Chrome and CSS in 2024 journeyed through the forest, over the mountains, and across the seas… 2024 has been another amazing year for CSS! Cross-document view transitions and scroll-driven animations let you add more interactivity to your applications with a few lines of CSS. You can now animate to height: auto;, style scrollbars, and size text inputs to their contents. Many features have become Ba
以下の公開計測会でやったものを個別に解説してみる。 細かいテクニックが多いのだが、それを可能な限りテキストとスクショで解説したい。使い方の解説が中心で、どういう意味があるかは解説しない。 Chrome131時点のスクリーンショットで、後で読む場合は頻繁にUIが変わっている点に注意。大事なのは意図。 宣伝: これを御社のサイトで解説する仕事をやっています。 デモのURL これに意味はなく、今日偶然見ていただけで意図はない。関係ないがエッジランナーズは最高のアニメ。 DevTools を開く F12 or 右クリックから「検証」 DevTools > Lighthouse この状態で計測 このとき、新しいプロファイルを作ったりして、可能な限り Chrome拡張が入ってない状態にすること。Chrome拡張による処理も計測に含まれてしまう。 Lighthouse レポートの読み方 点数部分にマウス
Styling form controls like the <select> element has been reported as a top developer pain point for years, and we've been working on a solution. While this work is complex and has taken a long time to get right, we're getting very close to landing this feature. A customizable version of the select element is officially in Stage 2 in the WHATWG, with strong cross-browser interest and a prototype fo
This guide covers some modern web performance features of Chrome DevTools, with a focus on the new Performance Panel features which helps you optimize Core Web Vitals and improve your general web performance. What We'll Cover In this guide, we'll dive deep into the new Performance Panel features in Chrome DevTools. We'll explore what the new features are, how to access it, and how to use it effec
Updates July 7, 2022: Updated current status and added IP address space definition. April 27, 2022: Updated timeline announcement. March 7, 2022: Announced rollback after issues were discovered in Chrome 98. Introduction Chrome is deprecating direct access to private network endpoints from public websites as part of the Private Network Access (PNA) specification. Chrome will start sending a CORS p
We developed the Privacy Sandbox with the goal of finding innovative solutions that meaningfully improve online privacy while preserving an ad-supported internet that supports a vibrant ecosystem of publishers, connects businesses with customers, and offers all of us free access to a wide range of content. Throughout this process, we’ve received feedback from a wide variety of stakeholders, includ
The View Transition API is a web development game changer. Whether your website is single or multi-page, this powerful API lets you create seamless transitions between views, resulting in native-like experiences that captivate users. Currently available in Chrome, with same document view transitions soon to be available in Safari. With more and more people starting to look into the View Transition
In the dialog window, learn what data will be sent to Google. To view the data in new tabs, you can click the corresponding links. To get an explanation, click Continue. After a few seconds, an explanation will appear below the console error. If you don't think the explanation is satisfactory, you can click Use search instead to open a new tab with search results for the error. We would greatly ap
とてもニッチな用途で使えるコンポーネントですがその場のiframeのデバックができるReactコンポーネントを作ってみました! まずはこちらのポストをご覧ください! このポストではChromeのデベロッパーツールを開いているわけではなく、ブラウザー内に直接デベロッパーツールが埋め込まれています! 今回はこのようなReactコンポーネントを作ってみたので、どのように作ったかをご紹介したいと思います。 デモページ こちらのページで実際にデモを試すことができます。 なぜ作ったか Reactをオンラインで学習できるサービスmosya Reactを先日リリースしました。 このサイトではオンライン上でコードを書いてその場で書いたコードがプレビューできるようになっています。 詳しい開発記事はこちらをご覧ください! ただ、プ