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Cellular Automata Application on Chemical Computing Logic Circuits
Cellular Automata (CAs) have been proved to be a robust tool for mimicking a plethora of biological, physical and chemical systems. CAs can be used as an alternative to partial differential equations, in order to illustrate the evolution in time ...
Front Matter
Exploring Lightweight S-boxes Using Cellular Automata and Reinforcement Learning
The most important elements of block ciphers are nonlinear functions known as substitution boxes (S-boxes). S-boxes with weak cryptographic properties are vulnerable to attacks by various cryptanalysis techniques. Cellular Automata has been used ...
Identification of Periodic Boundary SACA Rules Exploring NSRT Diagram
This work reports characterization of 1-dimensional periodic boundary cellular automata (PBCA) rules in 3-neighborhood for identification of CA rules that influence the formation of single length cycle attractors (fixed points). It targets the ...
A Cellular Automata Based Fault Resistant MICKEY-Like Stream Cipher
In today’s world of digital technology revolution, the need for secure data transmission has become very crucial. Symmetric encryption algorithms play a very vital role in securing data in almost every application. MICKEY is an efficient and ...
Synchronisation of Elementary Cellular Automata with a Small Initial Error. Application to Rule 18
In this paper, we study how synchronization and state estimation are related in the context of elementary cellular automata. We first characterize the synchronization error between two 1D elementary cellular automata implementing Wolfram’s 18th ...
Millions of 5-State -Real Time Sequence Generators via Local Simulations
System Reduction: An Approach Based on Probabilistic Cellular Automata
The problem of cellular automata coarse-graining is considered. The case of 1D boolean cellular automata (CA) is investigated. Probabilistic rules for 1D CA are parameterized. Then the coarse-graining procedure and the reduced probabilistic CA are ...
Lyapunov Profiles of Three-State Totalistic Cellular Automata
Inspired by the theory of continuous dynamical systems, Lyapunov exponents have been previously defined in the framework of cellular automata (CAs) in order to quantify a CA’s sensitive dependence on initial conditions, i.e. a CA’s sensitivity to ...
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Evolving Quantum Circuits to Implement Stochastic and Deterministic Cellular Automata Rules
- Shailendra Bhandari,
- Sebastian Overskott,
- Ioannis Adamopoulos,
- Pedro G. Lind,
- Sergiy Denysov,
- Stefano Nichele
The aim of this work is to generate specific rules of deterministic and stochastic cellular automata (CA) using the set of five quantum gates, which is known to generate any quantum circuit. To build such quantum circuits, we use an evolutionary ...
Double Population Lattice Boltzmann Model for Magneto-Hydrodynamic Blood Flow in Stenotic Artery
Atherosclerosis, which refers to a reduction in vessels diameter due to fatty deposits, is considered as the main cause of heart attacks, strokes, and peripheral vascular disease. The malfunctioning of cardiovascular system is mainly related to ...
Four State Deterministic Cellular Automaton Rule Emulating Random Diffusion
We show how to construct a deterministic nearest-neighbour cellular automaton (CA) with four states which emulates diffusion on a one-dimensional lattice. The pseudo-random numbers needed for directing random walkers in the diffusion process are ...
The Evolution of Vermicular Structures and Sintering Behavior of Alumina
- Francisco Jiménez-Morales,
- Pedro Rivero-Antúnez,
- Manuela González-Sánchez,
- Laura Garrido-Regife,
- Víctor Morales-Flórez
The evolution of microstructure of the precursor particles during the sintering of ceramic materials has been assessed by a cellular automaton model in which the only physical consideration for the evolution of the system is to minimize the ...
A Cellular Automaton Model of a Laser with Saturable Absorber Reproducing Laser Passive Q-switching
In this paper, we present a cellular automata model for a two-level laser which includes a saturable absorber. We show that the model reproduces laser passive Q-switching, a behavior in which intense short pulses of laser radiation are produced. ...
Modeling Phase Change Materials Using Cellular Automata
This work proposes a recent model for modelling the Phase Change (PC) phenomenon based on Cellular Automata (CA) of composite and heterogeneous materials with a complex geometry. We aim to describe the temperature distribution and phases (liquid/...
Performance Analysis of Regular Clocking Based Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata Logic Circuit: Fault Tolerant Approach
Current CMOS technology suffers from low device density and high power dissipation due to tremendous enhancement of device scaling. Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) is alternative nanotechnology to overcome these drawbacks. A cell containing ...
Idea of Cellular Automata Application in Two-Slit Experiments
One of the most known physical experiments in quantum mechanics and optics is two-slit experiment on transition particles through the screen with two slits. It was important for establishing quantum mechanical description based on probability ...
Towards Self–optimizing Sensor Networks: Game–Theoretic Second–Order CA–Based Approach
We propose a second–order Cellular Automata (CA)–based approach to solve a problem of lifetime optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). A WSN graph created for a given deployment of WSN in monitored area is considered as a multiagent system,...
Front Matter
Spreadability and Vulnerability via Attributes for Systems Described by Cellular Automata: Application to Wildfire
In this paper, we investigate two concepts of system theory in the framework of cellular automata: spreadability and vulnerability. We have proposed adapting the definitions of these concepts for CA associated with a set of information ...
Automatic Evolutionary Adjustment of Cellular Automata Model for Forest Fire Propagation
- Maria Eugênia A. Ferreira,
- André L. M. P. Quinta,
- Danielli A. Lima,
- Luiz G. A. Martins,
- Gina M. B. Oliveira
Forest fires have faced a huge increase due to climate change threatening different biomes. Fire propagation modeling is a critical issue to prevent and control the damage of this phenomenon. Cellular automata shown to be efficient in the ...
Wildfire Simulation Model Based on Cellular Automata and Stochastic Rules
A significant increase in the occurrence of large wildfires has been observed in the last decades. Several works seek ways to attenuate the side effects of these events. In this work, it is proposed a simulation model for wildfires propagation ...
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Integrating the Implications of Distance-Based Affective States in Cellular Automata Pedestrian Simulation
Cellular Automata have successfully been applied to the modeling and simulation of pedestrian dynamics. These simulations have often been focused on the evaluation of situations of medium-high density, in which the motivation of pedestrians ...
Index Terms
- Cellular Automata: 15th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2022, Geneva, Switzerland, September 12–15, 2022, Proceedings
Cellular Automata: Elementary Cellular Automata
Cellular automata CA are discrete dynamical systems consist of a regular finite grid of cell; each cell encapsulating an equal portion of the state, and arranged spatially in a regular fashion to form an n-dimensional lattice. A cellular automata is ...