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Matar (to kill) conjugation

150 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: spend, to spend a period of time doing unimportant things, solve, to pocket, stop, to stop a moving ball, to solve, to satisfy, skip, to quench, to consume something entirely, satisfy, to break ones back, break, pocket, to skip, to satiate, to destroy, to eradicate, consume
Conjugation of matar
Present tense
I kill
you kill
he/she kills
we kill
you all kill
they kill
Present perfect tense
tenho matado
I have killed
tens matado
you have killed
tem matado
he/she has killed
temos matado
we have killed
tendes matado
you all have killed
têm matado
they have killed
Past preterite tense
I killed
you killed
he/she killed
we killed
you all killed
they killed
Future tense
I will kill
you will kill
he/she will kill
we will kill
you all will kill
they will kill
Conditional mood
I would kill
you would kill
he/she would kill
we would kill
you all would kill
they would kill
Past imperfect tense
I used to kill
you used to kill
he/she used to kill
we used to kill
you all used to kill
they used to kill
Past perfect tense
tinha matado
I had killed
tinhas matado
you had killed
tinha matado
he/she had killed
tínhamos matado
we had killed
tínheis matado
you all had killed
tinham matado
they had killed
Future perfect tense
terei matado
I will have killed
terás matado
you will have killed
terá matado
he/she will have killed
teremos matado
we will have killed
tereis matado
you all will have killed
terão matado
they will have killed
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha matado
I have killed
tenhas matado
you have killed
tenha matado
he/she has killed
tenhamos matado
we have killed
tenhais matado
you all have killed
tenham matado
they have killed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have killed
(if/so that) you will have killed
(if/so that) he/she will have killed
(if/so that) we will have killed
(if/so that) you all will have killed
(if/so that) they will have killed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver matado
I will have killed
tiveres matado
you will have killed
tiver matado
he/she will have killed
tivermos matado
we will have killed
tiverdes matado
you all will have killed
tiverem matado
they will have killed
Imperative mood
let's kill!
Imperative negative mood
não mates
do not kill!
não mate
let him/her/it not kill!
não matemos
let us not kill!
não mateis
do not kill!
não matem
do not kill!
Examples of matar
Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
! Já tive de matar umas quantas mulheres por causa disso.- Oh, I hate life had to kill that one...
! Quem é que haveria de querer matar um campista?Who in the world would want to kill a camper?
! Vais matar-me!You're going to kill me!
" - Foi o Bobby Calzone." " - Sabotado para matar..."Calzone did it." -"Fixed to kill."
" Há um tempo de matar e um tempo de curar.A time to kill, and a time to heal.
! - Cala-te, senão mato-a!- Shut it or I kill her!
! Eu mato-os com o meu poder.I'll kill them with my power.
! Eu mato-te!I'll kill you, son!
! Pare de dizer isso e fique de boca calada, ou prometo-lhe que o mato já.Keep your mouth shut or I promise you, I will kill you right now.
!" "Digam ou mato-os a todos!"Tell me now, or I'm gonna kill you all!"
"Callahan", disse o Sargento, pousa esse punção, ainda matas alguém."Callahan," the sergeant said "you put down that prick punch, you go kill some gooks."
"ou matas o meu marido que me humilhou e te tornas rei no seu lugar.""or else kill my husband who has shamed me... and become King in his place."
- 20 milenas em como o matas.- 20 bucks says you kill him.
- Agora matas os meus doentes, Yang?- Where do you get off killing my patients, yang?
! Que homem mata a mosca de outro?What kind of man kills another man's fly?
"A Máfia mata."The Mafia kills.
"Acidente em laboratório mata cinco pessoas".(Muttering) "Laboratory accident kills five."
"A" sabe como fazer com que pareça que nós os matamos."A" has a way to make it look like we killed him.
"Lutamos, matamos e somos mortos."We fight, we kill, and be killed.
"Mata-o, ou matamos-te nós.""Kill him, otherwise we will kill you."
"Muito bem, matamos um e mantemos os outros na linha.""Okay, we'll kill one and keep the rest in line."
" Depois o Daggoo, cuja valentia, grandeza e elegância..." " lhe vinham de ter matado um leão só com as mãos e ter comido a sua carne ".Then Daggoo, who got his boldness and majesty and grace... from having killed a lion single-handed and partaken of its flesh.
""Devia ter-te matado quando tive oportunidade.""'I shoulda killed you while I had the chance.'
"Com uma praga, puxou das pistolas e tê-lo-ia matado "mas o Duck foi mais rápido e fez falar a pólvora."Cursing, he reached for his pistols and would have killed him but the Duck was faster and hot lead blazed from his smoking six-guns."
"Ele já deve ter matado antes."He must've killed before.
"Esconde-lo - disse-me ele -, é pena näo termos matado o canalha."" You're hiding him," he said. "I wish we've killed the bastard."
- Oh, exilai-me, senhor, mas não me matais!O, banish me, my lord, but kill me not!
Como sois leal ao rei, se matais cavaleiros e caçais os veados reais?How does your loyalty to Richard set on a killer of knights a poacher of the king's deer and an outlaw?
Porque não me matais e acabais já com isto?Why don't you kill me and be done with it?
É-me indiferente se matais ou não Buckingham.You kill Buckingham or have him killed, it's no matter to me.
! Ainda te matam!You could get killed!
! Vocês ainda me matam!You'll end up killing me!
"Calçado Marathon constrói parques que matam crianças"."Marathon Footwear builds playgrounds that kill children."
"Deixa dois homens num quarto durante muito tempo e eles matam-se um ao outro."Leave two blokes in a room long enough, they'll kill each other.
"...matei George Grisby e atirei seu corpo na baía de Sausalito.""... I shot and killed Mr. George Grisby... "...placing his dead corpse in the Sausalito bay."
"Acho que matei alguém".Ah. "I think I just killed somebody."
"Acho que matei uma pessoa.""I think I just killed somebody."
"Agora, matei o Henry Wilseck, mas paguei por isso,"By now, I have killed Henry Wilseck. "But I have paid the price.
! - Tu mataste-o.- You killed him.
"Deixa-me sair daqui"... das mulheres todas que já mataste."Let me out of here"... from all the women you've killed.
"Jamais me juntarei a ti", diz o Cavaleiro Branco. "Tu mataste o meu pai!""I'll never join you," the white knight says. "You killed my father." [Grunts]
"Mataste o Shaggy..." não, mataste o nosso próprio irmão...youKilledShaggy... no, you killed to our own brother...
"McNess, mataste o presidente, McNess, vai reconhecer..."McNess, you killed the president, McNess on point.
! - A questão é, Sua Majestade, quem é que o matou?The question is, Your Majesty, who killed him?
! - Já matou duas pessoas! O Dr. Bernardo e o seu assistente.It's already killed two people, Dr. Bernardo and his assistant.
! Ali o Bob Keaton matou o meu parceiro, o teu irmão.Bob Keaton down there killed my partner.
! Aquela cabra matou o Tipo do Bombo?That bitch killed the Chinchinero?
! Não fui eu quem o matou!It wasn't me who killed him!
- Há sim tu matastes o Connoly.Oh, yeah. You killed Connelly.
- Já matastes centenas em guerra.You've killed hundreds in war.
- Quantos homens matastes?- How many men you killed?
-Então todas as pessoas que matastes... -Mereciam.So all the people you've killed so far... deserved it.
Alguma vez matastes um gigante?Have you ever killed a giant?
" Romeu e Julieta mataram-se porque eram chapéus para o cu"."Romeo and Juliet killed themselves... 'cause they were ass hats."
"Aqueles que mataram meu pai."The ones who killed my father.
"E eles mataram-na".If we take and they killed her."
"Eles entraram em todas as casas, eles mataram as pessoas dentro."In every house they entered, they killed the people inside.
- Agente especial Hovis. - Agente Hovis, leve seus homens para fora do prédio e além das cercas, ou matarei a Presidente.Agent hovis, move your men out of the building and beyond the fence line, or I will kill the president.
- Juro que matarei esse homem.As the gods are my witness, I will kill that man.
- Não posso simplesmente matá-lo! - Ou o matas tu... ou o matarei eu própria.- Either you will kill him... or I will kill myself.
- Não, matarei quem o magoar.- No, I will kill anyone that hurts him.
Amanhã tu matarás o Sun Ko.Tomorrow you will kill Sun Ko
E com ela matarás Darken Rahl.And with it, you will kill Darken Rahl.
Se desejas voltar a ver a Madre Confessora e a Mord-Sith outra vez, Seeker, matarás estes 5 cobardes.If you ever wish to see the Mother Confessor and Mord'Sith again, Seeker, you will kill these five cowards.
Se quiseres os passaportes, matarás aquele idiota e rápido.Listen. If you want your passports, you will kill that douche bag and fast.
- Benedict matará Schwarzenegger.- Benedict will kill Schwarzenegger. - Who is Slater.
- Ele matará o Aleister.It will kill Aleister.
- O álcool te matará.- Alcohol will kill you!
- Ou matará mais gente minha?- Or you will kill more of my people.
"Dêem-nos as Montanhas Negras e os vossos antigos terrenos de caça ou não continuaremos a alimentar-vos e mataremos o Touro Sentado e todos os que continuarem a lutar.""Give the Black Hills and your old hunting lands to us or we will no longer feed you, and we will kill Sitting Bull and all those who continue to fight."
Caso contrário, mataremos a sua família.Otherwise, we will kill your family.
Caso contrário, mataremos toda a sua família.Otherwise, we will kill your family.
Depois mataremos Ragnar Lothbrok.And then we will kill Ragnar Lothbrok.
E quando espertares, mataremos todos eles.And when you wake, we will kill them all.
"Se a entregar, eles nos matarão, e a nossos... e a nossos filhos""If you turn this over to them, they will kill us. "And our kids."
- A segunda razão é... que se lhes diz que matei ao Shemin, matarão-me.- The second reason is, you tell him l killed Shemin, they will kill me.
- Eles o matarão, meu amigo.They will kill you, my friend.
- Eles vos matarão a todos!They will kill you all.
- Invadiram nosso país! - Eles matarão mais se detonarmos essa bomba!And they will kill more if we detonate this bomb!
"Acho que te mataria, se pensasse que iria perder-te."I think I would kill you, if I thought I was going to lose you.
"Que tipo de doido mataria alguém na frente de tantas testemunhas?" Isso.What kind of psycho would kill somebody in front of witnesses?"
- Ele disse que mataria os meus filhotes.- He said he would kill my chicks.
- Eu mataria para ser dono dela, ok?- I would kill to own the pumpkin, ok?
- Isso mataria a plantação toda.That would kill all the crops.
Bem, disseste que matarias a minha família e queimarias a minha casa se não aparecesse, portanto...Yeah, well, you said you would kill my family and burn my house down if I didn't, so...
Disses que me matarias se viesse buscar o Fernando?What a disgrace! Did you say you would kill me? If I came for Fernando?
Disseste que me matarias se viesse buscar Fernando?Did you say you would kill me? If I came for Fernando.
Então, se sentisses necessidade, matarias alguém esta noite?So, if you felt the need to, you would kill someone tonight?
Ian, que estás a fazer? ! Dissemos que se esta coisa entrasse num de nós, mataríamos quem fosse!We said if this thing entered one of us, we would kill whoever that was!
Isso é algo que nós artistas mataríamos para ter, que é controle da criatividadeThis is what artists like ourselves would kill for, And that's creative control.
Haveis mostrado que mataríeis um homem para defender o vosso orgulho.You have shown that you would kill a man to defend your pride.
- E tóxico. Fumos a esse nível matariam alguém em poucos minutos.Fumes at that level would kill anybody within minutes.
- Há mulheres matariam para ter um filho.Rebekah: A lot of women would kill to have a child.
- Pensámos que éramos homens mortos. - Pensei que nos matariam.We thought we were dead, we thought they would kill us.
Achei que no final morreria, que vocês me matariam,I thought that when it was done I was going to die. That you would kill me.
Apenas um matara tantos.Only one had killed so many.
E não satisfeito com isso, tentou incriminar a Mlle. Johnson que era boa e leal para consigo que estava apaixonada por si, colocando no quarto dela a mó de moinho com a qual matara a sua mulher.And not content with that... you tried to incriminate Mademoiselle Johnson who was good and loyal to you, who was in love with you... by planting in her room... the very quern with which you had killed your wife.
E sabia que a senhora o matara?- And he knew you had killed her.
Eu sabia que o Skur matara o Michel para se vingar do que lhe tinham feito.I knew Skur had killed Michel out of vengeance for what had been done to him.
Eu também matara.I had killed, too.
! Queres que eu te mate?Let ME kill you, OK?
" Faça - o trair, ou então mate - o."Make him betray her. If not, kill him."
" Por favor, Kid, näo me mate!""Kid, Kid, please don't kill me!"
"-...quem quiseres que eu mate."- Who you want me to kill
"Alguém que me mate, por favor!""Someone kill me please!"
""quero que mates o Presidente, mas não chames as atenções!"""... I want you to kill the President, but don't make it a big thing!"
"Deus, por favor, não me mates com o martelo, Lynard."He said, "Oh, God, please don't kill me "with the hammer, Lynard, please."
"Eu não tenho medo de deixar que me mates."* I'm not afraid to let you kill me
"Mantém a calma, não mates.""Be chill, don't kill."
- A menos que a matemos primeiro.- Unless we kill it first.
- Como? Ele está a tentar fazer com que nos matemos.Locke can't kill us.
- Do Locke. E se ele estiver a tentar fazer com que nos matemos uns aos outros?What if he's trying to get us to kill each other?
- Está a tentar humanizar-se para nós, para que não o matemos.He's trying to humanize himself to us so we don't kill him.
- Eu voto que o matemos.l vote we kill him.
- Não me mateis, Fizcko!-Don´t kill me, Ficzko!
A não ser que me mateis.Unless you kill me.
Dizei-me, se o vosso precioso Renly vos ordenasse que mateis o vosso próprio pai e ficásseis quieto enquanto milhares de homens, mulheres e crianças eram queimados vivos, tê-lo-ias feito?Tell me, if your precious Renly commanded you to kill your own father and stand by while thousands of men, women, and children burned alive, would you have done it?
E quando o tiverdes encontrado, por Deus e pela França, quero que o mateis.And when you have, for God and for France, I wish you to kill him.
Já que falais assim, espero que não me mateis.- Talk you of killing? - Ay, I do.
! Temos que tirá-la daqui antes que nos matem!We need to get her out of here before we all get killed!
""Quero que matem o Papa, mas não chateiem os católicos."I want you to kill the Pope, but don't upset the Catholics.
"Deixa que os animais se matem", verdade?"Let the animals kill each other," right?
"Não matem o reitor.""Do not kill the principal."
Agora, pelo amor de Deus, matai-me.Now, for God's sake, kill me.
Besta de lenda, mito e tradição, Dai às minhas palavras o poder de pairar e matai este Mal para todo o sempre."Beast of legend, myth and lore, give my words the power to soar, and kill this evil evermore."
"Demónios subterrâneos que vagueiam de cidade para cidade" "matando poderosas fontes do Bem" "apenas em ver as auras que as rodeiam""Underground demons who roam from city to city, killing powerful forces of good by seeing the unique auras that surround them."
- Se o matardes, eu mato-a.Go ahead. You kill him, I'll kill her!
"Adormecer-te". Não é isso que dizem antes de te matarem?"Put you to sleep." Isn't that what they say right before they kill you?
" Se matares os senadores Flávio e Rutílio, nos mataremos Artamne depois, será a tua vez!"" If you kill Senators Flavius and Rutilius, we'll kill Artamne then, you'll be next!"
"Olá, Curt, importa-se de se transformar para o matarmos?"Oh, yeah. "Hey, Curt, would you mind "beasting out so we can kill you?
Ele tinha medo que se o câncer matasse a Lady Clarke, o seu irmão, Sir Carmichael, se viesse a interessar por si, e talvez até se casasse consigo.He was afraid that if the cancer it was killing the Lady Clarke, his brother, Sir Carmichael, it was coming to interest oneself in you, and perhaps even he was getting married with you.
"Os teus saltos devem estar-te matando"Your capers can be killing
"e, como consequência, dois leões fugiram matando três pessoas".killing three people."
(30 anos depois) Então, imperador Palpatine causou a mais sangrenta batalha na história da galáxia impondo uma ditadura tirânica e matando todos os Jedis.And so, emperor Palpatine has followed up the bloodiest war in the history of the galaxy by imposing a tyrannical dictatorship and killing all the Jedi.
* O silencio vai me matando aos poucos. *♪ The silence is slowly killing me. ♪
Bem, a solução seria beijardes-me. E depois, matardes-me.Well, the solution would be to kiss me, and then kill me.
Há maneiras mais rápidas de vos matardes.There are faster ways to kill yourself.
Mas se não me matardes, mato-vos eu.But if you don't kill me, I'm going to kill you.
Mas, se matardes Maria, arderemos na mesma.But if you kill Mary, we will burn anyway.
"E foram soltos os 4 anjos que estavam preparados para a hora dia, mês e ano, a fim de matarem a terça parte dos homens"."And the four angels, who had been prepared for this very hour "and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind..."
"Sabemos que existe uma plano concreto para nos matarem."We know there is a concrete plan to kill us.
- Antes de o matarem.Before they could kill him.
"E obrigado por não a matares"."And thank you for not killing her."
"Mas se matares uma cobra humana", disse ela, "Queimam-te por isso.""But if you kill a human snake, " she said, "they'd burn you for it."
"Por isso, Tommy, depois de a matares,"So, Tommy, the moment after you kill her,
"Recebes 100 pontos se a matares."Get 100 points if you kill her.
"Os tubarões são uma maçada, um tubarão morto é um bom tubarão, vamos matá-los todos." Mas se os matarmos todos, vamos destruir todas as cadeias de alimentação de todo o ecosistema marinho e, bem, como a maior parte do oxigénio vem dos oceanos,"Sharks are a nuisance, a dead shark is a good shark, let's kill 'em all." But if we kill 'em all, we destroy all food chains of an entire marine ecosystem and, well, the majority of our oxygen comes from the ocean,
"Quantos mais alemães matarmos, menos morreremos," disse ele."The more Germans we kill, the fewer of our men will be killed, " he said.
- Depois de os matarmos.- Righc afcer we kill chem.
- Don Luis disse para matarmos todos.Don Luis said kill everyone.
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