宣伝: 僕が共訳した「Factfulness(ファクトフルネス)10の思い込みを乗り越え、データを基に世界を正しく見る習慣」が日経BP社より2019年1月に発売されました。本気で訳したので、ぜひお手にとってみてください! #地獄のサンフランシスコ - 講演のスライドと動画2015/09/23 このたび、シリコンバレーを訪れてくれた日本人学生向けに「#地獄のサンフランシスコ」と題した講演を行いました。講演は1時間ほどで、内容はサンフランシスコの高騰する家賃についてです。 スライドと動画をアップしたので載せておきます。 1. スライド初対面の学生の方々に向けて講演をしたので、場を和ませるべく前置きが長くなりましたが、スライド28枚目あたりから本論に入ります。ちなみに、スライドの操作方法は以下の通りです。 スマホからは、画面の右半分をタップすれば先に進み、左半分をタップすれば戻ります。PCからは
About the content This content has been published here with the express permission of the author. This Tuesday JP Simard gave another talk for the Swift Language User Group (#SLUG) in San Francisco. Hosted by Pubnub, this meetup was a Swift talk for JavaScript developers. JP began with a brief overview of some similarities and differences between Swift and JavaScript. He then focused on eight main
RailsConf 2013 Talks May 5th 2013 Patterns of Basecamp's Application Architecture by David Heinemeier Hansson Video Slides How a Request Becomes a Response by Aimee Simone and Christopher Green Video Slides Embrace JavaScript by Yehuda Katz Video Slides Rails Vs. The Client Side by Noel Rappin Video Slides The Magic Tricks of Testing by Sandi Metz Video Slides Split Testing for Product Discovery b
In 2011, I wrote a three-part series called How GitHub Works. I wanted to detail how we planned ideas, built them, and shipped them. GitHub no longer works like this, electing instead to institute a hierarchical, manager-driven, top-down, geocentric organization. I’m going to keep these posts up, though, because I think they address extremely important aspects of how good technical companies shoul
Build features fast. Ship them. That’s what we try to do at GitHub. Our process is the anti-process: what’s the minimum overhead we can put up with to keep our code quality high, all while building features as quickly as possible? It’s not just features, either: faster development means happier developers. Slides Video References Merlin Mann’s “Mud Rooms, Red Letters, and Real Priorities” sinatra_
[SupportBee's](https://supportbee.com) support ticket system enables teams to organize, prioritize and collaborate on customer support emails. # Introduction This page documents SupportBee's REST(like) API and how to access SupportBee's functionality programatically. # Authentication - All API requests must have a Content-Type header set to application/json - All API requests must have a Accept he