9 posts tagged with mother and death.
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What are some good books to help a friend through mother's cancer?

A very good friend of mine's mother was diagnosed with stage four cancer and is not expected to survive more than a year. I have a hard time in knowing the right words because I have not had the experience of losing someone very close to me. I was looking for books to buy her to help her deal with the feelings she is feeling right now, and ways to prepare her. Also, I was looking for a book that they could fill in together with memories- sort of the books, why I love you when you fill in the blanks- but something a mother and daughter could do together to remember happy times together and something she could keep for memories. Most of the books I'm finding are after death and coping with that, but not the whole process in living with your loved one knowing they will be passing away in a few months and how to make the best of the time. Any good suggestions for these?
posted by MamaBee223 on Aug 22, 2018 - 11 answers

Mother is dying, how to deal with guilt

My mother is dying of hypersensitive pneumonitis, they think she may have only a few months or so hard to tell. My brother and I take turns staying with her as she shouldn't be alone. I do not mind taking care of my mother but I will admit I miss my day to day life/routine....I feel guilty knowing that in order to get it back means my Mom will no longer be with us. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Apr 8, 2018 - 14 answers

Help me make the most of the time my mother has left.

My mother has terminal cancer, and I don't know how much time she has left. Others with experience losing a parent: what would I regret not doing with this time? [more inside]
posted by joan cusack the second on Jul 28, 2014 - 26 answers

Helping 7 yo process mother's death

So my sister-in-law had a stroke last week and passed away on Friday. My niece's are 7 and 19. The older one, of course groks it, but I'm not sure how much the younger one is getting. [more inside]
posted by jacy on Nov 19, 2013 - 25 answers

Recurring dream

I keep having the same dream over and over. Has anyone else had this? [more inside]
posted by thank you silence on Feb 15, 2013 - 18 answers

How to help a parent cope with the loss of a spouse?

I lost my dear dad unexpectedly Sunday after a series of illnesses. My mom, luckily, is still with us. They were together 54 years and my mom was only 17 when they met. The most important thing to my dad was my mom's well-being and I feel it is now my duty to look after her to the best of my ability. I have no idea how to help her cope with the loss of my father. I want to be there for her as much as possible, but I don't want to smother her. Does anyone have any advice?
posted by entropicamericana on Nov 23, 2012 - 18 answers

How do I prepare for my mother's passing?

How do I prepare for my mother's passing? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Mar 15, 2010 - 16 answers

moms rule

my mother was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer. do any of you have ideas for little things i can do for her to remind her how awesome she is? girls especially. what are some of the best, most thoughtful things loved ones have done for you? [more inside]
posted by andywolf on Mar 19, 2007 - 27 answers

A death in the family.

My mother passed away last week and now I'm lost. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Dec 11, 2006 - 68 answers

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