5 posts tagged with database by amtho.
Displaying 1 through 5 of 5.

Search strategy for specific kinds of social innovation?

I'm pondering _how to find_ companies, academics, foundations, granting organizations, or non-profit organizations that are doing innovative, exploratory, or results-based work to help communities, small, large, and global, build trust and communication to actually solve fundamental society-affecting problems. (I mean, more systematically than reading Metafilter and watching TED Talks.) [more inside]
posted by amtho on Oct 29, 2022 - 10 answers

Easy Python CGI web database?

I know I've seen projects like this for Perl, and they probably exist for PHP (PHPMyAdmin is only so-so), but: is there an open source Python project somewhere that will let me set it up on my shared hosting and quickly configure a front end to a MySQL database? I want to be able to add/modify/delete/query/sort, make the input form compact and helpful, and show listings in a multi-line/custom/pretty format. [more inside]
posted by amtho on Oct 12, 2022 - 7 answers

Actual numbers for probabilities of adverse health events (in life)

Is there some kind of public record / database showing the probabilities of things like broken legs, severe depression, and/or having one's car totaled/house burn down/etc? I'm aware that insurance companies probably want to keep these statistics to themselves, but has anybody made anything like this findable for the public in any kind of searchable/convenient/let-me-do-my-own-risk-assessment form? [more inside]
posted by amtho on Jun 2, 2022 - 5 answers

Word parts and/or rules for combining them (morphemes?)

I want to write a program to generate new, realistic-sounding and -looking words. I want to programmatically create strings like 'bik', 'clible', 'aunstic', and 'cranoak', (if these words don't already exist), and avoid strings like 'bblejkm', 'aunstrbl', and other things that don't look pronounceable. Looking for a database of word parts to feed into this program, possibly with a set of accompanying rules. English or any other language (ideally with phonetic representations). [more inside]
posted by amtho on Nov 21, 2015 - 19 answers

How do I find information about cat personality research?

Librarians? Anyone? I'm looking for information on describing and/or predicting cat personality characteristics. I've been trying to find a library (or otherwise borrowable) copy of the ASPCA's "Meet Your Match Feline-ality guide" somewhere, or science/research/articles about it. No hits in WorldCat. Is it hopeless? [more inside]
posted by amtho on May 30, 2010 - 6 answers

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