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Welcome to /t/orrents. Reminder ALL requests belong in >>>/r/

Beginners tl;dr Guide for Torrenting:
There are a lot of clients to choose from, here's a couple: Deluge, BitTorrent, uTorrent, Vuze.

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Japanese Cosplay v80

>Trifecta of free filesharing:
-DDL: links on [javusb, kisscosplaymoe, cosplayjavhdv4 blog, fap-cosplayjav blog, avgle] (use adblocker), mega.nz links on /t/ and UploadBank on LilyW website,
-XDCC: PRIVMSG or QUERY LilyB/Reiuji at same server as #4chan IRC channel (/msg Reiuji !list),
-this thread and the archive
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>Sem título.jpg
Why are you brazilian

Reviving the wonder that is /tvg/

/t/'s general thread for television show torrents.
Previous threads:

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Where is everyone finding new US TV episodes now? I'm seeing some shows like Curse of Oak Island, Deal or No Deal Island, etc. are not showing up on the scene until the day after they air. Did they quit releasing them in Australia first or on Discovery Channel & Prime at midnight?

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ASMR streams/youtubers/whatever.

*Check the archives if you don't understand how things work around here and don't be a retard and reply to bait/offtopic shit.

Previous thread >>1344466

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next step is getting her to use a buttplug

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Post any collections of online courses, tutorials, guides, etc.

> Humble Bundle x Zenva - Complete Godot 2025
> ~50 hours, 24 courses, 1080P MKV
> Includes all course files, notes, example projects, and assets

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Ah thank you kind anon.

I like godot/redot, made an university exam with it, but I think i'll keep using it for a small game.

I'll try to seed for a while.

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Here is my fav so far
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anyone have any full length versions of EYTHANOL's pmvs?


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I'm shutting down my seedbox in May which has a lot of obscure, rare, and banned YouTube content seeding on it.

Here are some obscure, rare, and banned YouTube torrents, download while you still can:


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Does anyone have the full catalog of the youtuber political juice?

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This thread is for sharing movies or TV shows in high quality. No microencodes/yts type stuff. No HEVC/x265 unless it's 4K. This thread is mainly for AVC/x264 at 1080p.

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Their target file sizes (and therefore bitrate, and therefore quality / clarity of the picture) are extremely inadequate.

In the past (in the 00s and before), many people more or less "had to settle" for lower size / lower quality releases, because of low internet speeds and low space on hard drives etc, but they actually understoon that this is inferior quality and that no magic can make a ~1.5 GB rip of a movie look good.

In modern day, Silicon Valley tech giants managed to convince the new generation of normies that abysmally low quality of content (photos, videos, audio) is fine and is how things should be. An entire generation, more or less, has grown up with Instagram photo quality, with Youtube video quality/bitrate, with Soundcloud audio quality. They don't know any better.

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Post music, preferably full or close to full discographies.
>Ministry (up to 2014):

>Please wait a while before making a thread
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Many Thanks,i hope to pay this forward some day

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Million Dollar Extreme
Leon Trotsky Edition


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Uh oh, looks like we got an ESL. Let me see if I can communicate in your “language”:

Ook ook yip yip STANDUP POST-ook ook click click Newport soft pack ook

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There used to be a ridiculously huge mega for every episode of Joe Bob's Last Drive on Shudder that got deleted. I was wondering if anybody here has the files/or anything Joe Bob Briggs related, especially Last Drive in stuff.
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I wish it wasn't such a niche thing. The overlap of people who are into buying the blu-rays of some of the more obscure Spaghetti Westerns aren't really the most technologically capable, so even when they do exist, finding a rip can be nearly impossible.

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Rachel Cook:
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I dont want to sound unappreciative of the effort but do you perhaps still have the original jpeg torrents around? this jxl thing is not compatible with any editing program i use and manually converting all the sets back seems redundant and time consuming if the originals are possible

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Bonus points for topless stuff

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Did they ever start that up again? It stopped during COVID

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