27 posts tagged with mother and resolved.
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Dealing with inherited possesions and letting go
Last April my mother passed away. I'm the only child and sole heir. I'm struggling with what to do with her stuff, and as a result, her house. She LOVED her stuff. Her house, now mine, is sitting unoccupied and still full of her possessions. I can't move forward with selling her house until I get rid of the contents, and I can't really rent it furnished with all of her furniture inside. I have to move forward but can't figure out how. [more inside]
How can I honestly be there for my mother?
Looking for suggestions and mid to long-term strategies for being there and caring for my mom despite several issues related to my childhood. Details inside. [more inside]
Family question re siblings
Mrs. L’s two grand nieces (A. aged 11) and (S. aged 14) are back home with their mother from staying with their father for the summer break. This has been happening for the last several years with no problems.
However, A. (previously very much a Mommy’s girl) now says she is unhappy and wants to return to live with her father. [more inside]
Mother/daughters day of fun, Cleveland style
Both my adult daughters and I will have a few days in April (20, 21, 22, 23) where we are all together!! There's also a birthday in the mix, and I am looking for something special to do. [more inside]
Form of Address: Mother and Son Edition.
A while back, I was dining out with my mother. She is a widow, I am her unmarried son. Our server (who spoke English as a second language), addressed us as "Mr. & Mrs. Renault". I was squicked out. An address of 'Mr. & Mrs.', while perhaps technically correct, has a suggestion that we are a Mr. and Mrs. of each other, which we are most definitely not. So how should he have addressed us? [more inside]
How do I resolve conflicting holiday goals?
I'm planning a trip to celebrate holidays, partly with my girlfriend and partly with my mother, and I'm having a communication / conflict issue between the two. Can you help? Details inside... [more inside]
Methods to build self-esteem in troubled mother?
How do I help to build self-esteem in my "crazy" (bipolar, BPD), overweight, aging, and unsuccessful mother, who lives in a small town with not much in the way of community, and who refuses to seek medical treatment for her mental health and physical issues? [more inside]
Supporting boyfriend through mom's (terminal?) illness and the holidays
I've been dating a great guy for a few months now. About a month in he told me that his mom was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor 8 months before we met. His mom has done radiation and was seeming to get better in the last few months. He was making plans for me to meet his family for the first time on Thanksgiving. He just found out his mother has taken a turn for the worse (she's having difficulty walking), and I'd like to know: 1) how I can support him and 2) how to navigate meeting his family during this difficult time. [more inside]
She gave up all her dreams, so that I could buy ice cream
Many years ago, I heard a song that included the following lyrics:
"She gave up all her dreams, so that I could buy ice cream" and I haven't been able to find it again. [more inside]
Finding friends in Fresno?
My mother moved to Fresno 4 years ago, to be near her sister. She likes it here, more or less. However, she is 65, single, bored, and I have run out of suggestions. Can you help? [more inside]
1970s science fiction short story about a young mother going crazy?
There's this science fiction story I can recall reading in at least one anthology, if not multiples. It is told from the perspective of a young mother who is going crazy dealing with her kid(s). The writing is very stark and bleak, but it's a fun story nonetheless. I am fairly certain the author was a woman. I believe it's from the late 60s or early to mid 1970s. [more inside]
Dealing with parental pressures to find a job
I recently graduated, but I'm already feeling pressure to find a job now or else be bombarded with my mom's criticism. How should I deal with this until I get work? [more inside]
Helping 7 yo process mother's death
So my sister-in-law had a stroke last week and passed away on Friday. My niece's are 7 and 19. The older one, of course groks it, but I'm not sure how much the younger one is getting. [more inside]
How can I make my mother see she needs to see a psychologist?
Hi all,
I don't live at home anymore, as I studied abroad, but frequently come home during holidays.
During such return visit, and the ocassional visit by my family, I always get a good taste of my mother's uglier side.
I dont want to diagnose her myself, but can say that her bipolar and control freakish behaviour is affecting the whole family (my father and brother) for as long as I can remember. I would dare to even describe it as abusive; minor problems like a dirty plate forgotten on a kitchen counter can escalate into agressive full blown shout out, and in general there were moments where I really had to remind myself that, whoa, this is my mother. [more inside]
That didn't go how I planned
A rough first impression . . . [more inside]
What the heck is wrong with my mother?!
My mom is well-meaning. She tries hard to be good and kind. I would be in dead a ditch without her. However, she is far and away the most emotionally manipulative person I have ever met. The most succinct way I can describe her behavior this: Every conversation about a problem-- even if it's not related to her behavior-- turns into a conversation about what a bad person she is.
YANMPsychologist. But she doesn't have one and won't get one, and I need some kind of term to frame her behavior so I can look up resources on how to talk to her without wanting to scream. [more inside]
Men: How was your mom awesome during your teen years?
Men: how was your mom awesome during your teenage years? [more inside]
Yes, I understand Mother.
I have a poor relationship with with my parent and looking for advice to improve family relations. [more inside]
When will the time come that what my mom says does not matter to me
how not to feel the need to justify myself in front of my parents. Because their approval should not matter at this point of my life, but I am still angry when they compares me to others in achievement. [more inside]
What not to wear, septuagenarian edition
Should I tell my 71-year-old mother that some of her clothing is ridiculous? [more inside]
It's time for Baby Buster to leave the nest.
What can I do to help my family break out of a negative relationship cycle? [more inside]
Help me feel better about leaving my baby for a business trip
I am going to be away from my baby for five days. Help me know that he will be OK without me. [more inside]
No cheese for Mother's Day
Help me find a non-cheesy short poem/quote/verse to put inside a Mother's Day card. [more inside]
This American Life episode assisted suicide story?
This American Life filter - relatively recently, (maybe a rebroadcast?) heard part of story re man who assisted his mother to end her life and how he felt - I've searched their archives for mother and for son; can't find it. Also searched AskMefi some, too many hits. Can anyone help?
Books about growing up without a mom
I'm looking for novels for my little cousin about growing up without a mother. [more inside]
How to handle Christmas stay envy?
What's the best way to stand up to my mother about Christmas and to handle her jealousy about our better relationship with my partner's parents? She's determined to make the holiday season into a zero sum game with my partner's mother [more inside]
What to buy Mum for her 65th birthday?
My mum will be 65 on March 18. She can just about buy anything her wee little heart desires. I cannot because money is, well, in short supply. What should I get/buy/do for her birthday? [more inside]