Example in Estonian | Translation in English |
Siis ma voldin ühe korra. Või kaks, kolm korda. | Then I fold once. twice or three times. |
Ütlesin talle, et voldin selle paberlennukiks. | I told him I'd fold it into a paper airplane. |
Ja sina voldid oma aluspüksid kokku enne magamaminekut. | And you, you fold your underpants before you go to bed. |
Nüüd leiad taskud määrdunud püksid ja voldid määrdunud istmed olla toimetamine sissetulevate salakaup, mis toimetatakse vangi oma iganädalane pikap. | Now, you'll find the pockets of dirty trousers and the folds of soiled seats serve as a conveyance to incoming contraband, which is delivered to inmates in their weekly pickup. |
Olen näinud su näoilmet, kui seda loed, ja kui ettevaatlikult sa selle kokku voldid. | I've seen the expression on your face when you read it, and how carefully you fold it up. It means something to you. |
Ja siis su vaprus pannakse proovile ja sinu meel voldib kokku. | And then your bravery will be tested and your mind folds. |
Lühim tee nende kahe punkti vahel on null, ja see värav... see voldib...ruumi nii, et punkt "A" ja punkt "B" eksisteerivad samas ruumis ja ajas. | The shortest distance between two points is zero, and that's what the gateway does... it folds... space so that point "A" and point "B" coexist in the same space and time. |
Me voldime moeetenduse kavasid. | We're, uh, folding programs for the fashion show. |
Näkineiu varastamine. Kas me voldime ta kokku ja paneme portfelli? | Are we gonna fold her in half and put her in a briefcase? |
Nüüd me voldime ühe poole ära. | Now we fold up one side. |
Põhimõtteliselt me voldime ruumi kõrgemas dimensioonis kokku, et luua kahe kauge punkti vahel hetkeks side. | BasicaIly, we're folding space in a higher dimension to create an instantaneous Iink between two distant points. |
Asume asja juurde. Kuidas te triigite ja voldite oma pükse koos nelja jalaga? | How do you iron and fold a pair of pants with four legs on it? |
Kuidas te triigite ja voldite oma pükse koos nelja jalaga? | How do you iron and fold a pair of pants with four legs on it? |
Ma just voltisin 100 kava. | I just folded, like, 100 of these. |
Aga kui ta need kokku ka voltis, läheb asi kahtlaseks. | Now if you're gonna tell me she folded them, then it gets a little creepy. |
Kuningas voltis ta kokku nagu akordioni. | The King folded him up like an accordion that time. |
See on mees, kes oma pintsakut voltis. | That's the guy who folded his jacket. |
Ma oletan, et Wallace volditi kokku ja Santomauro lõigati ribadeks. | So I'm guessing that Wallace was folded and Santomauro was shredded. |
Jim, isegi selle lõika-ja-voldi asepresidendi vastu, kelle nimel on tema partei rekord põhjatuid läbikukkumisi kodus ja võõrsil, on kuberner Arthur ikkagi presidendiks valimatu... ilma abita. | Oh, Jim, even running against this cut-and-fold vice president, with his party's record of abysmal failure at home and abroad, Governor Arthur is still unelectable to the presidency without help. |
Kaks korda sisse ja voldi. | Two tucks and a fold. |
Nüüd voldi seda kampsuni. | Now, you fold that sweater. |
All, keskel, voltige mu riided kokku, kui nad pesukuivatist välja võtate. | Bottom, middle, make sure you fold my clothes when you take them out of the dryer. |
Kirjutage oma nimed paremale nurka ja voltige leht kokku. | Put your names on the top right and fold it. |
- Sa pead need kõik uuesti kokku voltima. | You know you'll have to refold every single one of them! |
Igal juhul ei õpi me siin salvrätikuid voltima. | Well, we're not learning how to fold cloth napkins. |
Kas sa ei pea edasi voltima. | Don't you have some folding to do? Fold. |
Kas sa ei peaks kuskil rätikuid voltima ... või dþokirihmasid krimpsutama? | Hey, shouldn't you be folding towels somewhere or sniffing jock straps? |
Kas sa ei peaks kuskil rätikuid voltima ... või džokirihmasid krimpsutama? | Shouldn't you be folding towels somewhere... or sniffing jockstraps? |
- Kas sina voltida ei oska? | Haven't you heard of folding? |
Aga teades seda, mida püüan selgitada, võime ruumi kokku voltida ja sihtmärgi lähemale tuua, luues Einsteini-Roseni silla, tuntud ka kui ussiauk, ja viime selle läbi gravitatsioonivälja. | But given what I was trying to explain, we can fold the space, bring the target closer to us, create what's known as an Einstein-Rosen bridge, otherwise known as a wormhole, suspend it via gravitationaI field. |
Kui ma ärkasin, olite riided kokku voltinud ja asetanud mu märkmiku voodile. | When I woke up, you folded my clothes and placed my pocketbook on the bed. |
Ma olen voltinud lipu ning selle paljudele leskedele, isadele ja lastele andnud ja öelnud, kui kahju mul on. | I've folded the flag and given it to a lot of wives and fathers and kids and told them how sorry I was. |
Mulle meeldib, et sa oled teibi otsa väga hästi voltinud. | - Well, it's for their own good. You know, I like the way you have efficiently folded this tab under. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Arabic | ثنى,لطي | Catalan | plegar |
Danish | folde | Dutch | dichtvouwen, inklappen, neerklappen, omvouwen, opklappen, plooien, vouwen |
English | fold | Esperanto | faldi |
Finnish | kurtata, laskostua, poimuttaa, taittaa, taittua | German | falten, falzen |
Greek | διπλώνω, διφωσφορυλιώνω, δολώνω | Hebrew | קיפל |
Hungarian | hajt | Indonesian | lipat |
Italian | piegare, ripiegare | Japanese | 畳む |
Lithuanian | lankstyti, sulankstyti, sulenkti | Macedonian | дипли, здипли |
Malay | lipat, melipat | Polish | falcować, sfalcować, składać, spasować, zagiąć, zaginać, zwijać |
Romanian | împături, îndupleca | Russian | перегибать, перегнуть |
Spanish | alechugar, plegar, plegarse | Swedish | folda, lägga, vika, vikariera |
Thai | พับ | Turkish | katlamak, kavuşturmak |
Vietnamese | gấp |