845 posts tagged with covid.
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What’s the longest someone has tested positive on home antigen test?
How long can you test positive on a home antigen covid test (aka rapid test)? A nurse told me that people can still test positive on home antigen tests for three months (and it not be a new infection, and not be contagious) - that’s certainly true of PCR tests, but I had not heard that about home antigen tests before. Could you direct me to factual medical citations or tell me your relevant direct personal experience if you continued testing positive on home antigen tests for two weeks or more (with it clearly being the same covid infection, not testing positive again a few weeks later after symptoms had gone away and while not testing in the mean time, where that is more likely to have been a new infection)? [more inside]
Covid in a storm
I was looking at the FDA sheets to see if my covid tests were expired, but the most recent tests listed expired in April. Mine expired 10-31-2024. [more inside]
Questions re Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic
"After a 2-year investigation, The Republican-led Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (a House of Representatives committee investigating the COVID-19 pandemic) has released a wide-ranging final report criticizing the actions of several U.S. science agencies and concluding that SARS-CoV-2 did not originate naturally, as many scientists think, but likely leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China."
- from www.science.org 12/3/2024 - [more inside]
looking for advice about how often to get the covid vaccine
specifics within, but what it says on the tin. once a year? twice a year? [more inside]
Long COVID Treatment/Studies
My parents have severe long COVID and no energy to fight for treatment. I am desperate to find something that would give them just a little relief, especially because my mom was already somewhat informed prior to catching COVID. Help? [more inside]
Do I need to isolate from my wife who's recovering from COVID?
I've been away on a work trip since Saturday, and my wife tested positive on Sunday morning, with symptoms starting Saturday night. I've so far tested negative, somehow. I'm heading home today and my wife is still testing positive, though the line on the test is fainter, and is still symptomatic. [more inside]
At-home molecular testing
I seem to remember someone here recommending a tabletop at-home device for Covid testing (maybe NAAT?) that’s approved in the European market but not in the US. Can someone here remind me? [more inside]
Did you go back to the gym after vaccines became available? How goes it?
So I have not been to the gym since late February 2020. Although I bike and do some stretching at home, I am significantly, significantly weaker and less fit. I am considering going back to the gym but also could be talked out of it. What is your experience? [more inside]
I had covid, but the test still comes up positive. Can I go out?
I had covid and was only mildly sick for a few days. Now I feel completely back to normal, but the rapid antigen tests are still showing as positive. Can I leave my apartment and see others?
One of my close friends is immunocompromised. Should I avoid hanging out with her?
Would simply wearing a mask everywhere be the solution?
Dealing with doomers
In the past few years, several people in my community have taken a pretty hard turn into leftist doomerism. Looking for advice on dealing with them (and with doomerism in general) [more inside]
When does protection from covid kick in if I get vaccinated tomorrow?
If I get the new covid vaccine tomorrow, will it be active in time to protect me for my plane trip on Wednesday or Thursday (I haven’t bought the plane tickets yet)? [more inside]
Paxlovid, metformin, etc.
What's the latest thinking on what to do if you get COVID to reduce the risk of long COVID? Everyone around me is getting covid in this latest surge and I want to have info to give them. In particular, is paxlovid or metformin better for preventing long COVID? And are there other supplements etc. that I should recommend that they take?
Overseas work trip tomorrow and I have cold symptoms – should I go?
My workplace does twice yearly team-building workshops that require us to travel internationally (a six-hour flight) and stay in a hotel for approximately one week. I'm supposed to fly out to the next one tomorrow, and yesterday I started feeling some minor cold symptoms. I have done two RATs for COVID that are both negative. However, on Wednesday night I attended an event which has turned out to be something of a COVID super-spreader with at least 4 people I know of testing positive for COVID since then (they were all likely positive at the event and I had close contact with at least one of them). [more inside]
COVID rebound? Am I contagious still? again? or not?
I have COVID. [more inside]
What's the latest information on COVID exposure-to-contagious timeline?
If person A is exposed on Day 0 and tests positive on day 4, when would person A likely become contagious and when would person B, who was exposed to person A on Days 1-4, likely become contagious? If the information is available on the CDC website I couldn't find it, and I don't know what sites are trustworthy anymore...everything the CDC has related to that seems to be archived. [more inside]
Examples of Covid policy based on wastewater surveillance.
In the US, we have a wastewater surveillance program. Many states give easy access to local levels and historical data, e.g. Illinois. I would like to see any examples of adaptive public health policy that is set to change based on current wastewater levels. [more inside]
COVID rapid antigen tests and infectivity
I could use some help interpreting inconsistent COVID rapid antigen test results and determining what my behavior should be in response. [more inside]
Covid v3.0: how to pass time with tween?
So we are on round 3 of covid here, with my 12 yr old just testing positive. I feel like this question has been asked a million times, but I need some ideas for what to do while stuck at home. We’re already kind of burnt out on screens because we stopped activities/friends a few days ago after dad came down with it. Ideas on how to pass the time? We’re going to have to cancel a trip to Disney so sucks all around.
Exercise after COVID, for amateur athletes?
I’ve read all the articles, medical advice, talked to my doctor and the advice (maybe slightly outdated now) is to wait at least 10 days to start exercising again and increase difficulty gradually. Thats what I’m planning to do. What was your experience of getting back to it? [more inside]
Recommend Chicago eye exam/glasses place that has COVID precautions?
I am way overdue for an updated prescription, but I'm NOT super excited about putting my face up against cushions and on surfaces where a bunch of other people just did the same. Beyond that, I don't know where to start, since it seems everything's a chain store. [more inside]
WWYD - covid antiviral in immunocompromised people question
YANMY. TINMA. I have covid and was prescribed Lagevrio but I am hesitant to take it based on my specific situation and could use hive mind opinions. If you were in this situation how would you make this decision? [more inside]
Self-employed tax credits for sick and family leave during Covid?
A freelancer friend just told me about a relatively unknown Covid-era tax credit that may be still available to folks like us. I'm wondering if this it worth pursuing. [more inside]
Still Covid-positive on home antigen tests on Day 20
I’ve heard people can test positive for weeks or months, but that seems to be on PCR tests, and/or people with underlying health issues or who had severe symptoms. It seems unusual for someone like me. Is it? What might it mean? Data and anecdata both welcome. [more inside]
Deciding whether to take Paxlovid
Just tested positive for Covid for the first time. I'm deciding about Paxlovid and want to know whether it decreases my risk for the particular concern I have. Also would like any other advice about how to come out of this fully healthy. [more inside]
Avoiding Covid after exposure
I learned this morning that I had my closest known Covid exposure yet on Tuesday night. I'm testing negative and have no symptoms. What can I do now that might help my husband and me keep it that way? I'd love specifics on whether and how to do DIY saline gargles/rinses, a reliable source for Enovid if it's advisable, scientifically-sound supplements or vitamins that at least don't hurt, etc. [more inside]
Unhinged covid theories
I'd appreciate being pointed to some non-crazy looks at some specific crazy covid theories, or just some basic facts that are fairly robust. Details inside! [more inside]
Help me rip the mask off: Immunocompromised 2024
I need to rip the mask off: I need a quick peace of mind (or not) on Covid risk and apparently remedial Covid education 2024 edition [more inside]
N95 mask for 2024 - larger face
I am searching for an N95 mask (no KN95s) that will fit my fat, long face. I don't have a great big head; it's just my face is fat, and the distance from the bridge of my nose to below my chin seems to be a problem for many masks (I have a big nose for a small woman). I am hoping that someone out there has the answer for me. No earloops, please - just the double-headband ones. [more inside]
Is this paper shady or were the things the paper talk about shady?
Currently having trouble making sense of this paper I was sent by someone I respect. But I'm not so sure I trust the TLDR version source they heard before reading it. It's about the COVID vaccines (which I've supported) and has been retracted, but the authors are standing by what they said.
Got some major ADHD/stress brain fog going on and I'm needing some guidance: [more inside]
what to disclose to employer around long covid / disability?
My doctor suspects I have long Covid. Please help me think through the pros and cons of disclosing this to my employer, a private company in California. What are my legal protections? Have you disclosed this to your employer with positive effects? Who should I be asking about disability support? [more inside]
Perfect Trip?
I have an issue where my primary interests (remote hiking/travel) meet my primary phobias (physical danger/Covid). Help me plan a trip! [more inside]
Covid immunity in 2024?
What do we know about Covid immunity nowadays? I just had Covid two weeks ago. Am I safe for any appreciable period? [more inside]
How realistic/reliable is this long covid game?
A member of our game-playing and activity group has recently pitched this long covid simulator/game. How reliable and realistic are the assumptions made by the game's design and are the data it's based on current and correct?
Current Covid Isolation Guidelines
After being incredibly lucky for years, Covid has entered our household. I seem to have avoided catching it in the pre-symptom window and I'd like to keep avoiding it. What's the current best practice for determining when the ill person is no longer contagious? [more inside]
Flying and Covid Best Practices
Flying immunocompromised…what’s the deal with Covid in airports and airplanes these days? [more inside]
Is it covid safe to visit my grandma after minor exposure?
I was planning to fly to visit my grandma this weekend. But, I was exposed to someone who was exposed to covid. Is it safe? More details inside. [more inside]
Paxlovid misdosing
Tuesday morning I tested positive for Covid. I called my healthcare provider and in the afternoon they gave me a prescription. I took my first dose about 7:30pm on Tuesday. Wednesday I took a dose at 6am when I woke up. Then I got confused and thought it was three doses a day. It’s supposed to be three pills, twice a day for five days. But I was thinking it was 3 a day, so I thought it should be every 8 hours, so I took a dose at 2pm, and 10pm. This morning after taking a dose at 6am, I counted and realized I didn’t have enough for five days, and realized my mistake. From here on I can take two doses a day spaced out 12 hours, but I’m wondering if I’m now short a dose. Wondering if I’m in danger of a rebound.
Best source of post-Covid discussion of pandemic successes and failures
It looks like there is a politically motivated show trial of Fauci going on right now. I am honestly too exhausted to read about it, but I know mistakes were made, even by well-meaning actors during the pandemic. I'm looking for a non-partisan, scientific evaluation of what we (I am in the US) did right and what mistakes were made during the pandemic. Some of it ended up being pointless and performative, but I don't trust the far right to make that determination. [more inside]
Tracking down Paxlovid in NYC
My partner has Covid and is feeling very sick. His doctor prescribed Paxlovid, but none of our regular pharmacies seem to have it in stock. If you've recently had Covid in NYC, can you recommend a pharmacy to try? Or, if you know of another route, I'd be interested in that as well—some kind of overnight mail situation maybe?
J&J booster shot - worth it?
We've finally got access to booster shots again here in Cape Town - but apparently they only offer the original J&J. Is this worth getting? [more inside]
Can a postal person refuse to deliver a package because of Covid?
My post guy, who in usually polite and sensible, today refused to deliver a package because I have Covid. [more inside]
communicating long covid risks for a large company retreat
My company is planning a retreat in a few months, and I might sit it out due to my fear of long Covid. Can you help me check my math around long covid risks and figure out how to communicate my decision to my manager? [more inside]
How to relieve neck pain from covid?
I have been having neck pain likely from covid. The pain was unbearable at times. Now it is much milder but, for reasons, having this pain at all is causing me a lot of stress. What can I do to relieve this pain? [more inside]
Maintain relationship with aunt who I adore but is politically adrift?
I have an aunt, who I haven't seen in years, that I've reconnected with recently. I haven't been close since I was a kid, and for reasons of family madness, hadn't spoken in a few years. Not out of any issue with her, just family stuff. She's been amazingly supportive and a gift in navigating other complex family relationships.
AAAAND she's completely politically different than me of the conspiracy theories sorts, a little bit too into it, and just keeps bringing up topics I have no interest in debating. How do I foster this relationship and delicately walk around these topics? [more inside]
If I've gotten previous coronavirus vaccines, is starting from 0 ok?
TLDR is that I've gotten 3 shots of the chinese vaccine (in china) and the pfizer bivalent vaccine (in macau) earlier this year. I am now a resident of Japan, and want to get the newest vaccine, but getting attestation of the past vaccines is tricky (they don't recognize the chinese vaccine, and I'm trying to figure out how to "prove" to the system that I got the bivalent vaccine etc). Specifics within, but I'm wondering if just starting pfizer from zero has any risks associated with it [more inside]
Covid booster research
Can anyone point me to research on the effectiveness of the covid booster that reflects real-world conditions - that is, looks at the effectiveness of the booster (and repeated boosters)for people who got the primary vaccination and have been infected? Ideally stratified by age. All I can find is research comparing booster to no vaccination, or monovalent v bivalent.
Vaccination while housebound?
I'd like to get a novavax vaccine, but I have me/cfs-flavored long covid and can't walk, and leaving the house is a huge project with a huge recovery time. Can I get someone to come here and vaccinate me? [more inside]
Holiday covid risk calculations, part ???
Partner came down with coronavirus a week before we were scheduled to visit family for thanksgiving. What's the right call here? [more inside]
Masking in Taiwan, late 2023
How are Taiwanese folks approaching masking at this point in the Plague? I want to conduct myself in accordance with local norms. [more inside]
Is it a bad idea to get a Covid booster as a young healthy person?
I'm in my twenties. No underlying conditions. I spend a lot of time with my vaccinated 65-year old parents. My last Covid vaccine was in February 2022. AFAIK, I have not had Covid since 2021 (been masking and am cautious around exposure). I was able to get a Covid booster appointment even though I'm not immunocompromised nor older. However, I'm worried I'm doing something wrong for my health and also something unethical by getting the booster while technically being inelegible. Any advice or research I can turn to about this? [more inside]