37 posts tagged with php and apache.
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What is the best back end approach for a my e-bay polling web service?

Is running regular wget cron jobs every few minutes the best way to automate scanning the ebay api for batches of searches? [more inside]
posted by Jezztek on Feb 28, 2015 - 5 answers

Is my apache/php server being hacked?

I have a simple php script. A few times a day, some user has reported that he is seeing the php source code. I can't reproduce it. But I was able to see the source as it appeared on their screen, and there is a weird anomaly. [more inside]
posted by peter_meta_kbd on Aug 27, 2012 - 15 answers

Block browser access to files on server

How can I block browser access to MP3 files, yet allow streaming? [more inside]
posted by ascetic on Feb 24, 2012 - 4 answers

What other strategies are there for seeing CPU bottlenecks in a large PHP application?

How can I track down the cause of periodic spikes in CPU usage caused by a plugin-bloated WordPress install on a LAMP server? [more inside]
posted by cowbellemoo on Dec 5, 2011 - 5 answers

Server security: creating separate silos for applications & hashing passwords help

Can you help me understand how to approach a couple issues of server security. (1) I want to run things in 'silos', so that if someone from the web has hacked and has code level access to example.com/blog they can't query the db of example.com/app (2) If they do get access to a user database, how do I make it harder for them to figure out passwords (beyond just storing them as md5)? [more inside]
posted by the mad poster! on Nov 16, 2011 - 13 answers

Bizarre Apache/PHP issue.

I have a really weird Apache/PHP problem. Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Server, fairly typical webhosting setup. One of our sites returns 404s randomly through the day, typically late at night, but sometimes in the morning. It'll do this for an hour or two and then start working all on it's own. The other sites are fine. [more inside]
posted by signalnine on Jan 29, 2011 - 9 answers

XAMPP: how to configure Apache for PHP

I'm using XAMPP, but my PHP isn't working. I think it's an issue with Apache. How do I reconfigure it so it actually recognizes my PHP? [more inside]
posted by randomname25 on Oct 15, 2010 - 13 answers

How to make a local apache (joomla) site live on a windows 2003 server by assigning an ip address.

How to make a local apache (joomla) site live on a windows 2003 server by assigning an ip address. [more inside]
posted by therubettes on May 20, 2010 - 26 answers

a server most erroneous

My site crashed with a 500 - server error after accruing a 2GB+ error log filled with "unable to load dynamic library'. Help me figure out the cause. [more inside]
posted by Jezztek on Feb 22, 2010 - 3 answers

3-5 days and good programming skills. I wanna build something cool!

I have 3-5 days (starting tomorrow!) in which I'm off from work, and have really nothing planned. As a developer geek in a crappy economy, I'm looking at looming unemployment and/or the start of a freelance career in the very near future. I want to this time making "something" that I can use in my portfolio to show potential employers/clients. What on earth can I build? [more inside]
posted by cgg on Aug 4, 2009 - 8 answers

I thought WAMPserver was, like, for idiots. I feel like an idiot so why doesn't it work?

I am following a tutorial on how to install WAMPserver and Wordpress on my Windows machine to kickstart my learning of CM systems and PHP. A crucial component won't install and I don't know nuthin' about how to fix the problem. [more inside]
posted by Foam Pants on Jul 21, 2009 - 6 answers

How do I keep sneaky website users from accessing files directly?

How do I keep sneaky website users from accessing files directly? [more inside]
posted by jpoulos on Apr 6, 2009 - 6 answers

Local Apache server + public wireless = problem?

I have a new EeePC 1000HE with Windows XP, which I want to use for both web development and casual web browsing. Are there security issues with installing Apache and PHP on a machine that is also used to access public wireless internet? If so, what steps can I take to make my netbook more secure?
posted by oulipian on Apr 5, 2009 - 5 answers


After working in a mostly LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) environment the last few years, I need to make a quick switch to WISA (Windows, IIS, MS SQL, ASP). [more inside]
posted by gringoese on May 18, 2008 - 4 answers

Book 'em Danno

Suggest an offline booking system, no wait... Suggest a one-click WAMP solution, no wait... Flash and flat files mebbe? [more inside]
posted by Iteki on May 17, 2008 - 1 answer

How can I run a web server on OS X without admin access?

How can I run a web server on OS X without admin access? [more inside]
posted by AmbroseChapel on Feb 20, 2008 - 14 answers

Installing MediaWiki on XP with an Existing Apache Webserver

MediaWiki install: Apache, MySQL, & PHP already on my machine? [more inside]
posted by jjsonp on Jan 4, 2008 - 5 answers

How do I send out automated emails from my new website without being marked as a spammer?

I have an idea for yet another hairbrained social networking website (which paradoxically might hit it big :-) ). I've coded most of it up on a linux server using apache, php, mysql at softlayer.com. The hostname is registered at godaddy (which I can change if desirable). What's the minimum I need to do the following (I'd rather work on the website application logic and learn as little as possible about mail server administration for now): [more inside]
posted by realpseudonym on Oct 23, 2007 - 8 answers

Apache 2, VirtualHost, Alias, PHP

Apache 2, VirtualHost directives, Alias, PHP's DOCUMENT_ROOT variable - confusion! [more inside]
posted by xmutex on Oct 3, 2007 - 2 answers

Sending E-mails with PHP

How do I get PHP to send an e-mail. Is there a way to do it without recompiling PHP/Apache. If not, how do I recompile PHP/Apache on a linux system to do this? [more inside]
posted by kaozity on Aug 7, 2007 - 11 answers

Other frameworks akin to Ruby on Rails?

What are the best database-driven Web application development frameworks out there right now? More specifically, please orient me to toolsets you know of that are similar to Ruby on Rails. [more inside]
posted by killdevil on Jul 6, 2007 - 17 answers

name this bug

Why doesn't this code from O'Reilly's PHP and MySQL work for me? [more inside]
posted by Tuwa on Jun 16, 2007 - 16 answers

Mac Php problems

I messed up an Apache 2/PHP installation of my Mac OX 10.4, and need help figuring out what to do next [more inside]
posted by dvjtj on Jun 4, 2006 - 7 answers

Algorithm performance and throttling in PHP/Apache

Efficient string array comparisons in PHP, and a question about Apache and PHP performance... [more inside]
posted by Mr. Six on May 13, 2006 - 16 answers

Equivalent of CDOSYS with Apache?

Although I've created sites hosted on Apache servers before, I've never had to take form results from a page and send them to a specific email (i.e. a standard form request) with Apache/PHP. Done it many times with CDONTS/CDOSYS or similar mail objects. Is there an equivalent object with Apache? I can't get an answer from the host provider (yet.)
posted by juiceCake on May 12, 2006 - 6 answers

mysterious new cookie conspiracy?

What are these __utma/b/z cookies that are suddenly spewing from all sorts of websites? [more inside]
posted by intermod on Nov 20, 2005 - 9 answers

Uses for a Linux box?

What are some fun/practical uses for a PII-333 Linux machine? [more inside]
posted by ori on Oct 26, 2005 - 11 answers

Refresh vs. Form Re-submission

Form re-submission woes! How can I catch page refreshes and prevent form values from being re-submitted? [more inside]
posted by purephase on Sep 16, 2005 - 9 answers

AMP + WordPress on Windows XP?

Heh. I am in the strange position of being far more capable of managing Unix/Linux/OS X than I am Windows XP, and, for development purposes, I'd like to install WordPress on my Windows box. [more inside]
posted by xyzzy on Jun 6, 2005 - 4 answers

Linux server with GUI

Free server-oriented Linux distribution with GUI config tools? [more inside]
posted by Mwongozi on Mar 21, 2005 - 4 answers

Database-driven web sites using using Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, etc?

I know how to make database-driven web sites using Windows servers, Access, IIS, and ASP.

I want to learn how to do the same using Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, and... whatever you use instead of Access.

Where do I start?
posted by Mwongozi on Dec 10, 2004 - 16 answers

MySQL, Apache, and PHP aren't talking, but they should already be talking

MySQL, Apache, and PHP:
I can pull a phpinfo and it says that both mysql and dbx functions are compiled in and enabled, but when I run mysql_connect or dbx_connect, it can't connect. Apache and PHP work together and I can get into MySQL and do stuff via client. How can I make them talk when everything else I have says that they should already be talking? [more inside]
posted by SpecialK on Nov 15, 2004 - 16 answers

Managing JAlbum

I know, I know -- not another web photogallery AskMe question, but: I've actually settled on the gallery itself. I'm using JAlbum. Having made the choice, though, I'm left with two questions:

1. JAlbum makes nice galleries, but doesn't create a top-level index page. (I could hand-code it, but my wife will be doing most of the updating and I don't want her to have to go mucking around in HTML.) The easiest solution, I'd think, would be just to reformat the directory listing into something attractive -- all I really need to communicate to the user is descriptive folder names and upload dates, but I'd prefer to make something more handsome than the standard Apache page. Can anyone recommend a particular PHP file system manager or other solution?

2. JAlbum's auto upload is ridiculously slow -- better just to FTP it. When JAblum makes a gallery, though, it includes a lot of stuff I'm not using -- icon sets, borders, etc. It's not a ton of space, but I'm going to uploading a lot of these galleries, and it'll add up. Is there a programmatic way I can stop JAlbum from including all this, instead of weeding it out before each upload? (I'm using the BluPlusPlus skin.)
posted by blueshammer on Sep 5, 2004 - 1 answer

What's your favorite WAMP installer and why?

What's your favorite WAMP installer? (and, of course ,why?)
posted by signal on Jul 19, 2004 - 4 answers

Tomcat woes

I have Apache 2.0 running. I can easily set stuff up like mod_perl and PHP. I want to start developing w/ Java and I want to run servlets and Tomcat scares me. Does it run under Apache? Seperate from Apache? Any info appreciated.
posted by xmutex on Jun 23, 2004 - 5 answers

Is it difficult to change to LAMP/Java from ASP/.NET? Is the open source thing really sticking?

I have been looking at changing my web development focus from Windows/ASP/.NET to LAMP(Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl) because my gut is telling me that this is where things are going. Oh, Java should be in there as well.

What's the skinny on LAMP in the real world (Netcraft surveys aside)? Is it difficult to change to LAMP/Java? Is the open source thing really sticking?
posted by grefo on Jan 9, 2004 - 14 answers

Has anyone installed MySQL from Server Logistics? Any other suggestions?

I'm new to Mac OS X's command line and a little nervous about using it to install Mysql. After doing some research on the net I found what might be an alternative: installing Apache2, PHP4 and Mysql from Server Logistics . The post claims that by also installing one of the Barebones text editors and Tinkertool I could avoid having to use the command line altogether. It was also suggested that the Server Logistics Complete Packages are more powerful versions of Apache and Php than apple ships (I'm on Panther). Has anyone done an install this way? Any other suggestions? Should I just get over it and use the damn command line?
posted by btwillig on Dec 16, 2003 - 13 answers

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