Notable changes contextify: Fixed a memory consumption issue related to heavy use of vm.createContext and vm.runInNewContext. (Ali Ijaz Sheikh) governance: The following members have been added as collaborators: Andreas Madsen (@AndreasMadsen) Benjamin Gruenbaum (@benjamingr) Claudio Rodriguez (@claudiorodriguez) Glen Keane (@thekemkid) Jeremy Whitlock (@wh
A README is one of the first things people see when they find your open source project. It should be helpful, welcoming, and friendly. Posted on 14 March 2016 by Rowan Manning. Tagged with Open-Source, Writing, Documentation 87 responsesSyndicated to Twitter Your project’s README is pretty important; it’s often the first thing that a person new to your project will see, and is frequently the only
Presented at UtahJS 2015 and Fluent 2016 Disclaimer: a lot of the pictures were animated GIFs. That doesn't come through on SpeakerDeck
Here's a highlight of creator of Javascript Brendan Eich's Fluent 2016 keynote. Watch the full keynote by clicking here: Subscribe to O'Reilly on YouTube: Follow O'Reilly on Twitter: Facebook: Google:
A few minutes ago I landed Node.js Pull Request into the master branch. It’s important to understand what it does and what changes are in store for the upcoming Node.js v6 release. The Node.js Buffer API is one of the most extensively used APIs in Node. There is, however, a challenge. About three months ago a discussion started around ambiguities and usabil
2016年2月18日に、はてな東京オフィスで編集者のためのイベント「編む庭 -冬-」を開催しました。その様子の一部を2回に分けてレポートします。 今回は、高橋征義さん(株式会社達人出版会代表取締役/日本Rubyの会代表)と、毛利勝久(株式会社はてな シニアエディター/週刊はてなブログ編集長)による「対談 その1」の様子をお届けします。高橋さんはWebアプリケーションエンジニアを経て、2010年に技術書の電子書籍を制作・販売する「株式会社達人出版会」を設立。現在はその運営に携わっています。毛利は本(紙)の編集を経て、現在ははてなブログや週刊はてなブログなどの編集をしています。こういった経歴をたどり、編集の現場に関わっている2人が、編集者に求められる役割や、電子書籍における編集という仕事の在り方について話しました。 * * 情報を発信する手段がたくさんある中で、なぜ「電子書籍」なのか? 毛利
This blog site has been archived. Go to to see the recent posts. The documentation for componentWillReceiveProps states that componentWillReceiveProps will be invoked when the props change as the result of a rerender. Some people assume this means “if componentWillReceiveProps is called, then the props must have changed”, but that conclusion is logically incorrect. The guiding princ
AbstractThis post is targeted to advanced users that want to exploit the HOC pattern. If you are new to React you should probably start by reading React’s Docs. Higher Order Components is a great Pattern that has proven to be very valuable for several React libraries. In this Post we will review in detail what HOCs are, what you can do with them and their limitations and, how they are implemented.
React Componentのライフサイクルのまとめ&利用用途 利用用途については雑です。 マウント時 componentWillMount componentDidMount マウントされるときに1度だけ実行される。以降は実行されない。 void componentWillMount() render()直前の処理。 ここでthis.setState()を行うと、render()は更新されたstateを参照する。 void componentDidMount() 実際のDOMが存在するので、DOM触り放題。 this.setState()はできる。 更新時 componentWillReceiveProps shouldComponentUpdate componentWillUpdate componentDidUpdate void componentWillReceiveProp
Now that feature list for ES2016 aka ES7 is out, and doesn’t actually include any of the features most people talk about, it’s officially time to just stop using ES7 to mean “any proposed feature that may or may not even make it”. Let’s first define a couple things: ES = ECMAScript = the specification that JavaScript is the de facto implementation of. TC39 = the people who write the ECMAScript spe
AI & MLLearn about artificial intelligence and machine learning across the GitHub ecosystem and the wider industry. Generative AILearn how to build with generative AI. GitHub CopilotChange how you work with GitHub Copilot. LLMsEverything developers need to know about LLMs. Machine learningMachine learning tips, tricks, and best practices. How AI code generation worksExplore the capabilities and be
See more at Watch the cybercrime documentary profiling the Romanian town nicknamed "Hackerville" or "Most Dangerous Town on the Internet." Convicted blackhat hackers, like Guccifer (real name), talk worms, viruses, social engineering, identity theft, and even hacking Hillary Clinton's email. Norton A cidade mais perigosa na Internet De geva
ECMAScriptの仕様策定の過程と、最新情報を追いかけるのに役立つWebサイトを幾つか紹介していこう。 連載目次 本特集の最後に、ECMAScriptの仕様策定の過程と、最新情報を追いかけるのに役立つWebサイトを幾つか紹介していこう。 ECMAScriptの仕様策定の過程 そもそもECMAScript(以下、ES)とは、一般に「JavaScript」と呼ばれ、各ベンダーにより実装されているスクリプト言語に共通する仕様を定めたものであり、その名の通り、Ecma InternationalのTC39(Technical Committee 39)によって策定が進められている(ECMA-262)。TC39とはESとこれに関連する各種の仕様を策定する委員会のことだ。 現在では、ESの言語仕様は1年に一度のペースでリリースされるようになっている(2016年6月に公開予定のECMAscript
What problems does it solve? 2021 update: Browsers now implicitly set rel=noopener for any target=_blank link, following a spec change. If the demo on this page no longer seems scary, congratulations — you’re using a modern browser! You’re currently viewing index.html. Imagine the following is user-generated content on your website: Click me!!1 (same-origin) Clicking the above link opens malicious