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Matar (to kill) conjugation

94 examples
Conjugation of matar
Present tense
I kill
you kill
he/she kills
we kill
you all kill
they kill
Present perfect tense
he matat
I have killed
has matat
you have killed
ha matat
he/she has killed
hem matat
we have killed
heu matat
you all have killed
han matat
they have killed
Future tense
I will kill
you will kill
he/she will kill
we will kill
you all will kill
they will kill
Conditional mood
I would kill
you would kill
he/she would kill
we would kill
you all would kill
they would kill
Past perfect tense
havia matat
I had killed
havies matat
you had killed
havia matat
he/she had killed
havíem matat
we had killed
havíeu matat
you all had killed
havien matat
they had killed
Past impf. tense
I was killing
you were killing
he/she was killing
we were killing
you all were killing
they were killing
Imperative mood
let him/her kill!
let's kill!
let them kill!
Imperative negative mood
no matis
don't kill!
no mati
don't let him/her kill!
no matem
let's not kill!
no mateu
don't kill!
no matin
don't let them kill!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria matat
I would have killed
hauries matat
you would have killed
hauria matat
he/she would have killed
hauríem matat
we would have killed
hauríeu matat
you all would have killed
haurien matat
they would have killed
Future perfect tense
hauré matat
I will have killed
hauràs matat
you will have killed
haurà matat
he/she will have killed
haurem matat
we will have killed
haureu matat
you all will have killed
hauren matat
they will have killed
Preterite past tense
I killed
you killed
he/she killed
we killed
you all killed
they killed
Past anterior tense
haguí matat
I had killed
hagueres matat
you had killed
hagué matat
he/she had killed
haguérem matat
we had killed
haguéreu matat
you all had killed
haguéren matat
they had killed
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) kill
(so that you) kill
(so that he/she) kills
(so that we) kill
(so that you all) kill
(so that they) kill
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was killing
(so that you) were killing
(so that he/she) was killing
(so that we) were killing
(so that you all) were killing
(so that they) were killing
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi matat
(so that I) have killed
hagis matat
(so that you) have killed
hagi matat
(so that he/she) has killed
hàgim matat
(so that we) have killed
hàgiu matat
(so that you all) have killed
hagin matat
(so that they) have killed
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués matat
(so that I) had killed
haguessis matat
(so that you) had killed
hagués matat
(so that he/she) had killed
haguéssim matat
(so that we) had killed
haguéssiu matat
(so that you all) had killed
haguessin matat
(so that they) had killed
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi matar
(so that I) killed
vagis matar
(so that you) killed
vagi matar
(so that he/she) killed
vàgim matar
(so that we) killed
vàgiu matar
(so that you all) killed
vagin matar
(so that they) killed
Periphastic past tense
vaig matar
I killed
vas matar
you killed
va matar
he/she killed
vam matar
we killed
vau matar
you all killed
van matar
they killed
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver matat
I had killed
vas haver matat
you had killed
va haver matat
he/she had killed
vam haver matat
we had killed
vau haver matat
you all had killed
van haver matat
they had killed
Examples of matar
Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Li hauria semblat un excés de pompa i de municions de matar una xinxa amb una bateria de canons; pero no trobava res d'incongruent en esmerçar una tamborinada com aquella per sacsejar l'herba sota un insecte com ell.It might have seemed to him a waste of pomp and ammunition to kill a bug with a battery of artillery, but there seemed nothing incongruous about the getting up such an expensive thunderstorm as this to knock the turf from under an insect like himself.
Quí en diu res, de matar-la?Who said anything about killing?
Ho enteneu? I, si em cal matar-vos, la mataré a ella; i aleshores em penso que ningú arribara a saber gaire cosa de qui és que ha fet aquest negoci.And if I have to kill you, I'll kill her--and then I reckon nobody'll ever know much about who done this business."
Les dones les tanqueu, pero sense matar-les.You shut up the women, but you don't kill them.
-És jurar d'estar l'un al costat de l'altre, i no dir mai els secrets de la colla, baldament ens fessin bocins, i matar qualsevol (i tota la seva família) que perjudiqui el cos d'un de la colla."It's to swear to stand by one another, and never tell the gang's secrets, even if you're chopped all to flinders, and kill anybody and all his family that hurts one of the gang."
Juro per Déu que si surts per aquesta porta, et mato.I swear to god, if you walk out of here, I'll kill you.
Jo no mato la gent.I don't kill people.
O véns o et mato.You will come or I'll kill you.
Una mica més i la mato.I could kill her.
- Llavors si et mato, Déu em perdonarà?- So I could kill you - and God would forgive me?
Llançar-se d'un espadat per atrapar les patrulles de soldats japonesos i matar-los... Series molt afortunat si no et mates en l'intent, com ningú pot esperar que sigues capaç de matar soldats japonesos després d'això?Jump off the cliff to catch the Japanese soldiers who are driving around and kill them… You would be damn lucky if you did not die, can anyone still expect you to kill Japanese soldiers?
Germà, ¿a mi també em mates?Brother, you're killing me, too?
Per què no ens mates I acabem amb açò?Why not just kill us and be done with it?
Perquè si em mates, obtindré el que vull.'Cause if you kill me,I'll get exactly what I want.
D'acord... Si el mates.All right... if you kill him.
El mateix pensament que ens mata.The same thinking that kills us.
Encara que està rodejada per soldats japonesos, amb el seu tai txi txuan, el seu toc de la mort i les seues puntades voladores, mata amb les mans nues tots els soldats ben armats amb fusells.Even though she is surrounded by Japanese soldiers, with her Tai Chi Chuan, touch of death and flying steps, she kills all the gun-armed Japanese soldiers with bare hands.
Nen mata el seu pare, que era policia de la ROTA... Eixe nen necessita dues coses: atenció psicològica i una medalla.A boy kills his father, that was a ROTA cop... this boy needs two things: psychological treatment and a medal.
Aprendreu, gran rei, que l'home tan sols respecta tres coses: el fuet que castiga, el jou que escanya i l'espasa que mata.You will learn, big king, that the man only respect three things: the whip that stings, the yoke that suppresses and the sword that kills.
El perill Negre mata a tots els que s'atreveixen a sortir de les coves.The Black Peril kills all those who dare to go out of the caves.
Serà millor que els matem aquí.We'd better kill them right here.
Si els matem, totes les naus de la Federació vindran aquí.If we kill them, all of the ships of the federation will come here!
Doni-li els diners o la matem.""If you don't give him all your money... - "we're gonna kill her."
- Estan aquí, matem-los!- They're there! Let's kill them!
Vinga, xics, matem algun porc senglar!Come on, boys, let's go kill some boar! Come on, you. ( Whines )
Hom creia que Joe l'Indi havia matat cinc habitants del poblet; pero que hi feia?Injun Joe was believed to have killed five citizens of the village, but what of that?
Alguns ivorians han cremat senegalesos vius, un senegalès ha matat un malià per una bajanada i Déu sap que creient-se el guardià del lloc, al carrer, un malià ha matat un senegalès després de barallar-se per un lloc davant del televisor, etc. De bojos, n'hi ha pertot arreu.Africans from the Ivory Coast have been known to burn their Senegalese neighbors at the stake; one Senegalese man killed an African from Mali over garbage and God knows what else while pretending to be in charge... in the street, a Malian killed a man from Senegal over a place in front of a TV screen, etc...crazy people are everywhere...
Senegalesos assassinats a Itàlia: manifestació a Florència contra el racisme Almenys deu mil persones van manifestar-se el dissabte contra el racisme al centre de Florència, on dimarts passat un militant d’extrema dreta havia matat a trets dos venedors ambulants senegalesos i n’havia ferit tres més.Senegalese men killed in Florence: protest against racism — At least 10,000 people marched last Saturday in protest against racism in Florence (centre) where a far-right activist shot and killed two street vendors of Senegalese origin last Tuesday, injuring three others.
Certament, ell no ha matat mai ningú —de fet, no ha infringit cap llei.He certainly never killed anyone—indeed, he’s broken no laws at all.
Si aleshores hagués parlat sobre la meva veritat, m'haurien matat, torturat o deportat", i afegeix que "els retrats del dictador Àssad són als segells, a les parets i a les llibretes de les escoles, de tal manera que ha colonitzat els espais sirians, la nostra cultura i, fins i tot, la nostra història".If I spoke my truth then, I would be killed, tortured or deported,” he said, adding that portraits of dictator Assad are on our stamps, walls and notebooks and in our schools in a way that has colonized Syrian spaces, our culture and even our history.
Els feu arreplegar tot el diner que puguin de sos amics, i, després que els heu tingut un any tancats, si no l'arrepleguen, els mateu.You make them raise all they can, off'n their friends; and after you've kept them a year, if it ain't raised then you kill them. That's the general way.
Aquest és el costum general. Pero les dones no les mateu.Only you don't kill the women.
- No em mateu.- Don't kill me.
Vinga, mateu l'escòria!Come on, kill the scum!
Agafeu un nadó dels braços de la seva mare, el mateu mentre mira i li pagueu amb una moneda de plata?You take a babe from its mother's arms, kill it as she watches, and pay for her pain with a silver coin?
-Oh! Tenen una vida escometedora: prenen vaixells, i els calen foc, i agafen els diners i els enterren en indrets paorosos de llur illa, on hi ha fantasmes i coses a vigilar, i maten a tothom en els vaixells: els fan caminar per un tauló.Tom said: "Oh, they have just a bully time--take ships and burn them, and get the money and bury it in awful places in their island where there's ghosts and things to watch it, and kill everybody in the ships--make 'em walk a plank."
-I s'emporten les dones a l'illa- digué Joe.- Les dones no les maten."And they carry the women to the island," said Joe; "they don't kill the women."
-No- confirma Tom: -no maten les dones: són massa nobles per a fer aquest tropell."No," assented Tom, "they don't kill the women--they're too noble. And the women's always beautiful, too.
* Enderrocar tots els que torturen i maten persones i les humilien* To overthrow all those who torture and kill people, and humiliate them
Si et maten a Matrix... ...et mors aquí?If you're killed in the Matrix... ...you die here?
Però mataré al seu monstre.But I will kill your monster.
Llavors mataré al seu Grendel!Then I will kill your Grendel.
Dóna-m'ho, o et juro per Déu que et mataréGive it to me, or I swear to God I will kill you as you stand!
El mataré demà.I will kill him tomorrow.
I si fas perillar la meva fugida d'aquesta illa, et mataré.And if you compromise my getting off this island, I will kill you.
Llavors, mataràs a mon Grendel?So you will kill my Grendel for me, will you?
Si ho tornes a fer... em mataràs i a la jove la qual estic vivint a dins del seu cos.If you do it again... you will kill me and the young woman I'm living inside of.
Tant menjar de microones et matarà abans que una bala.When are you gonna learn that microwave food will kill you faster than a bullet?
Ell matarà al monstre!He will kill the monster.
Aquest verí et matarà abans.That poison will kill you faster.
"I ell és virtuós, i ell matarà a Ravana, i ...""and he's virtuous, and he will kill Ravan, and... "
I llavors els matarem a tots.And then we will kill them all.
Després matarem Ragnar Lothbrok.And then we will kill Ragnar Lothbrok.
Quan els jedi sàpiguen el que ha passat aquí... ens mataran, junt amb tots els senadors.When the Jedi learn what has transpired here... they will kill us, along with all the senators.
- Sí que em mataran. Com a tots.They will kill us to all, the not to be that we give...
La mataran.They will kill her.
I quan us trobin us mataran.And when they find you, they will kill you.
Com has dit, si va a la presó... ..i ho saben... ..el mataran. I no em podia arriscar.Like you said, if he goes to prison and they know this about him, they will kill him and I cannot risk that.
El mataria a ell, si fos aquí; pero no pas a ella.I would kill _him_ if he was here; but not her.
El meu pare em mataria si et deixés pagar.My father would kill me if I let you pay.
Us mataria.It would kill you.
Si hagués d'estar aquí sola, em mataria.If I had to be here alone, I would kill myself.
Ma mare em mataria.My mom would kill me.
El vident t'ha promès que el mataries?The Seer promised you would kill him?
En Jesse Pinkman, vas prometre que el mataries i no l'has fet.- Jesse Pinkman, you promised that you would kill him, and you didn't.
Els meus germans et matarien.My brothers would kill you.
És lògic creure que matarien de nou per protegir aquest secret?Is it reasonable to believe that they would kill again to protect that secret?
Els clans de les muntanyes em matarien per les meves botes.The hill tribes would kill me for my boots.
Hi ha tants pecats a la meva esquena que em matarien si em girés.There are such sins at my back, it would kill me to turn around.
Sempre havia pensat que els meus viatges matarien la meva família.I always thought my traveling would kill my family.
Hi ha una gran diferencia a saber que les matava.It's a long way from knowing he was killing them.
Bé que ho semblaves quan mataves el meus amics.You sure seemed like my enemy when you were killing my friends.
El 2 de març al matí, la noia de trenta-tres anys Juliana Dias va ser atropellada mortalment per un autobús mentre anava amb bicicleta cap a la feina pel carrer principal de São Paulo, l'avinguda Paulista.On the morning of March 2, 2012, 33-year-old Juliana Dias was killed by a bus while riding her bicycle on her way to work along São Paulo's main street, Avenida Paulista.
La Chloe va ser morta mentre passejava el seu gos... ..a la platja de Santa Monica... ..que es el que feia cada matí.Chloe was killed while walking her dog on the beach in Santa Monica which she did every morning.
Sí, i sabent el que sé, mataren l'oncle Pete.Yes, and as far as I'm concerned, they killed uncle pete.
Era impossible de trobar taps a les autoritats així és que Joe dona el tomb, rebé la patacada i caigué. -Ara- digué Joe, alçant-se -deixeu que us mati jo.There was no getting around the authorities, so Joe turned, received the whack and fell. "Now," said Joe, getting up, "you got to let me kill _you_.
Més val que et moguis... ...si no vols que et mati.You better get it up! Or I'm gonna have to kill you!
No deixis que em mati.Don't let him kill me.
L'has portat aquí perquè em mati.You brought him here to kill me.
No mati els meus soldats sense necessitat.I don't want you to kill my soldiers needlessly.
No em matis.Don't kill me.
Val més que em matis.You better kill me.
Si us plau, no em matis.'Please don't kill me.'
No el matis.Don't kill him.
Que ho destrueixin tot i matin els nostres fills, però mai podran matar la nostra voluntat ni els nostres somnis.Let them destroy everything and kill our children but they will never be able to kill our will and our dreams.
És que vols que ens matin?Do you want us to make kill?
Faras que ens matin a tots.You'll kill us all.
Faràs que ens matin a tots!You'll get us all killed!
Farà que ens matin a tots.Stop causing problems! You'll get us all killed!
@SaraFirth_RT: Els mètodes europeus per 'salvar Grècia' estan matant, ara ja literalment, els grecs.@SaraFirth_RT: Europes methods for 'saving Greece' are now literally killing the Greek people.
Ens esteu matant amb el vostre honor.You’re killing us with your honor.
Boko Haram ens està matant a tots... Ara bé, cap nigerià fa servir la nostra bandera o se l'embolica al cos.Boko haram are killing us in numbers...yet no Nigerian use our flag or wrapped it on His or Her body.
Estic matant un traïdor -- i un enemic dels treballadors -- el meu amic Vasili Petrovich Kudyakov, de 60 anysI'm killing a traitor - and an enemy of the working people - my friend Vasily Petrovich Kudyakov, 60 y. o.
Jesús, l'està matant.Jesus, he's killing him.
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