Rails 4.2.11,, and have been released! Hello everyone and happy Tuesday! Rails 4.2.11,, and have been released! These contain the following important security fixes, and it is recommended that users upgrade as soon as possible: CVE-2018-16476 Broken Access Control vulnerability in Active Job RAils also includes the following security fix: CVE
Redis Cache Store is a new feature on Rails 5.2 although support for caching in Rails has been around for some time. A few cache stores already exist like MemCacheStore, FileStore, and MemoryStore. You can also use a custom store so no doubt some people are already using Redis as a cache store. The new feature on Rails 5.2 is the built-in Redis Cache Store. You don’t need to use a custom cache sto
by Thomas Dziedzic on 2018/09/11 Overview After upgrading lobste.rs, I decided to upgrade rubygems.org. I wanted to contribute because I felt that the lobste.rs upgrade went relatively smoothly and I felt that I can take on another similar project. I looked through the codebase and the setup was very similar to lobste.rs; it included a good testsuite, and it was on rails 5.1 so it only needed a mi
Hi everyone, I am happy to announce that Rails 5.2.1 has been released. CHANGES since 5.2.0 To view the changes for each gem, please read the changelogs on GitHub: Action Cable CHANGELOG Action Mailer CHANGELOG Action Pack CHANGELOG Action View CHANGELOG Active Job CHANGELOG Active Model CHANGELOG Active Record CHANGELOG Active Storage CHANGELOG Active Support CHANGELOG Railties CHANGELOG Full lis
Rails 5.2 Active Storage: Previews, Poppler, and Solving Licensing Pitfalls Rails 5.2 was just released last month with a major new feature: Active Storage. Active Storage provides file uploads and attachments for Active Record models with a variety of backing services (like AWS S3). While libraries like Paperclip exist to do similar work, this is the first time that such a feature has been shippe
Rails 5.2.0 FINAL: Active Storage, Redis Cache Store, HTTP/2 Early Hints, CSP, Credentials Nearly 14 years since the first public version of Rails, it’s our pleasure to release yet another major upgrade to the framework in the form of 5.2.0 final. We’ve been diligently polishing Active Storage and the other big new components for stable release, and it’s great to see so many applications already r
Rails 5.2.0 RC2: Active Storage, Redis Cache Store, HTTP/2 Early Hints, CSP, Credentials It’s almost time for RailsConf, and we’re determined to get the final version of Rails 5.2 released before then. So here’s the hopefully last release candidate before that can happen. We’ve put a ton of into ironing out all the issues with Active Storage in particular, now that more and more applications are s
5.1についてやった時に一回で詰め込みすぎたな、と反省したので、今回は二回に分けてやった(一回目がmajor featureで、二回目が各コンポーネント)。割と良かったんじゃないかと個人的には思っているので、多分次もそうすると思う。
It is very common to set a default value for a class_attribute. Before Rails 5.2, to specify a default value for a class_attribute, we needed to write like this. class ActivityLogger class_attribute :logger class_attribute :settings self.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) self.settings = {} end As we can see above, it requires additional keystrokes to set a default value for each class_attribute. Rails 5
It’s been two months since the first beta release of Rails 5.2, and we’ve spent the time since to improve, polish, and tweak the release in all sorts of lovely ways for this first release candidate. Our headline feature, the new Active Storage framework, has been expanded with deeper content-type identification, as well as a ton of other improvements. It also had a few extra months of battle-testi
Ruby on Rails 5.2.0.beta2が出て久しい。 僕はRails大好きっ子なので 社内の新規事業や、社外のお手伝いしているベンチャー企業では もちろん、Rails5.2を使って開発をしている。 すでに、新しいRailsに関する記事はいくつか挙がっているが 個人的に、一番インパクトが大きかったのはActiveModel::Attributesが導入されたことである。 待望のActiveModel::Attributes ActiveModel::Attributesでなにが変わったの?というと、 いままでActiveRecordでしか使えなかった一部の機能が、ActiveModelでも使えるようになっただけである。 いや、しかし! 今までのActiveModelの最大の弱点は まさにこの ActiveModel::Attributes が無かったことだと思う。 それが、Rai
Ruby 2.3 added fetch_values method to hash. By using fetch_values we are able to get values for multiple keys in a hash. capitals = { usa: "Washington DC", china: "Beijing", india: "New Delhi", australia: "Canberra" } capitals.fetch_values(:usa, :india) #=> ["Washington DC", "New Delhi"] capitals.fetch_values(:usa, :spain) { |country| "N/A" } #=> ["Washington DC", "N/A"] Rails 5.2 introduces metho
Rails 5.2.0 beta: Active Storage, Redis Cache Store, HTTP/2 Early Hints, CSP, Credentials It’s been too hard to deal with file uploads in Rails for too long. Sure, there’s been a lot of fine plugins available, but it was overdue that we incorporated something right into the framework. So now we have! With the new Active Storage framework in Rails 5.2, we’ve solved for the modern approach of upload