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Earlier this month, as part of the Trump administration’s purge of federal employees, Tina Jackson, the head of the FWS’s entire black-footed ferret recovery program, was fired. FWS also fired two other permanent staffers who were involved in keeping captive ferrets alive at the National Black-Footed Ferret Conservation Center, the nation’s main breeding facility. Those cuts amount to more than a quarter of the center’s permanent, non-administrative staff, Jackson said. The center also has a vacant biologist position that Jackson said may not be filled. Additionally, FWS fired a staff biologist who led black-footed ferret conservation in Wyoming.

Critical funding has been restricted, too: Two organizations that rely on federal money for ferret conservation on public and tribal lands told Vox that funds for this work were frozen.

Experts who have spent decades trying to save black-footed ferrets say these impacts threaten the broader prairie ecosystem. Efforts to conserve ferrets and their prey sustain this important American landscape, a home for insects that pollinate our crops, plants that store carbon in their long roots, and streams that provide us with fresh water.

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Time for them to stop moralizing and charge people more money.
>Why does the US have to fund all conservation?
because at the end of the day, because all the science endeavors, everything from NASA to the NSF to ferrets are fucking PENNIES compared to the issues that will never get touched but need to be (defense, israel, corporate tax cuts).

it's funny, you always see trumpanzees seethe over the pennies spent on scientific pursuits but you bring up defense spending and they go oddly quiet. >>4957535 is a great example
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Owning the libs also includes quite possibly destroying a fishery worth $5 billion, in exchange cut ~550K being spent on the federal government.

"Among hundreds of US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) employees terminated this month were 12 members of the Great Lakes sea lamprey control program, based at field stations in Marquette and Ludington, Michigan."

"These staffing cuts could have grave consequences for the lakes’ native fish population and the $5 billion fishery they comprise."

"For over seven decades, the binational Great Lakes Fishery Commission has been tasked by both Canada and the United States with controlling the lamprey population throughout the lakes."

"Each year, the commission contracts with USFWS to spread pesticide targeting the larvae of sea lampreys. In Michigan, the fish and wildlife control team distributes a chemical known as TFM in rivers and tributaries where lampreys are known to lay their eggs."

"Left unchecked, lamprey larvae grow into parasitic adults that wreak havoc on aquatic ecosystems. With a toothy, suction-cup mouth it uses to latch onto other fish, a single lamprey can consume 40 pounds of fish in just one year. “They’re nasty little critters, and they do horrific damage to an ecosystem,” said Greg McClinchey, director of policy and legislative affairs for the Great Lakes Fishery Commission."
>time for them to stop moralizing and charge people more money.
cause surely that went great for Disneyland?

Zoos get a lot more money than simply just admissions. Merchandise, Private/institutional donors, city/state governments, etc.

Zoos also operate on the principle of not buying or selling exotic animals and instead trade them. This does multiple things
A) prevents a single zoo having a monopoly on animals
B) no price tag on the animals means there's less loopholes since no one traded hands of money.
C) putting money on animals would undoubtedly lead to anti-conservation tactics, as was the case before where they paid explorers who usually poached animals via killing parents to take the offspring.

Additionally, in 2018, AZA accredited zoos had an output of $22.5 billion. I think the way zoos operate is not the problem.
>He thinks americans supported trump
We voted for him because removing him from office is going to be easier than removing kamala from office.

We were literally put up against a wall and forced to choose between satan and lucifer. If the parties pull this shit again there’s going to be 3 parties the year after and a LOT of dead executive branch spooks. BLM was only practice rioting.

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Wingless derpy if she real
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racs always look so funny when they're fondling shit
>dio and pet shop on the streets of cairo
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Why orcas dont look as badass as this?
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I never saw orcas as badass, i used to see them as overgrown clowns at sea world
it really shocked me to learn what orcas were capable of, i always thought they were just funny guys like dolphins but no these guys hunt whales for a living and can follow sharks for hours just to bully them and not even eat them at the end.

are they so evil because of their high intelligence?
There's a sadistic sweet spot between having the right amount of intelligence to problem-solve, and consequentially experience boredom, but not quite enough to empathize with another living being. Orca and dolphins fall into this category, and evidently some humans do as well.
>but not quite enough to empathize with another living being
Except there are countless tales of dolphins saving humans from drowning or even shark attacks.
Higher intelligence doesnt mean becoming compassionate towards everything that moves. That’s some sort of buddhist corruption of the great chain of being - itself, nonsense. No, humans, life itself does not operate on misapplied monke troupe preservation instincts. We can falsely confirm the theory with animal abuse statistics but thats because unintelligent humans dont know why certain animals are protected - abused ones attack people and spread diseases, and some of them are near direct analogies for a "practice human" and can be used to enhance or dull intraspecific empathy. The rest are basically just materials to us.

It doesn’t take a genius to know that the utility and validity of having empathy beyond your species is suspect. How can you share feelings with something that might not even have the same feelings, or feelings at all? And to what end? Having less to eat? Does the theoretical suffering of a whale have any bearing on the future of the orca race?

Perhaps the orca are also smart enough to know this. They know there’s only a few other species they can communicate and cooperate with, and therefore only a few species worth treating with any respect. Humans, and other orcas.

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do it cum?
Weak garloid, i have seen many twice it's size. How old is He
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Handheld garloid

it's that time of year folks. eagle cam in the Big Bear Valley in CA
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2 hatched chicks confirmed. Look at their fucking face.
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possible pip on egg no. 3?
have the lil guys eaten yet?
they are being fed right now!
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get in the little one is eating

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What is the evolutionary reason behind humans intrusive thought to throw yourself off a cliff and die for no reason?
that doesn't explain anything
>willingly sitting on the edge of a cliff like that
white people shit

A T rex would probably try to avoid an adult Ankylosaurus as much as it could, but imagine a match where both sides are just hellbent on killing each other. Imagine the Rex was like "Screw broken legs, I'm turning this guy's head into paste no matter what." Do you think it could win by biting down on the anky's head and crushing it?
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Literally the other way around. Predators have to be much more cautious because any injury jeopardizes their ability to hunt. An injured Ankylosaurus could still eat plants; an injured T. rex could easily starve.
I had that bottom right one as a kid
I think the Rex could take on an Ankylosaurus. Sure it wouldn't be a usual prey and it probably wouldn't risk it if it could helpt it, but T Rex's jaws were specifically evolved to crush heavily armored prey, so I wouldn't put it past it.
They probably weren't nearly as common as Triceratops or Edmontosaurus to begin with, but it's also thought that they were more common further inland/upland where they didn't fossilize.
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>T Rex's jaws were specifically evolved to crush heavily armored prey, so I wouldn't put it past it.
Unironically, despite its biteforce being the source of high claims, I think more than anything t.rex's evolved its high biteforce mainly so it could eat bones. (Not saying it was solely scavenging, that's retarded)

We know from t.rex coprolites that they were definitely engaging in osteophagy, and T.rex's biteforce could be half as strong and it still would've been an extremely potent predator, capable of taking down ankylo, edmonto, and tricera.
But being able to crush bones so easily would allow it to acquire more nutrients from kills.

Also we know other large theropods didn't need to evolve bone crushing bites to go after armored or large prey, Borealopelta lived with carcharodontosaurids (possibly acrocanthosaurus? idk) but we know it had countershaded colors like a deer to avoid predator detection.

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Previously on /jg/ >>4932619

Who is Jefrey (with one F) and why should you care?
He was found abandoned in some bushes late one night, filthy and covered in fleas back in mid-July 2024. He’s growing up fast, and enjoys car rides, climbing trees, fetching his ball, playgrounds, and capybaras. Some believe him to be a goblin or gremlin. He was named after the Pixies song “Space (I Believe In)”.

Jefrey suffers from severe ear-ectile dysfunction.

Originally posted him here back in July 2024 seeking advice for potential health problems due to his folded ears, some /an/ons wanted more of him, and so now you’re stuck with him.
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he ugly now
twink death
What did he think of the Salamander?

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Any tips to get my budgie to stop biting me?

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Is cruelty to animals simply because most perpetrators lack the brain power (IQ) to empathize with them? Pic rel is a dog that was abandoned by its owner here in my 3rd world shithole. It regularly waits by the gate of its previous home. More pics itt.
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Cruelty towards dogs and cats in particular correlates with low IQ.
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Look at the hole on that one. Sexo!
Just eat it and put it out of its misery

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Deer thread

If you do not deer ITT your mother will die in her sleep tonight edition

>>4935686 - old thread
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>I don’t know if there’s anything going on behind those eyes at
After watching a few popcorn videos I don't think there is, still cute

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Baby Monkey Lives Matter
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>literal revisionist
Bro they've posted that unholy garbage on /gif/ for months before the mods got rid of them, they exist and they're disgusting, just like you for denying it.
You can't detect sarcasm? Bad news, you might have autism.
Thank god baby monkey torture is finally over. KiwiFarms wins yet again.
I miss Mundo...
Just gonna come out and say that I want to gouge out an adult monkey's eyes with my thumbs.

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we better get out of here
uh oh, a certain someone is NOT going to like this thread!
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oh lawd

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Horse General

Winter of our Hopelessness

Thread that got made to lie down for a German show - >>4911995
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one 100% hoof could send that brat to the moon but that mare has herself completely under control
That's a lot of horse dust.
Foal clacking is cool. How many animals have a "don't hurt me, I'm just a tiny little baby!" actions?

Hi, irrelevant things are going on on my sister's life and I'm taking care of her cats for the foreseeable future.
One of them has his hind legs paralized like pic rel (photo off of google, not him)
He still uses the litter box like normal, but of course he ends up pooping on his own legs then dragging it around.
Now, the floor is easy enough to clean, but what about him? Giving him a entire bath everytime he goes to the toilet seems kinda suboptimal.
I'm thinking wet tissues?
Anyways, anyone with experience please tell me your methods.
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Fair point, I should've clarified that my sister didn't bother with that. Her house was always a mess, and even then the cat spent most of his time in the backyard anyways where it wasn't really a problem.
I'm in an apartment.

Also this
Baby wipes. Also your sister sounds like a hot fucking mess who shouldn't own pets.
Wet wipes unfortunately didn't have the scrubbing power necessary, but they help so I guess I'll settle for wiping daily a bathing 2x a week
>Also your sister sounds like a hot fucking mess
>who shouldn't own pets
She's actually very kind and thoughtful of animals, she just doesn't care about her house being messy but I guess neither do the animals.
>got shat on in your own thread so hard you had to seek refuge in another thread to spew yout autistic hatred of cats

Yotefags are the saddest....

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