2024 Financial Report and FundraiserZig Software Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which I am proud to say makes extremely efficient use of monetary resources. Unlike many of our peers, our primary expense is direct payments to contributors for their enhancements to the Zig project. Don’t take my word for it - let’s look at some numbers. 2023 Expenditures
Zig is a new, independently developed low-level programming language. It’s a modern reimagining of C that attempts to retain C’s performance while embracing improvements from the last 30 years of tooling and language design. Zig makes calling into C code easier than any other language I’ve used. Zig also treats unit testing as a first-class feature, which the C language certainly does not. These t
Zig And Rust Mar 26, 2023 This post will be a bit all over the place. Several months ago, I wrote Hard Mode Rust, exploring an allocation-conscious style of programming. In the ensuing discussion, @jamii name-dropped TigerBeetle, a reliable, distributed, fast, and small database written in Zig in a similar style, and, well, I now find myself writing Zig full-time, after more than seven years of Ru
Zig is a programming language that’s attempting to become “the new C” - the language of choice for low-level systems programming and embedded hardware. Going into that space not only puts it in competition with C and C++, but also other newcomers like Rust and Go. So what makes Zig special? Joining us to discuss it is Loris Cro from the Zig Foundation. We talk through Zig’s reasons to exist, its
ZigでWriting an OS in 1,000 Linesをやる #2023-11-21 自作 OS で学ぶマイクロカーネルの設計と実装(通称エナガ本)の補足資料として公開されているWriting an OS in 1,000 Linesを、できるだけZigでやってみることにした。 目次成果物 #repositoryは以下。 さいしょに #エナガ本は一通り読んでいたのだが、機能に対していくつかのOSの実装を眺める。という構成になっており、個人的には「同じような難易度でRV32を対象に 0->1 でシンプルなOSを作る書籍があるといいなあ」と思いながら読んでいたのだが、まさに欲していたものが公開されたので大喜びで実装を開始した。 自分はそのまま写経してしまうと頭に入らないため、異なる言語で書いてみたり、何らかの制約を課して実施することが多い。今回はZigで書いてみることにした。 概ね問
This issue is to fully eliminate LLVM, Clang, and LLD libraries from the Zig project. The remaining ties to these projects are as follows: completely eliminate dependency on LLD #8726 eliminate dependency on LLD for Mach-O #8727 eliminate dependency on LLD for ELF #17749 eliminate dependency on LLD for COFF/PE #17751 eliminate dependency on LLD for WebAssembly #17750 LLVM directly output LLVM bitc
Zig has a built-in build system for building projects. It runs on every platform Zig supports and is capable of building everything from simple executables and libraries to complex, multi-artifact, multi-step projects. This page will dive into how the internals of the Zig build system works. Build systems are an extremely important detail of any software project. When they work, they can feel like
This is the text format of a talk I did for Zig Showtime. If you'd rather watch the video, you can find it on YouTube: Zig Showtime: Ghostty. The video also includes a Q&A session at the end which I did not include in this post. Hello! I'm excited to talk today about Ghostty. Ghostty is a brand new terminal emulator written from scratch in Zig. Note: at the time of writing this, Ghostty is still n
Using Zig in our incremental Turborepo migration from Go to RustLearn how we're cross-compiling a Rust-Go-Rust sandwich to six platforms. We’ve been porting Turborepo, the high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript, from Go to Rust. We talked about how we started the porting process, so now let’s talk about how we began porting our two main commands: run and prune. Since last time
最初に結論 @TypeOf(): 値 → 型 (型名) @typeInfo(): 型 (型名) → 型情報 @Type(): 型情報 → 型 anytype: どんな型の値でも受け取れる、という意味の型 type: 型 (型名) を受け取る場合や、関数で型を返す場合に使う、型 (ちなみに@はZigの組み込み関数を表す。) まえがき: メタプログラミングだけど普通のコード Zigはcomptimeという強力なメタプログラミングの仕組みを持っているのだけれど、C++やRustやNimなどと違って、マクロやメタプログラミング専用の記法は基本的に持っていない。 ではどうやってメタプログラミングするのかというと、comptimeは単に実行時にできることをコンパイル時にできるようにするというもので、さらにZigの画期的なアイデアとして、型そのものの情報をシンプルに構造体として読み取ったり操作することが
home Learning Zig Welcome to Learning Zig, an introduction to the Zig programming language. This guide aims to make you comfortable with Zig. It assumes prior programming experience, though not in any particular language. Zig is under heavy development and both the Zig language and its standard library are constantly evolving. This guide targets the latest development version of Zig. However, it's
TigerBeetle is production-ready on Linux and seamlessly integrated with major programming languages.
Goodbye to the C++ Implementation of ZigHow we used WebAssembly to annihilate 80,000 lines of legacy codeAuthor: Andrew Kelley It’s funny - I have shared this story a handful of times with friends of mine who are qualified, competent software engineers, and each time the response was confusion about why any of this would be necessary or even remotely helpful. WebAssembly?! After ten minutes of puz