6 posts tagged with covid by eirias.
Displaying 1 through 6 of 6.

At-home molecular testing

I seem to remember someone here recommending a tabletop at-home device for Covid testing (maybe NAAT?) that’s approved in the European market but not in the US. Can someone here remind me? [more inside]
posted by eirias on Nov 12, 2024 - 15 answers

Graceful communication in covid times

As every reader of Miss Manners knows, it's rude to point out the rudeness of others. But what about when someone is being pandemically rude? [more inside]
posted by eirias on Oct 10, 2020 - 21 answers

School choice during COVID: US edition

I'm trying to decide whether to put my third-grader in in-person school this fall part-time, or keep her at home for the school's fully-virtual option. Both are feasible for us logistically. How are MeFites thinking through this decision for their own families? What features should "safer school"* have? What epidemiological guideposts are you using to decide how much community spread is too much -- and at what level (county or state)? [more inside]
posted by eirias on Jul 31, 2020 - 21 answers

Community during COVID-19

The pandemic has made my social world suddenly smaller, a thing I think is probably true for many of us. My household has found ways to keep one on one connections alive through video chats and postcards and whatnot. As I look to summer and fall, with neighborhood festivals canceled and school still up in the air, I’m wondering what can be done for maintaining the sort of weak-tie connections that make a community feel like home. [more inside]
posted by eirias on Jun 12, 2020 - 4 answers

Summer camp during pandemic?

I'm trying to figure out what I want to do about summer camp for Little eirias (7). Would you send your kid to a day camp during a pandemic? What would you be thinking about? [more inside]
posted by eirias on May 17, 2020 - 18 answers

Of clogged drains and COVID-19

Our sink drain is clogged. Plunging it didn't work. Snaking it didn't work. In normal times, we would call a plumber at this point. However, my husband was exposed to COVID two weeks ago, and every family member has had a mild fever and dry cough over the last week. What do we do now? [more inside]
posted by eirias on Mar 24, 2020 - 17 answers

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