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This board is for the discussion of technology and related topics.

Reminder that instigating OR participating in flame/brand wars will result in a ban.
Tech support threads should be posted to >>>/wsr/
Cryptocurrency discussion belongs on >>>/biz/

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The /g/ Wiki: https://igwiki.lyci.de/
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/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>104568292 & >>104560096

>(03/01) DeepSeek-V3/R1 Inference System Overview: https://xcancel.com/deepseek_ai/status/1895688300574462431
>(02/28) GPT-SoVITS v3 official release: https://github.com/RVC-Boss/GPT-SoVITS/releases/tag/20250228v3
>(02/28) DeepSeek releases 3FS, a distributed file system: https://github.com/deepseek-ai/3FS
>(02/27) Cohere releases Arabic model: https://hf.co/CohereForAI/c4ai-command-r7b-arabic-02-2025

►News Archive: https://rentry.org/lmg-news-archive
►Glossary: https://rentry.org/lmg-glossary
►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks
►Official /lmg/ card: https://files.catbox.moe/cbclyf.png

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Rocinante, I think it was called.
Honestly, I'd just be impressed if the AI rejected me that hard. I've only interacted with characters with a fairly demure personality so far, but just being nice to them and complimenting them had them professing that pleasing me as much as possible was all they ever wanted. And then one of them forgot she was a virgin and said I was better than all her previous lovers.
Exactly, yet Altman and the others keep hyping up LLMs as if they're actually capable of solving things they weren't trained on.
fuck rocm
fuck amd for even lying about being viable for compute
Ask it to write a program to solve the problem.
Yeah, I could really use another bootstrap.

I Hope You Prayed Today Edition

Previous Thread: >>104572643

Guide: https://rentry.org/ldg-lazy-getting-started-guide

Metastable: https://metastable.studio
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
reForge: https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI

>Models, LoRAs, & Upscalers

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i think there is something like a context window that can be used to chain generations, but i imagine it goes even more off the rails if done blindly
Planescape torment
Link it
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Tech News & Industry Insights
The Register - https://www.theregister.com/
TechCrunch - https://techcrunch.com/
Hacker News - https://news.ycombinator.com/
Fudzilla - https://fudzilla.com/news
ZDNet - https://www.zdnet.com

Software Development & Programming
GitHub Trending - https://github.com/trending
DevDocs - https://devdocs.io/
JavaScript, CSS, HTML sandbox - https://jsfiddle.net/
MDN Web Docs - https://developer.mozilla.org/
Stack Overflow Blog - https://stackoverflow.blog/

IT Operations & Infrastructure

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Crazy they offer low pay for that. At least you can test software. You get bad data and you can't really test it or even know it could be better.
dev skills are very useful in a sysadmin position depending on the size of your employer or client site
>Responsibility without agency burns you out so fucking fast.
Lol, there's a reason I switched to Dev
Had a full on nervous breakdown one day
All the responsibility but with no freedom, no control, and all for a salary less than some skirt in the admin office...
Yeah, burn out is the likely outcome

You can sort of test data, or more accurately flag weird data for review
Usually the testing you do though is on the Transformation part of the ETL pipeline, because you should be able to create some test input data and test output data and check things line up.
Also feed in some shit data and see if your system handles it will instead of completely farting out and not continuing to process the rest of the data.

I was more pointing out that companies are wanting Lead DEs on the cheap, normally you'd be on at least £70 or £80
£50k is meant to be mid level - which is what I'm looking for but every recruiter approaches me for one of these and then goes "Oh, we/they were after someone with more experience"

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I love staring at walls as well. This is why I should hav gone into something like road works where they just seem to stand around a lot, instead of working of software projects that I don't care about.
Only after work. My day job is essentially automating pointless office admin tasks.

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In bizarro world maybe. They are known ad amdunboxed for a reason.
Maybe by Nvidiots. Just the past month they did a full video dedicated to praising DLSS.
How much were 4070S's going for last year since this card is basically that + Higher Power Consumption?
They insulted team green in the past. This cannot be forgiven.
If reviewers were smart they’d stress test the gpus to the point of failure.
Imagine the clickbait
>Our 5070 EXPLODED

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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Mushroomy edition

OpenAI releases GPT 4.5 https://openai.com/index/introducing-gpt-4-5/
Anthropic releases Claude 3.7 Sonnet https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-7-sonnet
Grok3 web version released, API available "in the coming weeks" https://x.ai/blog/grok-3
Gemini 2.0 Flash, Flash-Lite & Pro Preview released https://developers.googleblog.com/en/gemini-2-family-expands/

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net

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seriously what the hell is hi-lo?
I laughed, but anyway, it might not be a CC fraud in the sense of stealing a credit card, but a C fraud in the sense of "stealing" "credits" in the form of "we'll let you 'buy' x dollars worth of service/product that we would normally charge x dollars for", even though they were incompetent enough to let you enter random numbers.
Nice samefag, go actually ask a lawyer. It is not CC fraud since you weren't using real CCs, it is still technically illegal, but not due to credit cards, but because of exploiting billing.
y'all told me to take a break from chatbots and go outside in nature and shit but some of these trees looking zesty
sorry anon it's terminal

Opera won.
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So it's still possible to make the same extensions they just have to rewrite them?
>Shouldn't the user have control over what they load and display?
yes. absolutely. unfortunately the dirty and disgusting satanists at google don't give a shit about your ability to control something. they're doing it in the best interest of your "privacy" and "security". and when a corporation like google, a longtime partner of the global surveillance network operated by nsa glowniggers and their five eyes partners, you know you can take that privacy guarantee to the bank.
they literally said they would. and if they really can they've definitely won.
You could probably do that stuff externally with like some program that controls the browser's access to the network.

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>NO Lumen, NO Raytrace, NO Baking, NO Pathtrace, NO DLSS
>140fps RTX4090 4k Native Epic Settings

None of the slop everyone cried about and it still can't max out 144fps on a 4090
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as long as there's a healthy indie scene separate from the mainstream, I'll be ok.
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Why aren't we going back to pre-baked lighting?mswxv
Gotta justify these obscenely expensive cards somehow.
>140fps in a game that's not based on precision inputs
>Anything higher than 1080p
I swear you niggers just love seeing bigger numbers. You don't need any of that shit. 60fps locked and 1080p is all you need.
Up the Addie scrip.
Looks the same to me, fuck ray tracing and fuck 30fps you poorfag.

Post build list: https://pcpartpicker.com
Build guide: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Build_a_PC
Provide specific use cases, BUDGET and COUNTRY or you will NOT be helped

>PC Figures
GPU: Noodle Stopper
<90mm base: Nendoroids, Deformed Figure, Mini Chara Stand
90-120mm base: Figma, Most Taito, Pop Up Parade (Non L/XL), Arylic Stand (<19cm height)
120-140mm base: FuRyu Prize, Pop Up Parade (L), 1/8 Scale
140mm+ base: Pop Up Parade (XL), 1/7+ Scale
AVOID Funko Pops, Beware of Bootlegs

Y70, Y60, Y40, Vision / Vision Compact

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Is Windows 11 mandatory for Radeon 9000 cards?
Press F to pay respects to PC gaming 2025
It was always the only possible outcome. When Nvidia dragged upscaling out of console hell to use as a marketing gimmick for their memecores game devs took their new overhead and ate it. Now that framegen is being normalized (thank you Nvidia, thank you memecores) it will also become an industry-wide trend to simply expect that everyone turn on 4x MFG to run the game at a normal framerate even at low res. Game devs will do anything to avoid having to spend time optimizing their games.
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Non RT results : >>104588335
also pic related
Box says Linux or W11. Windows 10 is getting dropped in October by everyone.

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Is building nothing and regulating everything a sustainable tech business model?
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>Everything on the US side instantly dead if ASML no-sells the US or their contractors, the necessary chip baking machines.
Because americans don't actually do anything but big sales talk. They only recognize big brand names. Nobody cares how many companies had smartphones before since the iPhone must be the first creation ever. Everyone just progresses and perfects previous inventions but the one with the largest marketing team and the catchiest name wins. It's not just the tech sector either. There's tons of industry working every day just keeping the world running and nobody would even recognize the company names if they heard them. But they didn't make Facebook so there's no way they can actually exist.
This too, the bigger they are the more inflated their numbers are. The bubble can burst at any point. It's not actually proving anything yet.
EUV lithography was the big one for ASML.
And they're basically sustaining the entire high tech industry currently. They have an effective world-wide market-monopoly on the entire market for EUV chip baking.
And they're apparently working on new tech that switches to electron based lithography, allowing for potentially yet another obscene leap in processing power that will secure them yet another 10-15 year market monopoly.
Why doesn't/can't Europa make a chip fab as well?
>that cro-magnon "grug bored; need go home.." pose on the bottom right.

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>request advice
>open/closed back
>sound signature
>previous equipment
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good point, im retarded. got any suggestions for closed at that price range ?
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Meze 99 Classic/Neo/Noir or FiiO FT1
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will the little magnet on a modmic fuck up my open back headphones?
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Shouldn't be an issue if it's a planar. If it's a dd driver then maybe, but I've only seen Beyers have an issue with that. If you don't stick the magnet on the center of the grill then you'll probably be fine

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The newest release channel version is out!

The main feature is vertical tabs which have finally been enabled. Tab grouping is still only enabled in nightly however.
Hardware video decoding for AMD gpus on Linux too.
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put your trip back on
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But I've never had a tripcode, lad!

And besides, I hate tripfags!
> That post-update "Donate to the Mozilla Foundation!" which directly leads to a donation popup without making clear that your donation will in no way be connected to the maintenance or further development of Firefox.
Somebody please report these asshats to the EU Commission already...
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Firefox is completely compromised
I'm really glad to see vertical tabs finally make its official debut in stable, I've been waiting a long time for this moment.

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>claude will easily output 750+ lines of high quality code in one go
it's over for codecels
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It's certainly over for anyone dumb enough to commit AI code for code review.
Literally all those things could be done with a Google search.
I try really hard to make AI work for my job, but I just can't get there. Really saves me a lot of time as auto complete though.
Have you verified those algorithms are actually implemented 100% correctly though?
And that the AI didn't hallucinate together (part of) the solution for you?

I relish the unavoidable near-future event where a business is going to monumentally fuck up data encryption code by using some slop spit out by an AI, and is going to be sued into (near) bankruptcy for malfeasance. Will be a good wake-up call for the industry. In particular for the suits and ties which think these things can replace actual brainpower.
I at one point asked one of these automated pieces of clownery to build me a basic async-awaitable semaphore with configurable capacity in TypeScript, and scaffold out the unit tests for it.

It managed to make it not async-awaitable; fucked up the types; shat pubternal underscore-prefixed properties all over instead of using proper #-prefixed private properties; and in fact had so poor understanding of the problem it inverted the increment and decrement in the take and release methods; EXCEPT it got them right in the unit tests.

I have seen job interviewees do better.
Fuck me-- I have seen FIRST YEAR INTERNS do better...
AI code not being good enough is the same as it being useless. Someone with experience still has to check it over, which takes just as long, if not longer, than typing it out themselves. Until AI generated code is absolutely perfect -not just correct, but also performant and maintainable- you've just automated the act of typing.

Seethe and cope, you nocoder brainlet.

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I just had phonesex with an LLM.
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Also make sure to use a chromium based browser
They record that shit my guy I'm not having jailbreak phonesex with it, but feel free to do so yourself I'm sure its fun
>the state of local is ultra jank
Maybe get a better computer :)
This actually works but I think they have other things monitoring. The AI suddenly shutdown after 13 mins.
Please enlighten me.

hello, i need some help, which browsers should i choose? I am currently using firefox but i saw some anons saying that it has a fucked up data privacy policy now, any recommendations?
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Yeah, i realised FF means firefox, fuck me
Chrome's tab groups was a really smooth, dragging, color coding and organizing, letting me close an entire group to reopen all tabs in it later, but... well, it's Google. Does anything have as smooth of a feature for tab grouping with some actual browser privacy?
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cured my browser hopping
What about it did that?

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