💡 Highlights Faster eval-source-map eval-source-map is now 80% faster than the previous version, see #7630. HtmlRspackPlugin Escape Syntax Now HtmlRspackPlugin uses the same syntax as html-webpack-plugin to escape a value. This can help you migrate from html-webpack-plugin to HtmlRspackPlugin more smoothly. Before: Use <%= to escape the value, <%- does not escape the value. After: Use <%- to esca
An extremely fast, production-grade web bundler based on Rust. Mako is a new web bundler for Web App, Library, and Framework. It's designed to be fast, reliable, and easy to use. It has been used in hundreds of projects in production by Ant Group, and other companies. If you are looking for a modern web bundler, Mako is the right choice. Getting Started $ npm create mako Why Mako Mako has a lot of
Announcing Rspack 0.7# May 28, 2024 Rspack v0.7 has been released! This is the last minor release before the Rspack v1.0. After this, the Rspack team will focus on the development of v1.0 and aim to launch the Rspack v1.0 alpha version soon. Notable changes in Rspack v0.7: Support for Lazy Compilation: Significantly improves the dev startup performance of large applications by compiling on demand.
This release doesn't contain any deliberately-breaking changes. However, it contains a very complex new feature and while all of esbuild's tests pass, I would not be surprised if an important edge case turns out to be broken. So I'm releasing this as a breaking change release to avoid causing any trouble. As usual, make sure to test your code when you upgrade. Implement the JavaScript decorators p
Farm⭐️ is a next-generation web build tool written in Rust. It is currently the most powerful, fastest, and most stable Rust web build tool. Since Farm open its source code of version 0.3 in March 2023, after a year of development and contributions by many community developers, version v1.0 has finally been released! The v1.0 version supports a large number of features including lazy compilation,
Parcel v2.12.0 introduces support for macros, which enable you to generate code at build time using regular JavaScript functions. It also includes a new online REPL, improves our CSS bundling support, adds configuration options to fine tune your app's code splitting, and improves performance and memory usage. MacrosParcel v2.12.0 introduces support for macros. Originally implemented in Bun, Macros
RspackThe fast Rust-based web bundler Seamlessly replace webpack with compatible API Why Rspack?Rspack is a high performance JavaScript bundler written in Rust. It offers strong compatibility with the webpack ecosystem, allowing for seamless replacement of webpack, and provides lightning fast build speeds. Fast StartupCombining TypeScript and Rust with a parallelized architecture to bring you the
フロントエンドのビルドツールが色々ありすぎて、何がどうなっているのかがわかりづらいため、 各ツールができること、特徴 ツール間がどのように依存しあっているか を一気に調べて整理した。(情報は2023/10時点) 概要 ツールの依存関係整理 上層: dev server付きのバンドラ/ビルドツール。アプリ開発者が直接configなどを書いて取り扱うのはここが多いと思われる。(Next.jsに関しては、ビルド機能に着目した場合) 下層: やや基盤的なdev serverなしのツール群。 矢印は、明示的な依存関係を表す。実際には、明示的な依存関係がなくても、下層のツール群は上層のバンドラ(やRollup)に対してプラグインを提供していることが多い。 各ツールのできること整理 ツールごとに、大まかな機能区分で、できることとできないことをまとめた。 各機能区分の定義は次セクションを参照。 ツールごと
When was the last time you were about to click a button on a website, only to have the page shift—causing you to click the wrong button instead? Or the last time you rage-quit a page that took too long to load? These problems are only amplified in applications as rich and interactive as ours. The more front-end code is written to support more complex features, the more bytes are sent to the browse
chinese version Before embarking on the development of Rspack, we explored various build tools and frameworks, including extensive use of Webpack, Vite, esbuild, and Rollup in real-world production environments. To provide some context, our team, known as the WebInfra Team, is responsible for overseeing the company's suite of front-end build tools and frameworks. Some of these are open-source, whi