de riesgos {m} |
risky {adj} /ˈɹɪski/ (dangerous, involving risks) | :: riesgoso, arriesgado |
risqué {adj} /ɹɪsˈkeɪ/ (bordering on the indelicate) | :: subido de tono, sugerente, atrevido {m} |
rite {n} /ɹaɪt/ (ritual) | :: rito {m} |
rite of passage {n} (ceremony to celebrate a transition) | :: rito de paso {m} |
ritual {n} /ˈɹɪ.tʃu.əl/ (rite) | :: ritual {m} |
rival {n} /ˈɹaɪvəl/ (competitor with the same objective) | :: rival {m} |
rivalry {n} /ˈɹaɪ.vəl.ɹi/ (competition) | :: rivalidad {f} |
Rivas {prop} (department of Nicaragua) | :: Rivas |
river {n} (large stream which drains a landmass) | :: río {m} |
river {n} (any large flow of a liquid) | :: río {m} |
riverbank {n} (sloped side of a river) | :: orilla {f} |
riverbed {n} /ˈɹɪvɚˌbɛd/ (a river bottom) | :: cauce, lecho |
riverboat {n} (watercraft) | :: barco fluvial {m} |
river god {n} /ˈɹɪvə ˌɡɒd/ (river-being) | :: dios fluvial {m} |
river horse {n} (hippopotamus) SEE: hippopotamus | :: |
riverside {n} (side of a river) | :: ribera {f} |
riverside {adj} (by the side of the river) | :: ribereño {m} |
rivet {n} /ˈɹɪvət/ (cylindrical mechanical fastener) | :: remache {m} |
rivet {v} (to attach or fasten parts by using rivets) | :: remachar |
rivet {v} (to install rivets) | :: remachar |
riveting {adj} (commanding the attention) | :: fascinante |
riveting {n} (the act of joining with rivets) | :: remachado {m} |
riveting {n} (the act of spreading out and clinching the end by beating or pressing) | :: remachado {m} |
rivulet {n} /ˈɹɪv.jə.lət/ (small brook) | :: riachuelo {m} |
Riyadh {prop} /ɹiˈjɑːd/ (capital of Saudi Arabia) | :: Riad {m} |
RNA {n} (abbreviation of ribonucleic acid) | :: ARN {m} (ácido ribonucleico) |
röntgen {n} /ˈɹɜːnt.ɡən/ (unit of exposure to ionizing radiation) | :: roentgen {m} |
roach {n} (US: cockroach) SEE: cockroach | :: |
roach {n} /ɹoʊtʃ/ (Rutilus rutilus) | :: leucisco {m}, rutilo |
road {n} /ɹəʊd/ (a way for travel) | :: camino {m}, calle {f}, ruta {f}, carretera {f} |
roadblock {n} (Something that blocks or obstructs a road) | :: barrera vial {f} |
roadblock {n} (An obstacle or impediment) | :: barrera {f} |
roadhouse {n} (establishment) | :: motel {m}, ventorrillo {m} |
Roadian {prop} (subdivision of the Permian period) | :: Roadiense |
road map {n} (a map with a visual representation of roads used for automobile travel and navigation) | :: mapa de carreteras {f}, hoja de ruta {f} |
road rage {n} (behaviour) | :: violencia vial {f} |
road roller {n} (heavy engineering vehicle used to compact asphalt) | :: aplanadora {f}, apisonadora {f} |
roadrunner {n} /ˈɹoʊdˌɹʌnə(ɹ)/ (bird of the Geococcyx genus) | :: correcaminos {m} |
roadside bomb {n} (explosive device) | :: bomba caminera {f} |
roadside hawk {n} (Buteo magnirostris) | :: gavilán pollero {m} |
road sign {n} (sign for traffic control or driver information) | :: señal de tránsito {f} |
roadster {n} /ˈɹəʊdstə(ɹ)/ | :: turismo (coche). |
roadtest {n} (driving test) SEE: driving test | :: |
roadway {n} (main or central portion of a road used by the vehicles) | :: calzada {f} |
roam {v} /ɹoʊm/ (wander freely) | :: vagar |
roaming {n} /ˈɹoʊmɪŋ/ (using a cell phone outside of its original registering zone) | :: itinerancia {f} |
roan {adj} /ɹoʊn/ (having a coat of a dark base color with individual white hairs mixed in) | :: roano |
roan {n} (animal) | :: roano {m}, rosillo {m}, sabino {m} |
roan antelope {n} (Hippotragus equinus) | :: antílope ruano {m} |
roar {v} /ɹɔɹ/ (to make loud, deep cry of emotion) | :: rugir |
roar {v} (of animals, to make a loud deep noise) | :: rugir, bramar |
roar {v} | :: bramar |
roar {n} (long, loud, deep shout) | :: rugido {m}, bramido {m} |
roar {n} (cry of the lion) | :: rugido {m} |
roar {n} (deep cry of the bull) | :: rugido {m}, bramido {m} |
roar {n} (loud resounding noise such as sound of a motorbike or a similar engine) | :: bramido {m} |
roar {n} | :: rugido {m}, bramido {m} |
roast {v} /ɹoʊst/ (to cook food by heating in an oven or fire) | :: asar, rostir |
roast {v} (to cook by surrounding with hot embers, etc.) | :: asar |
roast {n} (comical event) | :: brindis cómico, vejamen |
roast {n} | :: carne asada {f} |
roast {adj} (having been cooked by roasting) | :: asado |
roast beef {n} (Beef cooked by roasting) | :: rosbif {m} |
roasted {adj} /ˈɹoʊstɪd/ (cooked by roasting) | :: asado |
rob {v} /ɹɑb/ (to steal from, using violence) | :: robar, atracar |
rob {v} (to deprive of) | :: privar de, quitar, robar |
rob {v} (to burgle) | :: robar |
rob {v} (to commit robbery) | :: robar |
robber {n} /ˈɹɒ.bə(ɹ)/ (one who robs) | :: ladrón {m}, ladrona {f} |
robber crab {n} (coconut crab) SEE: coconut crab | :: |
robbery {n} /ˈɹɒbəɹi/ (act or practice of robbing) | :: robo {m} |
robbery {n} | :: robo {m} |
robe {n} /ɹoʊb/ (long, loose outer garment) | :: bata {f}, veste {f}, hábito {m}, toga {f} [of an academic, judge], roba {f} |
Robert {prop} /ˈɹɒb.ət/ (given name) | :: Roberto |
robin {n} /ˈɹɑb.ɪn/ (Erithacus rubecula) | :: petirrojo {m} |
robin {n} | :: mirlo {m} |
Robin Hood {prop} /ˈɹɑbɪn hʊd/ (legendary outlaw) | :: Robín de los Bosques {m} |
robolution {n} (design of revolutionary forms of robot) | :: robolución {f} |
robot {n} /ˈɹoʊbɑt/ (intelligent mechanical being) | :: robot {m} |
robot {n} (traffic light) SEE: traffic light | :: |
robotic {adj} /ɹoʊˈbɑt.ɪk/ (of, relating to, or resembling a robot) | :: robótico |
robotics {n} /ɹoʊˈbɑt.ɪks/ (The science and technology of robots) | :: robótica {f} |
robotization {n} | :: robotización {f} |
robotize {v} (to automate by making use of robots) | :: robotizar |
robust {adj} /ɹoʊˈbʌst/ (evincing strength) | :: robusto |
rocambolesque {adj} (fantastic) | :: rocambolesco |
Rocco {prop} (male given name) | :: Roque {m} |
rock {n} /ɹɑk/ (natural mineral aggregate) | :: piedra {f}, roca {f} |
rock {n} (mass of projecting rock) | :: roca {f}, peñasco {m} |
rock {n} (large stone or boulder) | :: peña {f} |
rock {n} (precious stone or gem) | :: piedra preciosa {f}, piedra {f} |
rock {n} (crystallized lump of crack cocaine) | :: piedra {n} |
rock {n} | :: [1,2] peña {f}, [1,2] roca {f} |
rock {v} (move gently back and forth) | :: mecer |
rock {n} (style of music) | :: rock {m} |
rock {v} (to play, perform, or enjoy rock music) | :: rockear, roquear |
rock {v} (slang: to be very favourable or skilful) | :: molar |
rock {n} (distaff) SEE: distaff | :: |
rock and roll {n} /ˈɹɒk ənd ˈɹəʊl/ (style of music) | :: rocanrol {m} |
rock band {n} (rock group) SEE: rock group | :: |
rock climbing {n} (sport of scaling rock faces) | :: escala de piedras {f} |
rock crystal {n} (clear quartz) | :: cristal de roca {m} |
rock dove {n} /ɹɒk dʌv/ (Columba livia) | :: paloma bravía {f} |
rocker {n} /ˈɹɒkə(ɹ)/ (musician who plays rock music) | :: roquero {m}, roquera {f}, rockero {m}, rockera {f} |
rocker {n} (Someone passionate about rock music) | :: roquero {m}, roquera {f}, rockero {m}, rockera {f} |
rockery {n} /ˈɹɒkəɹi/ (section of a garden made from decorative rocks) | :: jardín de rocas {m}, rocalla {f} |
rocket {n} /ˈɹɑkɪt/ (rocket engine) | :: motor de cohete {m} |
rocket {n} (military: non-guided missile) | :: cohete {m} |
rocket {n} (vehicle) | :: cohete {m} |
rocket {n} (rocket-propelled firework, see also: skyrocket) | :: cohete {m} |
rocket {n} (arugula) SEE: arugula | :: |
rocket launcher {n} (device for launching a missile) | :: lanzamisiles {m} |
rocket-propelled grenade {n} (hand-held weapon that fires a small explosive rocket.) | :: lanzacohetes {m} |
rocketry {n} | :: cohetería |
rocket salad {n} (rocket, arugula) SEE: arugula | :: |
rock formation {n} (outcrop of rock) | :: formación rocosa {f} |
rock garden {n} (rockery) SEE: rockery | :: |
rock group {n} (musical group specializing in rock music) | :: grupo de rock {m}, banda de rock {f} |
rock hard {adj} (hard like rock) | :: como piedra, como peña |
rock hard {adj} (of muscles) | :: durísimo |
rock hard {adj} (of penis) | :: durísimo, como fierro |
rock hard {adj} (of strong beliefs) | :: fundamentalista |
rock hyrax {n} (Procavia capensis) | :: damán roquero {m} |
Rockies {prop} (Rocky Mountains) SEE: Rocky Mountains | :: |
rocking chair {n} (chair with a curved base which can be gently rocked) | :: mecedora {f} |
rock lobster {n} (spiny lobster) SEE: spiny lobster | :: |
rockmelon {n} (Cucumis melo reticulatus) SEE: cantaloupe | :: |
rock paper scissors {n} (popular child's game) | :: piedra, papel o tijera {m} |
rock pigeon {n} (rock dove, Columba livia) SEE: rock dove | :: |
rock pigeon {n} (speckled pigeon, Columba guinea) | :: paloma de Guinea {f} |
rock pigeon {n} (chestnut-quilled rock pigeon, Petrophassa rufipennis) | :: paloma roquera alirrufa {f} |
rock pigeon {n} (white-quilled rock pigeon, Petrophassa albipennis) | :: paloma roquera aliblanca {f} |
rockrose {n} (Helianthum) | :: jara {f} |
rock samphire {prop} (Crithmum maritimum) | :: hinojo marino {m}, perejil marino {m} |
rocky {adj} /ˈɹʷɒki/ (full of rocks) | :: rocoso |
Rocky Mountains {prop} (mountain range) | :: Montañas Rocosas {f-p} |
rococo {adj} (old-fashioned) SEE: old-fashioned | :: |
rod {n} /ɹɑd/ (straight round stick, shaft, or bar) | :: barra, rodillo {m} |
rod {n} (fishing rod or pole) | :: caña {f} |
rod {n} (stick or bundle used for punishment) | :: vara {f} |
rod {n} (part of the retina of the eye) | :: bastón {m} |
rod {n} (slang: penis) | :: verga {f} |
rod {n} | :: barra {f} |
rod {n} (slang: pistol) SEE: pistol | :: |
rodent {n} /ˈɹəʊdənt/ (mammal of the order Rodentia) | :: roedor {m} |
rodeo {n} /ɹoʊ.ˈdeɪ.oʊ/ (sport) | :: jaripeo {m}, rodeo {m} |
Roderick {prop} /ˈɹɒdəɹɪk/ (male given name) | :: Rodrigo, Ruy |
Rodrigues {prop} | :: Rodríguez |
Rodriguez {prop} | :: Rodríguez |
roe {n} (roe deer) SEE: roe deer | :: |
roe {n} /ˈɹoʊ/ (eggs of fish) | :: huevas {f-p} |
roebuck {n} /ˈɹəʊ.bʌk/ (male roe deer) | :: ciervo {m} (del corzo) |
roe deer {n} /ˈɹəʊˌdɪə/ (small deer species, Capreolus capreolus) | :: corzo {m} |
roentgenium {n} /ɹɛntˈɡɛniəm/ (chemical element) | :: roentgenio {m} |
rogation {n} /ɹoʊˈɡeɪ.ʃən/ (deeply serious and somber prayer or entreaty) | :: rogativa |
roger {interj} /ˈɹɒdʒə/ (received) | :: recibido |
Roger {prop} /ˈɹɒdʒə/ (male given name) | :: Rogelio {m} |
Rogers {prop} | :: Rodríguez |
Rogerson {prop} (surname) SEE: Rogers | :: |
roger that {interj} (received) SEE: roger | :: |
rogue {n} /ˈɹoʊ̯ɡ/ (a scoundrel, rascal or unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person) | :: canalla {m} {f}, granuja {m} {f} |
rogue {n} (a vagrant) | :: vago {m} |
Rohingya {prop} /rəʊˈhɪŋ.jə/ (language) | :: rohinyá {m}, ruaingá {m} |
Rohingya {n} (Rohingya-speaking people) | :: rohinyá {m} {f}, ruaingá {m} {f} |
ROI {n} (return on Investment) | :: retorno de la inversión {m} |
roil {v} /ɹɔɪl/ (render turbid) | :: enturbiar |
roil {v} (to annoy) | :: molestar, enfurecer |
role {n} /ɹəʊl/ (character or part) | :: papel {m} |
role {n} (the expected behavior of an individual in a society) | :: rol {m} |
role {n} (the function or position of something) | :: papel |
role model {n} (a person who serves as an example) | :: modelo a imitar {m}, ejemplo {m} |
roleplay {n} (roleplaying game) SEE: roleplaying game | :: |
roleplaying game {n} (type of game in which the players assume the role of a character) | :: juego de rol {m} |
roll {v} /ɹəʊl/ (to cause to revolve) | :: rodar, rodear |
roll {v} (to wrap round on itself) | :: enroscar |
roll {v} (to bind or involve by winding) | :: envolver, embrollar |
roll {v} (to drive or impel forward with an easy motion) | :: rodar |
roll {v} (to press or level with a roller) | :: allanar |
roll {v} (to move, or cause to be moved, upon rollers or small wheels) | :: rodar |
roll {v} (to beat with rapid, continuous strokes, as a drum) | :: redoblar |
roll {v} (geometry: to apply (one line or surface) to another without slipping) | :: rodar |
roll {v} (to turn over in one's mind) | :: reflexionar, reflejar |
roll {v} (to (cause to) film) | :: rodar |
roll {v} (to utter with a trill) | :: trinar, gorjear |
roll {n} (the act of rolling) | :: ruedo {m}, rodeo {m} |
roll {n} (that which rolls; a roller) | :: rodeador {m}, rodeadora {f} |
roll {n} (one of a set of revolving cylinders between which metal is pressed) | :: rodillo {m} |
roll {n} (oscillating movement of a vessel from side to side) | :: balanceo {m} |
roll {n} (a heavy, reverberatory sound) | :: retumbo {m} |
roll {n} (the uniform beating of a drum) | :: redoble {m}, redoblamiento {m}, redobladura {f} |
roll {n} (that which is rolled up) | :: rosca {f}, rollo {m} |
roll {n} (a scroll) | :: rollo {m} |
roll {n} (an official or public document) | :: registro {m} |
roll {n} (quantity of cloth wound into a cylindrical form) | :: rollo {m} |
roll {n} (a cylindrical twist of tobacco) | :: rollo {m} |
roll {n} (shortened raised biscuit or bread) | :: rosca {f} |
rollator {n} (walking frame with wheels) | :: andador {m} |
roll call {n} (reading of a list of names and responses) | :: pase de lista {m} |
rolled fillet {n} (chopped veal rolled in a piece of bacon) | :: rollo albardado {m}, rollito de carne {m} |
rolled oats {n} (oat groats rolled into flat flakes) | :: copos de avena {m-p} |
roller {n} (slang: police) SEE: cop | :: |
roller {n} /ˈɹəʊlə/ (anything that rolls) | :: rodillo {m} |
roller {n} (tool for applying paint or ink) | :: rodillo {m} |
roller {n} (bird of the family Coraciidae) | :: carraca {f} |
roller {n} (hair roller) SEE: hair roller | :: |
rollerblade {n} (type of roller skate) | :: patín en línea {m} |
roller chain {n} (chain drive used for transmission of mechanical power) | :: cadena {f} |
rollercoaster {n} /ˈɹoʊlɚˌkoʊstɚ/ (amusement ride) | :: montaña rusa {f} [Russian mountain] |
roller derby {n} (sport) | :: roller derby {m} |
roller skate {n} (a boot having small wheels) | :: patín, patín de ruedas |
roller skating {n} (skating on roller skates) | :: patinaje sobre ruedas {m} |
rollie {n} (cigarette rolled by hand) SEE: roll up | :: |
rolling {adj} /ˈɹoʊlɪŋ/ (moving by turning over repeatedly) | :: rolar |
rolling paper {n} (paper for rolling cigarettes) | :: papel de fumar |
rolling pin {n} (food preparation utensil) | :: hataca {f} [obsolete], rodillo {m}, uslero {m} [Bolivia, Chile] |
rolling resistance {n} (force) | :: resistencia a la rodadura {f} |
rolling stone {n} (womanizer) SEE: womanizer | :: |
rolling stone {n} (person who moves around and never settles down) | :: vagabundo {m}, trotamundos {m} {f}, vagabunda {f}, perdedor {m}, perdedora {f} |
roll one's eyes {v} (turn one's eyes upwards) | :: voltear los ojos, poner los ojos en blanco |
roll out {v} (deploy, release or launch) | :: desplegar, distribuir |
roll over {v} (to make a rolling motion or turn) | :: volcar, darse la vuelta |
roll over {v} (to give in to) | :: ceder, sucumbir. |
roll up {v} (to make into a bundle) | :: enrollar |
roll up one's sleeves {v} (roll one's sleeves up) | :: arremangarse |
roll up one's sleeves {v} (prepare to work) | :: arremangarse, ponerse las pilas |
roly-poly {n} /ˌɹəʊlɪˈpəʊli/ (toy that rights itself when pushed over) | :: tentetieso {m}, tentempié {m}, mono porfiado {m}, muñeco porfiado {m}, porfiado {m}, [Andalusia] siempretieso {m}, dominguillo {m} |
Rom {n} /ɹoʊm/ (a member of the Romani people) | :: gitano {m}, gitana {f} |
Rom {prop} (language) SEE: Romani | :: |
Rom {adj} (Romani) SEE: Romani | :: |
Roma {prop} (the Romani macrolanguage) SEE: Romani | :: |
Roma {n} (member of the Roma/Romani people) SEE: Romani | :: |
Roma {adj} (Romani) SEE: Romani | :: |
Roma {prop} (the Romani people) | :: Romaní, Romaníes {p} |
romaji {n} /ˈɹoʊmədʒi/ (romanization of Japanese) | :: romaji {m} |
Roman {adj} /ˈɹoʊmən/ (of or from Rome) | :: romano |
Roman {n} (a native or resident of Rome) | :: romano {m}, romana {f} |
Roman {prop} (male given name) | :: Román {m} |
Roman alphabet {n} (Latin alphabet) SEE: Latin alphabet | :: |
Roman Catholic Church {prop} (Catholic Church) | :: Iglesia católica romana {f} |
romance {n} /ɹoʊˈmæns/ (intimate relationship, love affair) | :: romance {m} |
Romance {adj} (of or dealing with languages or cultures derived from Roman influence and Latin) | :: románico, romance |
Romance language {n} (language descended from Latin) | :: lengua romance {f}, lengua románica {f} |
Romandy {prop} (French-speaking Switzerland) | :: Romandía {f} |
Roman Empire {prop} /ˈɹoʊmən ˈɛmpaɪɚ/ (ancient Latin empire) | :: Imperio romano {m} |
Romanesque {adj} /ˌɹoʊməˈnɛsk/ (Applied to the debased style of the later Roman empire) | :: románico |
Romani {n} (member of the Roma people) SEE: Rom | :: |
Romani {prop} /ˈɹo.mə.ni/ (language) | :: romaní {m}; caló {m} [Spanish Romani] |
Romani {n} (nomadic people) SEE: Roma | :: |
Romania {prop} /ɹoˈmeɪˌni.ə/ (South-Eastern European country) | :: Rumania {f}, Rumanía {f} |
Romanian {adj} /ɹoʊˈmeɪ.ni.ən/ (of or relating to Romania, its people, or language) | :: rumano {m}, rumana {f} |
Romanian {n} (native of Romania) | :: rumano {m}, rumana {f} |
Romanian {n} (official language of Romania) | :: rumano {m} |
romanise {v} (romanize) SEE: romanize | :: |
Romanise {v} (romanize) SEE: romanize | :: |
Romanization {n} (putting text into the Latin (Roman) alphabet) | :: romanización {f} |
romanize {v} (to put letters or words into the Latin alphabet) | :: latinizar, romanizar |
Roman nose {n} (aquiline nose) SEE: aquiline nose | :: |
Roman numeral {n} (numeral represented by letters) | :: número romano {m} |
Roman numerals {n} (system of numerals) | :: números romanos {m-p} |
Roman road {n} (road built by the Romans) | :: calzada romana {f} |
Romans {prop} /ˈɹəʊmənz/ (book of the Bible) | :: Romanos {m-p} |
Romans {prop} (30th sura of the Qur'an) | :: Romanos {m-p} |
Romansch {n} /ɹə(ʊ)ˈmanʃ/ (the Romance language) | :: romanche {m} |
romantic {adj} /ɹəʊˈmæntɪk/ (fantastic, idealistic) | :: romántico |
romantic {adj} (powerfully sentimental, evocative) | :: romántico {m} |
romantic {adj} (concerned with, or conducive to, romance and love) | :: romántico |
romantic {n} (person with romantic character) | :: romántico {m}, romántica {f} |
Romantic {adj} (Of or pertaining to Romanticism) | :: romántico |
romantically {adv} (in a romantic way) | :: románticamente |
romanticism {n} (romantic quality, spirit or action) | :: romanticismo |
Romanticism {prop} (artistic and intellectual movement) | :: Romanticismo {m} |
romanticist {n} (advocate or follower of romanticism) | :: romántico |
romanticize {v} (to view something in a romantic manner) | :: romantizar |
Rome {prop} /ɹoʊm/ (city) | :: Roma {f} |
Romeo {n} (boyfriend) SEE: boyfriend | :: |
Romeo {prop} (character in Romeo and Juliet) | :: Romeo {m} |
Romeo and Juliet {prop} (the tragedy) | :: Romeo y Julieta |
Romeral {prop} (Romeral) | :: Romeral {m} |
Rome wasn't built in a day {proverb} (it takes a long time to create something complicated or impressive) | :: Roma no se hizo en un día, no se ganó Zamora en una hora |
romp {v} (to play roughly or energetically) | :: retozar |
romp {n} (period of boisterous play) | :: retozo, revolcón |
romper suit {n} (one-piece garment) SEE: onesie | :: |
Romulus {prop} /ˈrɒmjʊləs/ (legendary founder of Rome) | :: Rómulo |
rondel {n} (long thin medieval dagger) | :: daga rondel {f} |
rondo {n} /ˈɹɒn.dəʊ/ (musical composition) | :: rondó {m} |
Río Negro {prop} (province) | :: Río Negro |
roof {n} /ɹuːf/ (the cover at the top of a building) | :: tejado, techo {m} |
roof {n} (the upper part of a cavity) | :: techo |
roof {v} (to cover or furnish with a roof) | :: techar |
roofer {n} (craftsman who lays or repairs roofs) | :: techador {m}, techadora {f}, rufero {m} |
Roof of the World {prop} (the high mountainous regions in Asia) | :: Techo del Mundo {m} |
roof tile {n} (tile covering a roof) | :: teja {f} |
rooftop {n} (top surface of a roof) | :: tejado {m} |
rook {n} /ɹʊk/ (bird) | :: graja {f} |
rook {n} (chesspiece) | :: torre {f} |
rook {n} (fortification) | :: baluarte {m}, bastión {m} |
rookie {adj} (amateur) SEE: amateur | :: |
rookie {n} /ˈɹʊki/ (an inexperienced recruit) | :: novato {m} |
rookie {n} (a novice) | :: novato, novicio {m} |
room {n} /ɹuːm/ (space) | :: espacio, lugar {m}, cabida {f} |
room {n} (sufficient space to do something) | :: cabida {f} |
room {n} (division in a building) | :: cuarto {m}, habitación {f}, pieza {f}, sala {f}, [Mexico] recámara {f} (a bedroom) |
room and board {n} (place for lodging with daily meals) | :: alojamiento y comida, interno {m}, interna {f} |
roommate {n} /ˈɹumˌmeɪt/ (a person with whom one shares a room) | :: compañero de cuarto {m} |
room temperature {n} (normal temperature) | :: temperatura ambiente {f} |
roomy {adj} (spacious) | :: espacioso {m}, amplio {m}, desahogado {m} |
roost {n} /ɹuːst/ (place for sleeping birds) | :: gallinero {m}, pajarera {f} |
rooster {n} (flower) SEE: violet | :: |
rooster {n} /ˈɹustəɹ/ (male chicken; male gallinaceous bird) | :: gallo {m} |
rooster {n} (powerful person) SEE: big cheese | :: |
root {n} /ɹuːt/ (part of a plant) | :: raíz {f} |
root {n} (of a tooth) | :: raíz {f}, raíces {p} |
root {n} (part of a hair under the skin) | :: raíz {f} |
root {n} (primary source) | :: raíz {f}, raíces {p} |
root {n} (arithmetic: number or expression which when raised to a power gives the specified number or expression) | :: raíz {f} |
root {n} (analysis: zero of a function) | :: raíz |
root {n} (philology: word from which another word or words are derived) | :: raíz {f} |
root {n} (computing: highest directory of a directory structure) | :: raíz {m} |
root {v} (to rummage, root out) | :: rebuscar, hurgar |
root {n} (arithmetic: square root) SEE: square root | :: |
rootball {n} (roots and associated soil) | :: cepellón {m}, raigambre {f} |
root beer {n} /ˈɹut ˌbɪɹ/ (beverage with sarsaparilla root) | :: cerveza de raíz {f} |
root for {v} (encourage a favored person) | :: animar, alentar |
root hair {n} | :: pelo radical {m} |
rooting {n} (The process of forming roots.) | :: enraizamiento {m} |
rootlet {n} (the smallest roots) | :: raicilla |
root mean square {n} (type of average) | :: media cuadrática {f} |
root of unity {n} (field element, some positive power of which equals 1) | :: raíz de la unidad {f} |
rootstock {n} (a healthy plant used as the base for grafting) | :: pie {m} (de injerto), cepa {f} |
rootstock {n} (basis to develop) | :: cimiento {m}, fundamento {m}, base {f} |
rope {n} /ɹoʊp/ (thick, strong string) | :: cuerda {f}, soga {f} |
rope {n} (a length of this string) | :: cuerda {f}, soga {f} |
rope bridge {n} (bridge made of rope) | :: puente de cuerda {m} |
ropeway {n} (cableway) SEE: cableway | :: |
Roquefort {n} (blue cheese made from sheep's milk, produced in France) | :: roquefort {m} |
rorqual {n} /ˈɹɒɹkwəl/ (whale with long skin folds below mouth) | :: rorcual {m} |
Rorschach test {n} /ˈɹɔɹˌʃæk tɛst/ (method of psychological evaluation that uses subject's interpretations of inkblots) | :: test de Rorschach |
rosé {n} /ɹoʊ̯ˈzeɪ̯/ (wine) | :: rosado {m} |
Rosa {prop} (female given name) SEE: Rose | :: |
rosacea {n} (chronic condition) | :: rosácea {f} |
Rosalie {prop} (female given name) | :: Rosalía |
Rosamund {prop} /ˈroʊzəmənd/ (female given name) | :: Rosamunda {f} |
Río San Juan {prop} (department of Nicaragua) | :: Río San Juan |
rosary {n} /ˈɹoʊzəɹi/ (Catholic prayer beads) | :: rosario |
rosary {n} (devotion) | :: rosario {m} |
rose {n} /ɹoʊz/ (shrub) | :: rosal {m} |
rose {n} (flower) | :: rosa {f} |
rose {n} (colour) | :: rosado {m} |
rose {n} (nozzle) | :: roseta {f}, alcachofa {f} |
rose {adj} (colour) | :: rosado, rosa |
Rose {prop} (female given name) | :: Rosa |
rosebed {n} | :: rosaleda {f} |
rosebush {n} (rose plant) | :: rosal {m} |
rose-colored glasses {n} (overly optimistic perception of something) | :: gafas violeta {f-p}, gafas rosadas {f-p} |
rosehip {n} /ˈɹoʊzhɪp/ (the fruit of a rose plant) | :: escaramujo {m} |
roselle {n} /ɹəʊˈzɛl/ (Hibiscus sabdariffa) | :: jamaica {f} |
rosemary {n} (shrub) | :: romero {m} |
rose quartz {n} (pinkish to reddish-colored quartz) | :: cuarzo rosa {m} |
Rosetta Stone {prop} (large inscribed stone) | :: Piedra de Rosetta {f} |
rose window {n} (circular window) | :: rosetón {m} |
Rosh Hashanah {prop} /ˌɹɑʃ (h)əˈʃɑnə/ (Jewish holiday) | :: Rosh Hashaná |
Rosicrucian {n} (member of Rosicrucian Order) | :: rosacruz {m} {f} |
rosin {n} (liquid resin) SEE: resin | :: |
rosin {n} /ˈɹɒ.zən/ (solid form of resin) | :: colofonia {f} |
Ross's gull {n} (Rhodostethia rosea) | :: gaviota rosada {f} |
roster {n} (schedule) SEE: schedule | :: |
roster {n} /ˈɹɑstɚ/ (a list of names) | :: lista de personal {f} |
Rostov {prop} (Rostov Veliky, Yaroslavl oblast, Russia) | :: Rostov |
Rostov {prop} (Rostov oblast, Russia) | :: óblast de Rostov {m} |
Rostov-na-Donu {prop} (a city in Russia) SEE: Rostov-on-Don | :: |
Rostov-on-Don {prop} (a city in Russia) | :: Rostov del Don {m} |
rostral {adj} (relating to the rostrum) | :: rostral |
rostrum {n} (zoology: beak) SEE: beak | :: |
rostrum {n} /ˈɹɑː.stɹəm/ (dais, pulpit, or similar platform) | :: púlpito {m} |
rostrum {n} (projecting prow of a rowed warship) | :: espolón {m} |
rosé wine {n} (pink coloured wine) | :: vino rosado {m} |
rosy {adj} /ˈɹoʊzi/ (optimistic) | :: halagüeño |
rot {v} /ɹɒt/ ((intransitive) to suffer decomposition) | :: pudrir, podrir |
rot {n} (process of becoming rotten) | :: putrefacción {f}, podre {f} |
rota {n} /ˈɹəʊ.tə/ (schedule) | :: horario con los turnos {m} |
rotary {n} (traffic circle) SEE: traffic circle | :: |
rotary phone {n} (rotary dial telephone) | :: teléfono de disco {m} |
rotate {v} /ˈɹoʊteɪt/ (to spin, turn, or revolve) | :: girar |
rotate {v} (to spin, turn, or revolve something) | :: hacer rodar, girar |
rotation {n} /ɹoʊˈteɪʃən/ (act of turning around a centre) | :: rotación {f} |
rotational {adj} (of, pertaining to or caused by rotation) | :: rotacional {m} {f} |
rotator cuff {n} (set of four smaller muscles in the shoulder) | :: manguito rotador {m} |
rotavirus {n} /ˈɹəʊtəˌvaɪɹəs/ (any of a group of wheel-shaped viruses) | :: rotavirus {m} |
rote {n} /ɹoʊt/ (process of committing to memory) | :: de memoria, de memorieta |
rote {n} (mechanical routine) | :: rutina {f} |
roti {n} /ˈɹoʊti/ (unleavened flatbread) | :: roti {m} |
rotisserie {n} /ɹəʊˈtɪ.sə.ɹi/ | :: rostisería {f} |
rotor {n} /ˈɹoʊ.tɚ/ (a rotating part of a mechanical device) | :: rotor {m} |
rotoscope {n} (animation technique) | :: thaumatropio |
rotten {adj} /ˈɹɑtn̩/ (decayed, gone bad) | :: estropeado (of meat), carcomido (of wood), podrido (smell, of eggs) |
rotten {adj} (mean) | :: malo, putrefacto |
Rotterdam {prop} (city and port in The Netherlands) | :: Róterdam |
rotula {n} (kneecap) SEE: kneecap | :: |
rotunda {n} (roundabout) SEE: roundabout | :: |
Rouen {prop} (a city in France) | :: Ruan, Ruán |
rouge {n} (blush) SEE: blush | :: |
rough {adj} /ɹʌf/ (not smooth) | :: áspero {m} |
rough {adj} (approximate) | :: aproximado {m}, aproximativo {m}, casi |
rough {adj} (turbulent) | :: turbulento {m} |
rough {adj} (difficult) | :: difícil {m} {f} |
rough {adj} (crude, unrefined) | :: tosco {m}, rudo {m} |
roughage {n} (dietary fibre) SEE: dietary fibre | :: |
rough around the edges {adj} (in need of refinement) | :: tosco |
rough breathing {n} (Ancient Greek diacritical mark) | :: espíritu áspero {m} |
rough collie {n} (breed of dog) | :: collie de pelo largo |
rough-legged buzzard {n} (Buteo lagopus) | :: ratonero calzado {m} |
roughly {adv} /ˈɹʌ (unevenly) | :: aproximadamente |
roughly {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately | :: |
roughness {n} (property of being rough) | :: aspereza {f} |
rouille {n} /ˈɹui/ (type of sauce from Provence, France) | :: rouille |
roulade {n} /ɹuːˈlɑːd/ (A slice of meat that is rolled up, stuffed, and cooked) | :: arrollado |
roulette {n} (game of chance) | :: ruleta {f} |
roulette {n} (locus) | :: ruleta {f} |
round {adj} /ˈɹaʊnd/ (circular or cylindrical) | :: redondo, circular |
round {adj} (spherical) | :: redondo, esférico |
round {adj} (of corners that lack sharp angles) | :: redondo |
round {adj} (complete, not lacking) | :: redondo |
round {n} (circular or repetitious route) | :: etapa |
round {n} (serving) | :: ronda {f} |
round {n} (segment of a sport event) | :: asalto {m} |
round {n} (card games: moment from the deal until the players are finished with the cards) | :: mano {f} |
round {prep} (around) SEE: around | :: |
round {adv} (around) SEE: around | :: |
roundabout {n} (road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island) | :: glorieta {f}, redoma {f} [Venezuela], rotonda {f} |
roundabout {n} (children's play apparatus which rotates around a central axis when pushed) | :: tiovivo {m} |
roundabout {n} (detour) | :: desvío {m} |
round angle {n} (an angle of 360 degrees) | :: ángulo completo {m} |
round bracket {n} (parenthesis, bracket) | :: paréntesis {m} |
rounded {adj} /ˈɹaʊndɪd/ (pronounced with the lips drawn together) | :: redondeado |
roundel {n} /ˈɹaʊn.dəl/ (heraldry: a circular spot; a charge in the form of a small coloured circle) | :: roel {m} |
roundhouse kick {n} | :: patada giratoria |
rounding {n} /ˈɹaʊndɪŋ/ (the act of rounding a mathematical value) | :: redondeo {m} |
round off {v} (to change the shape of an object to make it more circular) | :: redondear |
round off {v} (to change a number into an approximation having fewer significant digits) | :: redondear |
round off {v} (to complete or finish something) | :: redondear |
round robin {n} (part of a tournament) | :: liguilla {f} |
round table {n} (conference) | :: mesa redonda {f} |
Round Table {prop} (King Arthur's table) | :: Mesa Redonda {f}, Tabla Redonda {f} |
round the clock {prep} (24 hours per day) SEE: around the clock | :: |
round trip {n} (a trip from one destination to another and then returning to the starting location) | :: ida y vuelta, periplo |
round up {v} (to round up a number) | :: redondear |
roundworm {n} (invertebrate of the phylum Nematoda) SEE: nematode | :: |
rouse {v} /ˈɹaʊz/ (to wake) | :: despertar |
rouse {v} (to cause, excite) | :: despertar |
rousong {n} (meat floss) | :: rousong {m} |
Rousseauian {adj} /ɹuːˈsəʊɪən/ (of or relating to the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau) | :: rousseauniano |
Roussillon {prop} (region of southern France) | :: Rosellón {m} |
roustabout {n} (an unskilled laborer) | :: jornalero {m} |
route {n} /ɹuːt/ (course or way traveled) | :: ruta {f} |
route {n} | :: recorrido {m}, trayecto {m} |
route of administration {n} (path by which a drug is taken into the body) | :: vía de administración |
router {n} /ˈɹaʊtɚ/ (device that directs packets of information) | :: router {m}, enrutador {m}, ruteador {m}, direccionador {m} |
router {n} (device that connects local area networks to form a larger internet) | :: router {m}, enrutador {m}, ruteador {m}, direccionador {m} |
routine {n} /ɹuːˈtiːn/ (course of action to be followed regularly; a standard procedure) | :: rutina {f} |
routine {n} (set of normal procedures, often performed mechanically) | :: rutina {f} |
routine {n} (computing: set of instructions designed to perform a specific task) | :: rutina {f} |
routine {adj} (according to established procedure) | :: rutinario |
routine {adj} (regular; habitual) | :: de rutina, rutinario |
routinely {adv} (in a routine manner) | :: rutinariamente |
routineness {n} (state of routine) | :: rutinario, cotidiano |
routinize {v} (to make routine) | :: rutinizar |
Rovaniemi {prop} (city) | :: Rovaniemi |
rove {v} /ɹoʊv/ (to wander about at random) | :: deambular, vagar |
rover {n} /ˈɹəʊvə(ɹ)/ (one who roves) | :: vagabundo {m}, trotamundos {m} |
row {n} /ˈɹoʊ/ (line of objects) | :: fila {f}, línea {f}, hilera {f}, [of footprints] pista {f}, [text line] renglón {m} |
row {n} (in a table) | :: línea {f}, renglón {m}, registro {m} |
row {n} /ɹoʊ/ (exercise) | :: remo, remado |
row {v} (transitive:to propel over water using oars) | :: remar, bogar |
row {v} (intransitive: to propel a boat or other craft over water using oars) | :: remar, bogar |
row {n} /ɹaʊ/ (noisy argument) | :: pelea {f}, riña {f}, gresca {f}, reyerta {f}, pitote, pifostio, pelotera, cisco, zafarrancho |
row {n} (continual loud noise) | :: bulla {f}, barullo {m} |
row {v} (intransitive: to argue noisily) | :: discutir, pelear, reñir |
rowan {n} /ˈɹaʊ.ən/ (Sorbus aucuparia) | :: serbal |
rowan {n} | :: sorbus |
rowboat {n} (small boat that is rowed) | :: bote de remos {m}, barco a remos, bote a remos |
rowel {n} /ˈɹoʊəl/ (small spiked wheel on the end of a spur) | :: espuela {f} |
rower {n} /ˈɹəʊ.ə(ɹ)/ (person who rows a boat) | :: remero {m}, remador {m}, boga {m} {f}, bogador {m} |
rowhome {n} (house) SEE: rowhouse | :: |
row house {n} (rowhouse) SEE: rowhouse | :: |
rowhouse {n} (house) | :: casa adosada {m}, chalé adosado {m} |
rowing {n} /ˈɹoʊɪŋ/ (the sport) | :: remo {m} |
rowing boat {n} (rowboat) SEE: rowboat | :: |
Roxana {prop} (the wife of Alexander the Great) | :: Roxana |
Roxana {prop} (female given name) | :: Roxana |
Roxanne {prop} (female given name) SEE: Roxana | :: |
royal {adj} /ˈɹɔɪəl/ (of or relating to a monarch or their family) | :: real |
royal {n} (nautical: a sail) | :: real |
royal {adj} (majestic) SEE: majestic | :: |
royal antelope {n} (species of antelope) | :: antílope enano {m}, antílope real {m} |
royal family {n} (family of the ruling sovereign of a country or state) | :: familia real {f} |
royal flush {n} (ace-high straight flush) | :: escalera real mayor {f}, flor imperial {f} |
royalism {n} /ˈɹɔɪəlɪzm/ (advocacy of a king or royal house) | :: realismo {m} |
royalist {n} (supporter of monarchy) | :: realista {m} {f} |
royal jelly {n} (substance secreted by bees) | :: jalea real {f} |
royally {adv} (excessively, thoroughly) | :: soberanamente |
Royal Navy {prop} (British navy) | :: Marina Real |
royal poinciana {n} (flamboyant) SEE: flamboyant | :: |
royalty {n} /ˈɹɔɪəlti/ (rank, status, etc. of a monarch) | :: realeza {f} |
rozzer {n} /ˈɹɒzə(ɹ)/ ((slang) police officer) | :: madero [Spain], chota {m} [N Mexico, El Salvador], tira [Mexico, Argentina, Chile] |
rRNA {n} (ribosomal RNA) | :: ARNr |
rösti {n} /ˈɹɔsti/ (traditional dish in Germanophone Switzerland made from fried potatoes) | :: rösti {m} |
rub {n} /ɹʌb/ (act of rubbing) | :: frotación {f} |
rub {v} (to move one object while maintaining contact with another object over some area) | :: frotar |
rub {v} (to rub something against (a second thing)) | :: frotar |
rubber {n} /ˈɹʌbɚ/ (pliable material derived from the sap of the rubber tree) | :: caucho {m}, goma {f}, hule {m} |
rubber {n} (synthetic materials with the same properties) | :: goma |
rubber {n} (condom) | :: goma {f} |
rubber {n} (tires) | :: goma {f} |
rubber {adj} (not covered by funds) | :: cheque sin fondos {m} |
rubber {n} (eraser) SEE: eraser | :: |
rubber band {n} (elastic band) SEE: elastic band | :: |
rubber duck {n} (toy shaped like a duck) | :: pato de goma {m} |
rubberneck {n} (tourist) SEE: tourist | :: |
rubberneck {n} (someone who engages in rubbernecking, or turning and staring, see also: rubbernecker) | :: mirón {m} |
rubberneck {v} (to watch by craning the neck) | :: [Chile] sapear, mirar |
rubbernecker {n} /ˈrʌbəˌnɛkə/ (someone who cranes their neck to see something) | :: cotilla {m} {f} [colloquial], mirón {m}, mirona {f} |
rubbernecking {n} (slowing down to see the scene of an accident) | :: curiosear |
rubbernecking {n} (unseemly act of observation) | :: cotilleo |
rubber stamp {n} (piece of rubber to make an imprint) | :: timbre de goma |
rubber tree {n} (Hevea brasiliensis) | :: árbol del caucho {m} |
rubbery {adj} (relating to or resembling rubber) | :: gomoso, elástico |
rubbish {n} (garbage) SEE: garbage | :: |
rubbish bin {n} (garbage can) SEE: garbage can | :: |
rubbish in, rubbish out {proverb} (garbage in, garbage out) SEE: garbage in, garbage out | :: |
rubble {n} /ˈɹʌb.əl/ (the broken remains of an object, usually rock or masonry) | :: escombros {m-p} |
Rube Goldberg machine {n} (comically overcomplicated machine) | :: Máquina de Rube Goldberg |
rubella {n} /ɹuːˈbɛlə/ (disease caused by the Rubella virus infecting the respiratory tract) | :: rubéola {f} |
rubeola {n} (measles) SEE: measles | :: |
rubidium {n} /ˌɹuːˈbɪd.i.əm/ (element with atomic number 37) | :: rubidio {m} |
Rubik's cube {n} (cubical mechanical puzzle) | :: cubo de Rubik {m}, cubo mágico {m} |
ruble {n} /ɹuːbəl/ (Russian monetary unit) | :: rublo {m} |
rubric {n} /ˈɹuːbɹɪk/ (heading in a book highlighted in red) | :: rúbrica {f} |
rubric {n} (established rule or custom, a guideline) | :: rúbrica {f} |
rubric {n} (printed set of scoring criteria) | :: matriz de evaluación, rúbrica {f} |
rub salt in the wound {v} (to make an injury feel worse) | :: frotar sal en la herida, hurgar en la herida, meter el dedo en la herida, hechar sal en la herida |
ruby {n} /ˈɹuːbi/ (type of gem) | :: rubí {m} |
ruby {n} (5½-point type) SEE: agate | :: |
ruckus {n} /ˈɹʌkəs/ (A noisy disturbance and/or commotion) | :: bullicio {m}, alboroto {m}, gresca, pelotera, tremolina, batahola {f} |
ruction {n} /ˈɹʌk.ʃən/ (noisy quarrel or fight) | :: pelea {f}, reyerta {f} |
rudd {n} /ɹʌd/ (fish Scardinius erythrophthalmus) | :: gardí {m} |
rudder {n} /ˈɹʌdɚ/ (underwater vane used to steer a vessel) | :: timón {m} |
rudder {n} (control surface of an aircraft) | :: timón {m} |
rudderless {adj} (without a rudder, unsteerable, without guidance) | :: desnortado {m} |
ruddy {adj} /ˈɹʌdi/ (reddish) | :: rubicundo {m}, rubicunda {f} |
ruddy shelduck {n} (duck) | :: tarro canelo {m} |
ruddy turnstone {n} (Arenaria interpres) | :: vuelvepiedras común |
rude {adj} /ɹuːd/ (bad-mannered) | :: rudo, grosero, descortés, soez |
rudely {adv} /ˈɹuːdli/ (in a rude manner) | :: groseramente |
rudeness {n} (property of being rude) | :: grosería {f}, ordinariez {f} |
ruderal {adj} (grows in poor soil) | :: ruderal |
rudiment {n} /ˈɹuːdɪmənt/ (fundamental principle or skill) | :: rudimento {m} |
rudiment {n} (sthg. in undeveloped form) | :: rudimento {m} |
rudiment {n} (biology: body part that has no function left) | :: rudimento {m} |
rudimentary {adj} /ˌɹuːdɪˈmɛntəɹi/ (of or relating to rudiments) | :: rudimentario, rudimental |
rudimentary {adj} (basic; minimal) | :: rudimental, rudimentario, elemental |
rudimentary {adj} | :: rudimentario |
Rudolph {prop} /ˈɹuːdɒ(l)f/ (male given name) | :: Rodolfo |
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer {prop} (the red-nosed reindeer) | :: Rodolfo el reno {m} |
rue {n} /ɹuː/ (any of various perennial shrubs) | :: ruda {f} |
rueful {adj} (inspiring pity or compassion) | :: sentir lastima o compasion |
ruff {n} /ɹʌf/ (circular frill or ruffle on a garment) | :: lechuguilla |
ruff {n} (the bird Philomachus pugnax (syn. Calidris pugnax)) | :: combatiente {m} |
ruff {v} (play a trump card) SEE: trump | :: |
ruffian {n} /ˈɹʌfi.ən/ (scoundrel, rascal) | :: rufian {m} |
ruffle {n} /ˈɹʌfəl/ (strip of fabric) | :: volante {m} |
ruffle {v} (to curl or flute) | :: retorcer |
rufous {adj} /ˈɹuːfəs/ (colour) | :: rufo {m} |
rufous-bellied kookaburra {n} (Dacelo gaudichaud) | :: cucaburra ventrirrufa {f} |
rufous-bellied tit {n} (Melaniparus rufiventris) | :: carbonero ventrirrufo {m} |
rufous-capped antshrike {n} (Thamnophilus ruficapillus) | :: choca parda (?) |
rufous-tailed hawk {n} (Buteo ventralis) | :: aguilucho de cola rojiza {m}, busardo patagón {m}, gavilán de cola rufa {m}, peuco negro {f} |
rufous-winged antshrike {n} (Thamnophilus torquatus) | :: batará alirrufo |
rug {n} (wig) SEE: wig | :: |
rug {n} /ɹʌɡ/ (partial floor covering) | :: tapete {m}, alfombra {f}, alfombrilla {f} |
rugby {n} /ˈɹʌɡbi/ (a sport where players can hold or kick an ovoid ball) | :: rugby {m}, rugbi {m} |
rugby player {n} (one who plays rugby) | :: rugbista {m} {f}, rugbier {m} {f} [Rioplatense] |
rugged {adj} /ˈɹʌɡɪd/ (broken into sharp points) | :: filudo, escabroso |
rugged {adj} (not neat or regular) | :: despelotado, a lo natural, al lote |
rugged {adj} (rough with bristles) | :: velludo, barboso, peludo {m}, peluda {f} |
rugged {adj} (harsh, austere) | :: rasposo |
rugged {adj} (stormy, turbulent) | :: turbulento, difícil |
rugged {adj} (violent, rude) | :: rudo, violento, duro, tosco {m} |
rugged {adj} (vigorous, robust) | :: robusto, vigoroso, fuerte, bravo |
rugose {adj} /ˌɹuːˈɡoʊs/ (having wrinkles, creases, or ridges) | :: rugoso {m} |
ruin {n} /ˈɹu.ɪn/ (remains of destroyed construction) | :: ruina {f} |
ruin {n} (the state of being a ruin, destroyed or decayed) | :: ruina {f} |
ruin {n} (something which leads to serious troubles) | :: ruina {f} |
ruin {v} (to cause the economical ruin of) | :: desbaratar, arruinar |
ruin {v} (to destroy) | :: ruinar, arruinar, estropear |
ruin {v} (to spoil) | :: dar al traste |
ruin {v} (to ruin) SEE: wreck | :: |
ruination {n} (state of being ruined) | :: ruina |
ruination {n} (act of ruining) | :: ruina |
ruinous {adj} (destructive) | :: ruinoso |
Ruism {n} (Confucianism) SEE: Confucianism | :: |
rule {n} /ɹuːl/ (regulation) | :: regla {f} |
rule {v} (to regulate, be in charge of, make decisions for, reign over) | :: mandar, gobernar |
rule {v} (slang: to excel) | :: molar |
rule {n} (straight-edge) SEE: ruler | :: |
rule nisi {n} /ɹuːl ˈnaɪsaɪ/ (legal procedure) | :: fallo final tentativo {m} |
rule of law {n} (the doctrine that no individual is above the law) | :: imperio de la ley {m}, Estado de derecho {m} |
rule of thumb {n} (general guideline rather than a strict rule) | :: regla general {f} |
rule out {v} (to reject from list of possibilities) | :: descartar |
rule out {v} (to make something impossible) | :: descartar |
ruler {n} /ˈɹulɚ/ (measuring or drawing device) | :: regla {f} |
ruler {n} (person who rules or governs) | :: gobernante |
rules are made to be broken {proverb} (it is acceptable to break rules) | :: las reglas se hicieron para romperse, las reglas están hechas para romperse |
rule the roost {v} | :: manejar el cotarro (colloquial) |
ruling {adj} /ˈɹuːlɪŋ/ (that rules) | :: gobernante |
ruling {n} (an order or a decision on a point of law from someone in authority) | :: decisión {f} |
ruling class {n} (social class) | :: clase dirigente {f} |
ruling pen {n} (a drawing instrument) | :: tiralíneas {m} |
rum {n} /ɹʌm/ (distilled spirit) | :: ron {m} |
rumble {n} /ˈɹʌmb(ə)l/ (street fight or brawl) | :: pelea callejera {f}, riña |
rumble {v} (to make a low pitched noise) | :: retumbar, rugir (stomach) |
rumen {n} /ˈɹu.mən/ (first stomach of ruminants) | :: panza {f}, rumen {m} |
ruminant {adj} /ˈɹuːmɪnənt/ (chewing cud) | :: rumiante |
ruminant {n} (artiodactyl ungulate mammal which chews cud) | :: rumiante {m} {f} |
ruminate {v} /ˈɹumɪneɪt/ (to chew cud) | :: rumiar |
ruminate {v} (to meditate) | :: rumiar [colloquial] |
rummage {v} /ˈɹʌm.ɪdʒ/ (to search something which contains many items) | :: revolver |
rummage {v} (to search something thoroughly and with disregard) | :: revolver |
rummage sale {n} (informal sale) | :: mecadillo {m}, rastro {m} |
rumor {n} /ˈɹumɚ/ (statement or claim from no known reliable source) | :: rumor {m} |
rumor {n} (uncountable: information) | :: rumorología, habladurías |
rumor has it {phrase} (rumour has it) SEE: rumour has it | :: |
rumour has it {phrase} (there is a rumor that...) | :: dicen las malas lenguas, corre el rumor de que |
rump {n} /ˈɹʌmp/ (the hindquarters of an animal) | :: grupa {f}, ancas {f-p} |
rump {n} (the buttocks) | :: trasero {m}, nalgas {f-p}, posaderas {f-p}, asentaderas {f-p} |
Rumpelstiltskin {prop} | :: [literal translation: the jumping midget] El enano saltarín {m} |
rumpus {n} (noise and confusion) | :: revuelo |
run {v} /ɹʌn/ (to move quickly on two feet) | :: correr |
run {v} (to flow) | :: fluir, afluir, correr |
run {v} (to execute or carry out a plan, procedure or program) | :: ejecutar, arrancar |
run {n} (the act of running) | :: correr |
run {n} (gallop) | :: galopar |
run {n} (unravelled stitches) | :: carrera {f} |
run {n} (a point scored in some games) | :: carrera {f} |
run {v} (to smuggle illegal goods) SEE: smuggle | :: |
run after {v} (follow quickly) | :: perseguir |
run after {v} (try to win someone's affections) | :: correr tras |
run aground {v} (to be immobilized by shallow water) | :: encallar, varar, zabordar |
run aground {v} (to cause a vessel to run aground) | :: encallar |
run along {v} (to leave) | :: partir, salir |
run amok {v} (run amok) | :: correr a ciegas, enloquecerse |
runaround {n} (evasive explanation) | :: dar largas |
run away {v} (to flee by running) | :: huir |
run away {v} (to leave home) | :: escapar, arrancarse |
runaway {n} /ˈɹʌnəweɪ/ | :: fugitivo |
runaway {adj} (unchecked; rampant) | :: desbocado |
run away with {v} (to overwhelm) SEE: overwhelm | :: |
run down {v} (to hit someone with a car or other vehicle and injure or kill them) | :: atropellar |
run down {v} (to criticise) | :: pelar, morder, dejar negro, despellejar, trasquilar |
rune {n} /ɹuːn/ (letter or character) | :: runa {f} |
runestone {n} (stone with a runic inscription) | :: piedra rúnica {f} (cf. estela rúnica {f}) |
rung {n} /ɹʌŋ/ (ladder step) | :: travesaño {m} |
rung {n} (crosspiece between chair legs) | :: travesaño {m} |
runic {adj} /ˈɹuːnɪk/ (of, pertaining to, or written using runes) | :: rúnico {m} |
run-in {n} (an encounter; a scrape or brush) | :: encontronazo |
run into {v} (intransitive, to collide with) | :: chocar, tropezar |
run into {v} (transitive, to cause to collide with) | :: chocar, tropezar |
run into {v} (intransitive, to encounter or meet) | :: encontrarse con, toparse con |
Réunion {prop} /ɹiːˈjuːnjən/ (island in the Indian Ocean to the west of Mauritius and to the east of Madagascar) | :: Isla de la Reunión {f} |
Réunion {prop} (Overseas department of France) | :: Reunión |
runner {n} (deserter) SEE: deserter | :: |
runner {n} /ˈɹʌnɚ/ (somebody who runs, who moves at a fast pace) | :: corredor {m} |
runner-up {n} /ˌɹʌn.ɚˈʌp/ (the person who finishes second) | :: subcampeón {m}, subcampeona {f}, princesa {f} (in beauty contest), suplente (id) |
running {adv} /ˈɹʌnɪŋ/ (consecutively) | :: consecutivo |
running {n} (the action of the verb to run) | :: administración {f}, control {m}, dirección {f}, manejo {m}, organización {f}, |
running {n} (sport) | :: footing {m}, jogging {m} |
running board {n} (step under the car door) | :: estribo |
running gear {n} (wheels, suspension, steering, powertrain and chassis) | :: tren de conducción {m} |
running in {n} (operation of a new engine for testing) | :: rodaje {m} |
running text {n} (body of text) | :: texto corrido {m} |
runny nose {n} (condition of discharge of mucus from the nose) | :: nariz mocosa {f} |
run off {v} (to chase someone away) | :: echar |
runoff {n} (portion of precipitation or irrigation which does not infiltrate) | :: escorrentía {f} |
runoff {n} (second or further round of an indecisive election) | :: segunda vuelta {f} |
run of luck {n} (winning streak) SEE: winning streak | :: |
run-of-the-mill {adj} (ordinary) | :: común y corriente, corriente y moliente, del montón, ordinario {m}, ordinaria {f}, adocenado |
runology {n} (study of runes) | :: runología {f} |
run out {v} (to use up) | :: agotar, quedarse sin |
run out {v} (to expire, to come to an end) | :: expirar, extinguir [pronominal], vencer [pronominal] |
run out of steam {v} (to run out of energy or motivation) | :: perder fuelle |
run over {v} (to drive over, causing injury or death) | :: atropellar, arrollar |
run rings around {v} | :: dar sopas con honda, dar cien vueltas |
run someone ragged {v} (to exhaust) SEE: exhaust | :: |
runt {n} /ˈɹʌnt/ (undersized or stunted plant, animal or person) | :: enano {m} |
run through {v} ( summarise briefly) | :: resumir |
run through {v} (go through hastily) | :: recorrer, repasar |
run through {v} (impale a person) | :: empalar |
run time {n} (time during which a program is executing) | :: tiempo de ejecución {m} |
runway {n} /ˈɹʌnweɪ/ (walkway extending from a stage) | :: pasarela {f} |
runway {n} ((aviation) strip for airplanes to land on or take off from) | :: pista {f}, pista de aterrizaje {f}, pista de despegue {f} |
run with the hare and hunt with the hounds {v} (support both sides of an argument) | :: servir a Dios y al diablo |
rupee {n} /ˌɹuːˈpiː/ (monetary currency) | :: rupia {f} |
Rupelian {prop} (subdivision of the Oligocene epoch) | :: Rupeliense |
rupture {n} /ˈɹʌptʃə/ (burst or split) | :: rotura |
rural {adj} /ˈɹʊɹəl/ (pertaining to non-urban areas) | :: rural |
rurban {adj} (of a location which has both urban and rural characteristics) | :: rurbano |
Ruritanian {adj} /ˌɹʊɹ.ɪˈteɪ.ni.ən/ (of or having the characteristics of adventure, romance, and intrigue) | :: quimérico |
Rus {prop} /ɹuːs/ (people) | :: Rus {f} |
Rus {prop} (medieval East Slavic state) | :: Rutenia {f} |
rusalka {n} (female water spirit that leads handsome men to their deaths) | :: rusalka {f} |
ruse {n} /ɹuːz/ (action intended to deceive, see also: trick) | :: asechanza {f}, artimaña {f}, trácala {f} [Latin America], truco {m}, zancadilla {f} |
ruse {n} (guile, trickery) | :: astucia {f} |
rush {n} /ɹʌʃ/ (plant) | :: juncácea {f} |
rush {n} (sudden forward motion) | :: acometida |
rush {n} (haste) | :: prisa {f} |
rush {n} (rapid, noisy flow) | :: tromba |
rush {n} (pleasurable sensation produced by a stimulant) | :: subidón {m} |
rush {v} (to hurry) | :: correr, apurarse |
rushed {adj} /ɹʌʃt/ (done in haste) | :: apurado {m}, acelerado {m} |
rush hour {n} (times of day when traffic jams are commonplace, principally due to commuting) | :: hora del taco {f} [Chile], hora "peak" {f} [Chile], hora pico {f} [Latin America], hora punta {f} [Spain], hora de apuros {f}, hora pendularista {f} |
rusk {n} /ɹʌsk/ (light, soft bread, often toasted or crisped in an oven) | :: bizcocho {m}, biscote |
russet {n} /ˈɹʌsɪt/ (color) | :: ocre {m}, marrojizo {m}, marrojiza {f}, color teja |
russet {n} (apple) | :: reineta {f} |
russet {adj} (color) | :: marrojizo, marrojiza {f} |
Russia {prop} /ˈɹʌʃə/ (country in Asia and Europe) | :: Rusia {f} |
Russian {adj} /ˈɹʌʃ(ə)n/ (of or pertaining to Russia) | :: ruso |
Russian {n} (person from Russia) | :: ruso {m}, rusa {f} |
Russian {n} (ethnic Russian) | :: ruso {m}, rusa {f} |
Russian {n} (Russian (language)) | :: ruso {m} |
Russian Blue {n} (cat breed) | :: azul ruso {m} |
Russian doll {n} (wooden doll) | :: muñeca rusa {f}, matrioska {f} |
Russian dressing {n} (salad dressing) | :: aliño ruso {m} |
Russian Empire {prop} (state) | :: Imperio ruso {m} |
Russian Far East {prop} (Russian region) | :: Lejano Oriente de Rusia {m} |
Russian Federation {prop} (alternative formal name of Russia) | :: Federación Rusa {f} |
Russianism {n} (a word or other feature originating in the Russian language) | :: rusismo {m} |
Russianist {n} (a person who studies Russian language, culture or history) | :: rusista {m} {f} |
Russian Orthodox Church {prop} (one of the autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Christian churches) | :: Iglesia ortodoxa rusa {f} |
Russian roulette {prop} (deadly game with revolver and random spinning) | :: ruleta rusa {f} |
Russian salad {n} (Olivier salad) SEE: Olivier salad | :: |
Russicist {n} (a scholar who specializes in the study of the Russian language) SEE: Russianist | :: |
russification {n} (Russification) SEE: Russification | :: |
Russification {n} (process of making anything Russian) | :: rusificación {f} |
Russify {v} (to make or become more Russian) | :: rusificar |
Russo- {prefix} (relating to Russia or Russian) | :: ruso- |
Russophile {n} (person who loves the culture of Russia) | :: rusófilo |
Russophobia {n} (the fear of Russia or Russian) | :: rusofobia {f} |
Russophone {n} (someone who speaks Russian) | :: rusófono {m}, rusófona {f}, rusohablante {m} {f} |
rust {n} /ɹʌst/ (result of oxidation) | :: óxido {m}, herrumbre {f}, moho {m}, orín |
rust {n} (colour) | :: marrón, rojizo |
rust {n} (plant disease) | :: roya {f}, herrumbre {f} |
rust {v} (to oxidise) | :: aherrumbrarse |
rust {v} (to cause to oxidise) | :: aherrumbrar |
rustbucket {n} (old, neglected vehicle) | :: carraca, tartana |
rustic {adj} /ˈɹʌstɪk/ (country-styled) | :: rústico |
rustic {adj} (crude, rough) | :: rústico |
rusticity {n} (that which makes something rustic) | :: rusticidad {f} |
rustle {n} /ˈɹʌsəl/ (soft crackling sound) | :: crujido |
rustler {n} (cattle thief) | :: cuatrero {m}, cuatrera {f} |
rustproof {adj} (resistant to rust, oxidation and corrosion) | :: inoxidable |
rusty {adj} /ˈɹʌsti/ (affected by rust) | :: herrumbroso |
rusty {adj} (of the rust color, reddish or reddish-brown) | :: herrumbroso, rojizo |
rusty {adj} (lacking recent experience, out of practice) | :: oxidado |
rusty-spotted cat {n} (Prionailurus rubiginosus) | :: gato herrumbroso |
rut {n} /ɹʌt/ (sexual desire or oestrus) | :: estro {m}, brama, celo |
rut {v} (To be in the annual rut) | :: estar en brama, estar en celo |
rut {n} (furrow, groove, or track worn in the ground) | :: rodera {f}, surco, rodada {f} |
rut {v} (make a furrow) | :: surcar |
rutabaga {n} /ˈɹutəˌbeɪɡə/ (plant) | :: nabo sueco {m} |
rutabaga {n} (edible root) | :: colinabo {m}, nabo sueco {m} |
ruth {n} /ɹuːθ/ (pity) | :: lástima {f} |
ruth {n} (sorrow) | :: lástima {f}, pena {f} |
ruth {n} (repentance) | :: lamento {m} |
Ruth {prop} /ɹuːθ/ (book of the Bible) | :: Rut {f} |
Ruth {prop} (female given name) | :: Rut {f}, Ruth {f} |
Ruthenia {prop} /ruːˈθiː.ni.ə/ (alternative name of Rus, see also: Rus) | :: Rutenia {f} |
ruthenium {n} /ɹuːˈθiːniəm/ (chemical element) | :: rutenio {m} |
rutherfordium {n} /ˌɹʌðəɹˈfɔːɹdiəm/ (chemical element) | :: rutherfordio {m} |
ruthful {adj} /ˈɹuːθ.fʊl/ (full of sorrow; sorrowful) | :: afligido, triste |
ruthless {adj} /ˈɹuːθləs/ (without pity or compassion) | :: despiadado |
ruthlessly {adv} /ˈɹuːθ.lə (in a ruthless manner) | :: despiadamente, cruelmente, sádicamente, inhumanamente |
rutilant {adj} /ˈɹuːtɪl(ə)nt/ (shining or glowing with a red colour or light) | :: rutilante |
rutile {n} (the most frequent of the three polymorphs of titanium dioxide) | :: rutilo {m} |
Rutland beauty {n} (species of bindweed) | :: campanilla {f}, campanilla blanca {f}, campanilla de los cercados {f}, correhuela de cercas {f}, correhuela mayor {f}, hiedra campana {f}, hierba lechera {f}, voluble mayor {f} |
Ruy Lopez {prop} (a common chess opening) | :: apertura española {f} |
Rwanda {prop} /ɹuˈɑndə/ (country) | :: Ruanda {f} |
Rwandan {n} (a person from Rwanda or of Rwandan descent) | :: ruandés {m} |
Rwandan {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Rwanda, the Rwandan people or language) | :: ruandés {m} |
Ryazan {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Riazán {m} |
Rydberg constant {n} (universal scaling factor) | :: constante de Rydberg {f} |
rye {n} /ɹaɪ/ (the grass Secale cereale or its grains as food) | :: centeno {m} |
rye {n} (rye bread) SEE: rye bread | :: |
rye bread {n} (type of bread) | :: pan de centeno {m} |
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (Poland) SEE: Poland | :: |
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (republic) SEE: republic | :: |
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (commonwealth) SEE: commonwealth | :: |
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (Republic of Poland) SEE: Republic of Poland | :: |