はてなキーワード: disabledとは
増田 "何に"
友達 "North Korea is firing at you"
友達 "I guess we're gonna be disabled from the global internet"
増田 "そうしたらもう本当に終わりだね。どこで知ったの?"
友達 "tor is blocked. proxies are not working. at least, most of them.
but i'm prepared. i got tor, i got proxies. dunno if it will work."
増田 "そうなんだ"
友達 "Portuguese menu for Russian tourists: "We don't service the Russians. Go eat some stones. Bon appetit."
増田 "あー"
友達 "Russians are becoming the worldwide exiles"
増田 "レストランはロシア人とそうでない人の見分けがつくんだろうか"
友達 "I can't even speak Russian in online games anymore.
they don't even care that I don't support the war"
増田 "ははは"
友達 " "Customers with Russian passport are not welcomed in our restaurant. We do understand that "normal" Russians are not responsible for criminal decisions of their government, but we have to do something already. By prohibiting the Russians to come in, we're making our contribution into the free Europe for our children." "
増田 "そう"
友達 "i'm disappointed in reddit"
増田 "何?"
友達 "i read a topic "stop shout abuse at russians"
they said "fuck you, we hated you russians before the war too" "
増田 "そう"
友達 "now i see the true face of the west.
I'm so disappointed...
I'm being witchhunted just because I'm Russian.
How does this differ from what Hitler did"
増田 "国同士なんて仲がいい方が珍しいしそんなもんだよ。今ごろ気がついたの?
友達 "USA talks about "peace in all the world" is a pack of fucking shit.
when they bomb the shit out Yugoslavia, it's legit, it's legal, it's OK, nobody hates americans.
when Russia is in war, every Russian should be burned"
増田 "アメリカは仕方ないね。東京裁判も不当だったみたいだし"
友達 "i'm gonna stick to Asia. I'll learn Chinese and Japanese"(注:このstickをどう訳すべきかわからない)
友達 "I always made a distinction between government and people.
When USA and other countries do some shit, that's the government.
But when usual people say that they hate Russians...
I have to get out of Russia. In that manner, we're even worse than North Korea"
友達 "people who ran from NK are treated well. they're heroes.
but Russian people are not wanted anywhere"
増田 "そう"
友達 "there is information that there's gonna be a martial law in Russia. 5 or 6 of march"
増田 "本当?"
増田 "そうなんだ"
友達 "i'm against killing at all. hide.
友達 "I guess, we're repeating the history of Germany and Japan
増田 "そこそこ良いんじゃない?"
友達 "well, in Russian reality, it'll be worse"
増田 "知らん"
友達 "60% of our people is fucking stupid. they're lazy. they were taught that war is good. that nazis are everywhere around them. that stealing is good. they're corrupted. most of those people was born in USSR"
増田 "そう"
友達 "We have to be our own country, but free. Free of Putin and corruption and violence. Though I do not want to be Russian anymore.I love Russian culture but I hate the government"
増田 "そう"
友達 "people are saying that all Russians are guilty. fucking hypocrits. when USA bombed Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Hiroshima and Nagasaki, nobody seemed to mind.
when the West says: "We're tolerant, we're free, we're not racists", know that they lie"
増田 "そう"
友達 "the only nation that didn't say that all russians are guilty, was Japanese. I've heard that Japanese people think that only Putin is guilty. and not all Russians"
友達 "I've asked a couple of my japanese friends"
増田 "this is.. probably very biased sample actually"(注:増田もたまに英語を使うことがある)
増田 "私が知る限りそのredditのトピックと日本のネットでそこまで雰囲気変わらないと思う。ロシア食品店が襲われて壊されたらしいし"
増田 "ところで他の国の友達にもロシア人についてどう思ってるか聞いたの?"
友達 "they won't even speak to me, most of them"
増田 "あっ"
友達 "if they are affected by public opinion and ready to betray their friends, they're no longer my friends"
増田 "そう"
友達 "in Russia, we have a proverb "You can only find true friends in a trouble" "Друг познаётся в беде" "
増田 "日本語に似たようなことわざがあった気がしたけど今調べたら『昨日の友は今日の敵』しかなかった"
増田 "よかったね。……あ、ウクライナ人の友達は話してくれるんだ"
友達 "we speak. ukrainian friends are still with me. just imagine. the victims of war are still friends with me. and this two-faced West fucks are not"
友達 "those West fuck just love to write hate messages knowing that we can't do anything in return. that they are in comfort. they scream "NO TO WAR", and after that they go to a happy dinner with their families"
増田 "●●さんは本当に自分のことを西洋人とは思ってないんだな"
友達 "maybe i had some sparks of western in me. but now i fucking don't"
増田 "たいていの日本人にとって白人=西洋。私も●●さんに会って話すまではそう思ってた"
友達 "well you know now that it's not"
増田 "うん"
増田 "制裁はロシア国民が政府に反旗を翻すことを目的に行われているらしい"(注:よく調べずに適当なことを言ったので間違ってるかも)
友達 "yes. but it's useless. people won't turn against government. they are zombified by propaganda"
友達 "but there are not too much people. Russia is basically like Hitler's Germany now"
友達 "it's not optimistic at all. russians are being equated to fascists. they don't make the distinction. they say that we all are guilty
増田 "you have to hope you all aren't like german in Traité de Versailles"
友達 "in fact, if I say in Internet that I don't support war, I can go in jail for 15 years"
増田 "それにしてはあのredditのロシア人は普通にプーチン批判や戦争反対を言ってたけど"
友達 "the law came after that post."
増田 "ええっ"
友達 "when they wrote it, it was OK. but now Putin does everything he can to stay in power. they're frantically making new laws. so they can stay in power for a little longer. what happens now is the blackest page in Russia's history. since Russia-Japan war"
友達 "USA always hated Russia. They are using every chance they get to destroy us. if instead of Russia it was Finland or China, attacking Ukraine, they wouldn't do shit about it. we several times tried to have friendly relationships with USA and each time they basically said "Fuck off, Russians". I didn't have any illusions about them before. but now I plainly fucking hate them. Japanese are the best"
増田 "また始まったよ"
友達 "first time was during World War 2 lend-lease they helped us (注: チャットなので文章がところどころ適当になることがある)
we tried to be friends with them after, but they had secret plan to conquer USSR while it's weak. it was cancelled"
友達 "then Cold War, a lot of hating each other. next time we tried to be friends in 90s. "Bush's chicken legs", helping each other"
友達 "USA's bombing of Yugoslavia made us enemies again. since then, we were not friends"
友達 "when that happened, Russian premier Primakov was on the flight to USA. there was gonna be a deal that could help Russia greatly. when Primakov heard about Yugoslavia, he asked his pilot to turn around, back to Moscow, and cancelled that deal. in Russia, it's known as "Primakov's turn" "
増田 "なんでそれで帰るの?"
友達 "he didn't want to work with countries that act like that. it was a war crime"
増田 "プリマコフという人は今の日本ではあまり知られてませんよ。私も今初めて聞きました"
友達 "he's not well known in Russia too :D "
増田 "失脚させられたみたいだからね。こんな政治家について今のロシアで報道されないのは自然だ"
友達 "he's still in government, if i remember correct"
増田 "……
エフゲニー・マクシモヴィチ・プリマコフ(ロシア語: Евгений Максимович Примаков、ラテン文字転写の例:Evgenii Maksimovich Primakov、1929年10月29日 - 2015年6月26日」 "
友達 "ah"
増田 "やっぱりさ、西洋の人たちがロシア人全部を雑に罵倒してくるの仕方ないと思うんだよ"
友達 "meh. fuck them then. i'm not gonna contact them then"
増田 "charmという単語があるでしょう。likable appealという意味だよね"
友達 "you can say it that way, yes"
増田 "でもmagicという意味もある。超自然的で恐ろしくて強いものだ"
増田 "日本語では魅力というけどこの"魅"は実は化け物のこと。
なんでアメリカの空爆のときとロシアの侵略のときで世論が全然違うのか? それはアメリカやウクライナには魅力があるけどロシアやユーゴにはないからだよ。人間にはかわいくもかっこよくもない人々の命より好きな人ひとりのほうが大事なんだ"
友達 "for me, all people are the same. every life is equal. (注:ここでは彼は「生命は尊い」とは言っていないが、普段の態度と前後の文脈からそう思っているのが明らかなので勝手に足しておいた)
death of Yugoslavians person is as tragic as the death of American and other people"
増田 "●●さんはそうでもたいていの人はそうではないからね。だから仕方がないんだ。実のところ私も他人のこと言えないんだよ。だって私もシリアの内戦とかクリミア侵略とか外国のニュースは気にしなかったのに、●●さんに出会ったからってだけでウクライナ侵略ばかり気にしてるからその『西洋人たち』と同じなんだよ。だから、仕方がないと思う"
【原文】The Simon Wiesenthal Center condemns past anti-Semitic jokes as well as reported bullying of disabled individuals, made by Japanese comedian Kentaro Kobayashi, who is the show director of the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics.
【原文】The Nazi regime also gassed Germans with disabilities.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center condemns past anti-Semitic jokes as well as reported bullying of disabled individuals, made by Japanese comedian Kentaro Kobayashi, who is the show director of the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics.
According to Japanese media reports, Kobayashi utilized the mass murder of six million Jews by the Nazis in a script for his comedy act in 1998. In his act, he made malicious and anti-Semitic jokes including “Let’s play Holocaust.” Kobayashi is reported to have made distasteful jokes about disabled individuals.
“Any person, no matter how creative, does not have the right to mock the victims of the Nazi genocide. The Nazi regime also gassed Germans with disabilities. Any association of this person to the Tokyo Olympics would insult the memory of six million Jews and make a cruel mockery of the Paralympics,” stated SWC Associate Dean and Global Social Action Director, Rabbi Abraham Cooper.
"どのような人間であれ、どんなにクリエイティブな人間であろうと、ナチスによる虐殺の被害者を嘲笑する権利はありません。ナチス政権は、障害を持つドイツ人もガスによって殺害しました。どのような形であれ、この人物が東京五輪に関与することは、600万人のユダヤ人についての記憶に対する侮辱であり、パラリンピックに対して残酷に嘲笑することです。"と、ラビ=エイブラハム・クーパー(SWC Associate Dean and Global Social Action Director)は声明を出しました。
Back in the 1990s, when his star was still on the rise, the now 52-year-old Oyamada, in interviews with local music magazines, recalled how he would, among other things, force a mentally-disabled boy to eat his own feces and masturbate in front of other students.
anond:20210718233928 anond:20210718234504 anond:20210719020302 anond:20210719022059
「東京五輪2020の作曲家が障害者の同級生に対する昔のいじめを謝罪("Tokyo 2020 composer apologises for historical bullying of disabled classmates")」2021/7/17(Sat)
東京2020組織委員会は、不適切な発言があったことを知らなかったとしながらも、小山田氏が「インタビュー時の発言を後悔しており、考え直している」と述べました。 また、小山田氏は開会式に「多大な」貢献をしたとし、「高い倫理観を持った人物」として、開会式の最終準備に専念することを期待していると述べました。
英国のデイリー・テレグラフ (The Telegraph)で取り上げられたので話題のひとつとして Resetera にポストされてた
Japanese composer (Cornelius) who abused disabled classmates and forced them to perform sex acts remains involved in Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony
🔴Tokyo Olympics organisers insist they are happy for a Keigo Oyamada to continue as a composer for the opening ceremony despite interviews resurfacing where he described abusing mentally ill classmates.
Fuckでいっぱい ← 残当
That translated article is kind of a sad read, and he definitely didn’t feel an ounce of remorse ← 残当
I'd only believe he really changed if he revealed he spent the last couple decades trying to make things right and using a great deal of his time and money to assist his victims and disabled people in general. ← 一般的にはそうだろうね
Cornelius is an artist I really admired, I am shocked at this. ←ほんこれな。この話はパラリンピック以前から知っては居たけど胸糞&反省なさ過ぎてな。彼の音楽は好きなんだけどね
wooow,, did not know this about Cornelius, disgusted.
And he wasn't even a kid when he blatantly admitted to these things in interview, he was 25 at the time... I feel like tossing a couple songs off my spotify now I feel like tossing a couple songs off my spotify now ← 記事を見た時、ワイもそうした
#Cornelius や #METAFIVE など、多様な音楽を紡いできた #小山田圭吾 さんギター
古くからの #ウォークマン ユーザーでもある小山田さんが、ご自身のリスニングスタイルと音楽専用機に感じている魅力を紹介しますスタジオマイク複数の音符
anond:20210718071328 anond:20210718113849 anond:20210718120209 anond:20210718120548 anond:20210718123324 anond:20210718130753 anond:20210718133951 anond:20210718170015
A creative member of the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony music was found to have been a fierce bullying assailant in the past.
Keigo Oyamada (born 1969) became a creative member of the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony music.
In an interview with a music magazine in the 1990s, He talked about being a perpetrator of bullying as if it were a funny thing.
Interview in the January 1994 issue of the music magazine "Rockin' On Japan 20,000-word interview with Keigo Oyamada"
"Also, the bullying was really bad at my school."
But you said you were the bully.
"Yeah. I bullied him. When I think about it now, it was really awful. I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize (laughs) because I've been bullying him pretty hard."
Did you do something that bad?
"Yes. Yes, it's against the rules of humanity. I would strip them completely naked, wrap a string around them, and make them masturbate. They feed you shit. And backdropping him after he ate shit."
The school he attended was a combination of primary, secondary, high school and university.
The school offers "joint education" where normal children and disabled children are placed in the same class.
A writer who read this interview planned a dialogue between the "bully" and the "bullied", but it did not happen.
It became a personal interview with Keigo Oyamada.
There was a guy named Sawada. He was a very epoch-making guy, and he came to the school when I was in the second grade. It was a shock to the whole school (laughs). When he moved to a new school and introduced himself, he would suddenly say (in a tone that sounded like he had a speech impediment), "I'm Sawada. It's like, "Wow, that's great! Then, on the first day at the new school, I took a dump. It's a felony for elementary school students to take a dump at school, isn't it?
There was a cardboard box or something like that, and I put Sawada in it, tied it all up with duct tape, made air holes in it (laughs), and said, "Hey, Sawada, are you okay? (laughs) Then, with a chalkboard eraser or something, I slapped it around and said, "Poison gas attack! (laughs) Then, I took a blackboard eraser and said, "Poison gas attack! ...? He said something really interesting. I don't know what it was, but he said something like "Mommy" or something like that (laughs), and everyone burst out laughing.
When it comes to his jersey, everyone takes it off, but it's nothing for him to take his dick out, so he just walks around with it out. But he's got a big dick, and it's been that way since elementary school, but in high school it got even bigger (laughs). (laughs) The girls would react to it, so we would take it off on purpose and have him walk down the hallway.
一時期、ネトフリでジョーカー(Joker) 観れるよと推してる増田 (anond:20200709210553) がいたけどジョーカー観た?
彼は日記にこう綴る (日記を書くシーンなので少しずつ日本語字幕が出てくる)、
『普通の人のように してろと』
the worst part about
having a mental illness
people expect
you to behave
as if you
ホアキン・フェニックスの演技が最高だとか、 XXのシーンが映画○○のオマージュ・80年代の描写・美術が素晴らしいとか、
△△の暗喩・社会風刺がとか、どこまでが本当かわからない構成がイカしてる(すべて虚構 ジョークの可能性あり)とか、
[Psychology] Anxiolytic Treatment Impairs Helping Behavior in Rats
[Current Biology] Harm to Others Acts as a Negative Reinforcer in Rats
日本語記事:「誰かを助ける」のに理由はいらない(哺乳類なら):研究結果 (WIRED)
実際、ジョーカーの日記の文でネット検索すると、出てくるでてくる共感の言葉 (もちろん暴力と精神疾患を結びつけるな誤解を招く😡もあったよ)
そして、Quora に出てくる "The worst part of having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don't."Do you agree with this statement?
とまったく同じ文言の質問の山 (その質問は既にありますよの概念は世界中どこにも存在しない)
『理解の無い人たちに、“病いや障害は無い。普通に振る舞え” と言われるか、“クレージー” と言われる』
『彼らは、愛、共感、思いやり で扱われるべき』
どうですか? 映画 ジョーカー(Joker) の 後では、世界は少しは思いやりのある生きやすい場所になった感はありますか?
Quora で、ある元教師いわく、
回避法:AMI (American Megatrends, Inc.) BIOS 設定 のうち Integrated Graphics Devices にある IGD Multi-Monitor を Disabled にしたら、2GB も占有されていたメモリの非利用可能領域が 1GB に減少。そして OS が利用できるメモリ量が 2GB から 3GB に増加。
PCI Express スロットへ nVidia 製のグラフィックボードを装着して拡張、BIOS の優先内蔵デバイス設定も IGD (Integrated Graphic Device の略?) ではなく PEG (PCI Express Graphic Device?)に設定していており、現にWindows OS 上でも拡張ボード側が認識されているのだが。。
スタートメニューから「すべてのプログラム」→「アクセサリ」→「コマンドプロンプト」を右クリックし、「管理者として実行」を選択する。 続いて、「netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled」と入力すればいい。元に戻す場合は「netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal」と入力する。
受信ウィンドウ自動チューニングレベルを調整するには、「netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel={設定値}」と実行します。設定可能な値は下記のとおり。
Mac OSX 10.5.6にて。
GnuCash とかいう家計簿ソフトをインストールしてみたわけだが、起動しない。
[***:~] ***% sudo port install gnucash Password: ---> Fetching gnucash ---> Verifying checksum(s) for gnucash ---> Extracting gnucash ---> Applying patches to gnucash ---> Configuring gnucash ---> Building gnucash ---> Staging gnucash into destroot ---> Installing gnucash @2.2.9_0 ---> Activating gnucash @2.2.9_0 ---> Cleaning gnucash [***:~] ***% gnucash gnc.bin-Message: main: binreloc relocation support was disabled at configure time. Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display "/tmp/launch-6BB0ZT/:0". The application 'gnucash' lost its connection to the display /tmp/launch-6BB0ZT/:0; most likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed the application.
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Ten.XHR.makePostData(opts.data) : null; this.request.send(data); }, getXMLHttpRequest: function() { var xhr; var tryThese = [ function () { return new XMLHttpRequest(); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0'); }, ]; for (var i = 0; i < tryThese.length; i++) { var func = tryThese[i]; try { xhr = func; return func(); } catch (e) { //alert(e); } } return xhr; }, makePostData: function(data) { var pairs = []; var regexp = /%20/g; for (var k in data) { var v = data[k].toString(); var pair = encodeURIComponent(k).replace(regexp,'+') + '=' + encodeURIComponent(v).replace(regexp,'+'); pairs.push(pair); } return pairs.join('&'); } },{ processReqChange: function() { var req = this.request; if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status == 200) { var cb = this.callback; cb.object[cb.method].call(cb.object, req); } else { alert("There was a problem retrieving the XML data:\n" + req.statusText); 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return Ten.Geometry.getMousePosition(this.event); }, isKey: function(name) { var ecode = this.event.keyCode; if (!ecode) return; var ename = Ten.Event.keyMap[ecode]; if (!ename) return; return (ename == name); }, targetIsFormElements: function() { var target = this.event.target; if (!target) return; var T = (target.tagName || '').toUpperCase(); return (T == 'INPUT' || T == 'SELECT' || T == 'OPTION' || T == 'BUTTON' || T == 'TEXTAREA'); }, stop: function() { var e = this.event; if (e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } else { e.cancelBubble = true; e.returnValue = false; } } }); /* Ten.DOM */ Ten.DOM = new Ten.Class({ getElementsByTagAndClassName: function(tagName, className, parent) { if (typeof(parent) == 'undefined') { parent = document; } var children = parent.getElementsByTagName(tagName); if (className) { var elements = []; for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var child = children[i]; var cls = child.className; if (!cls) { continue; } var classNames = cls.split(' '); 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var c = this.constructor; var div = document.createElement('div'); win.appendChild(div); Ten.Style.applyStyle(div, c.containerStyle); this.container = div; if (c.handleStyle) { var handle = document.createElement('div'); Ten.Style.applyStyle(handle, c.handleStyle); win.appendChild(handle); this.handle = handle; } if (c.closeButton) { var btn = document.createElement('img'); btn.src = c.closeButton; btn.alt = 'close'; Ten.Style.applyStyle(btn, c.closeButtonStyle); win.appendChild(btn); new Ten.Observer(btn, 'onclick', this, 'hide'); this.closeButton = btn; } if (c.showScreen) { var screen = document.createElement('div'); Ten.Style.applyStyle(screen, Ten.SubWindow._baseScreenStyle); Ten.Style.applyStyle(screen, c.screenStyle); document.body.appendChild(screen); this.screen = screen; new Ten.Observer(screen, 'onclick', this, 'hide'); } }, show: function(pos) { pos = (pos.x && pos.y) ? pos : {x:0, y:0}; with (this.window.style) { display = 'block'; left = pos.x + 'px'; top = pos.y + 'px'; } if (this.screen) { with (this.screen.style) { display = 'block'; left = Ten.Geometry.getScroll().x + 'px'; top = Ten.Geometry.getScroll().y + 'px'; } } this.windowObserver = new Ten.Observer(document.body, 'onkeypress', this, 'handleEscape'); this.visible = true; }, handleEscape: function(e) { if (!e.isKey('escape')) return; this.hide(); }, hide: function() { if (this._draggable) this._draggable.endDrag(); this.window.style.display = 'none'; if (this.screen) this.screen.style.display = 'none'; if (this.windowObserver) this.windowObserver.stop(); this.visible = false; } }); /* Ten.Draggable */ Ten.Draggable = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(element,handle) { this.element = element; this.handle = handle || element; this.startObserver = new Ten.Observer(this.handle, 'onmousedown', this, 'startDrag'); this.handlers = []; } },{ startDrag: function(e) { if (e.targetIsFormElements()) return; this.delta = Ten.Position.subtract( e.mousePosition(), Ten.Geometry.getElementPosition(this.element) ); this.handlers = [ new Ten.Observer(document, 'onmousemove', this, 'drag'), new Ten.Observer(document, 'onmouseup', this, 'endDrag'), new Ten.Observer(this.element, 'onlosecapture', this, 'endDrag') ]; e.stop(); }, drag: function(e) { var pos = Ten.Position.subtract(e.mousePosition(), this.delta); Ten.Style.applyStyle(this.element, { left: pos.x + 'px', top: pos.y + 'px' }); e.stop(); }, endDrag: function(e) { for (var i = 0; i < this.handlers.length; i++) { this.handlers[i].stop(); } if(e) e.stop(); } }); /* Hatena */ if (typeof(Hatena) == 'undefined') { Hatena = {}; } /* Hatena.User */ Hatena.User = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(name) { this.name = name; }, getProfileIcon: function(name) { if (!name) name = 'user'; var pre = name.match(/^[\w-]{2}/)[0]; var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = 'http://www.hatena.ne.jp/users/' + pre + '/' + name + '/profile_s.gif'; img.alt = name; img.setAttribute('class', 'profile-icon'); img.setAttribute('width','16px'); img.setAttribute('height','16px'); with (img.style) { margin = '0 3px'; border = 'none'; verticalAlign = 'middle'; } return img; } }, { profileIcon: function() { return Hatena.User.getProfileIcon(this.name); } }); /* Hatena.Star */ if (typeof(Hatena.Star) == 'undefined') { Hatena.Star = {}; } /* // Hatena.Star.* classes // **/ if (window.location && window.location.host.match(/hatena\.com/)) { Hatena.Star.BaseURL = 'http://s.hatena.com/'; } else { Hatena.Star.BaseURL = 'http://s.hatena.ne.jp/'; } Hatena.Star.Token = null; /* Hatena.Star.User */ Hatena.Star.User = new Ten.Class({ base: [Hatena.User], initialize: function(name) { if (Hatena.Star.User._cache[name]) { return Hatena.Star.User._cache[name]; } else { this.name = name; Hatena.Star.User._cache[name] = this; return this; } }, _cache: {} },{ userPage: function() { return Hatena.Star.BaseURL + this.name + '/'; } }); /* Hatena.Star.Entry */ Hatena.Star.Entry = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(e) { this.entry = e; this.uri = e.uri; this.title = e.title; this.star_container = e.star_container; this.comment_container = e.comment_container; this.stars = []; this.comments = []; }, maxStarCount: 11 },{ flushStars: function() { this.stars = []; this.star_container.innerHTML = ''; }, bindStarEntry: function(se) { this.starEntry = se; for (var i = 0; i < se.stars.length; i++) { if (typeof(se.stars[i]) == 'number') { this.stars.push(new Hatena.Star.InnerCount(se.stars[i],this)); } else { this.stars.push(new Hatena.Star.Star(se.stars[i])); } } if (se.comments && !this.comments.length) { for (var i = 0; i < se.comments.length; i++) { this.comments.push(new Hatena.Star.Comment(se.comments[i])); } } this.can_comment = se.can_comment; }, setCanComment: function(v) { this.can_comment = v; }, showButtons: function() { this.addAddButton(); this.addCommentButton(); }, addAddButton: function() { if (this.star_container) { this.addButton = new Hatena.Star.AddButton(this); this.star_container.appendChild(this.addButton); } }, addCommentButton: function() { if (this.comment_container) { this.commentButton = new Hatena.Star.CommentButton(this); this.comment_container.appendChild(this.commentButton.img); } }, showStars: function() { var klass = this.constructor; // if (this.stars.length > klass.maxStarCount) { // var ic = new Hatena.Star.InnerCount(this.stars.slice(1,this.stars.length)); // this.star_container.appendChild(this.stars[0]); // this.star_container.appendChild(ic); // this.star_container.appendChild(this.stars[this.stars.length - 1]); // } else { for (var i = 0; i < this.stars.length; i++) { this.star_container.appendChild(this.stars[i]); } }, showCommentButton: function() { if (this.can_comment) { this.commentButton.show(); if (this.comments.length) this.commentButton.activate(); } else { // this.commentButton.hide(); } }, addStar: function(star) { this.stars.push(star); this.star_container.appendChild(star); }, addComment: function(com) { if (!this.comments) this.comments = []; if (this.comments.length == 0) { this.commentButton.activate(); } this.comments.push(com); }, showCommentCount: function() { this.comment_container.innerHTML += this.comments.length; } }); /* Hatena.Star.Button */ Hatena.Star.Button = new Ten.Class({ createButton: function(args) { var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = args.src; img.alt = img.title = args.alt; with (img.style) { cursor = 'pointer'; margin = '0 3px'; padding = '0'; border = 'none'; verticalAlign = 'middle'; } return img; } }); /* Hatena.Star.AddButton */ Hatena.Star.AddButton = new Ten.Class({ base: ['Hatena.Star.Button'], initialize: function(entry) { this.entry = entry; this.lastPosition = null; var img = Hatena.Star.Button.createButton({ src: Hatena.Star.AddButton.ImgSrc, alt: 'Add Star' }); this.observer = new Ten.Observer(img,'onclick',this,'addStar'); this.img = img; return img; }, ImgSrc: Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'images/add.gif' },{ addStar: function(e) { this.lastPosition = e.mousePosition(); var uri = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'star.add.json?uri=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entry.uri) + '&title=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entry.title); if (Hatena.Star.Token) { uri += '&token=' + Hatena.Star.Token; } new Ten.JSONP(uri, this, 'receiveResult'); }, receiveResult: function(args) { var name = args ? args.name : null; if (name) { this.entry.addStar(new Hatena.Star.Star({name: name})); //alert('Succeeded in Adding Star ' + args); } else if (args.errors) { var pos = this.lastPosition; pos.x -= 10; pos.y += 25; var scroll = Ten.Geometry.getScroll(); var scr = new Hatena.Star.AlertScreen(); var alert = args.errors[0]; scr.showAlert(alert, pos); } } }); /* Hatena.Star.CommentButton */ Hatena.Star.CommentButton = new Ten.Class({ base: ['Hatena.Star.Button'], initialize: function(entry) { this.entry = entry; this.lastPosition = null; var img = Hatena.Star.Button.createButton({ src: Hatena.Star.CommentButton.ImgSrc, alt: 'Comments' }); img.style.display = 'none'; this.observer = new Ten.Observer(img,'onclick',this,'showComments'); this.img = img; }, ImgSrc: Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'images/comment.gif', ImgSrcActive: Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'images/comment_active.gif' },{ showComments: function(e) { if (!this.screen) this.screen = new Hatena.Star.CommentScreen(); this.screen.bindEntry(this.entry); var pos = e.mousePosition(); pos.y += 25; this.screen.showComments(this.entry, pos); }, hide: function() { this.img.style.display = 'none'; }, show: function() { this.img.style.display = 'inline'; }, activate: function() { this.show(); this.img.src = Hatena.Star.CommentButton.ImgSrcActive; } }); /* Hatena.Star.Star */ Hatena.Star.Star = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(args) { if (args.img) { this.img = args.img; this.name = this.img.getAttribute('alt'); } else { this.name = args.name; var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = Hatena.Star.Star.ImgSrc; img.alt = this.name; with (img.style) { padding = '0'; border = 'none'; } this.img = img; } new Ten.Observer(this.img,'onmouseover',this,'showName'); new Ten.Observer(this.img,'onmouseout',this,'hideName'); if (this.name) { this.user = new Hatena.Star.User(this.name); this.img.style.cursor = 'pointer'; new Ten.Observer(this.img,'onclick',this,'goToUserPage'); } if (args.count && args.count > 1) { var c = document.createElement('span'); c.setAttribute('class', 'hatena-star-inner-count'); Ten.Style.applyStyle(c, Hatena.Star.InnerCount.style); c.innerHTML = args.count; var s = document.createElement('span'); s.appendChild(img); s.appendChild(c); return s; } else { return this.img; } }, ImgSrc: Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'images/star.gif' },{ showName: function(e) { if (!this.screen) this.screen = new Hatena.Star.NameScreen(); var pos = e.mousePosition(); pos.x += 10; pos.y += 25; this.screen.showName(this.name, pos); }, hideName: function() { if (!this.screen) return; this.screen.hide(); }, goToUserPage: function() { window.location = this.user.userPage(); } }); /* Hatena.Star.InnerCount */ Hatena.Star.InnerCount = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(count, e) { this.count = count; this.entry = e; var c = document.createElement('span'); c.setAttribute('class', 'hatena-star-inner-count'); Ten.Style.applyStyle(c, Hatena.Star.InnerCount.style); c.style.cursor = 'pointer'; c.innerHTML = count; new Ten.Observer(c,'onclick',this,'showInnerStars'); this.container = c; return c; }, style: { color: '#f4b128', fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '80%', fontFamily: '"arial", sans-serif', margin: '0 2px' } },{ showInnerStars: function() { var url = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'entry.json?uri=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entry.uri); new Ten.JSONP(url, this, 'receiveStarEntry'); }, receiveStarEntry: function(res) { var se = res.entries[0]; var e = this.entry; if (encodeURIComponent(se.uri) != encodeURIComponent(e.uri)) return; e.flushStars(); e.bindStarEntry(se); e.addAddButton(); e.showStars(); } }); /* Hatena.Star.Comment */ Hatena.Star.Comment = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(args) { this.name = args.name; this.body = args.body; } },{ asElement: function() { var div = document.createElement('div'); with (div.style) { margin = '0px 0'; padding = '5px 0'; borderBottom = '1px solid #ddd'; } var ico = Hatena.User.getProfileIcon(this.name); div.appendChild(ico); var span = document.createElement('span'); with(span.style) { fontSize = '90%'; } span.innerHTML = this.body; div.appendChild(span); return div; } }); /* Hatena.Star.NameScreen */ Hatena.Star.NameScreen = new Ten.Class({ base: [Ten.SubWindow], style: { padding: '2px', textAlign: 'center' }, containerStyle: { margin: 0, padding: 0 }, handleStyle: null, showScreen: false, closeButton: null, draggable: false },{ showName: function(name, pos) { this.container.innerHTML = ''; this.container.appendChild(Hatena.User.getProfileIcon(name)); this.container.appendChild(document.createTextNode(name)); this.show(pos); } }); /* Hatena.Star.AlertScreen */ Hatena.Star.AlertScreen = new Ten.Class({ base: [Ten.SubWindow], style: { padding: '2px', textAlign: 'center', borderRadius: '6px', MozBorderRadius: '6px', width: '240px', height: '120px' }, handleStyle: { position: 'absolute', top: '0px', left: '0px', backgroundColor: '#f3f3f3', borderBottom: '1px solid #bbb', width: '100%', height: '30px', borderRadius: '6px 6px 0 0', MozBorderRadius: '6px 6px 0 0' } },{ showAlert: function(msg, pos) { this.container.innerHTML = msg; var win = Ten.Geometry.getWindowSize(); var scr = Ten.Geometry.getScroll(); var w = parseInt(this.constructor.style.width) + 20; if (pos.x + w > scr.x + win.w) pos.x = win.w + scr.x - w; this.show(pos); } }); /* Hatena.Star.CommentScreen */ Hatena.Star.CommentScreen = new Ten.Class({ base: [Ten.SubWindow], initialize: function() { var self = this.constructor.SUPER.call(this); if (!self.commentsContainer) self.addCommentsContainer(); return self; }, style: { width: '280px', height: '280px', overflowY: 'auto', padding: '2px', textAlign: 'center', borderRadius: '6px', MozBorderRadius: '6px' }, handleStyle: { position: 'absolute', top: '0px', left: '0px', backgroundColor: '#f3f3f3', borderBottom: '1px solid #bbb', width: '100%', height: '30px', borderRadius: '6px 6px 0 0', MozBorderRadius: '6px 6px 0 0' }, containerStyle: { margin: '32px 0 0 0', textAlign: 'left', padding: '0 10px' }, getLoadImage: function() { var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'images/load.gif'; img.setAttribute('alt', 'Loading'); with (img.style) { verticalAlign = 'middle'; margin = '0 2px'; } return img; } },{ addCommentsContainer: function() { var div = document.createElement('div'); with (div.style) { marginTop = '-3px'; } this.container.appendChild(div); this.commentsContainer = div; }, showComments: function(e, pos) { var comments = e.comments; if (!comments) comments = []; this.commentsContainer.innerHTML = ''; for (var i=0; i<comments.length; i++) { this.commentsContainer.appendChild(comments[i].asElement()); } if (e.starEntry && !e.can_comment) { this.hideCommentForm(); } else { this.addCommentForm(); } var win = Ten.Geometry.getWindowSize(); var scr = Ten.Geometry.getScroll(); var w = parseInt(this.constructor.style.width) + 20; if (pos.x + w > scr.x + win.w) pos.x = win.w + scr.x - w; this.show(pos); }, bindEntry: function(e) { this.entry = e; }, sendComment: function(e) { if (!e.isKey('enter')) return; var body = this.commentInput.value; if (!body) return; this.commentInput.disabled = 'true'; this.showLoadImage(); var url = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'comment.add.json?body=' + encodeURIComponent(body) + '&uri=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entry.uri) + '&title=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entry.title); new Ten.JSONP(url, this, 'receiveResult'); }, receiveResult: function(args) { if (!args.name || !args.body) return; this.commentInput.value = ''; this.commentInput.disabled = ''; this.hideLoadImage(); var com = new Hatena.Star.Comment(args); this.entry.addComment(com); this.commentsContainer.appendChild(com.asElement()); }, showLoadImage: function() { if (!this.loadImage) return; this.loadImage.style.display = 'inline'; }, hideLoadImage: function() { if (!this.loadImage) return; this.loadImage.style.display = 'none'; }, hideCommentForm: function() { if (!this.commentForm) return; this.commentForm.style.display = 'none'; }, addCommentForm: function() { if (this.commentForm) { this.commentForm.style.display = 'block'; return; } var form = document.createElement('div'); this.container.appendChild(form); this.commentForm = form; with (form.style) { margin = '0px 0'; padding = '5px 0'; // borderTop = '1px solid #ddd'; } //if (Hatena.Visitor) { // form.appendChild(Hatena.Visitor.profileIcon()); //} else { // form.appendChild(Hatena.User.getProfileIcon()); //} var input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'text'; with (input.style) { width = '215px'; border = '1px solid #bbb'; padding = '3px'; } form.appendChild(input); this.commentInput = input; var img = this.constructor.getLoadImage(); this.loadImage = img; this.hideLoadImage(); form.appendChild(img); new Ten.Observer(input,'onkeypress',this,'sendComment'); } }); /* Hatena.Star.EntryLoader */ Hatena.Star.EntryLoader = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function() { var entries = Hatena.Star.EntryLoader.loadEntries(); this.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { var e = new Hatena.Star.Entry(entries[i]); e.showButtons(); this.entries.push(e); } this.getStarEntries(); }, createStarContainer: function() { var sc = document.createElement('span'); sc.setAttribute('class', 'hatena-star-star-container'); sc.style.marginLeft = '1px'; return sc; }, createCommentContainer: function() { var cc = document.createElement('span'); cc.setAttribute('class', 'hatena-star-comment-container'); cc.style.marginLeft = '1px'; return cc; }, scrapeTitle: function(node) { var rval = []; (function (node) { if (node.tagName == 'SPAN' && (node.className == 'sanchor' || node.className == 'timestamp')) { return; } else if (node.nodeType == 3 && !/\S/.test(node.nodeValue)) { return; } var cn = node.childNodes; if (cn) { for (var i = 0; i < cn.length; i++) { arguments.callee.call(this, cn[i]); } } var nodeValue = node.nodeValue; if (typeof(nodeValue) == 'string') { rval.push(nodeValue); } })(node); return rval.join(''); }, headerTagAndClassName: ['h3',null], getHeaders: function() { var t = Hatena.Star.EntryLoader.headerTagAndClassName; return Ten.DOM.getElementsByTagAndClassName(t[0],t[1],document); }, loadEntries: function() { var entries = []; //var headers = document.getElementsByTagName('h3'); var c = Hatena.Star.EntryLoader; var headers = c.getHeaders(); for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { var header = headers[i]; var a = header.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; if (!a) continue; var uri = a.href; var title = ''; // Ten.DOM.removeEmptyTextNodes(header); var cns = header.childNodes; title = c.scrapeTitle(header); var cc = c.createCommentContainer(); header.appendChild(cc); var sc = c.createStarContainer(); header.appendChild(sc); entries.push({ uri: uri, title: title, star_container: sc, comment_container: cc }); } return entries; } },{ getStarEntries: function() { var url = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'entries.json?'; for (var i = 0; i < this.entries.length; i++) { if (url.length > Ten.JSONP.MaxBytes) { new Ten.JSONP(url, this, 'receiveStarEntries'); url = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'entries.json?'; } url += 'uri=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entries[i].uri) + '&'; } new Ten.JSONP(url, this, 'receiveStarEntries'); }, receiveStarEntries: function(res) { var entries = res.entries; if (!entries) entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.entries.length; i++) { var e = this.entries[i]; for (var j = 0; j < entries.length; j++) { var se = entries[j]; if (!se.uri) continue; if (encodeURIComponent(se.uri) == encodeURIComponent(e.uri)) { e.bindStarEntry(se); entries.splice(j,1); break; } } if (typeof(e.can_comment) == 'undefined') { e.setCanComment(res.can_comment); } e.showStars(); e.showCommentButton(); } } }); /* Hatena.Star.WindowObserver */ Hatena.Star.WindowObserver = new Ten.Class({ initialize: funct
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