2018-04-25 MRI, the standard Ruby interpreter, has a serious problem with memory bloat in large Rails apps. It’s quite common for me to see Sidekiq processes which are 1-2GB in RSS or even larger! It turns out that a large part of this memory usage is due to memory fragmentation: MRI uses the OS’s memory allocator by default (on Linux, almost always GNU glibc), which seems to work poorly with Ruby
What is happening behind the scenes of every Rails, Sinatra, and other Ruby web frameworks? The answer is Rack, the key component that makes this possible. But what is Rack exactly? Rack is a layer between the framework (Rails) & the application server (Puma). It’s the glue that allows them to communicate. Why Do We Use Rack? We use Rack because that allows different frameworks & servers to be int
Overview Yet Another JSON Library. YAJL is a small event-driven (SAX-style) JSON parser written in ANSI C, and a small validating JSON generator. YAJL is released under the ISC license. Documentation Documentation generated by doxygen from source is available for v2.1.0, and for the previous stable release: v1.0.12. Code Get it on github: http://github.com/lloyd/yajl Support You can find Yajl on I
One of the earliest projects I was involved in at Valiant was investigating ways to optimise performance and memory consumption in our Rails web application. Although I had heard the age-old complaints about Rails applications being slow, bulky and prone to memory bloat, I had yet to come across any practical, easy-to-navigate solutions to these issues. Until we discovered jemalloc. In this blog p
This article is an introduction to using an automated CI/CD pipeline to build and push production-grade Docker images to the Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) for storage. To follow along, you will need a free CircleCI account and an AWS account. What is Amazon ECR? Amazon ECR is a fully-managed, private Docker container registry that makes it easy for developers to store, manage, and deploy
Amazon Web Services ブログ Amazon ECSコンテナにCloud Native Networkingが登場 この記事はECSのSr. Software Dev EngineerのAnirudh Aithalの寄稿です。 2017年11月14日に、AWSはAmazon ECSのTask Networkingを発表しました。これによって、Elastic Network Interfaceを使ったAmazon EC2のネットワーク機能をタスクに持ち込むことができるようになります。 Elastic Network InterfaceはVPC内のインスタンスにアタッチすることができる仮想的なネットワークインタフェースです。EC2の仮想マシンを起動する時には、インスタンスにネットワークの機能を提供するために自動的に1つのElastic Network Interfaceがプロビ
I threw a question out on Twitter regarding CSS/Sass authoring style. It was a difference between Option 1: .c-btn { ... } .c-btn__icon { ... } and Option 2: .c-btn { &__icon { ... } } The results were interesting so I wanted to write them up. Here we go! Option 1: Not Nested .c-btn { ... } .c-btn__icon { ... } As you can see, this looks like regular ol’ CSS. Because it is! Let’s unpack the pros a
Update 2018–11–19: updated links to use Phoenix 1.4 stable release. Elm 0.19 was released not long ago and Phoenix 1.4 just came out, bringing with it the switch from Brunch to Webpack. Since I like playing with new stuff, I set up a Phoenix 1.4 project capable of building Elm code. Given I bumped into several quirks, I decided to write a simple step-by-step guide detailing the process, and a coup
(編注:2020/08/18、いただいたフィードバックをもとに記事を修正いたしました。) Pythonは高い人気を誇り、DevOps、データサイエンス、Web開発、セキュリティの分野で使われています。 しかし、速度に関しては高い評価が全くありません。 JavaとC、C++、C#、Pythonの速度を比べるには、どうしたらいいのでしょう? 答えは、実行するアプリケーションのタイプに大きく左右されます。完璧なベンチマークはありませんが、[手始めに比べる手段](https://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/faq/)としてはThe Computer Language Benchmarks Gameが適しています。 私は10年ほどthe Computer Language Benchmarks Gameを参照していますが、Java、C#、Go、JavaScript、C++などの他言
Reading Time: 4 minutesLast Updated on December 29, 2018 There have been many comparisons done between these cloud hosted Kubernetes providers already. However, probably none as honest as this one. Below is a screenshot of the Google sheet comparing GKE, AKS and EKS. You may notice that some of the cells have comments in already. These comments link to the place I got the information from. Edit: T