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Does /g/ calibrate their monitors? I need to calibrate my chink drawing tablet and I'm thinking about buying pic related.
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I just crank up saturation and whatever other settings I feel like
>b-but its not reference!
Don't care as long as it looks good to me
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Imagine settling for defaults
I adjust them by eye from their menus and that's it. They need to look good / normal to me and it's fine, I don't do color-critical work.
>normal being
>not human
Nice freudian slip.

>try to save picture of big-titty anime girl
>iphone says no
Why, iphone?
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My 350+ bodycount disagrees with you but, sure
I'm trans and mine is 450+. Cissies are fucking pathetic virgins.
Gentoo user here, my body count is 3 (I'm virgin btw)
Men don't count, brother
But then it's not the same image. It's a slightly different one.

Trying out Linux.
Is there a way to increase the thumbnail/preview of this file manager?
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>le use kde

Yea do that and enjoy having nothing work right anymore. Linux is a meme. No reason to use it privately.
use case?
That's the filepicker. For some reason, they are universally dogshit in Linux. Although KDE is a bit better
KEK found your problem

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Since things are changing rapidly in the browser space, let's see what browser /g/ uses.
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>12. Vivaldiā€™s headquarters are based in the beautiful city of Oslo, Norway. This EULA is therefore governed by the laws of Norway,
Norway is in Europe you dumb burger
I deleted niggerfox and installed basedwoof. JewBlock Origin helps the white man by restricting the amount of money jews make from spying on you.
someone added it
yeah i did it myself once i realized i could add answers lol

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How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference and music examples
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>EQ Guide (Measurements, Targets, Equalizer, etc.):

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>not android but still abysmal battery life
I sleep, wake me up when they release something with 30-40h battery life again.
Why not just get some sub $500 dongle and plug it to any transport?
Not everybody's homosexual.
You are already buying daps
>sd680/700 instead of 665slop
>android which means PEQ
fiiochuds fucking won

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>/g/ makes a 15th album
Theme: Trackers only
Deadline: 10th of May, 11:00 UTC
Listening party: 11th of May, 20:00 UTC
Submissions for this theme must include a tracker file in addition to audio.
The following tracker formats are allowed: .xm, .mod, .it, as well as formats that chiptune trackers export to, such as lsdj
>Check out these trackers to get started

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>no MIDI
also somebody remind me to make these later
i have a feeling that the story will be so shit that nobody will care and it will only exist to milk morons of money via gta online.
I desperately need new headphones, anyone got some suggestions? I would like to spend less than 200$ or so

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is there a good project that integrates LLMs into the linux shell yet? it seems like a no brainer to use LLMs in conjunction with BASH. scrolling through manpages hunting for specific tools or config files could be reduced to a single prompt of "where is the thing that controls this and how do i interact with it". it woldnt even need to generate complicated code, just function as a new form of help command, and it would make the linux shell several times more useful for people who arent paid or recreational sysadmins who will invariably forget how to do that one task they last did 2 or so years ago.

pretty thinkpad unrelated
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>thinkpads have been the go to laptop of /g/ for over a decade and a half.
thinkpads arent good since 2015
well yeah but what of that?

yeah but theres been nothing good to replace them either. laptops just arent good anymore. hardware in general isnt good anymore.

thats pretty cool, i was hoping thered be something model agnostic but i suppose thatd probably be less than ideal for this.
is there nothing for openAI compatible APIs?
still better than anything any other company barfed out.

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Firefox has been in this downward trajectory from it's original privacy conscious self where AdBlock, NoScript, and other privacy addons were born in the late 2000s. Any time some tech company invented some new way to track you, Mozilla devs and supporters would code a solution to give users the option to block it. Many of the privacy addons we use today in our browsers are a result of that early Digg, Reddit, Firefox era.

Now we hear about Mozilla is spending money on this, doing that, but we never hear the WHO. Who inside of Mozilla is leading Firefox into the ground in what seems like a purposeful self-destruction? Why aren't more Mozilla devs or former Mozilla employees speaking out about the truth of what's happening and who specifically is behind it and what their tech background is?
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it was me sorry
things have to get worse before they get better
expecto patronum
support ladybug in 2026
omg its kenny thumbnail
Which lawsuit?
Didnā€™t they have a Khazarian mommy? Or was it Yahoo?
>just one guy
>makes every /pol/ post in every thread on /g/
>every single one
Based. I hope to one day be as productive.

why is it failing? why won't people move over from x11?
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Fact I replied to this post first means everyone else on this board forfeits mind uploading/afterlife.
fedora chads, the future is in our hands.
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That's not accurate. Firefox gets data from all users when firefox is launched and it showed that less than 10% use wayland (which also includes xwayland)
Wayland is badly designed. It a billion times more complex to do anything with wayland than x11 (from a code perspective) and its still missing many features that my software relies on, which will also never be possible on wayland (by design). It's a fundamental flaw of wayland where they focus on policy over mechanism and x11 is mechanism over policy. This is the one point that completely ruins wayland.

This needs to happen to cloudflare execs, and fast. I'm forced to pay for a pass because cloudflare won't let me post for free.
>I'm forced to pay for a pass because cloudflare won't let me post for free.
Working as intended then.
Not much point in dragging Cloudflare over the coals before Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Meta, Cisco, Hitachi, and Hurricane.
>before Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Meta, Cisco, Hitachi, and Hurricane
You can run a Linux box, use DDG, stay away from social media, and use a meme freedom phone. And even if you do all those things, you still can't avoid Cloudflare. 1 in 5 websites use it, and if you want to do anything on the internet at all, you will have to pass trough Cloudflare.

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Hey guys, is here someone you're forgetting?
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Based Presto and EdgeHTML enjoyers.
Man... I miss project spartan Edge. It was smooth as all fuck. And its "save tabs for later" feature hasn't been topped.
Oh hi Chrome.
Whyyyy did they have to switch to Chromium? They were so good

This is STILL on their website KEK
I really wonder who pays these bots who spam /g/ all day about Mozilla being the devil

Handsome floppies
You just know they made floppy fleshlights back then.
kek I remember this

i know i had like 2 floppy drives and few cables but drives are gone by now
Drives can still work fine unless used in a dirty environment, the problem is finding reliable diskettes

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I thought AI was going to make us work LESS?!
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This is why I don't respond to their recruiters.
12 hours every 5 days or 8.5 hours every 7 days
One 60 hour day.
Just move your company to Mercury then?
Mercury is 60 Earth days for 1 Mercury day
>tfw "it's just one Mercury day of work bro"

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Why is fun not allowed in this world?
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Because fun can't be regulated.
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yep, this ruined it for everyone.
I knew it, fuck Adobe
Any social media without a feature which works exactly like Omegle will fail to achieve singularity, killing the uploads of all its users.

Yes, yes, yes, it was time travel all along and your perennial philosophers worship a reseller program.

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