63 posts tagged with mother by Anonymous.
Displaying 1 through 50 of 63.

Very sick parent - two questions

My mother is elderly and has been in hospital for three weeks (a year post cancer diagnosis). We are pragmatic, but I am also some flavours of ND and ashamed to ask anyone I know the difficult questions I have inside. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Dec 7, 2023 - 12 answers

My mom hated being a mom. How can I become a mom?

My mom didn't like being a mom, and it's a mental block in my own path to motherhood. (I am not pregnant but am considering it within the next 1-2 years.) [more inside]
posted by anonymous on May 22, 2023 - 35 answers

Why is my mom so different from other people's moms?

I know you are not my (or my mom's) mental health professionals but there is zero chance of my mother ever visiting a mental health professional and I'm just hoping someone with similar experiences might be able to give some insight into the decades long mystery of why my mom is so different from everyone else I've ever met. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Sep 8, 2020 - 13 answers

On lockdown with stonewalling elderly mother

My two teens, myself and my mother (80) are on COVID-19 lockdown and my mother's attitude is making things unbearable. She is extremely negative and constantly chastises the children and me, or else stonewalls me and even the kids at times. Do you have advice on how I can make the situation less unpleasant for us? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Mar 19, 2020 - 10 answers

How can I help my brother and mother deal with each other?

They live together at home and I no longer live there, but I visit often. He's in his early 20s and I'm about 4 years older. He's been going through a rough time after graduating from college but taking a lot of his anger and frustrations out on my mom. It's tearing our small family apart. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Nov 14, 2019 - 16 answers

How to reconcile a loving relationship with an abuser?

Sometimes the memories of childhood trauma and abuse perpetuated by my mother can return with great force — either inspired by current stresses or more recently, watching the Patrick Melrose series on Showtime. I’m so grateful that my mother is so much happier now that I’m an adult and that we have a loving, healthy relationship. Yet, when I feel the pain of my childhood so acutely it can be difficult to reconcile the mother of my childhood with how she is now. I’m not quite sure how to describe it — I feel like I’m living a lie in some way, or torn in two, or that celebrating what we have now is discounting or even perpetuating my childhood pain and isolation. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jun 12, 2018 - 10 answers

Mother is dying, how to deal with guilt

My mother is dying of hypersensitive pneumonitis, they think she may have only a few months or so hard to tell. My brother and I take turns staying with her as she shouldn't be alone. I do not mind taking care of my mother but I will admit I miss my day to day life/routine....I feel guilty knowing that in order to get it back means my Mom will no longer be with us. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Apr 8, 2018 - 14 answers

Do I Call My Mother Back?

My parents attempt to control me through guilt and threats (Mother) and financial power (Father.) This has affected my entire life. Recently I took several steps to distance myself from them. These include not letting my mother blackmail me emotionally, and refusing any further financial assistance from my father. The last time I talked to them on the phone was in April. We have communicated via e-mail ever since . Two days ago, my father left on a ten-day trip, and asked that I "have a heart"and call my elderly and depressed (depressed in my opinion, since she refuses to see a therapist) mother, who is alone while he is away. I am working hard to build and maintain boundaries with them. Do I call her back? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Sep 3, 2017 - 26 answers

After the Accident

My father committed a serious lapse in judgment and now wants to act like nothing's changed. What do I do? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Nov 24, 2016 - 13 answers

ISO Alice in Louisville

My dear friend is battling a serious illness in Louisville, KY. She has two very young children. Hopefully she will be recovered in 3 months. I live far away. I would like to temporarily hire Alice from the Brady Bunch to help her and her husband manage their household chores and help them take care of their children. Barring that, looking for ways to support a young mom from a distance. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Aug 27, 2016 - 4 answers

I'm in a rough spot in my relationship. Should I tell my mom?

I'm quite close with my mother, and discuss many aspects of my life with her. She is a good sounding board, and has good advice, especially about interpersonal issues. I've been having difficulties in my relationship with my SO for several months now. Would talking to my mother about this be a terrible idea? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jan 31, 2016 - 21 answers

Managing social anxiety as a parent

How do parents with anxiety protect their children from their own worries and fears? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Oct 11, 2015 - 9 answers

My mother's passive aggression hurts me. How to deal?

My mom is a lovely, intelligent, caring person. She also has lifelong untreated dysthymia. What's the best way to deal with her frequent, subtle passive aggression? (Wall of detail inside, feel free to skip to TL;DR if you have general advice for coping with passive aggression in family context.) [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Sep 2, 2015 - 21 answers

Help me feel closer to my mother

I have an intense, complex relationship with my mother, and it's stressing me out. Snowflakes inside. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on May 19, 2015 - 16 answers

We Want to Break Up With Grandma.

I was legally raised but mostly neglected by a single mother who spent most of her time trying to find a husband, going to clubs, the racetrack and otherwise leaving me to my own devices since I was old enough to use a microwave oven safely. I moved 6 hours away as soon as I was able and now only see her once a year, but it's the worst few days of every year. While I believe that people do the best they can, with competent help I came to realize that I actually don't like my mother. And that's okay. I don't respect her choices and I don't like the black cloud she brings to every phone conversation and in-person visits. Pure and simple, she's a nasty, unpleasant person. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Dec 24, 2014 - 54 answers

Surely someone can relate!

Where are the best online support groups for spouses of people with alzheimer's disease? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Oct 17, 2014 - 3 answers

Depressed & need inspiration.

I am a single mother, down in the dumps and looking for mefites for a lightbulb or maybe just a bone. I've been juggling my post-divorce financial mess, toxic workplace, toxic people all around, and I'm so tired and exhausted, I just know my six-year old and I need to be somewhere where the atmosphere is more laid back with better quality of life. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Feb 9, 2014 - 13 answers

Mother got a job in my workplace behind my back.

I have been working a steady job at a fairly close-knit company for about 3 years, and was recently promoted. My mother applied behind my back and got a job in the same company. We do not get along. Should I quit? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Feb 7, 2014 - 30 answers

How can I cope with a toxic parent while I work to get free?

What can I do to better cope with the mounting stresses of completely cutting ties with an emotionally abusive Mom? I have severe depression, anxiety and other issues. I'm seeking help, but currently inbetween doctors. When things get stressful, I start to crumble. Suggestions very much appreciated. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Feb 12, 2013 - 9 answers

Help a single mother work, to make things work.

Hello, I am a divorced single-mother and US Army National Guard veteran. I am currently living in a bad situation and need to move away from it. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Feb 12, 2013 - 20 answers

This year, I'm thankful for conflict avoidance.

My mother and I are not talking. I am thinking about skipping Thanksgiving. How do I do this without causing even more turmoil? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Oct 25, 2012 - 32 answers

Help me help Mom.

Mom is depressed. She has always been depressed. Is there anything I can do to help? If not, how do I cope? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Oct 11, 2012 - 9 answers

Help my wife not go insane.

How can I best support my wife, a stay-at-home-mom, during the summer when she's home alone with a sometimes difficult ten year old boy? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jun 14, 2012 - 27 answers

How do I handle my mother's crush on my boyfriend's (much younger) brother?

My mother, who has borderline personality disorder, has thrown a tremendous wrench into my relationship. I am so overwhelmed by this right now. Help? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on May 17, 2012 - 45 answers

How to deal with a difficult mother.

I have a very difficult relationship with my mother. I now have a baby. Things are getting worse and I don't know what to do. Very long background inside. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Mar 17, 2012 - 23 answers

I am the worst daughter

I've achieved having an emotionally calm and pleasant daily life for myself, but I'm worried that once my mother passes, I'll forget the reality of our dynamic and feel like a horrible and evil daughter. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jan 18, 2012 - 21 answers

Another question about an insane mother

I have a great deal of contempt for my mother, which fills me with guilt. She has had serious psychiatric problems for her entire life. Although I know that she loves us, she is quite mentally ill, and I don't know how to cope with it. I need help learning how. (This is long, I apologize.) [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Dec 28, 2011 - 50 answers

Ill Apron Strings

My mother doesn't take of her health at all, she ignores everyone's health advice when she has problems, and it's making me feel guilty and frustrated for not trying hard enough and not being able to support her. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jul 13, 2011 - 13 answers

How to deal with a parent who won't acknowledge my relationship?

My mother refuses to meet my fiance. I welcome any advice on how to deal with this, and would especially like to hear from people who have similar personal experiences. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jun 6, 2011 - 73 answers

This Woman's Work

Please help me evaluate a possible career move while pregnant with child #2. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on May 17, 2011 - 10 answers

How do two ADHD people cope with seeing a non ADHD-friendly relative?

ADHD and relatives: both my partner and I have ADHD and we both have problems with visiting my mother. How to deal with this conflict? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on May 15, 2011 - 21 answers

Weren't we supposed to get along once I grew up?

My mother and I have a difficult relationship. Looking for advice about how to get through a period during which my mother, my daughter, and I are spending a lot of time together. (And, yes, there's a lot more information inside.) [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Apr 11, 2011 - 17 answers

Is there anything in the Bible that can help one justify the estrangement of an abusive parent?

Is there anything in the Bible that can help one justify the estrangement of an abusive parent? I know that not speaking to my mother is the right thing to do, but what does the good book say? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Feb 2, 2011 - 22 answers

Can we be legally married twice in two different states?

What will happen if a man and a woman submit marriage licenses in two separate states less than a year apart? Specifically, if they get married by a judge in Washington state, then ~1 year later get married by a pastor in Wisconsin and in order to avoid having all parties involved know about the WA wedding, sign another marriage license and have it submitted to the state of WI? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Sep 18, 2010 - 47 answers

Alcohol doesn't solve your problems, it compounds them.

My mother is depressed, and I suspect she's abusing alcohol. I'm doing the best I can, but looking for suggestions as to what I should actually be doing to help. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on May 5, 2010 - 9 answers

Punk rock teenage parental angst, but I'm an adult.

So I'm thinking about family therapy. I'm a 25 year old female with a strained relationship with her mother. Has group therapy helped you sort out issues with your family? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Apr 27, 2010 - 9 answers

The three-tiered plan to change my life.

Looking for advice on how to deal with my mother, who's gotten it into her head that I should completely change my life in every way by the end of 2010 (including getting an arranged marriage.) Novella-length details inside. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Apr 22, 2010 - 25 answers

Hounded by mom

My mentally ill mother hired a private investigator to track me down... among other things. Please help! [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Apr 8, 2010 - 33 answers

How do I prepare for my mother's passing?

How do I prepare for my mother's passing? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Mar 15, 2010 - 16 answers

Foot in mouth disease taken too far?

How do I deal with an increasingly abrasive mother? (Really long, I'm sorry) [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Feb 21, 2010 - 32 answers

Single mother to be, the Bible and sperm

I am making plans to become a mother soon. Sperm donation keeps popping into mind but I am a single Christian. Can someone point me in the direction of a good sources of information from a Christian/biblical perspective for or against this. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Feb 8, 2010 - 28 answers

My mom changed her face.

I come back to Southern California for Thanksgiving and my mom has gotten idiotic plastic surgery. Please help me cope. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Nov 24, 2009 - 41 answers

How to handle Christmas stay envy?

What's the best way to stand up to my mother about Christmas and to handle her jealousy about our better relationship with my partner's parents? She's determined to make the holiday season into a zero sum game with my partner's mother [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Nov 22, 2009 - 34 answers

Am I My Brother's Keeper?

My parents are divorced; my father has custody of my younger brother, but is leaving the country for a few years for work. He wants me to live with and take care of my 16 year old brother until he graduates from HS. I love my brother, but I have some objections and I’m not sure how to handle this. (long explanation inside!) [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Oct 15, 2009 - 59 answers

Please help me reply to my mom's email concerning Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

My mom sent me an email today acknowledging for the very first time (that I am aware of) that she experiences symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder. I would like to write the best response that I can to her, with some links or information about possible next steps. I don't want to screw this up, please help me help her! [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Aug 30, 2009 - 8 answers

Mom: I'm not going to call you back.

MomFilter: help me deal with mine! [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jul 11, 2009 - 31 answers

"Mother dearest"

What is a lesbian daughter to do, when the mode and extent of her mother's display of affection becomes "too much"? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on May 29, 2009 - 28 answers

How can I let mom know I need to be on my own?

How can I let mom know that I need my own space for a while without sounding selfish and ungrateful? I want to stand up for myself but on the other hand, I know she struggles. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on May 10, 2009 - 41 answers

Should I try to convince my mother to move across the country so I can take care of her and improve our relationship?

Due to years of my mother’s mental illness, dependency on prescription medication, and wildly varying levels lying leading to all sort of trust issues, I am a 30-year old woman with a very complicated relationship with my aging mom. I feel more than a little guilt and sadness about this, and authentically would like to improve our relationship. There are, of course complications. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Apr 3, 2009 - 9 answers

Mom's been arrested and I need to keep her fallout from affecting me.

Mom's been arrested, what do I do. Long story follows. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Mar 4, 2009 - 21 answers

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