俺コン Vol.1 / Day.1 Track C で発表した資料になります。 #orecon_ios #kyobashiswift
俺コン Vol.1 / Day.1 Track C で発表した資料になります。 #orecon_ios #kyobashiswift
And this is the supplemental site for my book A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms, now out in its second edition. The second edition is about twice as large as the first one, with six new chapters, revised content, and exercises and solutions for every chapter. Get the book DevTalk On the platform DevTalk, there's a dedicated forum where you can discuss the book, submit errata,
Introducing Cloudflare Workers: Run JavaScript Service Workers at the Edge2017-09-29 This post is also available in 日本語. UPDATE 2018/3/13: Cloudflare Workers is now available to everyone. TL;DR: You'll soon be able to deploy JavaScript to Cloudflare's edge, written against an API similar to Service Workers. Try writing a Worker in the playground » Introduction Every technology, when sufficiently c
Notes: Pursue export * as ns from "mod"; statements as a needs-consensus PR at July 27, 2017 Meeting Notes. Babel Sept 2017 · Issue #28 · babel/proposals babel/proposals: Tracking the status of Babel’s implementation of TC39 proposals Other proposal’s status tc39/proposals: Tracking ECMAScript Proposals Related service EcmaScript.in bevacqua/prop-tc39: Scraping microservice for TC39 proposals 😸
Another Vimperator-like extension is VimFx[1]. (I'm the main developer of VimFx.) The idea of VimFx is to provide the vanilla Firefox experience, with a bunch of Vim-like keyboard shortcuts on top. The biggest problems with chrome.commands for both extensions are: 1. chrome.commands only support keyboard shortcuts with modifiers (ctrl, alt, ctrl+alt), while Vimperator’s and VimFx’s shortcuts are m
Alex Russell on browsers, standards, and the process of progress. Mikeal Rogers reached out last week to talk about Web Components, which surprised me, but his follow-up blog post is essential, timely reading. Dimitri Glazkov, Alex Komoroske, and I started the project that designed and (for many years) iterated on Web Components with a few primary goals in mind: Enhance component portability Shrin
TL;DREd Morley from Mozilla reported a security issue.I found some other security issues.These issues was fixed in webpack-dev-server@^2.4.3, webpack-dev-server@^1.16.4, webpack-dev-middleware@^1.10.2.Fixes are breaking changes for insecure configurations.Don’t use disableHostCheck or Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *DisclaimerI’m not a security expert so maybe some details are incorrect/inaccure. Th
大石制作ブログblog.s004.com デザイナー大石真也が 知りたかったこと、見たかったことのメモと、仕事紹介。 自己紹介・サイト説明依頼・価格・お問合せタスク管理パートナーtwitterfacebookatom feed OS Xをスクリプトで行う自動操作は、AppleScriptで制御する場合はそのまま「AppleScript」、JavaScriptの場合は「JavaScript for Automation(以下JXA)」と呼ばれています。ちょっとややこしいけど、慣れるしかないでしょう。 僕は元々AppleScript自体がほとんど分からない状態だったけど、どうやらAppleはOSXのスクリプティングをAppleScriptからJavaScriptに置き換えたいらしいです。 AppleScriptは全然だけど、JavaScriptならチャンスか? 気が向いたのでJXAを触ってみる
Is an image worth a thousand lines? Let’s say you have an idea for a startup. Maybe you’re already working on it. You’ve scaffolded your MVP, and everything works fine under minimal loads. Users can do things in your app. Now, you want to accept images from them, allowing them to upload an avatar or a profile page cover. Everyone does that, right? Why shouldn’t you? A small rounded avatar and a bi
IT業界の世代間ギャップを「ロードマップ指向 VS エコシステム指向」という図式でまとめるとうまく整理できるような気がしてきた。 他の業界でも、常に勉強してないと仕事にならない所では、似たような問題があるかもしれない。普通の人は「ロードマップ」の中では真ん中を進むべきで、「エコシステム」の中では真ん中を避けるべきだ、という話。 私は、80年代からずっとプログラマをしていて、今でも現場でコードを書く仕事をしているので、同世代の人から、彼らと現場の若い人との仲裁役というか通訳のようなことを期待されることが多い。 確かにそこには微妙なギャップがあって、自分はどちらの言い分にも共感する所があるので、なんとかそれを言葉にしたいのだが、なかなかうまく言えなかった。 プログラマという仕事は、今も昔も勉強をしてないと普通の仕事も成立しないのだが、その勉強の仕方というか意味づけが、違ってきていると思うのだ。
Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message Intent to Ship: ResizeObserver Contact emails ato...@chromium.org Explainer https://github.com/WICG/ResizeObserver/blob/master/explainer.md Spec Spec: https://wicg.github.io/ResizeObserver/ Tag review: https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/187 Notable fi