昨日OpenSocial Hackathonに参加させていただきました。agoです。 Hackathonは終わってしまいましたが、jQueryからOpenSocialを簡単に扱うためのPluginを作成したので、jQuery.opensocial_simpleとして公開したいと思います。 opensocial、gadgetsのすべての機能を実装したわけではないですが、owner、viewerの情報取得、外部サイトへの接続はかなり簡単に実装できるようになったと思います。 使い方はjQuery読み込み後、jquery.opensocial_simple.jsを読み込み、$.opensocial_simpleからmethodを呼び出すだけ。 MySpaceアプリの場合以下の形で使用できます。 <script type=" text/javascript"http://api.msappspace
This “export filter” plugin for Adobe Lightroom Classic allows you to strip selected metadata components from images as they are exported. You can use it, for example, to remove the embedded thumbnail and any Lightroom develop-history metadata, while retaining other metadata, such as the exposure settings, lens information, copyright, etc. You can also inject/overwrite certain metadata fields (tit
This plugin for Adobe Lightroom Classic adds many new location-based features to Lightroom, and enhances or replaces some features Lightroom already has, including: Tracklog geoencoding far superior to what's built into Lightroom. Reverse-geoencoding far superior to what's built into Lightroom. Fast full-catalog proximity search. Viewing photos “on location” in Google Earth. Support for viewing ph
This repository is private. All pages are served over SSL and all pushing and pulling is done over SSH. No one may fork, clone, or view it unless they are added as a member. Every repository with this icon () is private. This repository is public. Anyone may fork, clone, or view it. Every repository with this icon () is public.
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Update: The source and install instructions are now located at: http://github.com/mislav/will_paginate We’ve all been paginating for a few months now with will_paginate because it’s such a sweet plugin, but Koz put a call out on Rails Core wondering what the leading pagination plugins are. Somebody tell him to subscribe to Err already. Pagination is getting tossed out of Rails 2.0, so what better