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%I A002546 M1110 N0424 #29 Nov 17 2018 21:31:11
%S A002546 1,2,4,8,15,240,15120,672,8400,100800,69300,4950,17199000,22422400,
%T A002546 33633600,201801600,467812800,102918816000,410646075840,3555377280,
%U A002546 215100325440,5162407810560,30920671782000,190281057120,1085315579548200,562756226432400,22969641895200
%N A002546 Denominator of Sum_{i+j+k=n; i,j,k > 0} 1/(i*j*k).
%C A002546 Denominators of coefficients for numerical differentiation.
%D A002546 W. G. Bickley and J. C. P. Miller, Numerical differentiation near the limits of a difference table, Phil. Mag., 33 (1942), 1-12 (plus tables).
%D A002546 A. N. Lowan, H. E. Salzer and A. Hillman, A table of coefficients for numerical differentiation, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 48 (1942), 920-924.
%D A002546 N. J. A. Sloane, A Handbook of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, 1973 (includes this sequence).
%D A002546 N. J. A. Sloane and Simon Plouffe, The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, 1995 (includes this sequence).
%H A002546 W. G. Bickley and J. C. P. Miller, Numerical differentiation near the limits of a difference table, Phil. Mag., 33 (1942), 1-12 (plus tables) [Annotated scanned copy]
%H A002546 A. N. Lowan, H. E. Salzer and A. Hillman, A table of coefficients for numerical differentiation, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 48 (1942), 920-924. [Annotated scanned copy]
%F A002546 G.f.: (-log(1-x))^3 (for fractions A002545(n)/A002546(n)). - Barbara Margolius (b.margolius(AT)math.csuohio.edu), Jan 19 2002
%F A002546 A002545(n)/A002546(n) = 6*Stirling_1(n+3, 3)(-1)^n/(n+3)!. - Barbara Margolius (b.margolius(AT)math.csuohio.edu), Jan 19 2002
%p A002546 seq(denom(-Stirling1(j, 3)/j!*3!*(-1)^j), j=3..50); # Barbara Margolius (b.margolius(AT)math.csuohio.edu), Jan 19 2002
%t A002546 Denominator[Table[Sum[1/i/j/(n-i-j), {i, n-2}, {j, n-i-1}], {n, 3, 100}]] (* _Ryan Propper_ *)
%Y A002546 Cf. A002545.
%K A002546 nonn,frac
%O A002546 1,2
%A A002546 _N. J. A. Sloane_
%E A002546 More terms from Barbara Margolius (b.margolius(AT)math.csuohio.edu), Jan 19 2002
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