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[ "array" : [ nil, true, 1, // Int in decimal 1.0, // Double in decimal "one", [1], ["one" : 1.0] ], "bool" : true, "data" : .Data("R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7"), "date" : .Date(0x0p+0), "dictionary" : [ "array" : [], "bool" : false, "double" : 0x0p+0, "int" : 0, "nil" : nil, "object" : [:], "string" : "" ], "double" : 0x1.518f5c28f5c29p+5, // Double in hexadecimal "in
This is an API for the World Cup(2014,2018) and Women's World Cup(2015,2019) that scrapes current match results and outputs match data as JSON. No guarantees are made as to its accuracy, but we will do our best to keep it up to date. For example responses, including events such as goals, substitutions, and cards, see the GitHub page. (2018 Men's World Cup data has been archived here if you are sti
こんにちわ。せじまです。 さいきん、しばしば庭園や日帰り登山に行って風景写真を撮っているのですが、カメラで写真を撮るという行為は(中略)実行計画を考えながらSQLを書く行為に近しいことだと思いますので、エンジニアの方にはけっこうオススメです。 今日は軽めの話をさっくりさせていただこうかと思います。 はじめに 皆さんは最近のMySQLがJSON型をサポートしているのをご存知でしょうか。「なぜ正規化されていないJSONをRDBMSに格納するのですか!正規化しましょう正規化」という至極ごもっともなご意見もあるでしょうが、 MySQLは5.7からJSON型のサポートをはじめ、8.0でかなり開発が加速している印象を受けます。JSON型がネイティブでサポートされるようになったのは、MySQL5.7のRelease Candidate以降です。5.7 RCがリリースされた2015年あたりから、MySQL
A few months ago, we built the open source GraphQL Engine that gives you instant GraphQL APIs over any Postgres database. We have added all of Skor's existing features and even more to make it production ready: Reliable: We capture every relevant action on the database as an event, even when Hasura is down! The events are delivered to your webhook as soon as possible with an atleast-once guarantee
CSV, TSV, and other delimiter-separated value formats. Tools belong on this list if they support field quoting. csv-nix-tools — List *nix system information such as environment variables, files, processes, network connections, users as CSV. Manipulate and pretty-print CSV. Execute CSV rows as commands. csv2html — Convert CSV to HTML tables. csv2md — Convert CSV to Markdown tables. csvfaker — Gener
{ "locations": [ {"name": "Seattle", "state": "WA"}, {"name": "New York", "state": "NY"}, {"name": "Bellevue", "state": "WA"}, {"name": "Olympia", "state": "WA"} ] } Result Try it Out! Enter an expression in the search box to see JMESPath in action. The expression is evaluated against the JSON data and the result is shown in the result pane. To learn more about JMESPath, check out the JMESPath Tut
Automerge is a library which provides fast implementations of several different CRDTs, a compact compression format for these CRDTs, and a sync protocol for efficiently transmitting those changes over the network. The objective of the project is to support local-first applications in the same way that relational databases support server applications - by providing mechanisms for persistence which
jsoniter (json-iterator) is fast and flexible JSON parser available in Java and Go. Good deal of the code is ported from dsljson, and jsonparser. Faster, Much Faster! Traditional JSON parsers are slow. Jsoniter Java version could be 3x times faster than jackson/gson/fastjson. If you are doing a lot of log processing or number crunching, but stuck with JSON, you definitely need to consider dsl-json
実行環境をコンテナ化するDockerが普及して久しく、CIやローカルの開発環境などどこかでコンテナ技術に触れているのではないでしょうか。 コンテナはその性質上、設定のプロビジョニングに古典的な設定ファイル (のパス) 受け渡しが難しいです。etcdやconsulのようなKVS (= Key-value store) を用いることもあるでしょうが、素朴には環境変数で与えることが多いでしょう。 HerokuはThe Twelve-Factor Appというパターンを提唱し、その中でStore config in the environmentと述べています。 The twelve-factor app stores config in environment variables (often shortened to env vars or env). Env vars are easy to
Convert JSON into gorgeous, typesafe code in any language. Generate models and serializers from JSON, schema, and GraphQL for working with data quickly & safely in any programming language. Generate Code Now { "people": [ { "name": "Atticus", "high score": 100 }, { "name": "Cleo", "high score": 900 }, { "name": "Orly" }, { "name": "Jasper" } ] }Provide sample JSON files, URLs, JSON schemas, or Gra