26 posts tagged with microsoftaccess.
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Old MS Access database but no access to Access

I have an older (c. 2016-17, .mdb) MS Access database that my team would like to continue using - but our organization is no longer willing to pay an Access subscription. What are our options? [more inside]
posted by ryanshepard on Dec 16, 2024 - 13 answers

Access Database help needed

I'm looking to build what I think is a very basic inventory database that I check volumes of certain items three times a day, and am able to look for trends and run reports on. I understand the basics of building databases, and have done so in the very distant (20 years ago) past. I asked on another forum and was talked down to. I'm hoping that you can help. Details within. [more inside]
posted by Mr. Hazlenut on Aug 13, 2023 - 15 answers

Access - Make Links Reciprocal

I have linked fields in access -- projects and partners. This partner is on this project. That project has these partners. But access doesn't know these are reciprocal relationships. Like I can on the projects table select which partners are on that project OR on the partners table select which projects that partner is on, but whichever I do, the other table won't reflect it. How do I make the tables reflect each other correctly? Feel free to point me, instead, to a youtube or linked-in learning course that will cover these sort of moderately-advanced access functions (or that will give me the correct language to google them).
posted by If only I had a penguin... on Nov 22, 2022 - 5 answers

Accsss - choose MULTIPLE from list or ADD NEW

Previously I had asked about how to have Access either choose from a list of pre-existing options or allow entry of new options. Now i need to do the same, but in a combobox where the user can choose MULTIPLE of the values from the other table. How do I do this? [more inside]
posted by If only I had a penguin... on Nov 22, 2022 - 1 answer

Access -- dropdown list OR "Add New"

I'm actually making good progress in recreating my previous setup in Access However, there's one thing I'd like to be able to do that I suspect is possible but I don't know how: Where I have a linked field (so you get a dropdown menu based on values from a field in another table), I want to have one of the options be "Add New" so you can type in something not already in the other table. I then want that thing to appear in the other table (and yes, I realize some fields for that row will be initially blank). How can I do this? [more inside]
posted by If only I had a penguin... on Nov 18, 2022 - 4 answers

Alternatives for Access database

I built a Microsoft Access database for a small non-profit org years ago, and it's worked well for our needs until now. However, we have someone taking over management who works on a Mac, so it's time to make a switch. [more inside]
posted by sabotagerabbit on Feb 25, 2020 - 21 answers

Access: where are my checkboxes?

Thanks to the great help I got in this question, my database queries are now working much better, and all of the records are appearing in the query. However, I can't figure out how to get an SQL query to show checkboxes, rather than 0/-1 as the expression of a yes/no checkbox. [more inside]
posted by sabotagerabbit on Apr 26, 2019 - 4 answers

Missing records in Access query

I have an Access database with three tables, and a main form that we use for inputting data, based on one of the tables, with the other two tables as subforms. My issue is that, unless we have input some data on both subforms, the record won't show up in any queries. [more inside]
posted by sabotagerabbit on Mar 26, 2019 - 7 answers

Is a relationtional database / Microsoft Access our best bet here?

I have been charged with creating an Access database that will contain a significant amount of text data but I'm not sure, after digging in, this is the way to go. Hope me! [more inside]
posted by youandiandaflame on Sep 26, 2018 - 14 answers

Access database - photos, how to proceed

I have someone building me an Access database for my plant info and plant library - they haven't handled a lot of image data before so I'm hoping to smooth the way for them. I'm sure my query is all over the place so please bear with me. [more inside]
posted by unearthed on Jun 27, 2018 - 13 answers

Problem with Access filters

I've built a simple database in Access, with a form function for the people who are inputting data. But the forms are acting very strange and I'm not sure how to fix it. [more inside]
posted by sabotagerabbit on Mar 4, 2015 - 1 answer

Data Base Administrators: Please lend a hand to a new assistant DBA

Quick question about using MS ACCESS. Can you direct me to an online tutorial that quickly illustrates how to create or edit/manipulate and an existing report from excel data? I do have an existing report that can probably be modified, but I've never used access before. [more inside]
posted by snsranch on Oct 21, 2014 - 4 answers

Simple database options for non-profit

My organization is currently using a very bloated Excel spreadsheet to track a bunch of data about our clients. I'd like to build us a really simple database with a nice form input to make it easier for staff to enter all of the information we need to track, but I'm not sure what my options are for software. [more inside]
posted by sabotagerabbit on Apr 22, 2014 - 18 answers

Formatting MS Access report with subreports and subforms in pivot views

Microsoft Access: Help me streamline (or completely automate) creating weekly reports that include tables and charts. I'm almost there, but I just can't wrangle the formatting. Is it me or is it Access? [more inside]
posted by GPF on Mar 17, 2012 - 6 answers

Why does Access change my pivot chart view?

A Microsoft Access issue: When I try to add a new variable to a pivot chart, the chart goes to a weird zoomed-in view. In this view, I can't add any new variables, nor see any trends. If I change to a different view, then back to pivot chart, everything appears as it should. [more inside]
posted by BevosAngryGhost on Mar 8, 2012 - 1 answer

Automatically determining class scheduling needs

I teach at a language training school, at which there are a few hundred students. My boss recently distributed a questionnaire to all of those students to determine the best times to schedule classes for each level of language proficiency. Unfortunately, it turns out that his plan for efficient scheduling ended at the point where we got those questionnaires back. Also unfortunately, I've developed a reputation as the local computer guy (because I can replace a broken mouse and make a chart in Excel), and so the job of making sense of the data has fallen to me. [more inside]
posted by Acetylene on Jul 3, 2011 - 9 answers

MS Access is making things harder than they need to be

MS Access: I have responsibility for a large database in Access 2007. How can I create a dev copy to experiment with changing forms/layout/queries, etc. which shows record data, but does NOT link to and make changes to data in the tables in the "real" original database? I do not know SQL. [more inside]
posted by cuddles.mcsnuggy on Jun 9, 2011 - 4 answers

how to generate multiple files from one report via access and pdf

i need to print an access report to pdf and have it spit out a file for each company in the report. help please. [more inside]
posted by elle.jeezy on Jan 5, 2011 - 1 answer

How to use linking tables and bound objects in MS Access forms.

Microsoft Access 2007 form creation question. Hopefully not-too-wrongheaded and clearly described inside. [more inside]
posted by jsturgill on Aug 4, 2010 - 2 answers

Databases for collaboration: Is Access the way to go?

Is there an online Access-like database? [more inside]
posted by mateuslee on Jan 14, 2010 - 7 answers

Insert data into several tables via form (MS Access)?

I'm working on an Access database that collects various metrics and numbers weekly. I've used week numbers as the primary key in each table since that's the only thing that can reliably group them together. If I were to build a form to input data into more than one table at once, is there a way to enter the week number only once on the form, but have it insert the number into multiple tables? Or am I doing this wrong altogether? [more inside]
posted by speeb on Jan 5, 2010 - 8 answers

Comparing two similar but non-matching tables in Access?

Microsoft Access query problem - Comparing two similar tables that don't match up well. It's lists of classes in a collection of locations from two consecutive years, and what I need is to show the class fees side by side for any class that happened in the same location both years. [more inside]
posted by dnash on Feb 5, 2009 - 13 answers

document my database

I have a particular propriety database application that has a great feature for users to document notes and changes to the db. Annotated screenshot here. Basically, you click on the little yellow sticky note and the documentation window pops up and users can enter notes about changes, etc. Its so useful I would like to use it all the time. [more inside]
posted by buttercup on Apr 27, 2008 - 3 answers

on SQL and the pancake in the middle.

SQL WTH: various examples given on websites and in a small stack of books don't work. [more inside]
posted by Tuwa on Apr 15, 2006 - 9 answers

Microsoft Access with other data sources

Database filter: I have a Microsoft Access application that is split into two .mdb files for the interfaces and data. This app is distributed on a CD to be used on computers that have no internet access. When someone needs an updated dataset the backend .mdb is refreshed from a load of Oracle tables and sent on CD so that the user only needs to replace a single file. The front end links to the tables in the back end. [more inside]
posted by NsJen on Dec 12, 2005 - 9 answers

Instancing a Microsoft Access form

I'm stuck instancing a Microsoft Access form. According to Litwin, Getz and Gilbert (Ch 8), the statement 'Set frm = New Form_frmMyForm' should create a new instance of frmMyForm, referenced via the 'frm' variable. However, when I try this I get a compile error "User-defined type not defined", and it highlights the code 'New frmMyForm'. [more inside]
posted by Ritchie on Feb 20, 2005 - 6 answers

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