81 posts tagged with daughter.
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Looking for books about mother/daughter relationships

As the title says: I'm open to fiction and non-fiction. I am particularly interested in the perspective of daughters in the relationship dealing with not terrible but also not great mothers who were not always there for their daughters. Assume that the mother in question is not a narcissist nor does she have significant mental illness.
posted by tafetta, darling! on Mar 24, 2023 - 21 answers

Why is my mom skipping my birthday to be with her new boyfriend?

My mom has been moving very fast in a new relationship. She's really either not made an effort or completely fumbled integrating this new person into our family and is now saying she's going to have to skip my birthday to spend time with him. As someone who would like to celebrate my birthday with my mom (and her new partner) as well as the rest of my family, how do I let her know this bothers me without damaging our relationship? [more inside]
posted by petrafine on Oct 19, 2022 - 21 answers

How to make daughter feel special and included when her brother is born?

How can I make my 4-year old daughter feel special, important and included when her baby brother is born? Looking for ways to make the event feel positive and celebratory for her. [more inside]
posted by piranna on Feb 14, 2021 - 26 answers

How to deal with a very sensitive parent?

I keep hurting her feelings inadvertently [more inside]
posted by winterportage on Mar 21, 2019 - 10 answers

More music like Daughter?

I ADORE the latest (2016) Daughter album. What else would I like? More of my taste inside. [more inside]
posted by Crystalinne on Dec 7, 2018 - 7 answers

Gift for feminist vegan daughter who loves to bake.

I'm buying 21 year old daughter X a PS4. 20 year old vegan Daughter Z isn't so interested in a PS4. She's asked me for books on feminism & socialism (making me a proud dad). She loves baking, ballet, tattoos, and being an angry feminist-socialist. She's super smart, but college wasn't her gig. Ideas? [more inside]
posted by arkham_inmate_0801 on Dec 5, 2018 - 39 answers

What are some good books to help a friend through mother's cancer?

A very good friend of mine's mother was diagnosed with stage four cancer and is not expected to survive more than a year. I have a hard time in knowing the right words because I have not had the experience of losing someone very close to me. I was looking for books to buy her to help her deal with the feelings she is feeling right now, and ways to prepare her. Also, I was looking for a book that they could fill in together with memories- sort of the books, why I love you when you fill in the blanks- but something a mother and daughter could do together to remember happy times together and something she could keep for memories. Most of the books I'm finding are after death and coping with that, but not the whole process in living with your loved one knowing they will be passing away in a few months and how to make the best of the time. Any good suggestions for these?
posted by MamaBee223 on Aug 22, 2018 - 11 answers

Not quite sure how to handle this.

My 14 year old daughter and a member of the coaching staff of her club are texting a little more than I am comfortable with. How should I approach this? [more inside]
posted by jmsta on Jun 5, 2018 - 34 answers

Mommy Dearest

How do I continue my relationship with my mother? Wall below. [more inside]
posted by Armed Only With Hubris on Nov 10, 2017 - 15 answers

Family question re siblings

Mrs. L’s two grand nieces (A. aged 11) and (S. aged 14) are back home with their mother from staying with their father for the summer break. This has been happening for the last several years with no problems. However, A. (previously very much a Mommy’s girl) now says she is unhappy and wants to return to live with her father. [more inside]
posted by lungtaworld on Aug 14, 2017 - 11 answers

Disneyworld+ 5 yo Daughter, done on short notice...the Mefi Smart way?

Are you a Disney Expert? Aficionado I want to take my 5 year old little girl to Disneyworld - in the next 21 days or so. All last minute. Figure 3 days/2 nights. And if there's a booking sites/forums that is ideal for this, where? [more inside]
posted by filmgeek on May 1, 2017 - 16 answers

What does a healthy straight parents/queer child relationship look like?

Last week, I finally cut off my mother for trying to drive a wedge between me and my spouse again, repeatedly implying I was only angry because I must be mentally ill, and rewriting the last ten years of our relationship to make the problems between us purely the fault of my spouse's influence rather than the result years of increasing tension, mostly about my queerness. I want to know, as a sanity check, what good parent-child relationships look like even in the face of complications. Am I expecting too much? What is normal, and what is healthy? [more inside]
posted by sciatrix on Feb 25, 2017 - 38 answers

Where should I take my mom on vacation?

My mom and I are planning a trip for Veteran's Day weekend, but we haven't quite decided on where. Our main interests are cute shops with handmade items, historical sites, gardens and nature hikes, and delicious baked goods. Any suggestions? [more inside]
posted by cndelia on Oct 9, 2016 - 9 answers

Do I tell my daughter that her disowned grandmother remarried?

My ex-spouse broke all ties to their widowed mother a few years back. Since then, I've been the conduit for communication between Daughter (11 years old; lives with Ex; I have her for summers and some other holidays) and Grandma. This consists of birthday and Christmas cards and presents (Ex returns any mail from Grandma unopened, doesn't take calls, etc.). I talk to Daughter regularly via phone and text, and hold Grandma's presents and cards until she's at my house. We all live far enough apart that visits from Grandma aren't an issue. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jun 2, 2016 - 30 answers

Has anyone else had a parent who FORCED you into an eating disorder?

I (female) grew up in a house as the only girl with multiple brothers. My mother began putting me on diets at age 8, before I'd ever shown any signs of having weight issues. I was a normal 8 yr old girl, but not as scrawny as my brothers. From the diets she'd always put me on (this was the 80's, for cultural reference), it began a terrible cycle of me failing the diets and not ever being able to do enough to make her stop policing what I ate. I'm just now coming to the conclusion that I may never have had an issue with food / being overweight if my mom had not forced her insecurities on to me. Longer explanation included. Advice/perspective/fellow war stories appreciated. [more inside]
posted by zettoo on May 31, 2016 - 29 answers

Can you help with my 8yo daughter's mood swings?

Pre-teen land is a shocking new landscape for my daughter and I. It's like a switch is being flipped throughout the day and I never know if I'm going to get the angry, frustrated and low-self esteem version of my kid, or my typical bright sunny girl who is outgoing and fierce. What has been helpful to you in navigating this time for pre-teens in general and girls in particular? [more inside]
posted by sealee on Mar 8, 2016 - 13 answers

How should I convince my daughter to eat?

My daughter is 12. She has been quite anxious about her weight and appearance for some time now: expressing worry that she will look overweight, that she will gain weight too fast, not wanting to go through puberty. She has been self-restricting her diet for over a year now, minimizing portions and skipping meals, usually claiming fullness or "not feeling good." Her counselor is focused on the underlying causes, especially trying to show her how to deal with anxiety (generalized or social anxiety from middle school). Her doctor however is upset about her weight loss: she is under her recommended BMI and over the last month or so she lost four pounds. The doctor is threatening a hospital stay if she doesn't catch up on her growth chart, and wants us (her parents) to treat food like necessary medicine. So we've been giving basic consequences (loss of priveleges, especially favorite shows or hobbies) and she has been eating better for a few days, but she is also getting angrier and angrier, resorting to shouted accusations of cruelty. [more inside]
posted by TreeRooster on Feb 17, 2016 - 69 answers

My daughter has cancer

The love of my life has recently been diagnosed with stage three breast cancer. This seemed to come out of nowhere. In the space of a month from one checkup to the next she developed a 2.5 centimeter tumour. I'm lost. [more inside]
posted by malhaley on Jun 17, 2015 - 14 answers

The truth is, Mom I just don't like you.

I need some advice and strategies on how to deal with my mother and survive seeing her without feeling like crap for a week afterwards. [more inside]
posted by sisforsock on Apr 5, 2015 - 29 answers

Father Daughter Dance Song Ideas, non cheesy, awesome songs edition

So I'm getting married. My dad and I are close, and have always shared a special bond over music. I wanted to make him a kind of "daddy daughter song" mixed tape, and give it to him with the directive to pick his favorite for us to dance to. [more inside]
posted by Quincy on Feb 13, 2015 - 27 answers

First-time grandparent: What should I know?

Going to Europe soon for 5 weeks to be with my daughter as she pops out her first child. Am excited for both of us. I want to be truly supportive of her but also practice self-care and set appropriate limits. Naturally, there are complications. See inside for snowflakes. [more inside]
posted by Bella Donna on Jan 22, 2015 - 20 answers

How to improve my relationship with my mom

Since my parents divorced, my mom grew more distant from me (and my sibling), particularly when she met a new man, to whom she is now married. I don't know where to go from here to improve our relationship. My apologies in advance for the wall of text that is about to hit you. [more inside]
posted by Blissful on Dec 28, 2014 - 24 answers

We'll be Board for Xmas

Help me find some awesome board games for my daughter and me! [more inside]
posted by ian1977 on Dec 16, 2014 - 35 answers

Help us continue our mom & daughter bonding over great books.

Next year she's off to college, but until then, help me fill the time with great books we can share. [more inside]
posted by kbar1 on Nov 15, 2014 - 16 answers

How to fairly divide time between child and new husband?

I recently got married, having been a single parent beforehand for a long time. My daughter is used to a lot more of my time than she gets now. But my new husband has also never raised a child before and is also used to getting more time from partners than he gets now. How can I fairly resolve this? I feel like I'm being torn down the middle. [more inside]
posted by sockeroonie on Oct 21, 2014 - 39 answers

ID a poem - arrogance and daughters

I am looking for a poem I read some years ago which included a list of negative or unfeminine qualities the author wished for (perhaps bequeathed to, but that may be an embellishment from my own faulty memory) their daughter or daughters, for example arrogance, reframed as positives. Much search engining has failed to turn it up, so it's probably from a print book. I think of this poem often so hoping someone knows what I'm talking about and can help me find it again.
posted by leueas on Oct 4, 2014 - 6 answers

Calling All Oregonian Parents

What to do in the Portland area for one day with a 1st grader? [more inside]
posted by ian1977 on May 12, 2014 - 15 answers

Rules for dating: 1...

This is mainly for my much younger sister although it might be relevant for little oink someday ... For the first time she has several people interested in her (they have said so). She asks me for advice. She seems flattered by the attention but not sure how to proceed. They are all good friends. I don't know what to say. Hovering between an unrealistic desire to keep her from getting hurt (don't first relationships often?) and the recognition she has a good head thus trusting her decision. Is there some basic dos and donts?
posted by oink on May 2, 2014 - 29 answers

Holy Fatherhood, Batmam!

Help me find examples of father-child relationships in the Bible. [more inside]
posted by man down under on Jan 27, 2014 - 11 answers

Feminist basics for dads?

I'd like to get some recommendations on the basics of feminism, especially as it might relate to things a dad can do to help his daughters prepare for and deal with sexism in society and also do his part in understanding the world and making it a better place for women (and by extension all people). [more inside]
posted by Reverend John on Dec 21, 2013 - 33 answers

Daughter can't leave her mother's side.

My 4-year-old daughter has suddenly become incredibly over-attached to her mother - Why? [more inside]
posted by Tenacious.Me.Tokyo on Dec 19, 2013 - 11 answers

A good book for an anxious kid's mom.

Can you recommend a book or two about dealing with a very anxious pre-teen? [more inside]
posted by CrazyLemonade on Sep 30, 2013 - 6 answers

Finally moving on - BUT how do I prioritize what's next..

So finally, I decided to take the bold step and move on to a bigger and brighter future (Hopefully, anyway!). I decided to divorce, on the grounds that I deserve better. [more inside]
posted by Spice_and_Ice on Aug 4, 2013 - 11 answers

Any Goldie-Blox Experience?

We discussed Goldie-Blox back when it was just a Kickstarter, and I was wondering whether any MeFites have since obtained it for their kids. [more inside]
posted by Etrigan on Jul 31, 2013 - 7 answers

father daughter exposure limits

Is it necessary for a father or step father to completely avoid exposure of private parts (penis) to a 5 year old daughter? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jul 1, 2013 - 43 answers

I can't dance to that!!!

Please recommend me a good song for the father-daughter dance at the wedding!!! [more inside]
posted by Thorzdad on Apr 27, 2013 - 31 answers

How much touch is appropriate between father and 6/7 year old daughter?

My wife and I disagree strongly over how much touch is appropriate between myself and my almost-7 year old daughter. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Apr 15, 2013 - 96 answers

my friend's son has asperger's and his behaviour is worrying her.

Asking for a dear Australian friend, "Ariane" who feels she has nowhere else to turn. Any and all advice gratefully received. "My son Henry is 19 years old and has Aspergers. He has a little brother George who is 12 and a sister Lily who is 2 1/2. We all live at home with my partner (who is the biological father of Lily). [more inside]
posted by taff on Mar 18, 2013 - 16 answers

How should we respond when our daughter plays with herself?

She's only a toddler, is this a problem and, if so, how do we handle it? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Mar 3, 2013 - 51 answers

Any Great Games To Play With/Against My Daughter on Two Android OS Devices?

My 8yo daughter (in a few weeks) and I love playing Plants vs. Zombies, Angry Birds and other games on Android. We play them on my Xoom, Kindle Fire, and HTC Thunderbolt (phone). Are there any good games like these (not first person shooters, please. She's 8 and we're Quaker) that would allow us to play against o with each other, one on the Xoom and the other on the Kindle?
posted by nathanrudy on Jun 17, 2012 - 8 answers

All women become like their mothers, so says Ocscar Wilde

How can I have a better relationship with my daughter than I had with my mother? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jun 13, 2012 - 10 answers

My daughter is being diagnosed for autism and I need help dealing with this.

I've recently discovered that my daughter is, at least in some form, autistic. I'm having a little trouble coping with this revelation and I'm feeling a bit lost about how to go forward. [more inside]
posted by WinnipegDragon on Apr 23, 2012 - 32 answers

Looking for a good father/daughter book

Looking for a good father/daughter book for upcoming baby girls. (twins!) I've been looking but I've had some trouble because of three things I'm looking for: [more inside]
posted by jragon on Dec 30, 2011 - 4 answers

Don't Mess With A Missionary

How do I reconcile myself with the notion that I do not respect my daughter’s religion, or what she is doing in its name? [more inside]
posted by timsteil on Dec 13, 2011 - 41 answers

How can I make my daughter be more motivated and independant?

How can I make my daughter be more motivated and independant? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Oct 11, 2011 - 31 answers

Mom is getting married in 3 days. WHAT?

My mom is getting married in 3 days to a man she's been dating for two months. She emailed me this news (not too weird, that's our main form of communication) last week and I have been in too much of a state of shock to respond. How do I respond to this? I'm still not even sure how to feel about it. [more inside]
posted by evilbeck on Sep 22, 2011 - 26 answers

Weren't we supposed to get along once I grew up?

My mother and I have a difficult relationship. Looking for advice about how to get through a period during which my mother, my daughter, and I are spending a lot of time together. (And, yes, there's a lot more information inside.) [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Apr 11, 2011 - 17 answers

Single male seeks single female spy/assassin/action-heroine. Must love kids!

I get the feeling there's a lot of movies that feature an ordinary, plucky, independent single-mom, and her son, and the male hero who enters their life and serves as a father figure of sorts for the son (Terminator 2, Witness, The Day the Earth Stood Still). Are there gender-reversed examples of this, ie, single-father + daughter + heroine? And I'm thinking more of action/adventure type stuff, and not straight dramas.
posted by TheSecretDecoderRing on Feb 19, 2011 - 20 answers

Mother and Daughter Etsy Shop!

My mom and I are opening an Etsy shop. Yay! Can you offer us some tips and answer some questions? [more inside]
posted by two lights above the sea on Jan 3, 2011 - 13 answers

Is this empty-nest role reversal normal? How can I stop it!??

I have weird feelings of guilt/empty-nest role reversal?? My parents are relatively young (dad is 54, mom is 57), and I just moved out a few months ago 500 miles away, and I am scared to death that something is going to happen to them and I won't be there to save them. Is this psychological torture completely crazy? [more inside]
posted by LemonGardot on Dec 30, 2010 - 16 answers

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