With flexibility and neutrality at the core of our Customer Identity and Workforce Identity Clouds, we make seamless and secure access possible for your customers, employees, and partners.
In my previous post, I glossed over our team switching from Python to Node.js. I kept it brief because the switch wasn’t the focus of the post, but since I believe I am being misunderstood, I will explain it in depth: Cloudkick was primarily written in Python. Most backend services were written in Twisted Python. The API endpoints and web server were written in Django, and used mod_wsgi. We felt t
The IT sphere, which is constantly changing and developing. New professions and directions regularly appear here, and therefore the need for experienced specialists is very high.
【動画】Googleがまとめた2011年の重大ニュースがかっこ良すぎる件 Tweet 1:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2011/12/18(日) 10:46:42.06 ID:J1Rmc3v40 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAIEamakLoY&feature=player_embedded 6:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2011/12/18(日) 10:51:17.18 ID:ITz2LWr40 流石にセンスいいなぁ 5:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2011/12/18(日) 10:51:11.93 ID:wnqkguMw0 最後のワンシーン鳥肌wwwwwwwwww 9:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2011/12/18(日) 10:54:38.59 ID:qaUDOa6f
Zidie is an IDE and a Programming Language for web development. This strongly typed language has many features, like code completion, which can reduce the development time. It comes with an easy to use API. Your code is compiled to PHP code and it will run on every PHP 5.x webserver. Zidie is a Strongly Typed, fully Object Oriented, C like language. This means, that you are allways know the exact
2011年12月17日土曜日 JavaScriptの無名関数の実行 (function(){})() と (function(){}()) の違い JavaScript Advent Calendar 2011 (オレ標準コース) 17 日目、polygon_planet です。 ずっと Advent Calendar 参加してみたいなぁと思ってたんですが ネタが思いつかない日々で半分諦めてたんですが、考え過ぎな気がしてきたので 別におもしろい記事でもないし、技術的にも参考になるのか不明ですがとりあえず書きます。 もしかしたら同じようなこと解説してる記事がすでにあるかも…(うまく検索できてない) JavaScript で無名関数をその場で実行するとき、 (function() { // 処理 })(); という書き方が主流っぽいですが、 (function() { // 処理
xxxterm is a minimalist web browser with sophisticated security features designed-in (rather than through an add-on). In particular, it provides both persistent and per-session controls for scripts and cookies, making it easy to thwart tracking and scripting attacks. In additional to providing a familiar mouse-based interface like other web browsers, it offers a set of vi-like keyboard commands fo
If you search for [let it snow] using Google, you'll have a hard time checking the search results. Google uses a JavaScript animation that adds some snowflakes and covers the entire page with snow. Fortunately, Google added a "defrost" button that makes the search results reappear. You can also click anywhere on the page and move your mouse to "defrost" the page or draw something. Click the "+" bu
Today there were two good news in my inbox. First, a Chromium branch has arrived with the integrated Multi-VM which has been proposed to WebKit! It was only a matter of time this happens. For now you need to build this browser yourself. At the moment the build is tested on Mac OS X and Linux - be aware, there were no security tests so far, use at own risk. What is it actually? A browser which supp
TextMate 2 isn’t just about adding a ton of killer new features. It’s also about throwing out what just plain didn’t work. That means you can kiss the old project files goodbye. Of course, you throw out bad ideas so you can replace them with good ideas. Project files serve a couple of purposes in TextMate 1. One was to give you access to folders you commonly work with. That’s now handled through T
2012年 冬(新春)の新作アニメ紹介です。ニコ動配信(12/22更新):偽物語(#0:00)、アクエリオンEVOL(#1:07)、妖狐×僕SS(#2:46)、輪廻のラグランジェ(#3:16)、BRS(#7:09)男子高校生の日常(#8:22)、モーレツ宇宙海賊(#8:42)、パパのいうことを聞きなさい!(#9:48)、ハイスクールD×D(#10:31)、BRAVE10(#12:04)、ミルキィホームズ(#14:16)、ゼロの使い魔F(#15:47)戦姫絶唱シンフォギア(#16:55)、リコーダーとランドセル(#17:26)、ポヨポヨ観察日記(#17:57)あの夏で待ってる(#4:41)、Another(#4:56)、テルマエ・ロマエ(#6:24)、キルミーベイベー(#13:20)アマガミSS+(#16:23)、夏目友人帳 肆(#16:39)、新テニスの王子様(#17:10)、エリアの騎士
第1話「ちづるさんのてづくりエビフライ弁当 650kcal」家の近くにあるスーパーに入ったイカ娘。お金の無いイカ娘は半額エビ弁当の購入を試みるが、その店の半額神、千鶴さんに弄ばれてしまう。さらにそこのスーパーには定価で買占めようとする早苗が現れた・・・。死ぬまで\イッカリ~ン/先駆者様→sm16374606お借りした素材→sm13008384比較版→sm16447118感謝です!
Introduction After I implemented sockjs-tornado backend, I decided to benchmark it. Luckily, there was good socket.io performance test out there and I was able to use their test application to benchmark SockJS server performance. This test will only cover raw messaging performance over Websocket connection(s) for different server implementations of the SockJS protocol. It won't test any streaming
Bitstorm.org > JavaScript > jQuery plugins > Shadow animation Easily animate box shadows With this jQuery plugin, you can extend the animate function to support the CSS box shadow property. You can animate the color, the x and y offset, the blur-radius and spread radius. Mark Carver contributed code to support rgba colors (the alpha channel) and Jason Redding contributed code to support multiple s
HelsinkiJS meet-up. Dmitry Soshnikov - ECMAScript 6 The document summarizes Dmitry Soshnikov's presentation on ECMAScript 6 features at the HelsinkiJS meetup on December 12, 2011. Key features discussed include default function parameters, modules system, quasi-literals for string templates, array comprehensions, maps and weak maps, destructuring assignment, rest operator for function arguments, p
2011年12月16日15:00 カテゴリLightweight Languages javascript - そろそろECMAScript 5を使いたい少なくとも3つの理由 下準備も終わったので、本blogで扱うJavaScriptは、特に断りのない限りECMAScript 5を前提にしていくことにします。 0. どのブラウザーで使えるの? 以下で確認できます。 ECMAScript 5 compatibility table ざっといろいろ試してみると… IEは9以上以降かつStandard Modeなら使える Safari 5はFunction.prototype.bindのみ使えない - 5.1.4より[native code] iOS5も同様 Android 2.3ではさらに加えてObject.sealなどObjectをロックする機能が使えない というわけで、もう使いはじめてもい
Dec 10, 2011 For the past few weeks I’ve been working on a Clojure library called knockbox. It’s a library meant to make dealing with conflict-resolution in eventually-consistent databases easier. If you’re not familiar with eventual-consistency, I’d suggest this article by Amazon CTO Werner Vogels. Distributed databases like Riak let you trade consistency for availability. This means that at any
Answer (1 of 4): A lot of the differences between the two come down to this: Ember has made a few decisions in advance about the tools and workflows you'll use. Backbone has very few opinions on matters of templating, rendering, hierarchy, and KVO/Binding – in Backbone there's almost always "More...
TweetDeck is indispensable for tracking the real-time conversations about any given topic on Twitter. Last week we made TweetDeck available on the web for the first time. Built with HTML5, the web version of TweetDeck syncs your accounts, columns, layout and settings whenever and wherever you sign in. And, TweetDeck now reflects the overall design of Twitter with Profile and Tweet box pop-ups. Whe
Strip trailing whitespace on Save with …callbacks! Open the bundle editor (⌃⌥⌘B) and open “Text” → “Menu Actions” → “Converting / Stripping” → “Remove Trailing Spaces in Document / Selection”. Then in the drawer put callback.document.export in Semantic Class and Document / Replace Document as Input / Output. Hooray! From now on each time you’ll save a document all trailing space will be stripped!
メタプログラミングRuby メタプログラミングRuby LL�Planets 2011-8-20 ⾓�征典 kdmsnr@gmail.com 1/50 ⾓�征典�-�kdmsnr 2/50 MF's�bliki 3/50 Rubyにおける Rubyにおける メタプログラミングとは? メタプログラミングとは? 4/50 内部DSLを 書くこと である 5/50 プログラミング⾔語Ruby 8章�リフレクションとメタプログラミング 豊富なリフレクションAPIを使い、 メタプログラミングを実現する。 それは、DSLを書くという発想と 結び付いている。 6/50 DSLの種類 by�Martin�Fowler 外部DSL(⾔語外DSL) 内部DSL(⾔語内DSL) ⾔語ワークベンチ�→�ググって 7/50 外部DSLの例 Cucumber�の�Gherkin記法 フィーチャ: プロジェクトの閲覧