5 posts tagged with php by twine42.
Displaying 1 through 5 of 5.

Does php fork standalone mysql queries or wait for them?

How does PHP handle mysql requests (in regard to time and 'forking') [more inside]
posted by twine42 on Oct 16, 2009 - 4 answers

Regex crisis...

Regular Expressions / PHP preg_replace problem. Can this be made to work...? [more inside]
posted by twine42 on Oct 30, 2008 - 13 answers

Why aren't my php files caching locally?

Why aren't my php files caching locally? [more inside]
posted by twine42 on Jul 4, 2007 - 6 answers

Learning classes in PHP

Can you point me in the right direction for good tutorials on using classes in PHP? [more inside]
posted by twine42 on Jul 18, 2006 - 2 answers


myPHPadmin : I'm trying to get it to run an line of MySQL and it's complaining. Anyone got any thoughts? [MI] [more inside]
posted by twine42 on Nov 4, 2004 - 8 answers

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