backrooms sexYour fortune: Bad Luck
>>12107467i had a dream about this last yearYour fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
The hunt continues.Put fortune in the options field!
my fortuneYour fortune: Reply hazy, try again
>>12111488hitler bros...I have to try againYour fortune: Outlook good
>>12098283fartune runtYour fortune: Excellent Luck
>>12111488dubs!Your fortune: Average Luck
how do i fortune?Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Which [s4s] movie should win best picture?
>>12111529Like a magical girl duh
>>12111529uhhm like this i think fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
>>12111529She sounds niceYour fortune: Bad Luck
>>12111529Ever since hearing this song I think she sounds like this
>>12110777trips of strength!
>>12110777Hmmmm drink gains milk and lift barbell and uhhh crossfit!Yeah do crossfit!
whenever times are tough and you're having a hard time getting through it, just remember your favorite anime hero and think of what they would do
>>12110777 (trips confirm)I am feeling good but I have become a troubled person ...well done check them allYour fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
>>12111385what would myanee do?
>>12111626Okay, now THIS is funney!!
I bet taco kid howled at the comics in playboyYour fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
>>12111635I probably would because I am retardedNow I will have to look these up
Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven put your faith and trust in him that he paid the price for all your sin
>>12111149i dont' want to debate, i just want to have a conversation
>>12111153you don't, you just want to hear yourself talk
>>12110891The jews who followed Jesus became known as christians while those that didn't continued to be known as jews.You worship the same god, it's just that modern jews are still waiting for their prophet whereas you're waiting for yours to come back.It's all yahweh worship, a storm god from a polytheistic religion which got elevated above the others and declared "the one true god".
>>12111367What do Jews call the prophet they are waiting for? Or doesn't he have a name yet
>>12111654depends on the sect
>>12110517why can't I find a gf like this?
>>12111346trop mimi
>>12111350parce que vous êtes trop nice pour les filles malhonnête, anon-san.
>>12111526Speak English you beaner ypu honestly think anyone can read this taco language?
>>12111547lol okay but ce n'est pas l'espagnol and i dont even speak english lol fils de put
kiss my butt retard
ugly spic
>>12111642Your butt retard? Is that what you call your latest grooming victim?
>>12111645no anon 34 year old spics are cute!
You're all a bunch of autistic pedophiles, aren't you?
>>12111636Maybe you should commit to learning english.
Fun fact: Normal people who aren't sexually attracted to children don't spend all of their time thinking about pedos and talking about pedos.If you see someone who constantly talks about how much they want to kill pedos, there's a 99% chance it's a pedo that's projecting hard
>>12111637sorry for typos im very tired and also i have early onset dementia
>>12111641just the sort of thing a pedo would say to deflect attention
>>12111643Get well soon.>>12111641Antis who post publicly about wanting to kill all pedos get teens in their DMs like "gee mister, thanks for defending my fragile sexuality, wanna play tf2?" and before you know it they're sending each other dick pics and meeting up in real life.
The video game I ordered off of amazon arrived with it's cover art in spanish. I am aware I can still play the game in English, but as a video game collector I am very disappointed.
can't even remember the last time I bought a boxed video game, cdromance and fitgirl have everything I want to play
>>12111574are you latino or slavic?
>>12110798don't open the case: get a refund/replacement on amazon
>>12111584latino yesi just don't like paying for stuff that isn't real
>>12111586what if they don't have one?
UnhYeahIn the backrooms with tupacNever seen a place like this beforeGuess we gotta see what we gotSame thing when we turn left and rightBut me tupac gonna make it through this fightBuzzing fluorescent lights and this wet ass old carpet smellBut y'know we gonna break outta this jail
>>12111608Backstreets Gay Sex
hate this fat fuck
>>12111608In the Backhoods
Thoughts on Tokyo Mew Mew?
I WALK alone
the girl in the middle looks super silly and friendly
>>12111234the one with the bangs looks like a total bitch
the day the sun goes out
*flashes her pantsu in ur general direction*Your fortune: Good Luck
>>12111501she is in her mid 20s
>>12111607BORING it's only hot when they're kids and have that cute Japanese backpackYour fortune: Excellent Luck
>>12111615I like people of all ages.Your fortune: Godly Luck
>>12111628ALL ages, sir?
>>12111634well maybe not 90..
It's Peenice lol
>>12111058peeing is nice :^)
>>12110922dare i say lemice
>>12111619le mice
I love anthro women!Your fortune: Average Luck
>>12110654someone made this
>>12110654i'm really disappointed that the only persistently active server has a private discord where half the real fun and bonding and socializing happens and people actually defend it like why strive so hard for a super exclusive secret treehouse club in a game that hardly gets 100 players across servers on a good night, who's really going to crash in and ruin your fun, i'm fucking sick of people raised by discord
i'll try to make friends again when the fishing update rolls out
the worst thing about discord isn't the groomers or the cia backdoors it's the way it introduces people to the evils and excesses of online moderationYour fortune: Good Luck
Massive taxation fraud with fat cade lady