Stop words
All keywords are treated as logical AND. In you want a keyword excluded you could add -keyword.
- secret - returns all files containing secret in filename.
- secret -html - returns all files containing secret and do not contain html in filename.
Full Path
When full path enabled:
Searching for Metallica will return both
( - Outlaw Torn.mp3)
( me.mp3)
When full path disabled:
Searching for Metallica will return:
( - Outlaw Torn.mp3)
But will not return:
( me.mp3)
Filename Extensions
You can filter files by using filename extensions. You can do the following:
- You can find files of one extension ( e.g. file all zip files), or more (file all files that their extension is zip, rar, gz, tar).
- You can combine filename extensions with regular keywords and stopwords.
- You can combine filename extensions with Regular expressions.
- You cannot use both, Extensions and Exclude extensions.
- Package limitations here