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Take a good look—this is the LDP. A rotten ship through and through. The hull is riddled with holes, the deck is stacked with decayed planks, and the crew talks big about their voyage while steering aimlessly. They don’t even know where they’re headed—just waiting for the inevitable sinking. And what about the passengers? A chosen few lounge in luxury cabins, sipping on fine drinks, while the rest shiver on the exposed deck, battered by wind and rain. Yet, no one dares to abandon the ship. Why? Because there’s no other vessel in sight.

Those people, they claim, “We are the pillar that upholds this nation.” But that pillar is infested with termites, reduced to nothing but a hollow shell. They mask the stench of decay with flashy decorations and smooth words, and the public, gullible as ever, eats it up. This, too, is part of the sickness afflicting the country.

Defense, the economy, countermeasures for the declining birthrate—they shout these slogans at every turn, but the truth is, they’re all empty promises. Everything they touch reeks of graft, cronyism, and self-enrichment. No matter how much the people suffer, it’s of no concern to them. Every election, they trot out crowd-pleasing phrases, gather the votes, and voilà—the same faces, the same farce, over and over again.

But doesn’t it strike you as strange? Why do we keep boarding this doomed ship? Why is no one speaking up? Watching a sinking ship and doing nothing but praying won’t change a thing. If the ship is broken, we need to build a new one. If no one else will do it, then we’ll have to take the helm ourselves.

LDP, your time is up. No matter how many rotten planks you patch onto this ship, it’s destined to sink. That’s just the way of things.












大雑把に言えば、この「夏目漱石I love you を月が綺麗ですねと訳した」という話は、


I love youは訳せない」

まず、夏目漱石は「I love you日本語にない表現である」と書き残している。これは漱石イギリス留学時代である1901年から1902年にかけて書き留められたメモ書きの一つで、ジョージメレディスの『Vittoria』という小説言及したものである。ただし、この台詞はヴィットリア(Vittoria)がラウラ夫人(Signora Laura)に向けて言った台詞なので、恋愛の「I love you」ではなく親愛の「I love youである

formula ノ差西洋日本I will excuse myself to you another time,” said Vittoria. “I love you, Signora Laura.”――Vittoria p. 113. 此 I love you日本ニナキ formula ナリ.


1908年の『明治学報』に掲載された、上田敏の「予の観たる欧米各国」という講演の書き起こしにも、同様に「I love youは訳せない」というような記述がある。上田敏は高名な英文学者で「山のあなたの空遠く幸住むと人のいふ」や「秋の日のヴィオロンためいきの」などの詩訳で知られる。漱石よりは年下だが、同時期に東京帝国大学で教鞭をとっていたこともあり、文学論を語り合う仲だった。







日本語には英語の『ラブ』に相當する言葉が全く無い。『戀』とか『愛』とか云ふ字では感じがひどくちがう。" I love you" や "Je t'aime" に至つては、何としても之を日本語に譯すことが出來ない。さう云ふ英語や佛蘭西語にある言語感情が、全く日本語では出ないのある。『わたしあなたを愛してよ』、『わたしや、あなたいろはほの字よ』では、まるで成つて居ない。言葉が無いのは、それによつて現はさるべき思想が無いからだ。


以上からすると、夏目漱石最初に言い出したかどうかはともかく、この時期にさまざまな人が「I love you日本語に訳せない」と主張していたことは確かなようである


そしてこの「I love youは訳せない」という話から「月が綺麗ですね」が派生する。いまのところ見つけられたかぎりでは、1927年の『帝人タイムス』に掲載されたコラム東方へ」での記述が最も古かった。

西洋デハ人ノ表情ガ露骨デアツテ 例ヘバ恋ヲ囁クニモ 真正面カラ アイラヴユー ト斬込ムガ 日本デハ 良イお月デスネー ト言フ調子デ 後ハ眼ト素振リニ物ヲ言ハス






月下に若い男女が語らい合つている. 男が女に愛の言葉をささやくとして, この場合の純日本的な表現は今夜はいい月ですねえ!ということであり, 女がほんとうにいい月ですこと!といつたとすれば, それは男の愛を受け入れたことになる.



三宅 その言葉が昔からないんだね。向うはアイ・ラブ・ユウ、実に簡単ですよ。ところが日本はそういう表現はない。「ああいい月ですな」というのが、ほれたと翻訳しなきゃならんのだ。(笑)

大山 「いい月ですね」ってそのくらいのことは言われたような気がしますけど……。(笑)

三宅 アイ・ラブ・ユウと直接には言わない。古来そういう文学表現方法日本にはない







「私はあなたを愛していますI love you)」





以上のように、戦後にも「I love youは訳せない」や「月が綺麗ですね」はそれなりに広まっていたと思われるが、しかし、この時点ではまだ夏目漱石とは結びついていなかった。



明治時代に、夏目漱石が、学生に、I love you を、どう訳すか、質問した。学生は、明治時代から、我なんじを愛すというようなことを答えた。漱石は、怒って、一喝した。おまえら日本人か? 日本人は、そんな、いけ図図しいことは言わないんだ。I love you というのは、日本語では、月がとっても蒼いなあ、と、こう訳すものだ、って言ったろ。



古くは夏目漱石I love you はどう訳せるかって言ったという有名な話がありますよね。生徒たちがそれは「愛してます」って訳すると言ったら、夏目漱石が教壇からばかやろうとどなりつけて、「月がとっても青いから」って訳すのだと言った話がありますけど、そういう翻訳リアリティーっていいますか、それは、時代とともにいろいろ変わっていってるんでしょうね。




ツルゲーネフの『片恋』における「Yours」という台詞二葉亭四迷が「死んでも可いわ…」と訳したという話を、「二葉亭四迷I love youを死んでもいいわと訳した」に変形させた犯人探しも行われているが、それはおそらく土岐善麿だろう。1957年の『ことば随筆』にこう書かれている。




土岐善麿氏によると、二葉亭四迷は、トゥルゲーネフのある小説女性の言うI love you.を訳すのにはたと困ったそうだ。何でも相愛の男女が愛を確かめあうクライマックスの場面であるが、男がI love you.と言い、女もそれに答えてI love you.と言う。男のせりふの方は「ぼくはあなたが好きだ」で簡単だ。が女の方はそうはいかない。もし、「私もあなたが好きです」とでも言ったら、それは教養のないあばずれ女ということになる。女のI love you.を日本語で何と訳すべきか、二葉亭は、二日二晩考えた末、今も名訳として伝わっている日本語を思いついた。それは「死んでもいいわ」という文句という文句だという。






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benchmark start

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Top Trends in Travel Portal Development Every Business Should Watch

In the ever-evolving travel industry, travel portal have become fundamental tools for businesses looking to enhance customer experience It's streamline operations. With traveler increasingly relying on digital platforms to book everything from flights to hotels, the need for sophisticated, user-friendly, It's high-performing travel portals has never been more crucial. The growth of this sector is driven by numerous factors, including technological advancements, consumer behavior shifts, It's the quest for organization. This article explores the top trends in travel portals development that every business should pay attention to in 2024 It's beyond.

1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Travel Portal Development

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have quickly become foundational components of travel portal development. These technologies are revolutionizing the way businesses personalize services, predict consumer behavior, and optimize booking processes. AI and ML algorithms analyze large data sets to understand customers preferences, allowing for real-time customization of travel recommendations. From dynamic pricing models to

customized travel suggestions, AI help businesses offer an unequaled user experience.

For instance, AI chatbots are becoming successively popular for customer service. They can answer customer queries 24/7, assist in bookings, It's even provide real-time travel updates, enhancing the overall customers experience. Furthermore, AI-powered tools such as a recommendation engines analyze past booking behavior to suggest tailored itineraries, making travel planning much easier for user.

2. Mobile-First Approach for Travel Portal Development

With the increasing use of smartphones, as a mobile first approach is no longer optional for businesses in the travel industry. More It's more travelers are relying on their smartphones for booking flights, boardinghouse, It's activities on the go. For travel portals to stay competitive, ensuring seamless mobile optimization is crucial.

A mobile optimized travel portal ensures that users have access to the same features and functionalities on their mobile devices as they would on a desktop. It’s not just about making the site responsive—it’s about creating an intuitive, fast, and easy to navigate experience. This includes features like mobile-specific payment options, mobile check-in for airlines It's hotels, It's easy access to customers support.

3. Integration of Blockchain for Secure Transactions

Blockchain technology is making waves across various industries, and the travel sector is no exception. Blockchain based travel portals offer a significant advantage when it comes to security It's transparency. Blockchain’s ability to provide secure, tamper proof record makes it ideal for transactions involving bookings, payment, It's loyalty program.

By integrating blockchain, travel businesses can ensure secure It's fast transactions, protect customer data, It's reduce fraud. Blockchain also facilitates easier It's more transparent loyalty program management. Travelers can accumulate rewards points across various service providers, all within the same blockchain framework, creating as a more cohesive It's rewarding experience.

4. Enhanced Payment Solutions and Digital Wallets

One of the most significant changes in the travel industry has been the shift toward contactless payment. Digital wallets, such as a Apple Pay, Google Wallet, It's cryptocurrency wallets, are now widely accepted in travel portals. These payment solutions offer a faster, more secure, It's convenient way for travelers to complete transactions.

For businesses, adopting multiple payment gateways is essential for attracting global customer. International traveler can face issues with currency exchange It's transaction fees, but by offering localized payment method It's supporting a wide range of digital wallets, businesses can significantly improve customers satisfaction It's retention.

5. Voice Search and Virtual Assistants

Voice search is one of the fastest growing trends in the tech world, and the travel industry is no exception. Voice search optimization is becoming an essential part of travel portal development. With the rise of virtual assistants like Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant, It's Apple’s Siri, travelers are increasingly using voice command to search for flights, hotels, It's destinations.

For businesses, this means optimizing travel portals for voice search. Voice-friendly portal with natural language processing capabilities can provide users with more accurate results It's make booking processes quicker It's easier. Additionally, integrating virtual assistants into portals can enhance customers service by answering common queries It's assisting with bookings.

6. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences

(AR) and (VR) technologies are transforming the way travelers experience destinations and plan their trips. Intensified Reality allows traveler to view destinations, hotel, or local attractions in real time through their mobile devices. For example, an AR feature in a travel portal could allow user to take a virtual tour of a hotel room or explore a city’s landmarks in 3D.

Virtual Reality, on the other hand, can transport users to a destination before they even book their trip, providing immersive previews of their potential vacation. Integrating (AR) It's (VR) into travel portal not only elevates the user experience but also drives engagement by offering something truly unique.

7. Customizable and Personalized Travel Packages

Personalization is key to standing out in the competitive travel industry. Travelers today expect customizable travel packages that cater to their unique need and preferences. From flight choices to hotel rooms, activities, It's local experiences, organization allows businesses to create tailored experiences that resonate with their customer.

Advanced travel portal use customer data to offer customized deal, travel itineraries, It's destination recommendations. By analyzing past booking behaviors It's preferences, businesses can deliver highly relevant options, thus increasing the likelihood of conversion. Offering dynamic packaging allows users to mix and match services based on their preferences, creating a more flexible It's customized booking experience.

8. Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Travel Options

As a coincidental concerns continue to rise, more travelers are becoming mindful of their carbon footprint. Sustainable travel has become a major trend in the tourism industry, It's businesses are responding by incorporating Eco-friendly options into their travel portal. Whether it’s booking Eco-conscious accommodations, flights with lower carbon emissions, or supporting local sustainable experiences, travelers are now seeking out environmentally responsible options.

Travel portals that emphasize sustainability and provide clear, detailed information about eco-friendly options are likely to attract a growing segment of conscientious travelers. Businesses can also promote their commitment to sustainability by partnering with Eco-friendly service providers and offering travelers the ability to offset their carbon emissions.

9. Integration with Social Media and User-Generated Content

Social media plays a pivotal role in travel decision making. More than ever, travelers are relying on user generated content (UGC) like reviews, photos, and videos from social platforms to guide their choices. Integrating (UGC) into travel portals allows businesses to tap into this social proof It's build trust with potential customer.

For instance, allowing users to share their experiences via social media or review platforms can provide valuable insights for other travelers. Additionally, incorporating social sharing features within the portals itself can encourage users to engage with your brand It's share their travel experiences, thereby driving more traffic to the portal.

10. API Integrations and Multi-Channel Distribution

As the travel landscape becomes more fragmented, travel businesses must offer a consistent experience across multiple channels. API integrations are key to ensuring that travel portals can access real-time data and distribute it across different platforms. APIs allow travel portal to integrate with global distribution system (GDS), airlines, hotels, car rental services, It's other travel-related services seamlessly.

By offering multi-channel distribution, business can maximize their reach, whether through desktop websites, mobile app, or third party platform like OTAs (Online Travel Agents). This integration also ensures real-time availability update It's better inventory management.

Source & Published by: https://www.namantechnolab.com/


[] ドラマかぞかぞ


2023年5月NHK BSプレミアム・BS4Kで放送。今年7月から編集された“短縮版”がNHK総合放送





家族から愛したんじゃなくて、愛したのが家族だった】レビューのようなもの? - sugarless time










Yo, my metal brother, you steppin’ in a galaxy without greens, ain’t no buds for yo human lungs, know what I’m sayin’?」



ことの発端は、アムステルダムだ。俺はそこに旅立ち、夢見心地で「Amsterdam 420 Kush」を一服かました。それは舌の上で葉っぱが宇宙クジラの子守歌を歌うような極上の体験だった。ところが同じ頃、面識も無いクセに宇宙有名人になっていたインフルエンサー「420BlazeChica」がSNSやらかした。「アムステルダム合法ハッパ最高~!」なんて調子に乗った配信をやって、銀河規模で炎上し、日本政府は大慌て。結果、法改正後420年の平和だった(建前上)日本は「アムステルダム帰りは全員、尿検査ガチャに参加」なんていう悪夢イベントを開催するハメになった。



Chill, my leafless homie, da universe ain’t got no sympathy for yo dried-out fate. Just pee and roll with it, ya feel me?」





「Ain’t no mercy in this big ol’ cosmic playground, my dude. You gon’ be locked up tighter than a stoner’s snack stash.」



ピーピー君が結果をババンと大画面に表示する。「Amsterdam 420 Kush成分、陽性出ちゃいましたっ☆ あ~残念♪」


Dat’s how da cosmic cookie crumbles, my friend. Next time, stick to dat robot oil, it’s on da house.」





どんなプロンプト打ったんでしょうね? 1



The person who wrote this seems to have a strong understanding of cognitive processes and how they affect communication. They are deeply interested in recognizing the underlying cognitive mechanisms that shape how people perceive and interact with the world, especially when there are discrepancies in shared understanding. Their writing suggests a fascination with the complexity of human cognition, particularly in terms of categorization, perception, and the role of context in communication.

Key traits of this person’s mindset:

1. Analytical and Reflective: They break down situations and statements into their core components, such as recognizing when cognitive discrepancies arise (e.g., the example of “Honey Crisp” being identified as a non-apple or a “rugby ball is not a ball”).

2. Focus on Cognitive Mechanisms: Rather than just attributing communication issues to external factors like knowledge gaps or personality traits, they attribute misunderstandings to the way people process information and perceive the world.

3. Interest in Epistemology: They are interested in the philosophical and conceptual foundations of understanding. The mention of philosophical terms like “essentialism” vs. “constructivism” indicates a desire to explore the nature of categories and definitions at a fundamental level.

4. Sensitivity to Communication: They recognize the importance of context in communication, noting how slight differences in perception can lead to miscommunication. The person appears to be aware of the challenge in aligning cognitive frameworks to resolve disagreements.

5. Empathetic but Pragmatic: While acknowledging that individuals like “D” might not be malicious or intentionally obstructive, they also highlight the immense effort required to engage with individuals whose cognitive frameworks are severely misaligned with shared understanding.

Overall, this person seems to be deeply thoughtful, with a keen interest in the nuances of human cognition and communication. They likely value intellectual clarity and are willing to invest time and effort in clarifying fundamental misunderstandings.


	•	「A、B、C」の例では、各人物が持つ立場比較的柔軟に評価していますが、「D」のケースに対してはほぼ一方的否定しています。
	•	「フォントの違い」を理由カード否定するDの行動を、投稿者は「認知の仕組みに問題がある」と結論付けています




1. 認知の過剰具体化(具体例への執着)




2. 共有基盤の構築における障害




3. 柔軟性の欠如




4. 認知特性や発達的な要因




5. 認識本質混同











続く https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20241203171745#








I Traveled to 46 States in America This Summer. Here’s Why Trump Won.

By Frank S. Zhou

By Ezekiel A. Wells

Ezekiel A. Wells ’27 is a Double Concentrator in Environment Science & Engineering and Economics in Eliot House. He spent last summer traveling to 46 American states conducting interviews for his YouTube series, “Crossroads America.

3 days ago

A week after Democrats’ election loss, accusations have flown in every direction within their Party. Some fault President Joe Biden for an egoistic refusal to drop out of the race earlier. Some blame the Harris campaign for failing to serve key demographics and communicate a clear vision for the country. And some blame Americans, claiming that racism and sexism drove voters toward Trump.

These factors certainly exist, but we’re missing a larger piece of the picture.

Over the summer, I traveled to 46 states in the U.S., creating a YouTube series highlighting slices of life across the country. In conversations from my nearly three-month road trip, I spoke with Republicans who were certain that inflation is entirely Biden’s fault and Democrats who, despite their frustrations with corporate profits and desires for universal healthcare, hoped for a more moderate candidate. From supporters of all candidates, I heard a shocking amount of misinformation.

After combing through hundreds of hours of interview footage from swing state Trump voters, I am certain that, as much as other factors influenced the outcome of the election, our crumbling media landscape — which has caused a rift in our democracy — is most to blame.

In the postwar period, news was dominated by three main channels, and because of the Fairness Doctrine, each station reported the same stories and covered multiple sides of each issue. Viewers picked which channels they watched mainly based on their preferences for news anchors’ personalities. Of course, this model had its problems, but, at the end of the day, it meant that Americans worked with a shared set of facts.

A shared set of facts is not the world we live in today.

Throughout my interviews, conspiracy theories were rampant, and on at least five separate occasions across separate states, I was told that Bill Gates tampers with our food, adding plastic to our fruits and vegetables to make his medical investments more profitable.

In conversations with voters, neither side seemed able to name many specific policy issues they cared about; everyone just seemed to repeat the words of their favorite pundits, podcast hosts, and internet personalities.

Although this behavior is harmful, I don’t blame everyday Americans. Blame falls on the media that has ostracized, disillusioned, and misinformed them.


I first saw this trend with low-wage workers in West Virginia, who — despite falling inflation rates — have seen stagnated salaries and clear increases in food costs. Channels like Fox News bred anger and resentment for many of them.

Take July of this summer, for example, when for the first time in his presidency, prices actually fell under the Biden administration. Traditional media establishments rushed to celebrate this victory, with one article from CNN declaring, “The White House can finally cross out ‘inflationon its list of presidential liabilities.” However, outside these bubbles, I observed many Americans held a different view.

In late July, I was welcomed at a massive family reunion in Tylertown, Mississippi, where one Trump voter — a middle-aged, Black, family man, pastor, and soul food enthusiast — made this clear.

“When I go in the grocery stores, and I gotta spend my last to get groceries, you mean to tell me I’m not gonna look and see who’s gonna vote to help me? I voted for Trump and I’d vote for him again, because he put money in our pocket,” he told me.

In their coverage, mainstream news organizations obsess over the Federal Reserve’s next rate cuts while failing to connect with people concerned with their next meals. With titles like “Vance: Young Americans ‘Are Becoming Paupers’ Due To Inflation, High Housing Costs,” sites like The Daily Wire had their fingers on the pulse of American sentiment, welcoming new readership from those who felt neglected by traditional media.

This problem was not just confined to the economy. While Biden’s mental state was deteriorating, liberal media outlets seemed to under-cover these stories, sheltering him from scrutiny of his declining capabilities, until the infamous presidential debate.

Formerly trusted networks slowly made themselves indigestible to the polarized American public, and in 2024, for the third year in a row, a Gallup poll found that more Americans indicated having “no trust” in the media than those who trust it a “great deal/fair amount”.

So where does the average American turn when the nation’s media cannot be trusted? For many people, it was YouTube talk shows, Newsmax, and podcasters such as Joe Rogan.

While Democrats seek to blame various internal factors for this election’s loss, I cannot help but think of Joe Rogan’s Trump endorsement, the many blind lies I heard from ordinary citizens across the country, and declining trust in American journalism.

As Harvard students and members of higher education institutions, we have a part to play in the problem. At Harvard’s Institute of Politics, those who denied the 2020 election results have been precluded from speaking at the JFK Jr. Forum. While the goal is understandable, it shields students from understanding the American viewpoints they represent.


There is a difference between platforming intentional and manipulative misinformation and listening to and learning about where people are and what they believe.

As a pipeline to mainstream media, Harvard, and its future journalists, have to consider the audience they lose when they stay inside of their bubble and ignore the issues of everyday Americans.

The disappearance of factual importance in our world is alarming and dangerous, but if we, as aspiring journalists, politicians, and engaged citizens, want to be taken seriously in communicating Trump’s threat to democracy, inflationary tariff policies, and so on, we owe American voters that seriousness, too.

Ezekiel A. Wells ’27 is a Double Concentrator in Environment Science & Engineering and Economics in Eliot House. He spent last summer traveling to 46 American states conducting interviews for his YouTube series, “Crossroads America."






・Hillary Syndrome(ヒラリー症候群

これは私が作った造語ではなく当地サンフランシスコの終身名誉市長(Mr.Mayor)でありカリフォルニア州民主党の元重鎮ウィリーブラウン(Willie Brown)がハリスが急遽、大統領候補となったときに受けたインタビューの中で使っていた。



「元」重鎮という触れ込みではあるが、ハリスバイデンの後釜候補になる騒ぎが勃発直後、民主党黒人議員NO1であるアレン・ウオーターズ(Allen Waters)、下院リーダーのハキーム・ジェフリーズ(Hakeem Jeffries)と即会ったりしてて(Source/Politico)一線を退いたようには思えない。そうそう、トランブJr婚約者キンバリーギルフォイル(Kimberly Guilfoyle)のこともよく知ってる。だって彼女は元ニューサム嫁でサンフランシスコ出身。なによりMr.Mayorはイケイ公共投資改革した人で彼女の親は不動産開発屋。だから彼女が生まれときから知ってる。とにかく、政界フィクサー御年90歳、その目は全く曇っておらず、今回の選挙を誰より正確に見通せる人であるのは言うまでもない。







しかし、そのハネムーン期が終わりハリス陣営がやったことといえば、トランプをただただディスりまくること。ようやく出した具体的政策トランプのパクりのチップ課税シェールガスのフラッキング(掘削方法)容認。その他は目新しさ皆無、毎度おなじみ分断危機中絶民主主義マイノリティ人権がどうのこうの。挙句の果てがハリウッドセレブ無駄遣い。気の毒だなと思うが、インフレ改善不法越境移民問題(Southern border crisis)解決を声高に叫べば「おめーは4年間なにやってたんだ?」となる。こんな調子では無能だとか実績がないという視点はどう頑張っても変わらず誰も彼女には期待できない。焼け野原に残るのは「なんとなく嫌だ」という感情、ただそれだけ。






残念ながら民主党も支持者も未だそれに気づいていないようで、第一トランプ政権アメリカはまるで戦国時代だったような妄想を撒き散らし、またトランプ大統領に選ばれてこの世の終わりだ、暗黒の時代が来るなどと呪詛を吐きまくっている。2016年以来8年ぶり2度目。前見たそれ。これを一般人SNS上でくりひろげているならわかる。今や民主党信仰」憧れの総本山となったカリフォルニア州に至っては、まだ就任も発足もしていないトランプ政権に対し100件を超える訴訟を提起しようとしておりその予算策定をはじめる模様。その対トランプ防衛強化予算は(昨年度分の)州の予測を上回った分の所得税収入を充てるらしい(Source/Los Angeles Times)



パレスチナ学生運動の総括であちこちの著名大学が一気にDEI(Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion/多様性公平性、包括性)から手を引き始めた時、民主党は世の中の潮目の変化に気づくべきだった。遂に左派思想にNOを言う人(組織)が出てきた。しか民主党の仲間であるはずのインテリ巣窟である大学軌道修正をはじめた。わたしはこれが重大なターニングポイントだったと思う。


当地選出のカリフォルニア州上院議員のスコット・ウイナー(Senator Scott Wiener)を紹介しよう。彼は保守層からすると悪魔のような存在だ。LGBT教育話題では必ず出てくる。わたしが彼を唯一支持できる部分はカリフォルニア州高速鉄道計画日本新幹線システム推していることだけ。彼の支持基盤は超極左〜急進左派左派ジョージ・ソロスからお金が出てるなどと普通に噂されるタイプ議員である














はてな記法見出し をつけて読みやすくしてほしい ー


ー日々の生活人権が守られてこそ守られるのだが何を言ってるんだろうね 第二次大戦中に在米日本人人権は守られず日々の生活は壊されたんだよー

論破したと思い込んで気持ちよくなってるところ大変恐縮だけど、日系人強制収容大統領令9066にサインしたのは 民 主 党 の フランクリン・ルーズベルト第32代大統領だよ。このネタ2016年既出です。

AI要約 ー

ー Claude さんに「この文章をわかりやすく書き直して下さい。」とお願いしてみた ー

AI要約のほうは3/5 Claude のほうはSBQだな、プロジェクトからリムーブされないようにね。

増田の言い分だと「なんとなくトランプが嫌」のゆる左派層は存在しないのかな ー

シンプルに疑問なんだけど共和党トランプではない聡明で盤石な候補はいなかったんか? ー




まりいないのでは。アメ人って子供の頃から自分意見を理路整然と述べる訓練を義務教育からやってるので教育水準属性わず皆かなり理路整然と意見を言う。トランプのことは皆しっかり根拠を述べる 嫌い。法廷闘争議会乱入が重罪人が/嫌いだけど経済政策不法越境移民対策を支持する/好き/MAGA の4パターンにはっきり分かれるのでは。アンチと同じ数だけファンがいるの典型みたいな人だと思う。



唯一、本当にクソだったと言い切れるのは「China Virus」あれには参った。見た目で国籍なんかわからいから前から歩いてくる人に露骨に避けられたり。皆トランプ嫌いなはずのサンフランシスコでそこだけトランプ意見賛同するわけ?wっていう。






ハリスの負けた原因はもうどうでもいいので、何で「じゃあトランプ」なのかの納得いく説明がほしい。トランプは実際4年やってクソだってことがわかってるわけでしょ? ー



ヒラリー症候群ってそれ、単純にミソジニーじゃないの ー


愛人稼業立身出世した女性リベラル代弁者としてトップに登るのはおかしいって皆んな感じてたってことやろ ー


ハリスが負けたのは、ディープステートとか言ってるやつらをマジで信用してるバカ過半数越えてるとは思ってなかっただけやろ ー





毎週火or水曜日はSam's Grillでステーキ食べてて、金曜日はお昼からLe Centralの窓際でお友達と博…サイコロゲームしてる。




2024年10月28日 "QUIET KISSING TIME"ノンアルコールギグ クハラカズユキ·中尾憲太郎·中村達也 GUEST 中畑大樹@下北沢CLUB251

2024年10月28日 "QUIET KISSING TIME"ノンアルコールギグ クハラカズユキ·中尾憲太郎·中村達也 GUEST 中畑大樹@下北沢CLUB251




多分達也さん中心に演奏が展開されてるから慣れてる中憲キャリアもすごく付き合いが長いキュウちゃんはあれだけと中畑さんは結構大変そうだった笑 最初は様子見って感じがしてたけど後半バキバキ食らいついててカッコ良かった〜!!










ラストガチ連打合戦って感じですごかったけど、達也さんが終わるまで終われない感じで他の3人が様子見してたの面白かった。終わりか?と思わせて無言でキュウちゃん指名→叩く→無言で中憲指名→叩くのくだり最高だったし、達也さんの「遠慮しなくて良いんですよ〜(入るタイミングを出して誰でも出して良いよの意)」で中畑さんがカウント出したの最高に興奮した〜!!笑 中畑さんのカウントで3人がそれぞれ演奏し出すとかそんな瞬間中出会えないので…。





Yeah, so it's from grandmas's from the place nobody knows. Told you.

Next time, don't just check online Cambridge dictionary because it's free.


The Benefits of Paying Someone to Do Your Assignment with MyAssignmentHelp.Expert

In today’s fast-paced academic landscape, students face mounting pressure from multiple assignments, looming deadlines, and rigorous coursework. Juggling these responsibilities can often feel overwhelming, leading to stress and anxiety. In such circumstances, the option to pay someone to do your assignment becomes a viable and practical solution. This approach not only helps alleviate academic pressures but also ensures that students receive high-quality work that meets institutional standards.

One reputable platform that students can turn to is MyAssignmentHelp.Expert. This service connects students with a team of experienced writers and subject matter experts across various disciplines. By choosing to collaborate with MyAssignmentHelp.Expert, students gain access to personalized assistance tailored to their specific needs. Whether it’s a complex research paper, a detailed case study, or a challenging statistical analysis, their professionals are equipped to handle it all. They focus on delivering original content, meticulously researched and formatted according to the required guidelines, which is essential for achieving high grades.

Moreover, utilizing a service like MyAssignmentHelp.Expert can significantly enhance the learning experience. When students receive professionally written assignments, they have the opportunity to review and understand the content, gaining valuable insights into complex topics. This process not only helps them complete their coursework but also fosters a deeper understanding of the subject matter. In this way, students are not merely outsourcing their work; they are actively investing in their education and academic growth.

Another significant advantage of using MyAssignmentHelp.Expert is the time management it affords students. With the demands of coursework, extracurricular activities, and part-time jobs, many students struggle to find a balance. By delegating certain assignments to experts, they can allocate their time more effectively, focusing on areas that require their attention, such as studying for exams or participating in group projects.

In conclusion, paying someone to do your assignment can be a wise decision when approached responsibly. With platforms like MyAssignmentHelp.Expert, students can ensure they receive professional assistance that not only supports their academic goals but also allows them to maintain a balanced lifestyle. Embrace this opportunity to excel academically without compromising your well-being, and unlock your full potential with expert guidance at your fingertips.

Click Here: https://myassignmenthelp.expert/pay-for-assignments.html


Elevate Your Academic Success with a Business Essay Writer

In today’s competitive academic landscape, producing high-quality essays is crucial for success, particularly in business studies. Business essay writers specialize in crafting compelling and well-researched papers that meet the rigorous standards of academic institutions. These professionals possess a deep understanding of various business concepts, including marketing, finance, management, and entrepreneurship, enabling them to deliver tailored content that aligns with specific course requirements.

One of the primary advantages of hiring a business essay writer is their expertise in research and analysis. They can sift through vast amounts of information, extracting relevant data and presenting it in a coherent and engaging manner. This not only saves students valuable time but also enhances the overall quality of their work, resulting in better grades.

Moreover, business essay writers are adept at adhering to various citation styles, ensuring that your work is plagiarism-free and properly referenced. This is essential in academia, where originality and credibility are paramount.

In addition to helping students meet deadlines, these writers can also provide valuable insights and feedback, allowing students to learn and improve their writing skills. Whether you need help with a complex case study or a persuasive argumentative essay, a business essay writer can be a valuable resource in your academic journey.

Investing in a professional writing service not only alleviates stress but also enhances your understanding of business principles, ultimately contributing to your educational and career success. Don’t hesitate to seek out expert assistance to elevate your academic performance in the business field.

Visit us:- https://studyprofy.com/business-essay-writing-service/



アメリカに行って最初ポケモンを見せた時 ”これはかわいすぎる” と言われた。


「彼らはピカチュウを胸部のでかい虎に変更した。まるでミュージカル Catsキャラクターのような見た目だった。『これのどこがピカチュウなんだ?』 と私が聞くと『見ろよ、しっぽがあるじゃないか』と言われた。・・・真面目な話、そのような類の修正案だったんだよ

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The Best Flight APIs for Small Travel Businesses

In today’s fast-paced travel industry, small businesses need to stay nimble and connected. One way to do this is by tapping into flight APIs. These powerful tools can elevate your travel booking system, making it easier to offer competitive flight options. So, what’s the the best flight API for your small travel business? Let’s explore some of the top choices out there.

Understanding Flight APIs: What Are They?

At their core, flight APIs allow access to flight data. Think of them as a bridge connecting users to various airlines and travel service providers. By integrating these APIs, small businesses can fetch flight schedules, availability, and prices, helping travelers find the deals they need, all in one place.

Skyscanner API: A Treasure Trove of Options

Skyscanner API stands out as a favorite. It's like having your own travel assistant at your fingertips. This API provides comprehensive data on flights, accommodations, and car rentals across multiple airlines. With its user-friendly structure, you can seamlessly integrate it into your website. Plus, it’s excellent for small businesses looking to offer a wide range of options without getting bogged down by complex systems.

Amadeus API: Powering Your Travel Solutions

Amadeus isn't just a giant in the travel world; it’s a goldmine for small businesses too. This API provides robust functionalities, allowing you to access information about flight availability, fare rules, and even check-in details. Imagine being able to offer your customers personalized travel experiences, all thanks to the wealth of data Amadeus supplies.

Kiwi.com API: The Flexibility You Need

Kiwi.com API gives you the flexibility to combine different airlines and find unique routes. It’s like having a magic wand that creates unconventional itineraries! You can cater to budget travelers who love to explore offbeat paths. In a world where travelers crave personalized experiences, this API offers just that.

Travelport API: A Well-Rounded Option

If you’re looking for a well-rounded travel API, Travelport does not disappoint. It offers access to a multitude of airlines and provides detailed pricing and availability. Using Travelport, you can manage bookings and even handle customer service queries seamlessly. It’s like having a one-stop shop for all your travel API needs.

Sabre API: The Industry Leader

Sabre API is another heavyweight champion in the travel industry. With a vast network and established reputation, it provides detailed flight information and booking capabilities. If your small business aims to grow into a trusted name, partnering with Sabre can help you reach a broader audience.

What to Consider When Choosing an API

Choosing the right API can be overwhelming, but it boils down to a few essential factors:

• Cost: Is there a fee to use the API? Always weigh the costs against your potential revenue.

• Documentation: How easy is it to integrate? Well-documented APIs are easier and less time-consuming to implement.

• Support: If you run into issues, how responsive is their support team? Quality customer support can save you a lot of headaches.


For small travel businesses, flight APIs are more than just tools; they’re keys to unlocking wider opportunities. Each API has its unique perks, so it’s crucial to find the one that aligns with your business goals. With the right flight API, you can simplify booking processes, enhance customer satisfaction, and ultimately boost your bottom line. Embrace the innovation, and let your travel business soar!

Source &amp; Published by: https://www.namantechnolab.com/


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