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svgにjavascriptが埋め込んだ時の挙動がどう違うのか気になっていろいろ試したのでとりあえずまとめてみます。 特に言及していなければfirefoxで試しています。 scriptを混入させたsvgを書く 思いつくjavascriptをいれる方法をひと通り入れてみました。 明らかに動かなさそうなものやxssじゃないものもはいってますが挙動が気になったので入れてみました。 data-gtm-click-label="entry-summary-keyword" href="/q/log">log()" 内部スクリプトでのelem. data-gtm-click-label="entry-summary-keyword" href="/q/log">log()} 外部スクリプトでのelem. data-gtm-click-label="entry-summary-keyword" href="/q/log">log()} style属性でのexpression: style="stroke-width:expression(console.log())" cssでのexpression: .x
On Monday, a former Amazon employee was arrested and charged with stealing more than 100 million consumer applications for credit from Capital One. Since then, many have speculated the breach was perhaps the result of a previously unknown “zero-day” flaw, or an “insider” attack in which the accused took advantage of access surreptitiously obtained from her former employer. But new information indi
We mainly use Vue async components to split them into their own bundle to reduce our initial bundle size, I explore how to get out more of those components. Async Component Options If you are using Nuxt, you are bound to love the asyncData feature as it allows you to fetch arbitrary data and inject them into the page component’s data. But it only works for page components, when it comes to compone
Notes A little more info about the tool: How to search for Open Amazon s3 Buckets and their contents All keywords are treated as logical AND. If you want a keyword excluded you could add -keyword. secret - returns all files containing secret in filename. secret -html - returns all files containing secret and do not contain html in filename. Stop words All keywords are treated as logical AND. In yo
In this series Chris Ashton attempts to use the web under various constraints, representing a given demographic of user. Data can be prohibitively expensive, especially in developing countries. Reducing the data footprint of your website goes hand in hand with improving frontend performance. It is the single most reliable thing you can do to speed up your site. In this article, Chris puts himself
npm package discovery and stats viewer. Discover TipsGeneral search[free text search, go nuts!] Package detailspkg:[package-name] User packages@[username] SponsorI’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m mak
Nick Jones Product-Focused CTO, Founder, Software Engineer, Indie Hacker 04 August 2019 Version 3.3.0 of iTerm2 introduces a cool new feature that allows you to customise the status bar. The status bar allows you to modify the top of your prompt to show information about your terminal session, information that’s always present as you’re working. There are some frequently useful pieces of informati
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Lambdaで動くアプリやフレームワークの事例はよく見るのですが、LambdaのCIやCDにしやすさに主眼をおいた紹介はあんまり見ないので現時点での自分のベストプラクティスのメモです tl;dr; このエントリで書いていること Lambdaをデプロイするのに肝になること デプロイしやすさに着眼したフレームワーク紹介 論外 コンソールからアップロードする できなくはないがかなり厳しい Terraform Apex 8/12 17:20追記 実用レベル Serverless Framework AWS SAM native extension問題と戦う Amazon LinuxのEC2インスタンス内でビルドする Amazon Linux互換のDockerイメージを使う Serverless Frameworkのプラグインを使う ライブラリをインストールするジョブとデプロイするジョブを分ける 【