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Search: a002551 -id:a002551
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a(n) = (2n+1)!/n!^2.
(Formerly M4198 N1752)
1, 6, 30, 140, 630, 2772, 12012, 51480, 218790, 923780, 3879876, 16224936, 67603900, 280816200, 1163381400, 4808643120, 19835652870, 81676217700, 335780006100, 1378465288200, 5651707681620, 23145088600920, 94684453367400, 386971244197200, 1580132580471900
Numerators in expansion of 1/sqrt(1-x).
(Formerly M2508 N0992)
1, 1, 3, 5, 35, 63, 231, 429, 6435, 12155, 46189, 88179, 676039, 1300075, 5014575, 9694845, 300540195, 583401555, 2268783825, 4418157975, 34461632205, 67282234305, 263012370465, 514589420475, 8061900920775, 15801325804719
a(n) = binomial(2*n+1,n)*(n+1)^2.
(Formerly M4855 N2075)
1, 12, 90, 560, 3150, 16632, 84084, 411840, 1969110, 9237800, 42678636, 194699232, 878850700, 3931426800, 17450721000, 76938289920, 337206098790, 1470171918600, 6379820115900, 27569305764000, 118685861314020, 509191949220240, 2177742427450200, 9287309860732800
Denominators of coefficients for numerical differentiation.
(Formerly M4822 N2063)
1, 1, 12, 6, 180, 10, 560, 1260, 12600, 1260, 166320, 13860, 2522520, 2702700, 2882880, 360360, 110270160, 2042040, 775975200, 162954792, 56904848, 2586584, 1427794368, 892371480, 116008292400, 120470149800, 1124388064800
Numerator of the n-th harmonic number H(n) divided by (n+1); a(n) = A001008(n) / ((n+1)*A002805(n)).
(Formerly M4765 N2036)
1, 1, 11, 5, 137, 7, 363, 761, 7129, 671, 83711, 6617, 1145993, 1171733, 1195757, 143327, 42142223, 751279, 275295799, 55835135, 18858053, 830139, 444316699, 269564591, 34052522467, 34395742267, 312536252003, 10876020307, 9227046511387, 300151059037
Numerator of Sum_{i+j+k=n; i,j,k > 0} 1/(i*j*k).
(Formerly M2651 N1058)
1, 3, 7, 15, 29, 469, 29531, 1303, 16103, 190553, 128977, 9061, 30946717, 39646461, 58433327, 344499373, 784809203, 169704792667, 665690574539, 5667696059, 337284946763, 7964656853269, 46951444927823, 284451446729, 1597747168263479, 816088653136373
Denominators of coefficients in Taylor series expansion of log(1+x)^2/sqrt(1+x).
(Formerly M2133 N0846)
1, 1, 2, 24, 48, 5760, 11520, 35840, 215040, 51609600, 103219200, 13624934400, 5449973760, 1322526965760, 3606891724800, 158703235891200, 105802157260800, 14800210341396480, 29600420682792960, 3749386619820441600
Denominators of coefficients for numerical differentiation.
(Formerly M5177 N2249)
1, 24, 5760, 322560, 51609600, 13624934400, 19837904486400, 2116043145216, 20720294477955072, 15747423803245854720, 131978409017679544320, 72852081777759108464640, 151532330097738945606451200, 2828603495157793651320422400, 19687080326298243813190139904000
Denominator of Sum_{i+j+k=n; i,j,k > 0} 1/(i*j*k).
(Formerly M1110 N0424)
1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 240, 15120, 672, 8400, 100800, 69300, 4950, 17199000, 22422400, 33633600, 201801600, 467812800, 102918816000, 410646075840, 3555377280, 215100325440, 5162407810560, 30920671782000, 190281057120, 1085315579548200, 562756226432400, 22969641895200
Numerators of coefficients of log(1+x)/sqrt(1+x).
(Formerly M5128 N2223)
1, 1, 23, 11, 563, 1627, 88069, 1423, 1593269, 7759469, 31730711, 46522243, 3788707301, 2888008157, 340028535787, 41743955887, 10823198495797, 2738032559863, 409741429887649, 25876414060339, 17141894231615609

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