3747 posts tagged with nyc.
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Carribean Dream
i saw this question and answer, which is similar to mine, except that we're planning to leave from nyc/ newark airport and are looking for a relaxing, sunny location for a last-summer esacpe in the caribbean or the west indies... [mi] [more inside]
New York alternative radio
Could somebody give me the URL or to the call letters of the famous free-form alternative radio station in the New York area -- I think it's got "FM" in the name but not sure. I've already searched the MF archives in vain. Thx.
NYC Movers
Recommendations for movers in NYC? [more inside]
Free or cheap conversational Spanish language lessons in New York?
Any free or cheap Spanish language lessons in New York? [reasons for miserliness inside] [more inside]
Where can I find deep-South groceries in New York City?
My wife and I live in New York City, but she's from the Deep South (Alabama). She's often miffed that when she goes to a grocery store in the city, she can't find food and treats that she grew up with (i.e. Goo Goo Clusters). I know you can order a lot of stuff online, but I was wondering -- since there are Korean grocery stores and Indian grocery stores (and even British grocery stores) in NYC -- is there a Southern U.S. grocery store? If not, is there a central website for ordering Southern food products (rather than multiple websites of various product manufacturers)?
Good car window shop in NYC?
NYC Filter: I need to replace a window on my car and I was wondering if anyone in the NYC area could recommend a good car - window shop; bonus points if they'll come to me rather than having me drive to them.
Recommend delicious vegan restaurants in NYC
I go to NYC at least once a month, and I'm always on the hunt for good vegan restaurants, especially in the East Village area, although I'd love to hear about good eats in other areas of the city as well. I've been to Quintessence, Bonobos, and Caravan of Dreams, and I go gaga over LifeThyme, the grocery/bookstore/cafeteria on 7th Ave and 9th St - they have six inch high veggie pizza that's to die for. Are there any more yummy vegan places I need to know about, and if so, what's the most yummilicious thing on the menu?
Studio Space in NYC
I would like to start doing some messy art: oil painting and maybe some metal sculpture. But my NYC apartment doesn't have any space for this. I was wondering if there are any studios in New York City (or Brooklyn) that one can rent (or share) by the hour. I won't be using it enough to rent the space for long periods. I might use it once a week. I might go a month without using it. The perfect place for me would be reasonably priced and stocked with basic equipment, i.e. easles. If there isn't a place like this, someone should start one. Not a bad business model for luring wanabe artists.
Changing Jurisdictions
for the lawyers:
i'm three years from admission on motion in NY (which bar membership has been recommended to me by several folks for various reasons). i may or may not be moving back to WashDC in two years (reciprocity with DC and admisson on motion to VA are not at issue). should i sit for the NY bar or wait out the reciprocity?
what advice for/experiences with changing jurisdictions do/have y'all had?
i'm three years from admission on motion in NY (which bar membership has been recommended to me by several folks for various reasons). i may or may not be moving back to WashDC in two years (reciprocity with DC and admisson on motion to VA are not at issue). should i sit for the NY bar or wait out the reciprocity?
what advice for/experiences with changing jurisdictions do/have y'all had?
Meeting Hugh Jackman
My friend is going to be in NYC soon to see "The Boy from Oz". Hugh Jackman does something of a meet-n-greet and she'd like to give him something nice and memorable to thank him for, y'know, doing his craft and whatnot. We've already pretty much ruled out a kiss on the cheek, but what would you suggest for her to do/give?
NYC Taxi Lost and Found?
Lost and Found for NYC cabs? Is there such a thing? I'm quite sure that on the ride back from JFK, the cushions ate my favorite key chain.
NYC Hotels
Anyone have a favorite hotel in Manhattan? Myself and a few mates are all meeting up in NYC for a getaway weekend and are looking for a cool place to stay, somewhere in the $150 - $300 / night range. We are all in our late 20's / early 30's, like to shop, party, eat, and chat up classy single women. Any places that might fit that bill?
Moving to Brooklyn
My Sig-O is making the big move to NYC this summer and needs to make a housing decision ASAP. Could any knowledgeable gothamefites comment on the safety/quality of this brooklyn neighborhood (with the red star)?
Is there a better way to get from NYC to Vermont than this?
I'm driving to Vermont in a few weeks. I'll reach the NYC area around noon on a Saturday. I usually take the NJ Turnpike to the last exit at Ft. Lee, hit the Ft. Lee Starbucks and then the Palisades Parkway to the Tappen Zee, Saw Mill to 684, 684 to 84 to 91.
This does not work spectacularly well, but I've always figured it was as good as any. But maybe it isn't.
I'm driving to Vermont in a few weeks. I'll reach the NYC area around noon on a Saturday. I usually take the NJ Turnpike to the last exit at Ft. Lee, hit the Ft. Lee Starbucks and then the Palisades Parkway to the Tappen Zee, Saw Mill to 684, 684 to 84 to 91.
This does not work spectacularly well, but I've always figured it was as good as any. But maybe it isn't.
Where in Manhattan might one purchase ostrich eggs?
GourmetFilter: Where in Manhattan might one purchase ostrich eggs?
I need them forHalloween an omlette recipe.
I need them for
Visiting New York with a bright 7 year old. What to see that will keep him interested?
Spending a weekend in New York City with a bright 7-year-old. Will be visiting various areas of the city for shopping and eating pursuits, and have identified stuff that will engage the kid in each area, except Chinatown. Any recs? (M.I.) [more inside]
Navigating NYC
So - and this will out me as the newbie of newbies - how does one navigate New York City?
Fixing a broken SLR in NYC
Does anyone know of a good place to take a broken SLR camera to be fixed in NYC? [more inside]
Quiet bar in NYC
Anyone know of a nice, quiet (not seedy) bar in NYC where people can sit and talk and actually hear each other?
Celebrating in NYC
Graduation celebration! I just graduated from college and moved in with my girlfriend in northern New Jersey; as such, she and I are planning on going out to celebrate sometime soon (along with some friends). She's been to a few bars in her time in NYC but we're still not sure where we'd like to go. So, I'm hoping for some advice from you Gotham-based MeFites as to what places might be good to check out. A few more details inside. [more inside]
Any good clubs that play indie music in new york?
Any good clubs that play indie music in new york ? [more inside]
Shiny, tiny new apartment in Manhattan or affordable charm in Brooklyn?
Another NYC Real Estate Question: the SO and I, who have always lived in charming smallish walk-ups with leaky tubs/peeling paint in Queens-like proximity to 'the big city,' have been seduced by the siren song of new construction downtown. With their pre-opening rent breaks, brand-new appliances, and convenience to both work and play, these "luxury buildings" appear to offer a whole new standard of living at an attractive price. However, ... [mi] [more inside]
Apartments in NYC
Tips for finding a temporary apartment in NYC? A friend and I both have internships in NYC this summer, and need housing. I've tried craigslist, but have discovered that most of the listings get a huge number of replies, and its hard to secure a place when you are not already in New York. [more inside] [more inside]
Apartment Hunting tips in NYC?
Well, I'm moving to NYC at the end of June/start of July and I need to find a place to live. I'm looking for a 1 bedroom apartment, hopefully on Manhatten. Now, I've never gone apartment hunting and I was hoping some nyc mefites might be able to give me some pointers on what to do, how to do it, and where a good place to live is.
NYC Orientation Advice
Are there any tricks for navigating downtown Manhattan? Whenever I get off the subway at Canal or whatever, I'm utterly lost without numbered streets.
I'm going to Churrascaria Plataforma in NYC in a couple of weeks, an all-you-can-eat Brazilian restaurant that encourages gastronomic excess. What are strategies I can employ to help me consume more food than a person should reasonably eat in a single sitting? (Time isn't a factor, I don't think--it's a fixed-price menu, and I believe you can stay as long as you like.) And is there any Brazilian cuisine that I should try while I'm there?
Day or weekend trips outsode NYC
Recommendations for day- or weekend trips outside NYC? [more inside]
NYC psychiatrist needed
Anyone know a good psychiatrist in NYC? Not a psychotherapist, but an MD who can proscribe drugs. I have a friend who thinks he may be clinically depressed but is mistrustful of doctors.
Car radio that displays extended information
I was visiting a friend in NYC recently, and his car stereo displayed what was playing on the radio. It wasn't XM or anything like that. This was broadcast, showing the title, artist and call letters. How is this done, and where can I get a receiver that does this? Do all stations do this?
How big of a deal is it to have a server in colocation in a far away location?
I have a webserver colocated in Los Angeles, where I live. I am moving to New York in a few months and I'm wondering if I should take the server with me. I have a ridiculously great deal at my current facility. How big of a deal is it to have a server in colocation in a far away location? (The server has RAID 1 and hot-swap drives, if that helps.)
Are there any NYC photologs that DONT feature Brooklyn ?
Are there any NYC photologs that DONT feature Brooklyn ? [more inside]
NYC Police Reports
Does anyone know of any online resoucres for up to the minute new york city police reports? [more inside too] [more inside]
NYC Neighborhoods
Quick research question for a play I'm writing: what's a neighborhood in New York City (any borough) that a) has elevated trains, and b) is a traditionally Irish neighborhood? The play takes place in the mid-'90s, if that makes a difference. (Googling turned up lots of historical references, but I not a lot of contemporary specifics.)
Neat shops in NYC?
I'm heading to NYC in a few days and I was curious if anyone knew of any cool shops where I could find some nifty ancient artifacts for sale. I'm also curious about if anyone knows of any art galleries or shops that deal with old pieces of art. I'm on a tight budget, so the cheaper the better (but I'll take any suggestions because I like to window shop).
Cheap travel from NYC to Vermont
What's a good and cheap way to get from New York City to Middlebury, Vermont without a car or jet pack? My gf is attending a summer session there and finding transportation tangled and expensive.
screechy subway sound what is it
What's that noise that NYC subway cars often make when pulling out of a station? It sounds like a metal-on-metal screech, but has a definite three-note tonal quality (A-G-B?) to it. It seems like some kind of white noise/noise-cancellation, but I'd love to know the skinny.
framing recommendation in NYC
Does anyone have a recommendation for matting / framing in NYC? [more inside]
I'm planning on spending this coming weekend (February 20-22) in New York City. On the agenda is the MeFi meetup, of course, but some other time that weekend I'd also like to go dancing somewhere. Can anyone recommend a good club, or a DJ that's appearing somewhere? [more inside] [more inside]
Tailors in NYC
Wow, this is like popcorn. OK then.
All youse New Yorkers: anybody recommend a decent tailor? This is for some detail work. My wife got this amazing Vivienne Tam skirt at a secondhand store in the East Village, which needs to be taken in a little, and the fabric is like neoprene. She doesn't feel right just bringing it in to the local drycleaner/tailor/laundry, and I can't say I blame her.
All youse New Yorkers: anybody recommend a decent tailor? This is for some detail work. My wife got this amazing Vivienne Tam skirt at a secondhand store in the East Village, which needs to be taken in a little, and the fabric is like neoprene. She doesn't feel right just bringing it in to the local drycleaner/tailor/laundry, and I can't say I blame her.
New Year's Eve in New York City
Not to blatantly copy lychee, but I will be in the New York metro area on New Year's with my girlfriend, and we're not entirely sure what to do for the celebration. I know there's a heavy NYC MeFi contingent, so hopefully some of y'all might have some tips? [more inside] [more inside]
Were the WTC towers added digitally to the NYC skyline in Angles In America?
Any film geeks out there? I recently watched Angels in America on HBO and in the last hour of the film there's a shot of the NYC skyline, with the World Trade Center featured in the shot and in fact ... [more inside] [more inside]
Interior monologue, externalized.
How many of you frequently talk to yourself? Why do you do it? Do you do it more when you're completely alone or do you do it when people are around? Are you halfway talking to yourself and halfway talking to the other people? [more inside.] [more inside]
Where can I find a Japanese style bath in New York City?
Where can I find a Japanese style bath that's open to the public in New York City?
Partitioning a large studio apartment
I'm moving into NYC for the first time. It's a studio, but a relatively large one, and I'd like to partition it. I've looked mainly at shoji screens, but I'd rather not take up the extra space with the accordion footprint. I don't want to spend a huge amount of money, or do anything that requires a permit. What are some creative options?; for_name=condour75 [more inside]
What cell phone service provider would you recommend?
What cell phone service provider would you recommend? [more inside]
Where can I find a good (eggless) apple pie in NYC?
They say there's nothing more American than apple pie, but I've yet to have a decent apple pie in NYC. Could you please help me find a good (eggless) apple pie in NYC?
MeFi Playgroup in NYC?
I am a little uncertain if this question fits the new mold of AskMeFi, but if it works, I'll toss $100 into the site hat in gratitude.... We are expecting our first child in June, and live in NYC. We want to start or join a Manhattan playgroup, but think a mefi-community playgroup would be about the coolest thing ever. So, my question to AskMeFI is: Are there any MeFi-ites in NYC with a baby due in '04 who'd like to start a playgroup with us?