Thursday, March 14, 2024
Today's A Good Day To Be Somewhere Else
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Friday, December 11, 2020
This Means War
The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of
complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of
the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially
cognizable interest in the manner in which another State
conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.
The last time SCOTUS so short-sightedly and utterly foolishly decided a case was Dred Scot. We know how that turned out.
With this dismissal, the Supreme Court of the United States has just ruled that the Constitution of the United States no longer has jurisdiction over the United States. In so doing, they have also self-deligitimized any jurisdiction they formerly possessed.
The only answer to that has to start with gunfire, and end with nooses.
Conduct yourselves appropriately. The entire social contract is therefore dissolved.
If you swore an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that bill has just come due. The government of the United States has now entered into a state of war with its own people.
If there is no Constitution, there is no law, no republic, and no allegiance due to any authority constituted under it and subservient to it. That includes the national government, and every former US state and territory. At the stroke of a pen, they have all become pretenders.
The time for talking has ended. Come as you are.
May God have mercy on my enemies, for I shall have none.
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare is now in session.
Devil take the hindmost.
Sunday, April 19, 2020
And This Is Why You Can't Have Nice Things
Color me shocked:
Not one single pussy engaged the questions asked, but they came out in droves - overwhelmingly anonymously - to once again strut, shit on the chess board, knock over the pieces, and claim they won, like every pigeon does.
I'm guessing when you're total chickenshits, and post anonymously, it's too hard to sign your shitpiles too, right?
Walk tall.
Most of you brave anonymous keyboard chickenshits, despite being old enough to know better, are all the 16-year-olds with a car full of friends, a trunk full of beer, and sure that your parents are just over-protective bastards who secretly just don't want you to have any fun. And exactly like anyone with the part of their brain where common sense and maturity reside not yet grown in, you won't believe the experience of other places that tried doing things your way, until two of your friends are dead, one of them is paralyzed for life, and they're sewing your girlfriend's face back on in the bed across from yours. And you're the drunk guy yelling that you "feel fine", with bones sticking out of you in three places.
Abso-fucking-lutely brilliant. Five stars.
You don't read, you can't comprehend anything with multi-syllabic words, and you can't even get your shit in one bag when you have your face mashed into a plateful of reality, because irrational denial is way more fun that sucking it up, and dealing with things as they are, and not as you wish they would be.
That will all end well.
If I squeezed all the comments to the previous post in a press, outside of a bare few, I doubt I could distill enough juice to make the common sense God gave a jackass.
You want to sow the wind, because you think you're never going to reap the whirlwind, and that you will magically be spared what no one else on the planet has been, and will grasp at any straw, no matter how recockulous, to ward off anyone else telling you you're headed for the cliff, at 90MPH, blindfolded, and BTW, your brakes are out.
Like, oh, just about everyone on the internet, the experiment in tolerance lasted about a day.
Hope today's unmitigated dumbass-gasm was worth it.
You're done here.
But let me help you out with all you'll ever contribute to the discussion, and all the brainpower you can muster on the topic:
The point:
Your replies, everyday, until it bites you in the ass personally:
Thursday, February 20, 2020
THIS is How You DO It
I read every comment posted here. (Yes Trolls, even your screeds that I sh*t-can.) Some mornings and some comments make everything worthwhile. This is one of them.
From Comments:
@aesopBut wait, there's more:
Thank you for recognizing our work to create the muster here in Bedford County. Yes, there are many of us that read your blog. Like you said, it didn't take much to be honest. Just a close knit group of guys that have had enough. We have been lobbying at Lobby day for years now, went to the rally, sent our emails, made our phone calls and we have been training with a more quiet and smaller group for years now.
We decided it was time to make this happen. We put out the flyer which was a copy of the Floyd County muster flyer (which happened back in Jan), and then started posting it in every convenience store, fire station, YMCA, etc we could post it. Called the news media and sent them the flyer, told them what was going on, etc. Some of our team met with the Sheriff and his team and he was very supportive and glad to see we were organized, had thought through everything and he saw no reason for him nor any of his deputies to attend after he learned of our intentions and why we were calling it.
With that, we borrowed a PA system, had some signs made to place in the roads to direct people, found more volunteers, created our muster cards, had hats made for sale, and made it happen. Again, the work of a dozen focused men to create this and then about 25 of us (men and ladies) on the day.
Now what? Now, we go to the Board of Supervisors and make this an official militia so there is legal weight to it. We have training scheduled for the next two months already, we have emails and info regarding next steps ready to go, we are looking for more trainers and land to train on. We are meeting with the Sheriff again and keeping a dialogue open.
We are also organizing the Campbell County Muster as well (adjacent to Bedford County) and hoping for the same turn out.
Wes Gardner (Yes the one in Va) said...That's an embarrassment of riches.Thank you for covering our event in Bedford.
We are currently involved with groups putting together militia efforts in the following counties as well:
And a few others in the early startup stages.
We are sending a very clear message to Richmond and the rest of the country that we will not stand by idly as our God given rights are trampled on.
Also, you hit the nail on the head! We are going to be a mobilized force that can work diligently to put forth strong candidates that will truly represent the commonwealth.
These forts will help to ensure that Virginia remains a great place to raise a family, start a business, feel safe from crime, experience the birthright of freedom that was born here.
We will continue forth and carryon the fight.
God bless you
God bless America
Like we've been telling you, small groups of committed individuals change the world: they're the only thing that ever has.
22,000 people once is a mob photo op.
500 guys in one county, who have guns, won't comply, and train together month after month is a battalion.
Learn the difference.
And in 90 counties? That's an army of freedom.
Before whom tyrants (even elected ones, like Gov. Blackface Babykiller) tremble.
Best Wishes to the fine folks in Bedford County doing this, and kudos to them for doing the same thing in the counties next door. And so on. And so on.
You go, patriots.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Dinner With Old Friends
Lobsters, just sitting there all day eating things best unmentioned so I can now eat them. And if God hadn't intended us to eat cows, he wouldn't have made them out of steak. |
My blog homework is done: though I may add to them, the weekend's posts, for a change, are in the can already. I had my semi-annual check-up this week, and the doctor was ecstatic. It's Friday night, the bank account is fat, and I'm hungry. So I'm off to enjoy a nice dinner with some old friends, namely Mr. Steak, and Mr. Lobster, and I bid you all a pleasant weekend, and to enjoy an equally fine meal. Treat yourself special once in awhile. It's unlikely most times that anyone else will.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Common Sense Resistance
Some folks, mostly anonymous, and no small amount just clueless internet loudmouths throwing hand grenades in the outhouse to see the shit fly from ten states away (and a non-zero number likely instigators acting at the behest or on the dime of three-letter agencies), and with no part of Virginians' best interests at heart, are all butthurt that I and any ten other sane individuals on the internetz have called out the TardEx planned for Richmond. The really low-comprehension jackholes have imagined that they're being informed to do nothing (which they're not) instead of to do nothing jackassical (which seems to be the entire plan currently, as near as anyone can tell).
Since imagination, let alone common sense and initiative seems to be lacking, let's imagine for a minute that lightning struck, the clouds parted, and the Angel of the Lord (or the Flying Spaghetti Monster) finally headslaps the morons in charge of the upcoming goatrope, and rather pointedly makes it clear they should re-think that, and then, mirabile dictu!, they actually realize they were about to step all over their dicks with golf cleats, suddenly desist, and then turn the mob around short of the cliff.
Now what?!?
Let's take a stab at something a tad brighter than setting oneself on fire on national TV, just because we can, shall we?
Well, instead of being the bait in the next Opposition Media Event, suppose the good folks who showed up to sway their counties into declaring themselves a 2A sanctuary started taking the next logical steps, instead of storming the castle with squirt guns and airsoft armor. Because hope ain't a plan.
For starters, I seem to recall at least one sheriff in one county of VA stated that should the state begin unconstitutional confiscations, he'd deputize the population as a posse-at-large to nip that right in the bud.
So tell me, those of you on the ground there, with actual skin in the game:
WhyTF aren't all your 2A sanctuary counties and cities pushing your respective sheriffs and police chiefs for the exact same plan??
Why are you leaving it as a what-if contingency?
Why aren't you pushing to make it a by-God reality, RightF-ingNow??
1000 brainless yahoos fapping in the park at the statehouse are a juicy target for the leftards, the media, and the minions of jackbooted thuggery. And the dimmest bulbs among your ranks are target-locked on being the meal in that particular shark feeding frenzy. Why is a mystery, unless arsenic in your wells, a pandemic of fetal alcohol syndrome, and a steady juvenile diet of lead paint chips. Just stop. The question of why you shouldn't do that has been asked and answered here times beyond counting.
But 500 or 1000 folks at the county meeting or sheriff's office is a voting bloc that won't be ignored. Because how in hell did all y'all get those 2A sanctuary votes pushed through? Hmmm???
So how about leading with your strength, instead of your chin for a change?
Dear Sheriff Dawg,If he does it, you've just grown fangs for liberty teeth. If not, you've identified that he was just paying lip service, and needs to go in the next election, if not sooner.
We, the citizens of Bugtussle County, respectfully require that you come up with a plan to deputize auxiliary deputies, to prevent or oppose any unconstitutional enforcement actions in Bugtussle County, effective ASAP. - signed, 500 registered voters
Don't dump it all on his lap.
How's about you let him know that your county's concerned citizens who apply will each pony up some reasonable fee ($20-100) apiece per applicant, to cover the cost for his office to background check each prospective auxiliary posse member, to preclude criminals and crazies from being part of the mix you're expecting him to sign off on. (What's that? Liberty's not worth that little to you? Go f**k yourself.)
Civil libertardians will chafe at this. They're idiots, and have self-selected anarchy. Wave good bye to them in your rearview mirror. Say goodbye to the crooks and crazies as well. For a small fee apiece, your group IQ has just gone up an average of 20 points apiece, and you've decreased the chance of things going pear-shaped by about 500%.
Privacy advocates (and pretenders using that as cover) will bitch about putting their names on a list. As they say in Mother Russia, toughski shitsky. You're Virginians; ACT LIKE IT.
You want to play, you have to sign: your lives, your fortunes, and your sacred honor. Stand up and be counted, for real, or get back on the porch with the small yappy dogs.
Those who are bonded, professionally licensed by the commonwealth, or have FFLs and/or CCWs should be considered to have passed such background check, for obvious reasons. Work the details out with your sheriff.
A good next step for those who make it to Phase Two would be the request that the sheriff (or his designated representatives) hold mandatory monthly classes for those auxiliaries. A good first start would be classes on things like:
Powers of Arrest
Basic Firearms Safety
Use of Force/Deadly Force and Rules of Engagement
IOW, just about exactly what every state without a banana on the flag requires of mall security to get a basic guard card.
Now you've given Sheriff Dawg and the good people of your county bona fides that this auxiliary can be trusted, and is answerable to the people and their designated representative, in this case the Sheriff, rather than being a bunch of yahoos.
And while you're up, informing all concerned that hoods, Klan and Nazi flags or regalia, etc. will be grounds for getting kicked out and barred for life. Now the entire effing planet is on notice that you're not skinheads, and anyone waving a swastika or the Dixie Flag isn't you.
You've just undone 95% of the media narrative, and we're just getting started.
Then, you should probably establish and publish guidelines for the weaponry that this auxiliary is to own, maintain, and show up with when called up, along with any other gear. And what isn't coming out to play, as you and your sheriff see fit.
Subsequent monthly meetings should cover a wee few other salient points, like simple small unit tactics, first aid, communications, etc.
At some point, after your county's group has gotten to know who's who and what's what, you should elect leadership, and tell Sheriff Dawg that with his approval, your little band of 500 has designated the following 5 folks as auxiliary lieutenants, 10-15 as auxiliary sergeants, and 50 as auxiliary corporals, over 100s, 40-50s, and 10s, respectively. Leaders will show themselves after some time together, and chains of command work both ways, while insuring basic discipline, and demonstrating trustworthiness to your actual boss, and to the people of your county.
As a side benefit, Sheriff Dawg demonstrates that he isn't just stroking you, but taking your part seriously, while he gains a priceless voting bloc and word-of-mouth grassroots support, as long as he continues to act in good faith and in accordance with the constitutions of the state and U.S.
Which was rather the point all along, wasn't it??
The fact that you'll also provide a ready manpower pool of demonstrated competence for helping your friends and neighbors with wee problems like hurricanes, blizzards, tornadoes, floods, fire, and other emergencies, is merely a happy side benefit.
Long before this, Gov. Blackface Babykiller and his idiot minions in the legislature are going to be crapping their pants, and falling all over themselves to back water on their jackassical antigun plans.
And you'll have the framework of a fearsome political machine to get out the vote and spank them out of town at the next election opportunity (hot tar and chicken feathers optional, but heartily recommended.)
But just to be safe, your auxiliary and the sheriff should release information to the effect that any attempt to decapitate your leadership, by sequestration, detention, or arrest of TPTB, will constitute a de facto automatic call-up of the entire force, until further notice, and no stand-down will happen until the sheriff and the people of the county agree to it mutually and publicly.
Mess with one of us, mess with all of us.
That amount of something is something I could stand up and cheer for, exactly as I did when 90+% of your counties showed the backbone to tell Northam "Hell NO, assh*le!".
You're not threatening law and order, or practicing sedition via mobocracy, you're vowing to oppose unconstitutional enforcements of unconstitutional laws.
Anybody with any different plans can GTFO. Read up on colonial militia companies circa 1775, and tell me this has never worked before.
And then, because once the brain cells start firing, you can't help yourselves, your auxiliary leadership and your county's sheriff will reach out and liaison with the same persons in the contiguous counties, and eventually all of them in the whole state. And then with contiguous states. And then every one of the states who shares your goals.
And you'll start taking stock of what you've got to work with, what you're up against, and who's on which side, state by state, county by county, and precinct by precinct.
War is the continuation of politics, by other means. - von ClausewitzThose few of you with some vague recollection of the last time this happened in America may perhaps recall Committees of Correspondence.
Politics is the continuation of war, by other means. - Aesop
That's where you're headed with this.
Building a functional shadow government in plain sight, so that once you push out the communists and their useful idiots, and/or knock the decrepit hulk down, you don't open a vacuum for totalitarian dictatorship and warlords.
It doesn't require Moses descending from the mountain with stone tablets. It doesn't require the NRA, or some other shiftless hucksters, trying to hijack your movement and blunt it. It just requires Virginians, doing the exact same thing you've already done, doing MOAR!, harder, faster, and deeper, right in your own home environs.
Holy shit, almost like you were focusing on your proven strengths, and not marching off in some dumbass Children's Crusade to be everyone's fools, and the left's bitches!
(If VCDL still wants to do "Lobby Day" old-school style, as a picked bunch of small groups, working to lobby and persuade, rather than a bunch of headless chickens walking into a coliseum of fail, and ideally not on a holiday weekend when every Leftard for miles around has no place better to be - like say a couple of days early, before the Leftards are set up waiting for you - then so be it. What if the Evil Party gave a buffalo jump, and nobody came?)
One of two things will happen at that point:
1) Team Oppression will run shrieking into the night, looking for plane tickets to exile in Venezuela or Cuba.
2) If some jackholes can't take that much "No" for an answer, you'll be halfway to taking over the reins of an honest government in a free republic, and commencing to kick the ever-loving sh*t out of your would-be statist overlords.
And if you can't do something that obvious, sensible, and focused, and instead insist on charging the brick walls head first from here on out, you're going to be a small grease spot on the treads of the tanks that grind you under on their way to subjugating and ruling the country. Or maybe, they'll be getting their asses kicked by people brighter than you were, who did what was suggested above, instead of chickenshitting it and saying "That's too hard! Waaaaaah!"
Because that sure as hell ain't "doing nothing".
And it isn't going to get you killed, injured, or ridiculed as gun-toting racist nitwits.
It might get you killed, injured, or ridiculed as gun-toting patriots, but yet again, I thought that possibility was the whole point.
Are you the sons of those forefathers? Or is your stock all bred out now?
What's it going to be?
Patriots, or Fucktards?
Personally, I'd like to see y'all kick the Leftards' asses, rather than your own.
Call that toss in the air, folks.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Living The Dream
So, a 23-y.o. kid selling software in Nashville hasn't played organized baseball since JV in high school, but he finds out accidently he's got a 90MPH fastball. So he gets a trainer, works on it, tightens up his fastball (96MPH), and learns an 80+MPH slider, and then a smartphone video at a Rockies game goes viral, a scout sees it, and he gets signed by the Oakland A's.
Then gets the call to move from minor league single-A to The Show, and puts up three Ks in his first inning in MLB.
What a country.
Kids, eat your Wheaties, and never give up on your dreams.
We wish Nathan Patterson all the best, on what we hope will be a long career in MLB, even though he's playing for the farkin' Oakland A's. And hey, if it doesn't work out, he can always go back to selling software.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Chris Hernandez, in what we hope was just a photo op. It's too hot out thereabouts to do that for very long. |
We point out for the record that Chris Hernandez is writing again on his blog.
About five minutes after we appended "dormant" to our own Blog List label.
We are happy to remove that flag.
Chris is a good guy, and a good writer, and we are glad to see him literarily productive again, especially when he's handing out free ice cream at his blog.
So go read his stuff.
And if the spirit so moves, buy a book or three from him.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Miguel at GFZ FTW, Again
CNN tweet: The Cajun Navy, the famous volunteer rescue group that formed in Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina, is in Columbia, South Carolina, with at least two air boats and 600 Jeeps ahead of Hurricane Florence.
"Several hundred American have gotten into their own vehicles to drive over 700 miles to get ready to help total strangers in the immediate wake of a natural disaster.RTWT.
They have paid for this out of their own pockets and have done this without any expectation of reimbursement.
...I don’t see a lot of Liberals driving pickups south down I-95 to lend a helping hand."
Fire the CNO. Hire whoever's running this group.
Somebody understands "Mission Before Virtue-Signalling" better than guys in Flag Quarters.
And this thing is headed straight for a bullseye on Marine Corp Base Swamp Lejeune, and the entire 2nd MarDiv. I'm talking right at them.
Word to the Commandant of the Marine Corps:
You better get your people's crap in one bag, because the whole world's going to be watching this one. This ain't gonna be a dog-and-pony show.
And you better hope God will have mercy on all y'all if you screw the pooch on this, because Chesty sure as hell won't.
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Why You're Getting Rolled, Lesson #2,087:
For baseball players, it's "Keep your eye on the ball."
For fighter pilots, it's "Lose sight, lose the fight."
Different ways of saying the same thing:
History's gut pile is assembled from the body parts of the witless and clueless.
At its root, the Parkland shooting, except for the dozen-and-a-half unfortunate victims, was nothing surprising or newly dreadful, and nothing functionally different than any of the other mass shootings enabled by the concentrated stupidity of Gun Free Victim Zones. It's what happens when you ring the dinner bell, chum the water, and push tourists into the pool with predators created by the Left, sharing the same amoral outlook as hungry carnivorous sharks.
FFS, that's been the entire point of the exercise, indeed the very raison d'etre for the Evil Party to enact it: precisely to keep up a steady supply of outrageous acts, to feed their Political Hate Machine with a never-ending supply of still-warm victim's blood, for their faithful party hacks to always be dancing in, until they achieve their goal:
the total disarmament of anyone who would oppose their totalitarian control of the population.
They already have full Astroturfed fill-in-the-blanks scam campaigns ready to go when each Next One happens, like they did this time. Just shake and bake, add in some useful idiots to be the face of Stupidity du jour, and Presto! Instant Pudding!
They aren't even shy about this now.
They say it right out in public, outright, openly, explicitly, unashamedly, with pride, and malice aforethought.
Let's review, kids, with their own Playbook
("Rommel, you magnificent bastard, I read your book!")
"#8.: Keep the pressure on."
This is why they never stop.
This isn't football, or baseball. It's Rollerball, final game.
No timeouts, no penalties, no substitutions, and no time limit.
You're either Jonathan E., or you're roadkill in this game, on the way to the final goal.
There isn't any other option, and you can't get out of the game.
The other side either gets beaten to insensibility, or you do. Winner take all.
So what happened with Parkland?
You. Got. Rolled.
Look at that opening photo.
That's where the phrase comes from.
The douchebadge deputies dropped the ball there thirty-nine times.
The shitbags at the Federal Bureau of Incompetence dropped the ball another half-dozen times.
The assigned School Resource Officer was a gutless coward, more worried about preserving his own fat ass and pension, than about protecting the lives of teenagers. (That fat assbag should be hounded and catcalled every waking moment from sunup to sunset every day of his miserable life, including by people with bullhorns outside his house from 7AM to 10PM daily, until the day he eats his gun.)
At your service, you chickenshit bastard. |
The cowardly Broward Sheriff's deputies violated every rule of Active Shooters, and listened and watched while a 19-year-old weakling massacred other people's kids, because they lack the requisite moral character to put their lives on the line when it matters, and give him a new problem to work on, flying at his head at 1100FPS, times the number of rounds in all those magazines they tote around on their donut-fattened hips.
Those multiple failures should also be the narrative 24/7/365, from every person on the internet to every talking point in every bit of media, until Hell freezes over.
But you don't have the patience, perseverance, or stomach for that kind of fight.
So you lose.
The Florida legislature turned back gun control catcalls initially, and ignored them, as should be the default response every time they start, but their worthless Senate, including twelve fat bastards given obviously-bogus A-ratings by the perpetually worthless NRA, stabbed you in the back. Like they will.
This is what always happens when you hire some lazy rent-seeking @$$holes to do a job you should be doing yourselves, because it's too hard, too icky, or you're too lazy. And being demonstrably lazy, no one will recall those backstabbers, nor boot the ones not already termed out, so there are no consequences for such perfidy.
Michael Corleone was willing to whack his own brother for taking sides against the family, and you won't even dump out of office a legislator who sets the Constitution on fire in front of your face, and then spits in yours.
So what would've been the usual three-day ejaculation of nonsense was given new life, and seeing the faltering cardboard-cutout "army" in their path, the Soros-bux flowed in, then more from the Usual Suspects and Useful Idiots in Hollyweird, and you got the Florida gun bill.
And now, the FakeNews narrative of shrieking harpies running a new Children's Crusade.
This should be getting beaten like a rented mule. It should be getting clubbed, 24/7 like baby Harp Seals, non-stop, until their blood is caked up to your armpits, and then repeated for effect.
"#5.: Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
"#6.: A good tactic is one your people enjoy."
Hence the memes I've cheerfully contributed on the subject.
Shills like Hogg, Gonzalez, and their army of middle-aged Leftard harpies, and their Astroturf funding sources should be the stuff of ridicule every waking moment until they become the poster children for National Joke, and the default punchline of every comment on the subject of gun control, for decades to come.
But you don't have the patience, perseverance, or stomach for that kind of fight.
So you lose.
The same is true on the Omnibus Spending Bill.
The president's job isn't to propose a budget.
If that fact is news to you, you're simply a retard.
If you take that in, learn a lesson, and stop falling for that nonsense, at least you're an educable retard.
The Congress - you know, the 435 shitweasels you have the most concrete, firsthand, undeniable control in sending to, or recalling from, Mordor on the Potomac, and their 100 money-guzzling House of Lords betters in the Senate - made this year's Frankenstein Monster budget-busting porkfest. Because they can.
Did your elected douchcanoe(s) vote for it?
Will you give them rivers of lava at every townhall meeting you can about that?
Will you give your time, money, and invective every waking moment to turning their fat, stupid asses out this year for that sin?
No, of course you won't.
You don't have the patience, perseverance, or stomach for that kind of fight.
So you lose.
That's why TINVOWOOT: There Is No Voting Our Way Out Of This.
60% of you, at minimum, don't even show up when all it would cost you is a buck's worth of gas, and 15 minutes of your time. That's why cheating helps the other side, and elections are such near-run things. Would that America on any Election Day had one voter in ten who sleeps through it actually show up. So you sure as hell won't do it just because the future of the country hangs in the balance every two years.
So, being too fucking lazy, going back decades, to pull a lever when that's all it would cost you, you'll get another actual revolution/civil war/zombie apocalypse, because somehow, waiting until it's actually that horrible appeals to you more than regular maintenance, and throwing the bastards out of office decades hence did.
Best wishes with that plan.
Because you don't have enough ammo.
And you don't have enough of anything else, including allies, to think that plan is going to work out the way you'd hoped.
Maybe society and civilization will survive your laziness and stupidity long enough to write a history or two of how everything went to shit because you lacked the intelligence, character, or endurance to preserve civilization, and sustain it when it was your turn.
So you can fix that.
Fuck up in haste, repent at leisure.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Back At Ya, Sir...
Once again this week, like many other well-executed blog efforts, we've been kindly favored with a link by Remus in his regular mental confection, the Woodpile Report, a weekly offering that is one hundred-fold the antidote for liberal tripe like 60 Minutes, and the former excellent work far more worthy of your time each week than the latter.
Such notice there never ceases to amaze and please hereabouts, because I take it as a sign I'm hitting the mark more than missing it.
And in the spirit of mutual appreciation, this masterpiece meme posted there today:
Accurate, delicious, and hilarious, if someone prints them 8½" x 11", we'll take a ream.
If not, we may have to make our own, and start distributing them, Sabo-like, around town.
Hint, Anyone: A poster-size version would break Amazon. You heard it here first.
Remus is taking a week off next week, so we thank him for the continued notice, and wish him the happiest of Thanksgiving weekends, and continued health and prosperity.
We'll try to be worthy of notice here as often as possible.