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Aquecer (to heat) conjugation

83 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: warm up as a preparation for a physical activity, warm, warm up
Conjugation of aquecer
Present tense
I heat
you heat
he/she heats
we heat
you all heat
they heat
Present perfect tense
tenho aquecido
I have heated
tens aquecido
you have heated
tem aquecido
he/she has heated
temos aquecido
we have heated
tendes aquecido
you all have heated
têm aquecido
they have heated
Past preterite tense
I heated
you heated
he/she heated
we heated
you all heated
they heated
Future tense
I will heat
you will heat
he/she will heat
we will heat
you all will heat
they will heat
Conditional mood
I would heat
you would heat
he/she would heat
we would heat
you all would heat
they would heat
Past imperfect tense
I used to heat
you used to heat
he/she used to heat
we used to heat
you all used to heat
they used to heat
Past perfect tense
tinha aquecido
I had heated
tinhas aquecido
you had heated
tinha aquecido
he/she had heated
tínhamos aquecido
we had heated
tínheis aquecido
you all had heated
tinham aquecido
they had heated
Future perfect tense
terei aquecido
I will have heated
terás aquecido
you will have heated
terá aquecido
he/she will have heated
teremos aquecido
we will have heated
tereis aquecido
you all will have heated
terão aquecido
they will have heated
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha aquecido
I have heated
tenhas aquecido
you have heated
tenha aquecido
he/she has heated
tenhamos aquecido
we have heated
tenhais aquecido
you all have heated
tenham aquecido
they have heated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have heated
(if/so that) you will have heated
(if/so that) he/she will have heated
(if/so that) we will have heated
(if/so that) you all will have heated
(if/so that) they will have heated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver aquecido
I will have heated
tiveres aquecido
you will have heated
tiver aquecido
he/she will have heated
tivermos aquecido
we will have heated
tiverdes aquecido
you all will have heated
tiverem aquecido
they will have heated
Imperative mood
let's heat!
Imperative negative mood
não aqueças
do not heat!
não aqueça
let him/her/it not heat!
não aqueçamos
let us not heat!
não aqueçais
do not heat!
não aqueçam
do not heat!
Examples of aquecer
Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
- A Endurance está a começar a aquecer.Endurance is starting to heat.
- Demora uma eternidade a aquecer.- Takes forever to heat up.
- Espera. Estou a ver quanto tempo leva um laser de oxigénio e iodo de 500 kwatts a aquecer o meu copo de massa chinesa.I'm trying to see how long it takes a 500 - kilowatt oxygen iodine laser to heat up my cup a' noodles.
- Estou só a aquecer os maçaricos.- Trying to heat the young kids up.
- O que faz aquecer as moléculas?What causes molecules to heat up?
Anda à cozinha, eu aqueço a omeleta.Come to the kitchen, l'll heat up the omelet.
Desde a morte de Simko, que não aqueço a casa.After Simk's death, there was no heating at your place.
Eu aqueço qualquer sítio onde apareça.Man, I heat up every room I walk into.
Eu aqueço-o por ti.I will heat it for you.
Eu aqueço-o.I'm gonna heat this up.
Bem, arranja um frigideira, e aqueces com um pouco de manteiga.Well, y-you get a sauté pan, and you heat up some butter.
Querida, por que não aqueces um pouco de leite?Darling, why don't you heat some milk?
Tu aqueces a água.You heat the water on the stove.
É um processo amador, aqueces-o, apertas-o.It's an amateur process,heat it,squeeze it.
"O nosso amor aquece o frio universo.""Our love heats up the cold universe...
"Rainha do Gelo da K Street aquece Las Vegas dormindo com um Senador e um Congressista.""k street ice queen heats up las vegas Sleeping with a senator and a congressman."
- Chá, enquanto a água aquece?Perhaps you'd like some tea while the water heats up.
-Sim, senhor. -O canhão aquece.- The barrel heats up.
A Terra absorve muita dessa energia. que aquece o planeta e faz a superfície brilhar em luz infravermelha.The Earth absorbs much of that energy, which heats the planet up and makes the surface glow in infrared light.
A Sarah e eu aquecemos o jantar.Sarah and I heated up dinner.
Agora, aquecemos a superfície, revelamos os códigos e transferimos o dinheiro.Now we heat the surface, reveal the codes and transfer the money.
Assim aquecemos nossas piscinas.It's how we heat our pools.
Colocamos o hidrogénio e o deuterium, juntos no interior do reactor, e aquecemos a mistura até 10 milhões de graus.We take hydrogen and deuterium, put them together inside the reactor, and then heat the mixture to 10 million degrees.
Nós aquecemos o quarto só para este evento.We have heated the room just for this event.
"A sauna" cheira a suor altamente aquecido, rapidamente levedado.The hot room smells of superheated sweat, quick fermented.
- Aí tens o assento aquecido, meu amigo.- There's your heated seat, my friend.
- Ele tem razão, deve ter aquecido demais.- He's right. It's just overheated.
- O motor deve estar super aquecido.- The engine. Maybe it's overheated.
- Posso tocar no poste aquecido?Can I touch the heated pole ?
- Eles aquecem-no...They heat it up... Sit down!
- Estas coisas aquecem, sabias? - Obrigado.Those things heat up, you know...
3 km de túneis, que contêm as condutas de vapor que aquecem Harvard.Two-and-one-quarter miles of tunnels that house the steam pipes that heat Harvard.
A radiação solar chega-nos sob a forma de ondas luminosas que aquecem a Terra.The sun's radiation comes in in the form of light waves and that heats up the Earth.
As chamas rapidamente super-aquecem o oxigénio a bordo.The flames quickly superheat the onboard O2.
"'Já aqueci o forno e a pasta feita."'I've heated the oven and kneaded the dough.
A Leloni fez um assado antes de sair e eu aqueci-o.Leloni made a roast before she left and I heated it up.
Bem, aqueci uma sopa.- Um, well, - I heated some... - Soup?
Cuidado, aqueci umas pedras muito grandes no nosso forno.Oh, be careful, I heated some very large rocks on our grill.
Deve ter sido quando aqueci as fatias para o almoço.Must've been when I heated up those slices for lunch.
A sério, aqueceste o doce?Seriously, you heated the syrup?
Este motor de alta performance pode ronronar como um puma, mas desta vez, Derek, aqueceste os meus motores e vão ser necessárias algumas voltas para arrefecer, se é que me entendes.This high-performance engine may purr like a puma on the prowl, but this time, Derek, you have seriously overheated my engines and I will require some cool-down laps upon your return, if you know what I mean by that.
- O carro aqueceu demais.- Car overheated.
A Mãe já o aqueceu suficientemente.Mom heated it enough.
A coisa aqueceu e descontrolou-se e ele bateu-me.And it got heated and out of control, and he hit me.
A coisa aqueceu.It got heated.
A fornalha super aqueceu, quase fez arder o prédio todo.The furnace overheated, almost burned down the building.
- As coisas aqueceram.-Things got heated.
As Coisas aqueceram entre Tom e Lynette.Things heated up between Tom and Lynette.
As coisas aqueceram um bocado e...So things got a little heated...
As coisas aqueceram um pouco na festa e...Things got a little heated at the party, and...
As coisas aqueceram, e chegámos a este ponto.Things get heated, then we get here.
O teu metal aquecerá, ficará incandescente, e irás derreter até não restar mais nada de ti.Your metal will heat, turn red, and you will melt away until you are nothing.
- Dá-me licença que aqueça a loção?Do you mind if I heat up the lotion? No.
- Esta semana vai ser caótica, portanto, a menos que isto aqueça dramaticamente, espero que compreendas.I've a hectic week ahead of me, so unless things heat up dramatically, I hope you understand.
- Queres que aqueçaYou want me to heat them up?
- Queres que te aqueça isso?Do you want me to heat that up for you?
Aconselhar-te-ia a contactares o Antoine antes que a Sra. Anthony aqueça demais como uma batata cozida.I would advise you to get in touch with Antoine before Mrs. Anthony overheats like a baked potato.
O Mikey quer que o aqueças um pouco.Mickey would want it are a bit heated.
Quero que a aqueças.I want you to heat it.
Adicionem 20 de ácido sulfúrico na proveta e aqueçam até ferver.And you add 20 of the sulfuric acid Into to your beaker and heat until it's boiling.
Quero que tirem a roupa dela, aqueçam um pouco de água e dêem um belo banho nela. Com sabonete. Da cabeça aos pés.I want you to undress her, heat some water, and give her a nice bath, with soap, from face to feet.
Tragam mantas e aqueçam soro. Vamos tentar aquecê-las.Get some blankets, heat up some saline, we'll do a warm-water lavage.
Vou sincronizar as cinco localizações para que aqueçam igualmente.I'll sync up all five locations so they heat at exactly the same rate.
E aquecei vinho para lhe dar.And heat some wine for him.
De início irás sentir-te só, com 57, 58 anos, vagueando numa camisa, o pêlo encolhido num monte. Feita, quem sabe, numa bibliotecária aquecendo uma lata de sopa. A preocupar-se com as teias de aranha a crescer.At first, you'll have these visions of you alone, 57, 58, walking around, your hair in a bun - maybe you're a librarian - heating up soup for one and worrying about the cobwebs in your womb.
E se estão aquecendo o planeta inteiro?What if they're heating up the whole planet?
Eles acidentalmente carburaram o ferro aquecendo-o sobre o carvão, transformando-o assim em aço de baixo grau.They accidentally carburized the iron while heating it over charcoal, thus turning it into low-grade steel.
Estou aquecendo um pouco de queijo.I'm heating up some cheese.
Estou pré-aquecendo os lasers agora, 600 volts.I am pre-heating the lasers now, 600 volts.
- Ou se as coisas aquecerem...- Or if you let things heat up...
Acho que isto vos pode dar jeito para aquecerem a casa.And I thought you guys could use this to get some heat up in here.
Demora alguns instantes para os canos aquecerem.It takes a moment for the tubes to heat up.
Quando as coisas aquecerem, pedirei mais homens, mas este caso não se vai prolongar.As things heat up, l'll get us more manpower, but this case is not going to sprawl.
Quando estivermos na Indonésia, e se as coisas aquecerem, se eles vos encontrarem, então, o que acontecerá?When we get to Indonesia, I mean, if things heat up, if they find you, then what happens?
Arranjei-te comida para aqueceres.I fixed you a plate, so just heat it up when you get home.
Desculpa, Geoffrey, é melhor aqueceres os espargos.I'm sorry, Geoffrey, you better reheat the asparagus.
Existem vários restaurantes na vizinhança... mas deixei frango e arroz para aqueceres.There are plenty of delis in the neighborhood but I left you some chicken and rice to heat up.
Não é esparguete até o aqueceres.So's spaghetti till you get it heated up.
Se significar que alguém te cobre com um cobertor para aqueceres.If it means someone sticks a heating blanket on you.
- Está na hora de aquecermos.- It's time we turned up the heat.
E se aquecermos só a sala de torpedos?What if we heated just the torpedo room?
Mas se o pusermos em água fria e aquecermos gradualmente, ele fica lá e deixa-se cozer lentamente até morrer.But if you put it in cold water and heat it up gradually, it'll just sit there and slowly boil to death.
Se aquecermos a crosta terrestre até à incandescência, o seu espectro seria semelhante ao do Sol.If one were to heat the crust of the Earth to incandescence, its spectrum would resemble that of the Sun.
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