18 posts tagged with covid and NYC.
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Tracking down Paxlovid in NYC

My partner has Covid and is feeling very sick. His doctor prescribed Paxlovid, but none of our regular pharmacies seem to have it in stock. If you've recently had Covid in NYC, can you recommend a pharmacy to try? Or, if you know of another route, I'd be interested in that as well—some kind of overnight mail situation maybe?
posted by Mender on Jan 10, 2024 - 7 answers

NYCfilter: Recs for Indoor spaced/ventilated/high-ceilinged restaurants?

Looking for Reccs for New York City, Indoor, Covid Safe-er restaurants now cold is upon us? Including but not limited to large spacing between tables/High-ceilings/exceptional ventilation + not crowded?. [more inside]
posted by lalochezia on Oct 6, 2022 - 3 answers

COVID wedding etiquette in NYC

Mrs. Gefilte and I are invited to a family wedding in Manhattan in a few weeks. We haven't been to the US since the onset of COVID, and with all that's changed in the last two years, we're feeling a little unsure about how best to proceed. Enlighten us, o NYC Mefites! [more inside]
posted by greatgefilte on Apr 10, 2022 - 23 answers

Help me find an apartment cleaner in NYC for my immunocompromised parent

My parents live in apartment in downtown Manhattan near Union Square (I live in Atlanta). They are mobile but limited, and my mom has Lymphoma (a slow developing one that is not much of an impediment at this point). I would like to get them some help keeping their place clean (and doing their laundry which is in-building). Cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms and vacumming. Obviously whoever goes there will need to be extra careful with safety and testing. Might anyone have a recommendation for me?
posted by softlord on Jan 4, 2022 - 2 answers

A friend in Brooklyn has Covid, what can I order to have sent to her?

A friend in Brooklyn has been diagnosed with Covid and will be isolating in her apartment for the next 10 days. What nice and useful thing could I have delivered to her house? Preferably something local. She lives in Prospect Lefferts Gardens.
posted by Kattullus on Dec 26, 2021 - 13 answers

yet another should we...? covid NYC edition

my parents, fully vaxxed and boosted 60 and 63 year old parents are entirely undeterred from their plan to drive from illinois to NYC for a holiday visit with me in New York City, where the hottest club right now is the line for covid tests. [more inside]
posted by wowenthusiast on Dec 18, 2021 - 23 answers

Where to eat (possibly take out) in NYC, UWS to NYP?

As noted in my last question, I will be on the UWS in NYC this weekend and will depart via Amtrak at NYP. I'd like to eat before my 7pm train. I don't plan on eating inside, including any of the semi-enclosed outdoor dining "sheds." Patio or takeaway required. There are a million options, of course, but do you have anyplace you'd recommend in particular at this point in 2021? Any cuisine is good! [more inside]
posted by Admiral Haddock on Sep 27, 2021 - 5 answers

NYC in the Time of COVID

Visiting NYC in July, and I'm curious what my options are for stuff to do during this bizarre historical moment. [more inside]
posted by xenization on Jun 30, 2021 - 13 answers

Gallery of NYC vaccination stickers

It seems like many of the city and state-run vaccination sites in New York City have their own custom stickers. Is there an online gallery somewhere where I can see all the sticker varieties? [more inside]
posted by Fuego on Apr 26, 2021 - 3 answers

What happens after a positive covid test in NYC?

Months and months ago I saw (I think on twitter) a list of what the city and state governments did and made available after someone got a positive covid test in NYC. It might have been by a NYC politician? It was a list of public health actions and individual supports. Do you know the twitter thread I'm talking about or have some other description of the public health actions and individual supports available after someone tests positive for covid in NYC? [more inside]
posted by congen on Mar 24, 2021 - 1 answer

My friends lied and got the covid vaccine. How bogus is their excuse?

My longtime friends live in NYC. They went to a vaccine center and lied on a form. They claimed to have comorbidities when they do not. They both got the covid vaccine. They defended themselves by saying there are plenty of available vaccine appointments in pharmacies throughout NYC. As a result, they claim that they didn't take vaccine away from anyone. This seems obviously illogical to me, since they were not in the next tranche of eligible people. How do I gauge whether they were knowingly selfish, versus had genuinely convinced themselves that their action was harmless? [more inside]
posted by sandwich on Mar 14, 2021 - 105 answers

Where to live in COVID-era NYC with toddlers?

We’re thinking of moving back to NYC to be closer to my parents but are having trouble picturing life in the city during COVID. Where are some better places to live within NYC from a COVID perspective--with very young kids? [more inside]
posted by saltypup on Nov 3, 2020 - 14 answers

What can Thanksgiving look like in 2020?

We normally do a short car trip to have Thanksgiving with our family but because of various COVID reasons, it might not make sense in 2020. What else could Thanksgiving look like? What are you planning to do? [more inside]
posted by neematoad on Sep 8, 2020 - 19 answers

COVID friendly novel experiences / artist dates?

lockdown (amongst many, many other things) has been getting to me -- novelty and excitement revives me and makes me happy. all my old favorite things to do are off limits because of covid -- do you have ideas for bringing in novelty within limits? [more inside]
posted by lightgray on Aug 21, 2020 - 16 answers

I need to pack + move out of my NYC apartment... from 3,000 miles away

I'm a mid-twenties student at a university in Manhattan who left the city to visit my parents in California "for spring break" back in March. Long story short, it's now August and I've recently decided that I won't be returning to my apartment as I had initially planned - instead, I'll be staying with my parents in my childhood home through at least this upcoming new year. Unfortunately, I left some valuable stuff behind in my bedroom (along with some generally-personal items) and I'm at a bit of a loss as to how I should best proceed from here. [more inside]
posted by second banana on Aug 5, 2020 - 24 answers

How to get plates fast in New York for a Craigslist private-sale car?

The DMV is only taking drop-off and mail-in registrations for new car purchases, because of COVID. I didn't realize the turnaround for them to mail the plates is ten days. Does anyone know any workarounds for this? We have non-negotiable plans to take care of family out of state sooner than that, and I could sure use some help. [more inside]
posted by mahorn on Jun 22, 2020 - 4 answers

COVID-19 Economic Depression: How to deal?

How can we prepare for and mitigate the effects of economic depression as residents of a major US city (NYC)? [more inside]
posted by lalochezia on May 8, 2020 - 9 answers

my current subletter in nyc has ghosted me - what should i do?

my subletter was supposed to sublet my nyc apartment until june - i haven't heard from him since covid started, and haven't gotten the rent for march. i know he works at a cafe that's probably shut down now and that his parents have been helping him with the rent. things have been a little haphazard this whole time, but now he's not responding to texts/calls/emails at all. i'm worried and am not sure what to do! more details below... [more inside]
posted by lightgray on Mar 24, 2020 - 3 answers

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