If I wanted to use a fork of Chrome, I'd use unjewgled-chromium.
>>104584158>Chrome has over 30 million lines of code.30 million lines of malwareFuck jewgleI miss Presto Engine Opera
>>104584158>Chrome has over 30 million lines of code.it's made that way intentionally to technically be open source, but remain unmaintainable long term outside of google
If you get on cloudflare's shitlist your engine doesn't matter.
>>104586590It's not like firefox is better.>Firefox is a vast (21M lines of code) open source software projecthttps://hacks.mozilla.org/2020/04/code-quality-tools-at-mozilla/
>>104586590you're mentally ill if you actually think thisa browser these days is basically a complete operating system bundled with interpreters, database engines and all kinds of shit
Anybody have symmetrical DOCSIS internet?
>>104578786>Download speed bottlenecked by my SSD goddamn
Bell Canada offers 8gig symmetrical for like 160cad a month, but I can't think of any reason to switch to it. I'm on 3gig only because it was cheaper than 1gig after I yelled at a guy on the phoneOnly downside is that there seems to be no way to bypass the modem, used to be able to take out the ONT and plug it into any old SFP port, now its built in and 3rd party ONTs don't seem to work
>>104572975I have symmetrical 100mbps fiber, which is good enough for me 99% of the time. I could go up to the max 2gbps my ISP offers, but then I'd have to pay double, and I don't even own any 2.5g devices.
I was like "huh, what's that", turns out I used that in the past, it's still how internet is wired at my parent's place. I have gygabit fiber now.
chrome just killed bunch of my addons. sure, they work after reenabling them, for now.im sick of google doing this shit and for me this was the last straw, im moving onto something else while everything still works, dont want to be caught with dick in my hand so to speakbut what the fuck do i move to? chrome served me perfectly fine for the last 10-15 years. had no complaints about it whatsoever.how is firefox these days? what about chromium?
>>104584968its not chrome's fault
>>104584968in your pic, there is precisely one browser that still supports mv2. I'll let you figure out which one it is.
>>104586243Internet Explorer?
>>104584968gecko is on its way outwebkit can barely followeverything else is blinkso, either go with apple or you're stuck with google>chrome served me perfectly fine for the last 10-15 years. had no complaints about it whatsoever.you voted for it, now enjoy itall you had to do was listen
>>104584968Why are they doing this? I saw ublock was gone and immediately installed Firefox. It took me 2 minutes.
Is Youtube going to be viewable with Manifest V3 browsers only soon?(i actually dont know what im talking about)
manifest v3 is only about extensions
China has figured out how to make lithium battery immortal and never degrade .
>>104583609but can they still turn into a crunchy pillow?
>>104583609>china says
>>104584758Even worse>in a labIn a lab we had modern lithium batteries in the 60s.
GrapheneOS has Google Pixel, besides Samsung, what is Lineage's flagship phone model which will always have multiple-dev LineageOS support the way Google Pixel 4's, 5's, and 6's have?And why do you use LineageOS over GrapheneOS?
>>104583382>yeah guys, we were the first and only people on earth to hear about this awesome but inaccessible website that ships legit apps some unspecified guy downloaded all over the internet :)
>>104583539which one? im thinking of getting a pixel 4a but it's not supported by graphene anymore so wtf
>>104586501graphene is meme Tier. It's owhere near fit as daily driver. I use it on a Pixel 6a exclusively for banking apps while a Pixel 8 Pro with Lineage is my real phone.
>>104586540How so? Been using Graphene for the past 2 weeks and have had zero issues. The only thing I can't do is NFC tap. Everything else works just fine.
>>104581502Why even bother with LineageOS on a Motorola? The experience will be far worse than a debloated stock ROM
Ummm nvidiabros.... what do we say now? amdrones are still coping pajeets.... right?
THIS is the thread
>>104583479>Ummm nvidiabros.... what do we say now? amdrones are still coping pajeets.... right?Who cares? Do you buy products by what the manufacturer says or what independent reviewers say?
>>104584334who care, 40 is too old to fuck anyways
>>104584259that started happening in 2021
>>104586660Please no bottom surgery
>>104586751have you experienced that?in bkk, there were a lot of trannies willing to meet me at my hotel room. They always confessed to the ax wound at the last minute, and I turned them down.... scary!
it should be ok
Why is ebook drm so shitty and miserable?I wanted to buy an ebook or two that can't be pirated and it seems now you can't just get what you paid for(the file) and have to use some horrible adobe or kindle app built to make the reading experience shitty on purpose.Why does DRM have to be so cancerous?
>>104585223You don't know a language if you couldn't read a physical copy of the book. If you could read a physical copy it doesn't matter if the only digital version available is an image.
>>104585428Of course, but the goal is to read LNs and not learn the language for the sake of it, nobody here is aiming for a linguistics degree. Besides, the more smooth and obstacle free you make the reading process, the more practice you will have, with crutches eventually not being necessary anymore.
>>104584914Nah, I don't really care about japan enough to learn japanese. I just read isekai LNs anyway and in fact I haven't read any at all in over a year. I find MTL to be pretty good, I've even used it to read datasheets and docs in chinese. But I'm already bilingual and I think many monolinguals read mtl too literally which doesn't really work. Like they aren't flexible enough while interpreting it.
>>104585495People easily become dependent on crutches.
>>104585132im from /v/ and /a/ thank you very muchnot a schizo or a troon but a pure blooded WHITE european you disgusting mutt latinx
Let's have a C thread. Post what you're working on! Show what you're interested in!Maidposting edition.WIKI: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/chadIRC: #/g/chad@irc.rizon.netWhy C? Some were meant for C: https://files.catbox.moe/jckpjw.pdfDon't know how to write C? Start here:K&R: https://files.catbox.moe/rfhegv.pdfKING: https://files.catbox.moe/a875c2.pdfModern C: https://files.catbox.moe/xeb93p.pdf
>>104582603>>104583143>waah why programming isnt mathsfukken lmaowhy should programming cater to your mathboi brain?
>>104583143>>104585317cont.in the context of low to low-ish level programming mathematical abstractions dont make sense and break legibilitythe equals sign does not serve the same purpose as the equals sign in maths.in programming, its an *operationyou resole what sits on the right hand side of the equals signand then you shove it into what sits on the leftits how computers work. adding unnecessary abstractions would be counter productive
>>104583143>mathematically correctAnon, did you even get into abstract math 101?
Why does the OP pasta still have that terrible Gustedt (C++ cocksucker) book in it which tells you to invoke UB by replacing NULL with 0 everywhere like 170 times but not the beej guide
>>104582623There are two correct ways to interop assembly with C. The easy way is to just declare a function extern and then implement the label in foo.S, and the hard way is to use gcc extended inline asm which has a lot of boilerplate. In either case your only actual assembly instruction should be syscall. If you're trying to fix the compiler missing autovectorization, use intrinsics instead.
>Loses Google gibs>Loses USAID gibs>Loses most of it's userbase due to creepy ToS change>Rebrands as some "global activists" organization>All of this happening in the same yearHas there ever been a bigger shitshow than this in software history? Will they survive?
>>104576202>Rebrands as some "global activists" organizationthey axed their activism staff yknow its sad that nu/g/ will just believe any BS at this point
>>104576317I kinda want to beat him to within an inch of his life.
>>104580076SO WHAT?
>>104576260>even woker thanv. uncanny avalanche
but i thought everyone says that DACs make no change to the audio i got this fancy dac for my phone but it drains audio too fast (just going to use the apple dongle on that instead as its 6x less power drain than this)so i use this weird DAC thing i got by mistake on a computer and the audio is noticeably different i understand this dac has a AMP built in but apparently all DACs have a small amp in them anyway. I understand it might not be needed and i might just have got some snake oil but it sounds noticeably different i wouldn't even say better I'm not sure I like it MORE than my onboard audio but its different does this mean i have to buy like 10 different DACs and 10 different amps and 10 different speakers and rearrange them forever to find best HIFI audio one noticable thing i think i notice is when i stop and start audio on spotify and VLC it kinda does this micro stutter thing i think it might be beacuse it has a 100ms buffer but i tested https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucZl6vQ_8Uo and read some review that said it had Zero lag.i never noticed this stutter in spotify and VLC pausing and starting songs before maybe im only noticing it now randomly and it always happened idknow.. hmm so just a warning i wouldn't buy this crapbut beside that this sounds different yo wtf did i buy honestly i don't think i like how it sounds but it sounds radically different to onboard audio my motherboard is a b$$0 MSI or some shit realtek i thinkbut FUCK this sounds SO different i can stress it enough i was watching a movie earlier in the night and replayed the start and all the music sounded differentI don't think this is a placebo omg DAC
>>104584818equalizerAPO and EasyEffects are for free on windows and linux if you want to improve the audio or fix it.
>>104584917but what if it isn't a effect and it just sounds better
>falling for snake oil"DACs" have been available for ages, including in the form of a $3 USB sound card. You're falling for the audiophool variant of this shit and feeling liek a genius for it.
i just got DSD audio to work on it was fucking terrifying i didnt know DSD audio had no volume control and was just some raw output blasted my ears. DSD is for fucking crazy people its impossible to do a 1:1 comparison because of the lack of audio control
I've seeded clost to 5 GB to this Jap fuck in 2 sessions and he's still stuck at 0% progressCan anyone explain what's going on?Should I ban him?
>>104584275He's configured his client to report 0% to get bandwidth preferrence from seeders. If you really hate this tactic install qbittorrent-enhanced and shadowban those peers so that you take away one of their upload slots but don't really give them any pieces. qBE also blocks media players and common cheating clients like Xunlei and botnets like TorrentStorm. It has the ability to parse a local blacklist into which you can specify, using perl compatible regular expressions, additional client names to block like BitComet which is another cheating client
>>104584345What defense? First they'd have to tie an IP address to your stupid ass.
>>104586449>upload slotsdownload slots*
>>104584918>tfw no qt jap leecher to seed to
>>104586657If you can see a peers progress it implies you already know their IP.>What defense? If you're reporting/spoofing to the swarm that you have 0% of the data, it's implied to anyone monitoring the swarm that you're not uploading data even if you really are. The only way to know for certain is to receive data from that peer which is more involved.
Pi-Hole just updated to v6 and I'm considering setting it up. Other sources recommend Adguard Home over Pi-Hole. What are the pros and cons of each? I know Pi-Hole is written in bash shell and python, but AGH is written in go.
>>104584209>2025>/g/ is doing HRT on routers
>>104584161I would recommend you to check SBCs supported by Debian to save you the headache with outdated vendor ISOs and kernels. Some ofthese boards are still cheap.https://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/Hardware>>104584209I tried this years ago with StevenBlack blacklist and the DNS was slow because of limited router resources. SBC will do better job.
>>104586667>I tried this years ago with StevenBlack blacklist and the DNS was slow because of limited router resources. SBC will do better job.Depends on router of course, if you have some modern router with a Qualcomm quad core SoC and 2GB RAM, it's going to be more than enough for personal use for DNS.
>All this discussion on browsersHow many Linux users even have checked the browser section of the discover app store? Find some browsers and stop ranting about the same Shill lion and Shill fox.
>>104584499all shit
>>104584499as someone with an actual Job you should not rely on some random basement dweller to update the core of today's internet look at zen browser, it's a neat concept and has cool features - but the singular developer never thought about using the nightly Firefox to develop updates and that resulted in a CVE that was present for 2 weeks, that was already patched in the upstream browserBrowsers are all shit, you just have to pick the one that is the least garbage
Only one of the browsers in your screenshot is not a Blink based, and thus Chrome derived, browser.
>>104584499yay -S librewolf-bin