The easiest way to show people how to use your website. Not using Bootstrap? It works anyway! Start the demo Tweet Add the dependencies If you are using Bootstrap, include bootstrap-tour.min.css and bootstrap-tour.min.js: <link href="bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="bootstrap-tour.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> ... <script src="jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="bootstrap.min.js"></
Be sure to use the LESS version of Bootsrap. Include scheme.less anywhere. Include 1pxdeep.less after all Bootstrap LESS. A working index.less might look like this: @import "scheme.less"; // color scheme @import "bootstrap.less"; // bootstrap @import "1pxdeep.less"; // 1pxdeep theme @import "style.less"; // your own styles Need help with LESS? Try the LESS CSS project page.
UI Bootstrap Bootstrap components written in pure AngularJS by the AngularUI Team Code on Github Download (2.5.0) Create a Build Angular 2 For Angular 2 support, check out ng-bootstrap , created by the UI Bootstrap team. Dependencies This repository contains a set of native AngularJS directives based on Bootstrap's markup and CSS. As a result no dependency on jQuery or Bootstrap's JavaScript is re
複雑なCSSを自分で書かなくてもHTMLのマークアップで簡単に美しい比率のグリッドレイアウトを構成でき、分かりやすいボタン、パンくずリスト、メニューなどのWebページを記述できるCSSフレームワーク、「Bootstrap」の最新版「Bootstrap 3」が公開されました。 Bootstrap 3ではモバイルファーストを意識したデザインとなり、ボタンやメニューなどはフラットデザインを採用。 公開されのは現地時間8月19日で、Bootstrapの2周年にあたる日でした。 Bootstrap 3のテンプレート例 下記はBootstrap 3ではさまざまなテンプレートがの用意されていますが、下記もそのテンプレートの1つ。
The Bootstrap Blog News and announcements for all things Bootstrap, including new releases, Bootstrap Themes, and Bootstrap Icons. Today, on the two year anniversary of releasing Bootstrap to the world, we’re shipping Bootstrap 3.0. It’s been a crazy long ride to say the least and we’re stoked to finally have this out in the wild. Thanks to everyone who’s tested our RCs (er, betas), reported bugs,
The Bootstrap Blog News and announcements for all things Bootstrap, including new releases, Bootstrap Themes, and Bootstrap Icons. We’ve just cut a new release for Bootstrap 3, RC2. It’s a big release as lots has changed, but that should all be for the better. Thanks everyone who’s given feedback and submitted pull requests thus far—we’re getting super close! Key changes from RC1 Without listing a
[速報]マイクロソフトがASP.NETでTwitter Bootstrap、Ember.jsなどを採用。Visual StudioではCSS3の対応ブラウザをその場で確認。Build 2013(Day2) マイクロソフトがサンフランシスコで開催中のイベント、Build 2013。2日目の基調講演はデベロッパー向けのツールとプラットフォームがテーマになりました。 2日目の基調講演から、Visual StudioとWindows Azureの新機能を中心にダイジェストで紹介しましょう。 IaaS、PaaS、多くのフレームワークや言語に対応するWindows Azure President, Server&Tools Business、Satya Nadella氏。 昨日はおもにデバイスとWindowsについて話したが、今日はバックエンドについて話そう。 現代のビジネスにおけるクラウドアプリケー
Bootstrap 3.0.0-wip Docs Hi there! If you are looking for bootstrap 3.0 docs, I'm sorry, but I've removed them because they was outdated and made a lot of troubles to bootstrap development team. But don't worry, I will tell you how to run your own copy of Bootstrap 3 locally. Just open your terminal/command prompt/bash and type: $ git clone https://github.com/twitter/bootstrap.git bootstrap $ cd b
While our last major version bump (2.0) was a complete rewrite of the docs, CSS, and JavaScript, the move to 3.0 is equally ambitious, but for a different reason: Bootstrap 3 will be mobile-first. This is an ongoing document to identify the changes we'll be making along the way. Docs and repo We'll be working to simplify the content of the docs once again. Key changes are around the organization o